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Going camping, be back Monday night!

Submitted by Shazzers on Fri, 07/17/2009 - 07:50
Posts: 17344

Just letting everyone know that I'll be away for the next few days, we're going to the mountains! Have a nice weekend! :)

Thanks everyone, oh yes, I had a GREAT time, now, here are some pictures I took that I wanted to share.

We stopped in a little town called Stanley Idaho, I snapped some shots of the sawtooth mountains, they are called that because they are so jagged at the top. I also wanted to share a few snaps of the forrest, unfortunately, there had been a forrest fire a couple of years ago in the area we camped, it just goes to show the devastation left behind after a forrest fire occurs, it takes years to rebuild after a forrest fire occurs. Some fires are started due to carelessness of campers, some due to the blazing heat that mother nature provides.

It's was such a beautiful forrest at one time. We were in the area of bear creek, then we rode our four wheelers up to bear creek lookout point.

All the elk we saw came out at sundown to feed and drink, I had to snap the shots quickly. All we saw were the cow elks, the bull elk usually has a harem of 8 - 10 females, he usually sends them out to feed first, then if it's safe he will appear, except this harem's leader didn't appear while we were there.

Submitted by Shazzers on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 10:56


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