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Arrow Financial Services - Are they good to deal with?

Submitted by Shazzers on Thu, 06/26/2008 - 08:16
Posts: 17344

Hmmmmmm, well OK. Yet another dilemma. As some of you know, skydver helped me write up an answer to a summons which stated "complaint for money" (it literally said that!). K-well, here's what's going on, I asked for a dismissal on the grounds it was an unvalidated debt, and even they [Arrow Financial Services llc] admitted to NOT having any documentation supporting their claim. So, that was about three weeks ago.

Now, yesterday I receive a reply from the court, also a copy was sent to Arrow Financial Corp's Attorney. :D To sum it up, this is what the letter said [from the Judge/Court]

Case #
Both names of parties (me & them)
The above captioned matter is scheduled for pre-trial on (such n such a date) at (such n such a time). Claims, counter claims, and cross claims of any party who fails to appear personally or by counsel, will be dismissed with prejudice.

A default judgment will be granted against any defending party who fails to appear either personally or by counsel. In parentheses at the bottom of this letter says: (No telephone pre-trial permitted).

Now what? :shock:

Yes I did.. and I meant to respond, and it was in my stack of bills to take care, a few months ago, but I got caught up with school work and assignments. So I completely forgot about it. No excuses.. but yes I have it. :(

Submitted by on Mon, 12/29/2008 - 22:11

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Well shucks, you only have 30 days to respond after the initial dunning letter, but, you could still ask for validation during the discovery process. When you respond to the summons, don't deny or admit to owing this debt. Like I said, keep checking back as skydivr can advise you much better than I, especially since you were served after the 20 days to respond, I would think there would be something you can do about that, I'm just not sure what it would be. I know from experience you can't trust Arrow, they try all kinds of crap outside of the law to get your money, they are also notorious for charging interest before they even get a judgment, and that's not right!

Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 12/29/2008 - 22:42


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HI Shazz, I'm just getting on here tonite.. Thanks for that information. Tomorrow I will begin typing up my response. Is it possible to email to you for you to look over before I submit it or should I just post on here? Just to make sure I'm on the right track with my wording. Thanks in advance and I'll be standing by to see if Skydrvr has information as well.

Submitted by on Tue, 12/30/2008 - 23:34

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So im 22 and have debt, ive been trying to do some research tonight in order to fight this $4,100.41 debt with Arrow.

So Ive gotten a civil hearing notice in the mail from arrow financial services. From looking at my credit report on ive gathered the information that Arrow purchased my Debt from Providian March 2007 as it states 'Closed' under the Providian information, and placed for collection under the Arrow information with a date as of April 2007.

Im unsure of "everything" I need to know, but hopefully have the majority of it.

-First respond to the hearing notice, stating I will be defending the complaint.

Questiong #1 On the hearing notice it states "if i have a claim against the plaintiff which is within magesterial distric judge jurisdiction and which you intend to assert at the hearing, you must file it on a complaint form"

WITH THAT SAID... what does that mean? Does that mean this information that I have should come in affect?

Under 808 Unfair practices of the fdcpa, debt collection agency is prohibited from collecting any amount (interest, fees, charges, and expenses) unless authorized by the aggreement. If a debt collection agency own your account, and you did not expressly enter an agreemtn to pay interest and fees to that collection agency, than they cannot charge you anymore than what the already existing balance is.

Providian closed the account March 2007, the balance was $3,133.
Arrow took over around then and starting collecting April 2007, it states the original balance was $3,133.00 and the most up to date balance on my credit report is $3,803.00. They are now suing me for $4,100.00 So I presume they were tacking on that interest.

I am unsure if they are authorized to add the interest or not, if so should I question back with "Does the plaintiff have the legal documents showing this information". ?????

Which brings me to my next move I will be making this week.... should I send them a letter requesting Validation...(via certified letter and receipt that they received it). I do not remember receiving any type of mail from them saying they purchased from Providian.

Other thoughts in my head
How do I know Arrow is collecting for Providian/washington mutual? What legal documents do they have to prove that they are legally authorized to collect? How much is the actual debt? What payments have already been made on the account?

**All in all, my real question is....What would be the claim I would tell the district office before the hearing?

Submitted by snwbrdrchk251 on Wed, 01/07/2009 - 23:10


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What is arrow financial service they just sent a negative report on my credit.

Submitted by on Sat, 01/10/2009 - 16:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

See, my problem with them is that they have me down to pay a debt that I have written documentation from the actual company it was with that it has been written off. If it was written off to a zero balance, would I still have to pay them?

Submitted by on Fri, 01/30/2009 - 17:03

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Submitted by on Fri, 02/06/2009 - 12:16

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what is this country or world coming to when these supposed lawyers can't spell to save there a** and post in all caps.punchline nascar?the post is too stupid to be funny.

Submitted by paulmergel on Fri, 02/06/2009 - 14:12


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Guest, I think that you're the same retard that is attacking golden. How is it that you know so much about others on this site? Are you intimately involved with them? Are you a boy-lover? Paul will be along shortly and zap your post.

Submitted by on Sun, 02/08/2009 - 04:11

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:x I'm very angry, I paid arrow financial off the money i owed them. after 2 years they sayI owe the money again. i'm very ticked off!!! what do i do?

Submitted by on Wed, 04/22/2009 - 11:03

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My brother just had someone bring a summons to his door today, which is Saturday, concerning a collection agency called Arrow Financial Svcs.
He owes numerous bills, but due to permanent health reasons, he will never be able to pay what he owes. He has no assets, rents the house he lives in and his only source of income is SSI and he receives food stamps. He will never be able to work again or he would be more than happy to pay his obligations. I am his only living relative and I am not in a position to help him either. This summons says that he is to be in court in August. Can you please give me any insight as to what we need to do? I am not even sure how legitimate this summons is.

Submitted by on Sat, 05/16/2009 - 16:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

first check with his court clerk to make sure it's legit.then the clerk should be able to help with the paperwork as far as answers and interrogaties go.

Submitted by paulmergel on Sat, 05/16/2009 - 18:06


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I would call the court to find out if it is a valid summons...if your brother has no assets or income other than SSI, then in essence, he is "judgement proof" and altho he can be sued, there are no assets for them to garnish...your brother should show up in court and explain the situation to the judge.

Submitted by desperatelyseekingsanity on Mon, 05/18/2009 - 09:55


( Posts: 1129 | Credits: )

I have been fighting with Arro also over a debt for a credit card that was opened up fraudulently in my name afte rmy purse was stolen, not only did I send the orginal creditor and Arrow copies of the police report, and other documentation, they still did nothing. So I filed a complaint agaist them with the BBB, within 2 weeks I had a letter that stated they can not find nor verify an account for me, so if I send them the account number they can find it.............duh? I sent copies of that letter to all 3 CR and they promptly deleted the information, so hope this helps someone.

Submitted by on Mon, 06/08/2009 - 08:59

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My daughter just graduated from college a month ago and does not start her job until next month. She has a bill with a company an NES has called her threatning to take her to court. She can only pay about 50.00 right now and then 50.00 bi weekly on a 1400.00 balance. Needless to say they were extremely beligerant to her which had her upset for hours. We have contacted the creditor directly to try and make arrangements. If we send a 50.00 payment to this company in good faith showing that we are trying to pay, will this help.?

Submitted by on Mon, 06/29/2009 - 19:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Don't send any collection agency (especially these ones!) one penny unless you have a deal IN WRITING otherwise your money may just vanish like a magic trick....

You may have all the "good faith" in the world, but these companies have little to no honor nor good faith.

Here is some info on Arrow:

And NES:

Submitted by Chrys Henderson on Mon, 06/29/2009 - 21:19

Chrys Henderson

( Posts: 2538 | Credits: )

hiya chalie--

Arrow issued a 1099-C and now THEY claim you owe THEM? That isnt how it works....they are trying to dupe you into paying if thats the case.

A 1099-C is issued only when the debt is written off, as in forgiven. So, if you had a 3,000 dollar debt, and they offered to settle with you for $1000, they would issue a 1099-C for the $2000 that they forgave. They CANNOT then try to collect that money from you at any time, for any reason. The 1099 gives them a tax break on it because they discharged that amount--if they tried to collect on it from you after issuing a 1099-C to the IRS, then they would be guilty of attempting tax fraud, as well as the FDCPA violation. I would definitely make the IRS aware of what is happening if I understand you right....they cannot have it both ways like that!

Submitted by skydivr7673 on Sun, 10/18/2009 - 19:46


( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )

Regarding the 1099-C, I'm sure what the poster meant to say is that the IRS is hounding him about the money they say he owes to the IRS. I'm sure what happened is that the poster moved from the time the debt was settled to when the 1099's went out. Because of this it may have never gotten to them. Either way the IRS will get their money, trust me they always do.

I know a lot of you hate AFS but in reality they are doing a job that is unfortunately a necessity in the type of society we live in. I'm not going to point any fingers at anyone and I know that mistakes do happen and fraud by ID thieves is very prevalent, but do you realize that because of people and businesses in America not paying for the debt they owe it costs you an extra $7 for every $100 you spend? That adds up to $1,750 every year if you only make $25,000. I don't know about you but I wouldn't mind a $1,750 raise to go on a nice vacation with my wife. Morale of the story, if you owe the money work out something with your original creditor so that these debt collection companies can go out of business and everything in our lives becomes better. Unfortunately if you are on this site then you are past that point. My advice if you do not want to deal with Arrow is to contact the original creditor and have them repurchase the debt from Arrow so that you can deal with them. I know that I personally helped one person do this while I was working at Arrow. She didn't like the previous reps that she had talked to and contacted the original creditor. She called in and I got her on the line, told her to get the original creditor on the phone and call back 3-way. After I talked with the original creditor and directed them to the right place to get the debt back I felt like a real human being again (and I was the collector!!).

Submitted by on Sun, 12/06/2009 - 00:02

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

You need to take a properly produced document for your State, requesting them to produce evidence that you owe them the debt. Listen I said "Them" you need to make your case that you have never entered into an agreement with ARROW FINANCE. Forget about the original creditor. You also need to submit a proper document asking the court to dismiss the case with prejuduce. State that you don't know them and they have failed to properly produce evidence of the debt. Tell the courts you have NEVER done business with them as well as NEVER entered into a contract with them. You to make them produce documentation that you said you would pay THEM back, not the original creditor. Good Luck, this is not legal advice this is just the way I would do this.

Submitted by mont_tatum on Sun, 12/06/2009 - 05:48


( Posts: 114 | Credits: )

I see that this is from 2007 but was wondering what happend. My husband and I recently received papers in the mail for 2,650.00 and its from Arrow Financial Services. We have never borrowed money from a company and don't own any credit cards. I was researching the name and stumbled apon this scam, just wondered what happend! Any suggestions? This letter came from Morgan & Pottinger, P.S.C in Kentucky and we live in IN!

Submitted by on Thu, 12/17/2009 - 16:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

just wondering, i got a call from a lidigation attorney representing arrow financial today, and he threatened to press three charges against me in my county and state, over a $250.oo debt today. Is this possible, and can they put you in jail over this?

Submitted by on Wed, 12/30/2009 - 10:01

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This is not legal and an attorney can not "press charges." This is a civil issue and if they have threatened criminal offenses you need to contact an attorney immediatley. Write down what was said so you do not forget. If you have caller id take a picture of the number they called from. You should Google the number, I will bet you its another collection company and they are probaly affilated with Arrow or their parent company. If you find out a name let us know and we can give our advice. Good Luck

Submitted by on Wed, 12/30/2009 - 10:20

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His name was Anthony Codero, and he said he was from Carey Law Firm, a litigator there. I had a bank account that i had recieved a pay day loan from, but had to close the account due to excesive overdraft fees after I lost my job. Arrow, in turn, did not get their money for the payday loan. This was two years ago. What excactly can they do?

Submitted by on Wed, 12/30/2009 - 19:58

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Originally Posted by Anonymous
His name was Anthony Codero, and he said he was from Carey Law Firm, a litigator there. I had a bank account that i had recieved a pay day loan from, but had to close the account due to excesive overdraft fees after I lost my job. Arrow, in turn, did not get their money for the payday loan. This was two years ago. What excactly can they do?

You must be talking about Arrowhead, they are a payday lender and usually aren't licensed to lend in most states. If this is what they name of the company actually is, then we would need to know what state you are in, then we can tell you if they are a licensed lender or not.

Submitted by Shazzers on Tue, 01/05/2010 - 10:05


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )


I also received an "out of the blue" notice from a lawer in north Texas on Jan 20 representing Arrow Financial Services for an old WaMu credit account, which apparently was a technical error because I went to WaMu in 2006 to expand a line of credit on a card, when infact, WaMu opened a new card and didn't close the old card. I remember the balance transfered to the new card, but I guess the old card wasn't closed out :-( WaMu closed a long time ago and I paid in full on the newer expanded credit card :-( Even so, I would have paid the older card too, but wasn't aware it still existed. I cut it up.

So, I have 35 days to respond/pay or dispute, but on the letter, it greets me as "Ms." ... I'm male, not female. Could this be an issue of technicality? I haven't been sued yet, but just informed I will be sued if I don't pay up.

My debt is over $1,100 and there's a law firm in my area (Tom M Thomas II), which has won many cases against Arrow Financial (as well as the local law firm representing Arrow; Michael J Scott), but their rates are close to $1,000 - $1,200. Either way, I'd be paying someone. I'm just afraid if I send money to Michael J Scott via their PO Box method, which I DO NOT TRUST, Arrow will not send back a receipt of PAID-IN-FULL. I feel I'll be ripped off. I'd like to simply settle, which is very expensive, but I wish I could settle with the original creditor (which is now Chase Bank).

Any ideas are welcome! Thanks! Congrats, Shazzers!

--Keep your stick on the ice!--

Submitted by on Tue, 02/09/2010 - 12:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I beat Arrow in court. The debt was outside the SOL limits in my state and told their attorney numerous times....but they took it to court anyway and claimed I had made an electronic payment in the past 3 years....the judge asked for a copy of the payment as did I....the attorney said they had requested a copy numerous times from Arrow with no dismissed....they have to produce proof of payment within your state need to request that from the law firm in writing and have a copy for court...Arrow apparently will just make a date up and that doesn't fly in court.

Submitted by on Tue, 03/02/2010 - 17:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I also received an "out of the blue" notice from a lawer in north Texas on Jan 20 representing Arrow Financial Services for an old WaMu credit account, which apparently was a technical error because I went to WaMu in 2006 to expand a line of credit on a card, when infact, WaMu opened a new card and didn't close the old card. I remember the balance transfered to the new card, but I guess the old card wasn't closed out :-( WaMu closed a long time ago and I paid in full on the newer expanded credit card :-( Even so, I would have paid the older card too, but wasn't aware it still existed. I cut it up.
So, I have 35 days to respond/pay or dispute, but on the letter, it greets me as "Ms." ... I'm male, not female. Could this be an issue of technicality? I haven't been sued yet, but just informed I will be sued if I don't pay up.
My debt is over $1,100 and there's a law firm in my area (Tom M Thomas II), which has won many cases against Arrow Financial (as well as the local law firm representing Arrow; Michael J Scott), but their rates are close to $1,000 - $1,200. Either way, I'd be paying someone. I'm just afraid if I send money to Michael J Scott via their PO Box method, which I DO NOT TRUST, Arrow will not send back a receipt of PAID-IN-FULL. I feel I'll be ripped off. I'd like to simply settle, which is very expensive, but I wish I could settle with the original creditor (which is now Chase Bank).
Any ideas are welcome! Thanks! Congrats, Shazzers!
--Keep your stick on the ice!--

Send them that debt validation asap!! Make sure you send it certified, return receipt requested, and I would also include a copy of the letter of collection they sent to you (which should be dated). Another thing I do, when I take the letter into the post office to be mailed, I write on the green card "1st validation request". I also write in all caps: IMPORTANT POSTMAN-PLEASE DATE!

Submitted by Shazzers on Tue, 03/02/2010 - 20:23


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

Hi, did you ever have to go to court regarding Arrow Financial? They are now trying to take me to trial via a law firm out here in Colorado. They served me with a summons and complaint of which I replied neither admitting or denying guilt, but requesting that they prove that their client (Arrow) owned the debt and they (the law firm) had the right to be collecting on it. The attorney asked for a continuance then sent me a pre-trial letter and then later confirmed the trial date for April 18th. What was the outcome for you? I hope ok...Any advice?? Thanks.

Submitted by kdestef on Mon, 03/08/2010 - 14:48


( Posts: 44 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by kdestef
Hi, did you ever have to go to court regarding Arrow Financial? They are now trying to take me to trial via a law firm out here in Colorado. They served me with a summons and complaint of which I replied neither admitting or denying guilt, but requesting that they prove that their client (Arrow) owned the debt and they (the law firm) had the right to be collecting on it. The attorney asked for a continuance then sent me a pre-trial letter and then later confirmed the trial date for April 18th. What was the outcome for you? I hope ok...Any advice?? Thanks.

After going through the validation process, and what seemed like a trillion other things the case was dismissed with prejudice, they couldn't prove they owned the debt, no documentation whatsoever, not to mention they tried using an affidavit by one of their employees, which I objected to as hearsay. They're pretty sneaky but stupid also. MAKE THEM VALIDATE!

Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 03/08/2010 - 16:43


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by smo65d11
do you have proof of the money that you paid them? As is a letter from them, a copy of your cancelled check, anything like that?

I have proof of cancelled check and bank statement for debit card

Submitted by on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 12:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I am in the process of trying to close on a house and Arrow is listing a repo on my credit report. I disputed a collection account with Arrow, they came back and validated the account with the credit agency. When I called arrow to receive validation they told me the account had been sold back to the original creditor 2 years ago and they couldn't discuss this any further for there was a "cease communication" on file and I should send them something in writing lifting it and giving them permission to talk with me. Well, I am having a sit down with my attorney tomorrow. For it will be a cold day in the bowls of hell before I send them anything. Besides I am not even sure if they are still within my states SOL.

Does anyone know when the clock starts ticking for the SOL. Is it when you first go delinquent or when the car is repossessed?

Submitted by on Wed, 05/12/2010 - 13:16

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