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Hi... I'm Rose Baker...

Submitted by Rose Baker on Wed, 11/29/2017 - 20:45

I'm new, as of today, to this forum. I have been on the internet since just about the beginning but have not learned a lot of what is going on now. If somebody wants to tell me something, I will be glad to listen to them.

Welcome Rose, I hope you'll get satisfactory answers to your unanswered queries, related to personal finance, debt problems, credit, mortgage, etc.
We will be happy to assist you anytime :)

Submitted by tiarajoseph11 on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 03:44


( Posts: 473 | Credits: )

Hi Rose!

Welcome to the forums. Check out the sticky threads. You'll get lots of information on how to deal with debt, creditors, payday lenders, and debt collection agencies.

Hope you have a great time here.

Submitted by SC on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 03:14


( Posts: 3937 | Credits: )