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Need to vent :(

Submitted by puddlejmpr on Wed, 01/14/2009 - 21:55
Posts: 1634

Sorry but I need to vent this because I am so ticked right now.

As most of you can see I am an outdoor person. I love to snowmobile here in the winter. But this year in my state there have been some buttholes running animals down with their snowmobiles :evil: Over the weekend a group ran down 5 deer, some were run over, others were tied to the back of the sleds and drug around behind them. Well the landowners closed the trail that runs through their land until these people are caught. Then tonight I get home from work and I see that another butthole in another county ran over 57 ducks :evil:

The question I have is why would someone do something like this. I was heartbroken and ticked hearing about this. This is also giving the sport a very bad name and there are alot of landowners thinking about not having the trails go through their land because of these people. How can the good snowmobilers let the landowners and the public know that we are not all like that. Heck when I see a deer while snowmobiling I stop and watch it. That is the beauty of the sport, being able to go out and see the part of the woods that normally you wouldn't be able to. It is a privilage not a right to use private land and doing something as stupid and cruel as this is going to take that privilage away :cry:

Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest :oops:

Also, as an animal lover, I truly do think the punishment for crimes against animals is nowhere near as severe as it needs to be. They should be felonies of the first degree and the perpetrators should do hard time!

I think anyone that would do something like dragging an animal to death, behind them on a snowmobile, is mentally unstable and should be locked away for a very long time. It may start with animals; however, where does it stop?

I'm sure someone knows they person or people that committed these crimes and I hope they have the decency to turn them in!

Submitted by FloridaRon on Thu, 01/15/2009 - 12:52


( Posts: 1190 | Credits: )

I'm an animal lover too. It doesn't surprise me when I read this thread. Some months ago I received a mail from one of my friends which showed some men hunting seals in the Antarctic. The pictures were bloody. Those bloody mongers killing small cute Seals which is turning White snow red.

I just wanna ask...what makes us turn ourselves Monsters? Don't we have heart? Where are we heading to? A time may come when there will be no animal left on earth. There may not be any ecology left on earth.

Environment has already started to take its revenge through Katrina and other natural calamities. Is the DOOMSDAY near? I may sound too skeptic but please give a thought to it.

We can make a better tomorrow if we act now.

Submitted by phoenix on Thu, 01/15/2009 - 19:48


( Posts: 1445 | Credits: )

Phoenix, I agree with you. Something must be done to stop such inhuman activities.
Puddle, Thanks for starting this thread. Otherwise we could have never known such inhuman activities going around us. It needs to stopped right now. But before acting, awareness is needed and urge our gov to take stern measures against these bloody mongers.

Submitted by enlightened on Thu, 01/15/2009 - 20:03


( Posts: 71 | Credits: )

Well I have an update on this :D

3 men were picked up today in the deaths of the deer. On has been charged with 5 felony counts and each count he could face 3 1/2 years in prison. The other 2 will be charged tomorrow :D I wish I could be at their court dates :x I just hope they lose all their hunting,fishing and rec. sports privil. FOREVER!!! I also hope that the DNR take their snowmobiles and auction them off.

Also the person responsible for the deaths of the ducks turned himself in today :D

All of these men were in their early 20's :x

Thank you for letting me vent on this. I just hope todays youth will learn from this, you cannot get away with murder, even if it is an animal. They have feelings and families too.

Submitted by puddlejmpr on Thu, 01/15/2009 - 22:59


( Posts: 1634 | Credits: )


I'm glad they were caught! I hope this doesn't still negatively affect the rest of the law-abiding snow-mobilers up where you live puddlejmpr.

I was telling a friend about this post and he told me humans are the only animals that kill for sport and not for survival. Kind of a simplistic statement, but oh so true.

Submitted by FloridaRon on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 09:01


( Posts: 1190 | Credits: )

Since they were caught it has been a little better. The DNR is out more watching the snowmobilers. They are giving out more tickets. But if you are abiding the law you are fine. My snowmobile club made a donation to the reward fund for catching these people. Hopefully it shows the landowners that we are not all that bad.

The person who killed the 57 ducks are facing federal charges.

Plus one of the snowmobiles used in the deer incident was a stolen snowmobile :shock: Go figure :evil:

Submitted by puddlejmpr on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 00:10


( Posts: 1634 | Credits: )