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Worldwide Asset Purchasing LLC is a client of PRS. Need more info

Submitted by on Tue, 03/28/2006 - 09:06
Posts: 202330

Worldwide Asset Purchasing LLc
Listed with Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce Business License# 2000669.597
101 Convention Center Dr. Ste#-850 Las Vegas,NV
this company operates out of this address using several different names and several different business license numbers
Owners Frank J Hanna and son Darell T Hanna owns several business in Atl,Ga also
List of businesses owned
Worldwide assets Management LLc
Worldwide Asset Collection,LLc
Buy Debtco,LLc
The Debt Depot,LLc
Asset Derct Morgage,LLc
Worldwide Asset,Inc.
West Corporation
West Receivable Servicees,Inc.
So Worldwide Asset Purchasing LLC me listed in Mareitta, Ga , Las vegas, NV.,Atl,Ga. :x

I live in NYC I need to find out what attorney their using. I just checked my credit report and their is a judgement against me. i called the 1888-211-7411 num. and got no answers I try to call Gerald E. Moore with the same result. please if any one have any info let me know i need to settle this matter.

Submitted by on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 08:01

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thanks Kashzan. the court house gave me the info. one last thing. has anyone ever heard of or dealt with Fabiano and Associates, these are the attorneys handling my case.

Submitted by on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 09:06

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My dad just got a leter saying he is being sued, by this company this same company WAP, hE HAS 20 DAYS to respond to the court summon otherwise the court could favor the plaintiff, he has no idea where this debt can be from, but I wonder if anyone knows what would be the best way to find out where the debt comes from? Thanks for any response , Im glad that there is people that care and we all need to help each other against these thieves with a license to rip people off. No wonder our economy is heading the way is, we all get stump and ripp off and they get richer and richer.

Submitted by on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 15:20

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Submitted by on Tue, 04/01/2008 - 12:59

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Hi everybody, I received a letter on the mail today from Protocol Recovery Service, Inc. stating i owed $171.54 yeah not a lot but nonetheless i didn't know Y. so i read the letter again, no important info but read this Client Worldwide Asset purchasing,LLC. Original creditor: Chase. red sirens wailing, i paid this off back in 2006, so i called a rather useless associate name Bertha said you should call Worldwide Asset, I don't know the number but you can look it up with the name right? well i suppose. i type in WPI and i found this helpful forum. i read on and i said this is bogus then, so i called CHASE i was told my account was sold to Collect America which then sold it to Worldwide Asset which then said my account was at Protocol Recovery Service. I called again this time the very Einstein himself answered goes by the name of Randy now. He was a total idiot. i hung up and called again this time Michael helped and he helped a lot said my account was closed for an unknown reason maybe cause i paid it off or the compnay decided it was such a small amount not worth persuing (SURE LIKE THAT WOULD HAPPEN) of course i paid it off, then he says if you would like i could re-open the account if you want to make a payment. Sorry Mike not today.

Submitted by on Tue, 04/01/2008 - 14:09

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi everybody, I received a letter on the mail today from Protocol Recovery Service, Inc. stating i owed $171.54 yeah not a lot but nonetheless i didn't know Y. so i read the letter again, no important info but read this Client Worldwide Asset purchasing,LLC. Original creditor: Chase. red sirens wailing, i paid this off back in 2006, so i called a rather useless associate name Bertha said you should call Worldwide Asset, I don't know the number but you can look it up with the name right? well i suppose. i type in WPI and i found this helpful forum. i read on and i said this is bogus then, so i called CHASE i was told my account was sold to Collect America which then sold it to Worldwide Asset which then said my account was at Protocol Recovery Service. I called again this time the very Einstein himself answered goes by the name of Randy now. He was a total idiot. i hung up and called again this time Michael helped and he helped a lot said my account was closed for an unknown reason maybe cause i paid it off or the compnay decided it was such a small amount not worth persuing (SURE LIKE THAT WOULD HAPPEN) of course i paid it off, then he says if you would like i could re-open the account if you want to make a payment. Sorry Mike not today.

Submitted by on Tue, 04/01/2008 - 14:09

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I checked my credit report about a week ago and saw this negative info on my report stating that I owe Worldwide Asset purchasing a lil over 2,000 dollars. Any debt that I have I am aware of but dont even know who these people are. If anyone can help please do. What is a better way to go about this?

Submitted by on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 08:01

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Please help me anyone!!!
A law office (Harris & Zide) has sued us recently on behalf of Worldwide Asset Purchasing LLC for a debt of $4,737.69, with the Bank of America. We contacted Credit Solutions, a company we hired to consolidate all our debts, to look into this and they communicated with the law office who agreed that we settled such debt on a monthly basis, first with a $500 deposit, a $300 monthly payment, plus attorneys fees, plus filling fees, plus cost of suit and plus accrued interests of 10% from this year until this the whole total is paid. It also is demamding me to provide all private informations to them such as our SS#, DL#, home and work addresses, banks and bank account #'s, cars and their license numbers.

With this payment set-up, it will, more than less, plunge my family into deeper debts since I'm the only one who's working and my income barely make ends meet.

I want to check the legitimacy of this whole thing but I have no money to hire my own lawyer. Does any of you know lawyers who help for gratis? Or, is there an alternative way.

Submitted by on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 15:36

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Well, beings this is a 3rd party collector you can send them a validation letter demanding that they prove this debt is yours, but is has to be within a 30 day window of receiving a letter from them stating they are attempting to collect a debt. I am moving this to the Dealing with Creditors and collection agencies forum so more people will see this and be able to help you. What state are you in?

Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 15:41


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

Please help me anyone!!!
A law office (Harris & Zide) has sued us recently on behalf of Worldwide Asset Purchasing LLC for a debt of $4,737.69, with the Bank of America. We contacted Credit Solutions, a company we hired to consolidate all our debts, to look into this and they communicated with the law office who agreed that we settled such debt on a monthly basis, first with a $500 deposit, a $300 monthly payment, plus attorneys fees, plus filling fees, plus cost of suit and plus accrued interests of 10% from this year until the whole total is paid. It also is demamding me to provide all private informations to them such as our SS#, DL#, home and work addresses, banks and bank account #'s, cars and their license numbers.

With this payment set-up, it will, more than less, plunge my family into deeper debts since I'm the only one who's working and my income barely make ends meet.

I want to check the legitimacy of this whole thing but I have no money to hire my own lawyer. Does any of you know lawyers who help for gratis? Or, is there an alternative way.

Submitted by on Mon, 05/12/2008 - 16:00

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I had a credit card when I first joined the military back in 2001. I (in my youthful stupidity) cut up the credit card. Well, in 2004 I was contacted by Gerald E. Moore and made a payment plan with them.

Now I have just received a summons to court on behalf Velocity of Investments saying I owe $1500. Does anyone have information on Velocity?

Submitted by on Fri, 05/23/2008 - 18:37

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i received a letter stating that i owe your company over three thousand dollars, but that's all the information i was given in regards to this letter.

Submitted by on Sat, 05/24/2008 - 13:37

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Victor, I think you have the wrong impression of us. We are a community of consumer advocates, focused on assisting with debt problems. Not a collection company.

If you'd like help, we'll be glad to do what we can, but we'll need some info to work with. Can you share the state you live in, the type of debt [credit card, student loan, etc], and the date of last activity on the account [last payment or charge you made]? No personal information, please. The info I've requested will let us start to give you some alternatives.

Submitted by unclewulf on Sat, 05/24/2008 - 14:22


( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )

I'm new member.

Submitted by on Sun, 06/01/2008 - 13:21

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I was served a summons for a judgement.Had a credit card i did default on but they say I owe 5700.00, I know that is at least 1600.00 more than I owed. When I first received the letter from worldwide I sent them a letter requesting proof of amount owed and a copy of my signed agreement with Direct Merchants Bank. I never received answer but then a different company representing worldwide sent me another letter, I again asked for proof of amount and signed agreement never heard again but now I have 21 days to reply to being sued. What do I do next?

Submitted by on Sun, 06/29/2008 - 06:08

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2000 credit limit in 04m, spent 1850, late payment and it went over 2000, paid 600 in cash at bank they "cant find", now interest raised it up to 6100, made automatic payments of 150 a month for 9 months then they stoped collecting and said they can now only settle for the full payment of 4300 and they dont have my account anymore and told me to call WWAP to see who has my account now, iknow BoA doesnt, i live in sc and am 25, what do i do? help please

Submitted by on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 13:39

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I have a question. I am in the process of trying to get a mortgage, so I got a copy of my credit report. Bank of America is on there for a credit card I had. It had a $3000 limit and it is up to $7027 on my report. In addition to this, Worldwide Asset is also on my report, as they purchased the debt from Bank of America. Worldwide Asset says I owe $7109.

My question is...can both of these be listed on my report legally? They are for the same original debt. It seems to me, that if Worldwide purchased the debt, then Bank of America should have been removed. Am I correct?

Submitted by on Mon, 07/28/2008 - 12:54

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I am being sued by Worldwide Asset Purchasing, II, LLC for the amount of $2,147.91. This company resides in Nevada according to the summons paper that I got and the person that will be representing WWAP is Rory W. Clark. According to the summons, this company bought the debt from BoA, NA, USA and I have never even heard of WWAP until now nor have I signed any documents with them. Yes I have some debts that I haven????????t payed off but the amount that they are asking for is not what I recall. What should I do? Should I ask for any documents? If so, who who should I ask? I????????ve been trying to find a website or a phone number of this company but it seems like their number is not updated or no where to be found. Should I contact their representative for all this information? I have read many people who have gone through this same experience over the web and I would just like to know what I can do to either prevent this or make the amount lower. I can????????t hire a lawyer because I have no job and is currently going to school. Please help me.

Submitted by on Tue, 08/26/2008 - 21:20

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Hello, I recently paid a debt off with your organization the 11th of August, for a Aspire account I never received a confirmation letter, nor was the credit breauas updated of this matter. I'm asking you please to send a letter or email confirming the pay off.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/30/2008 - 17:46

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I looked this company up, Worldwide Asset Purchasing, because I received a letter in the mail saying that the Claimant requested the matter to be dismissed. I was trying to find out where the debt originally came from, and why it was just dismissed? Has anyone else received anything like this? And if so, what did you do?

Submitted by on Sat, 10/11/2008 - 17:38

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Worldwide Asset Purchasing is a major fraud and shake-down firm. I received a letter from a law firm operating in my state demanding $7,000 for a debt on behalf of Worldwide. I do not owe this money, it is an instance of mistaken identity by them, (name similarity to mine).

Their law firm refuses to provide any information or details of the supposed debt when requested, just constant demands for payment of the money "or else". Worldwide will not provide any details of the debt, citing federal privacy laws, and insists that I provide very personal information and my financial details to them inorder to prove that I am not the person responsible for the original debt.

As soon as my attorney puts a stop to one collection effort, Worldwide refiles under another shell company and starts the demand/collection process all over again.

I would urge everyone to contact their State Attorney General's office and file a complaint, as well as the Better Business Bureau; Consumer Fraud Office and State Bar Association about these parasites and their willing puppets.

I would love to see a class action suit to put these people out of business forever and strip them of all ill-gotten money they have cocered through fraud and threats.

Submitted by on Mon, 10/13/2008 - 06:01

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have never hear of this company before, The filed a judgment against me. Who are these people

Submitted by on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 21:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

:evil: Worldwide asset just claimed that I owe a debt that I don't I don't understand. its 2000 dollars what should i do

Submitted by on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 10:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Tell the operator what you're calling about (like a past due credit card ballance with Bank of America). He should transfer you to the correct department. For example, if your limit was $6,000 but they want to collect a total of $10,000, claim poverty and get them to subtract the $4,000 interest. This will take hours (multiple phone calls) of arguing. Once you get them to do that, tell them $6,000 is still too much for you to pay. In theory you should be able to settle for 4 or 5K (if you're a really good negotiator). Good Luck. I hope this information helps some of you.


11808 Miracle Hills Dr.
Omaha, NE 68154
General Inquiries:

Submitted by on Mon, 11/17/2008 - 14:40

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I, too, have been having problems with WWAP. Years back, they kept contacting me on a debt. I was not in a good, mental frame of mind at the time but tried to deal with them. I asked them to send me paperwork on the debt, which I never recieved. At the time, it was being handled by Gerald Moore. They sent me a letter, offering a settlement, that stated that I had about a month to advise them if I wanted to take the settlement but I needed to call to let them know. I did call them to ask them what address to send a cashier check or money order to (in researching, there were MANY addresses). During the conversation, the guy that I talked to stated that they needed to have payment by midnight that night to guarantee the arrangement. He stated that they needed a credit card or my checking acct. number. I told him that I didn't have a credit card & he had the nerve to tell me to get someones! I advised him that I was looking at the letter that they had sent & I had over 3 wks to acknowledge it. He started getting nasty about it. I then told him that I wanted to talk to the person that signed that letter. Well, guess what? It is a "dummy, standard" name.
I didnt hear from them for awhile. Then a few weeks ago, I get a summons. This is the first that I had received anything from them in a few years. My daughter's boyfriend is staying in my house & they served it to him. In looking online, I found that they took this to court in Feb. 2008 & it was dismissed without prejudice. I NEVER even knew about this. It even says there was no summons. Then in looking at this recent filing, it says that they left the summons with my husband. I am NOT married & haven't been in 26 yrs. IF, I remember this was for 2000.00 or less & now the amount is almost 8000.00.
I have no idea where to even go with this or what to do. I can't remember what date it was but know that it is close to 10 yrs old. I am in Missouri. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Submitted by on Fri, 12/26/2008 - 17:56

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I am under the understanding this company is now involved in a class action lawsuit.

Submitted by on Sat, 02/07/2009 - 09:15

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I recieved a summons as I stepped out of my car,delivered by a sheriffs deputy.I do not know these ppl,and they are the plantiff in this 2004 I went into default on one of my credit cards,my state has a 5yr sol,these ppl claim I owe 7300.00 on a 4,000 debt.I am on social security,the atty is David Gamace out of court date is 3/4/09,what should I do

Submitted by on Sat, 02/07/2009 - 09:24

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I just researched the statue of limitations for Mo it is 5yrs.

Submitted by on Sat, 02/07/2009 - 11:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just got served Civil Court papers. ANyone actually go to court with Worldwide Asset? What am I suppose to do?

Submitted by on Mon, 02/16/2009 - 15:45

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My mother is currently in a year battle with this worldwide asset company. they have taken well over a thousand dollars right out of her paycheck!!! she has been trying to stop this collection on a credit card that she never had with Direct Mechant bank. since she does not know how to use a computer, i have decided to research on this and i have found that she is not alone. no one knows what to do! has anyone accomplished anything?

Submitted by on Fri, 02/20/2009 - 14:14

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[color=DarkBlue][/color]I have a a claim on my credit report from them that states I opened a credit card with J Jill in 2007 I closed that acct in good standing in 2005 and owe nothing. I was furious to see that on my report. I called the number and got an answering machine. I left a message and no reply from them. I called J Jill to confirm I paid my bill. I applied for a mortage and then suddenly this appears on my report?? Funny isn't it ?? Someone needs to stop them it is a scam!!!! I am now stuck with proving payment and their fruad

Submitted by on Sat, 02/21/2009 - 12:34

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I had a CC with Washington Mutual, in 2004 I got divorced and my ex was suppose to continue making payments on this CC, well he stopped in April 07 and now this has been charged off on my credit report. After fighting through the court system with my ex I have now a check from my ex for the balance of this CC. The problem I'm having is that when I called Wamu they said my account had been sold to a "Collect America" company which they gave me the number to. I called them they said it was sold to WAP they gave me their number 888-211-7411 I called and was told they don't have a account for me. I'm stuck here. I have a check, I want to pay this off so it's not on my credit report as Charged off any longer but can't seem to get anywhere. Does anyone have any advice that would help me that would be great. thanks

Submitted by on Mon, 03/16/2009 - 06:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I also have a judgement with this company. They are trying to get me to pay over $9000 on an account that was originally under $5000. They are claiming late fees and attorney fees. So, I'm filing bankruptcy!!! Their judgement is going to stay on my credit report until 2014 so I'm just going to get it and everything else off there!! And for only $1200!!

Submitted by on Wed, 03/25/2009 - 06:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have never had any credit or bought anything from this bunch and dont know who thay are is this a load of crap or what

Submitted by on Sun, 04/26/2009 - 14:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Today I received a bill from a collection agency on behalf of Worldwide Assest Purchasing II, LLC, the total Balance was $779.20 and the letter was not from the before mentioned company; it was given to the Northland Group Inc. a collection company. I called them promptly and they told me that the account was generated by a credit card in 2007 and that I used to hold a MasterCard. It has been inactive for more than a year and one-half. The most important thing I will note is that they have only sent me cards and instructions to call. I did try calling to see what it was about and since I carry no bank account they would refuse me anyway. The collection company wants to resolve this matter for the instant payment of $397.39. I told the rep. that I would not pay and would contest, he suggested I go TO THE POLICE and make a report? What are they to do. He then said he was to busy to talk to me, he had another call and hung up. I am going to get copies of my credit reports to find out whats going on. I would also like to know what I have bought through this company, because I have had nothing from this company shipped to me including a bill.
Any advice?
Naja Ellis

Submitted by on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 14:09

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I am going through the very same things with World Asset. I've called and called to no avail... I sent letters with the return receipt asking for information so that IF it is mine I can pay but it isn't... never heard of them before. I know it said something about a Visa. I contacted the Visa place and they have no knowledge of my account. I am fighting this OFF of my credit report but it has been tough. If they don't get it off by 1 Jun, I will be going to the FTC and then to court.

Submitted by on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 03:47

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who the heck are these people filed bankruptcy ten years ago and i have never heard of them

Submitted by on Sat, 06/27/2009 - 16:54

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Submitted by on Sun, 07/19/2009 - 19:11

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