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Clear Debt Results: What is the latest news about them?

Submitted by on Wed, 12/05/2007 - 12:14
Posts: 202330

I am trying to find out if anyone has ever heard of Clear Debt Results?

If so can anyone provide me background or your experiences with them.

I am trying to find the right then and the most helpful as I owe only about $6500 in debt but getting nowhere paying them off. Therefore I am turning to settlement if its the right thing/best thing to do for me at this point.

here is one of the many things
Clear Debt Results. So far they have done everything they said that they would do and haven't taken anything that is unexpected. They want us to sign a limited power of attorney over to them giving them the power to negotiate with our creditors on our behalf. We have not done this yet but are planning to. I have seen some complaints on the BBB online, but all were addressed by the company and solved. I just wanted to find out if anyone else has had any experience with this company and if a limited power of attorney is a normal thing for debt settlement.

Submitted by kashzan on Wed, 12/05/2007 - 12:34


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