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Another one bites the dust

Submitted by deeann.student on Mon, 11/05/2007 - 04:56
Posts: 212

Received an email from BBB for tremont financial and they state they have marked my account paid in full and closed account, also received an email from another BBB regarding upfront payday and they want to settle, instead of the $450.00 they will settle for $280, and thats fine they are illegal in MO and I will pay exactly what I borrowed and no more...

WTG Deeannstudent :)
I am so glad that you are making such fast progress on taking care of everything.
Isn't it nice to be able to breathe again? Soon you can wipe your hands of the whole matter and completly start fresh and enjoy your money and I mean exactly that your money :)
congrats and keep us posted as to how things turn out with your AG

Submitted by i2bcsi on Mon, 11/05/2007 - 05:07


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