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RANT AHEAD...Insurance & Dentists....

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 19:17
Posts: 4583

Sorry in advance...if you don't want to read a bit of a rant, please don't read further!

Since my youngest is moving to his dad's house in another state this summer, and I'm the one carrying insurance on the kids, I decided to take a day off from work and get his eye & dental appointments done. Since it's my insurance, might as well have my doctors do it, right?

Well, we moved about a year ago, and our dentist is now 35 miles away, so we decided to change to a new one that was closer. Checked it out in the phone book, and chose one, assuming (silly me) that they accepted my insurance plan. It's a widely-known plan - Blue Cross Blue Shield - and to my knowledge, is accepted by most dentists.

Now, keep in mind, I took a day off from work to get the eye and dental appointments done, so after we got the eye appointments done, we headed to the dentist. Got there, filled out the raft of paperwork required of new patients. I had advised them of my insurance plan when I called and set up the appointments, I gave them my card when I got there, and I put the insurance info on the forms I filled out - three times.

They got through my older son's appointment (1.5 hours), and then got half way into my younger son's appointment before they decided to inform me that they are not a participating provider with my insurance plan, and therefore, there would be a $40-$60 charge per appointment, which they could bill me for.

Now, I realize I should have asked them if they participated with my insurance plan - but they also had every opportunity to mention it BEFORE we got this far. I mean, they could have said something when I scheduled the appointments, when I filled out the paperwork, when I gave them the card....not a word was said until I was already obligated to pay for 2 of the exams. The insurance billing clerk even said "Well, I guess we need to put a sign up here at the counter, because you're not the first person this has happened to." My appointment was supposed to be after my youngest's - I cancelled it on the spot.

That's what put me over the edge. If this has happened in the past, then it's obviously an issue and should be addressed - especially when the client TELLS THEM they have an insurance plan that they don't participate in!

So, the long and short of it is this: I took a day off from work to get these appointments taken care of (unpaid, because I have no vacation days left right now), spent over 3 hours in the dentist's office to have the kids get their teeth done, only to find out that the exams that would have been covered 100% by my insurance plan now will cost me about $40-$60 each because I failed to ask if they participated in my insurance plan (my fault) and they didn't bother to tell me, even though they had every opportunity to do so. They knew they didn't participate in my plan, but chose to wait to inform me until I was obligated to pay for the exams. Their excuse was "It just never comes to mind that we should tell anyone that we don't participate in their plan...". But it sure came to mind later, didn't it?

that totally stinks on ice.i guess the economy is causing people and businesses to act unethically.cause that is what it is.

Submitted by paulmergel on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 19:38


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Darn! Sorry that happened SueBeeHoney70!

I just went back to the dentist after not seeing one for 2 years (unemployment). When I made the appointment, they took my insurance information over the phone and had it verified before I even showed up for the appointment. I just presumed all dentists did this.

I would definitely not go back to that dentist, if that happened to me. Even if they did take my insurance plan. Can you imagine what a pain the @$$ their billing is like? You're probably better off finding out now, then further down the road when they claim you owe them money that should have been billed to insurance and wasn't.

Submitted by FloridaRon on Sat, 04/25/2009 - 08:50


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I'm with you,Sue!! I recently had a really bad fall,hit my head,etc. So before going to the closest E.R., I called them about my insurance, which is Blue Cross-Blue Shield. I asked them if they were in my network, they said yes, so did my book.

When I got there and filled out the info, I asked again about the insurance,again they said yes.

Welll the other day I recieved a statment from my insurance--they were not in the net work-they used to be. I called the hospital, and they argued with me and said that their workers cannot remember everything about networks, etc. I told her that they should tell others that they don't know if they are in network or not. Also informed BC/BS they need to update info more often.

They said I could have called them and found out, which probably was true, but at the time I needed an ER that was close as I was having trouble breathing.

Ok, my rants over. I am just grateful we have insurance now. We went for 5 years without it, and I held my breath that my heart condition wouldn't act up..Hang in there--Love ya girlie..karen

Submitted by Bossy4455 on Sat, 04/25/2009 - 09:48


( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )

Thanks everyone!

Wow, Karen, I didn't know you had such bad fall! Hope you're feeling better now.

I have no plans to go back to this dentist - why should I pay out of pocket for something that's covered 100% if I simply go to another dentist? I was planning to get my own teeth taken care of that day as well, but I'll wait!

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Sat, 04/25/2009 - 10:51


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

Feeling a bit better, back still hurts now and then.

When my son, that is disabled, had to get a tooth pulled, I called a number of dentists trying to find one that was cheaper than the others. He is on disability and had no insurance.

I found one that was fairly new here and offering specials for new patients. They told me it would be,at the most, $120.00. I explained that he was on disabiliy and that he didn't have alot of money to work with.That included new office visit,x-rays, etc. He got his tooth pulled, I got out his checkbook and they said it would be $238.00! :shock: I argued and argued with nothing happening. They claim it was harder to pull out than they thought-he didn't even have stitches.

I told them that being new in town that word of mouth gets out quickly,told them the girls name of whom I spoke with and everything,but no go--so go figure!

oh, BTW-when I got to the office and was asked to fill out paperwork, I again told them what they had said about the cost.

Submitted by Bossy4455 on Sun, 04/26/2009 - 07:36


( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )

Geez, Karen! Isn't it amazing how these offices can conveniently develop "amnesia" about your conversation when it comes to the money?

I made sure this dentist's office knew I was not happy - it was actually a little amusing - they had their dentist, the hygenist, the billing clerk, the the front office when I left, like maybe they thought I was going to go postal on them or something. I mean, they knew I was upset, but I wasn't screaming or anything (I'm not the type to do that) - I just calmly and quietly told them that if I had known they weren't a participating provider, I would have gone elsewhere, and they wouldn't have gotten those appointments. They told me the "ball was in my court" and that I'd "better ask about the insurance next time". :evil:

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Sun, 04/26/2009 - 07:54


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

I know what you mean. Since this was a new dentist with coupons, special,etc., the office was full when we were there.

It is a small office and waiting room, so everyone got to hear my "message" about the difference.

When I asked why the difference and she said, because it was harder to pull, I asked,so what did you do that made it cost more? The dentist came out and said, well, it took more time to pull than we thought--what, like 5 more minutes?--sheeze..karen

Submitted by Bossy4455 on Sun, 04/26/2009 - 08:01


( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )

Damn. That is really wrong.

When I made an eye appointment a couple weeks ago they asked me four times If I was sure their office was covered by my insurance. Which it was as it was listed on my insurance website as a covered provider.

Next time don't bother asking the doctors or hospitals. Call the insurance company or look on thier website. Almost all insurnace companies has a section on their sites to look up covered providers in your area. You can usually search by zip code and it will list them all.

When you find one print it out if you can so you always have proof that they were listed as a covered provider at the time of your appointment.

Submitted by nohiogal on Mon, 04/27/2009 - 03:21


( Posts: 2582 | Credits: )

That's a good idea! I looked at our book, which we only got maybe 6 months ago and they were there. I was hurting so bad and having trouble breathing from the fall and didn't want to have to go to another town,so I was relieved when they were in our book--next time I will know for sure!!

My oldest is on Medicare Disability, and it doesn't cover any dental.

Submitted by Bossy4455 on Mon, 04/27/2009 - 08:20


( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )

Well, I called Blue Cross Blue Shield today and they assured me that, regardless of whether the dentist was a participating provider or not, the claims would be paid at 100%, and that the dentist couldn't come back and charge me for anything else.

I called the dentist's office to report this to them, and their response was, "Well, that's not exactly true - if their check doesn't cover our charges, we can still charge you because we're not a participating provider" I'm back to square one, I guess.

I'm going to call Blue Cross Blue Shield tomorrow...again...and see where it goes this time. I'm probably just getting myself irritated over nothing, but it's the principle of the matter now.

Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Mon, 04/27/2009 - 17:26


( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

I had to read this at 9:00 tonight. Now I am so pissed off at doctors and dentists again that I won't get to sleep tonight. I had an operation that was halfway completed when I lost my job. Now I am fighting with my insurance over getting the rest of it done! My doctor won't even consider completing it because 500.00 was not paid due to a "co deductible" that my former employer agreed to without my knowledge! The doctor drives a new Mercedes but won't finish the job until he is paid in full. What ever happened to the Hippocratic Oath? My auto mechanic is more considerate!

Submitted by Frogpatch on Mon, 04/27/2009 - 17:52


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

I know what you mean Frog. Sue- my husband had to have some pulmonary tests done about a year ago. They were supposed to send the tests to his Doctor so he could read them.

He told them not to send it to anyone but him to read.Well, sure enough, we get a bill from some Doctor that "read" the results--for $450.00 :shock: I wrote them a letter stating they did this withour the Doctors approval and he had called--blah-blah. Didn't hear from them for several months, and lo and behold, they send it in to insuranc- which, btw- they weren't under our plan. I called the insurance, etc.

The Doctors office said-we performed a service, so you have to pay--so I am angry too- even if our good friend is our doctor--it doesn't help sometimes..karen

Submitted by Bossy4455 on Tue, 04/28/2009 - 07:59


( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )

its rediculas what they charge anymore, in my teens i was in a car accident and broke my front teeth in half. it was temporarily fixed but was told i would need a cap and crown eventually. well last year you could see it was starting to rot in the inside of the tooth if you looked close you could see it was grey inside so i broke down and went to the dentist. now mind you i dont have dental coverage.

appointment 60.00
xray andassesment onother day 220.00
day were they make the mold of the tooth and gave me a temporary fix- 120.00
another day and the actual cap and crown 860.00

1 tooth 1260.00

i was gonna have it done when i had dental but it wouldnt have covered it any how because the insurance doesnt consider a cap and crown necessary even though in my case it was. they would pay for a ugly silver fill (yea what 26 year old girl wants that in the front of her mouth?

needless to say im still paying on that bill on my trusty ol care credit card. 200.00 left but my year was up on 0% for a year so i got socked with another 150.00 or so.

Submitted by love_my_things on Sat, 05/02/2009 - 14:46


( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

Unfortunately, the Hippocratic Oath was sold to the highest bidder some time ago. The medical industry is a cesspool of corruption and incompetence.

Medical debt is the number one reason that people end up having to file Bankruptcy. "" Yes, that 1.85 MILLION.

From ""

Medical tourism is going to be a big industry in the near future if they keep it up.

Submitted by Chrys Henderson on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 03:54

Chrys Henderson

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