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anthony galloway & associates

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 07:48
Posts: 202330

Anybody heard of this company? Are they a CA? If so, what is there phone number?

Sorry, forgot to mention the company is Anthony Galloway & Associates. They claim to be a law firm working for United Fed Bank.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 08:14

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Hi MD,

Welcome to the forums.

Anthony Galloway and Associates is collecting a past debt from you on behalf of United Fed Bank. They must have given you a call back number to place the call.

Call them and inquire the purpose for calling you. If they are asking for any past debt, ask them to send you a debt validation. This will help you to know the details of the past account and you can make payment arrangements to it.


Submitted by roxette on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 08:21


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I spoke to them. They said they are just 'notifying' me of an action that United Fed Bank is placing on me. The lines seemed to be very familiar to those of Ellis Crosby & Associates. They said they are not attempting to collect debt, but they did tell me how much I should be paying. Does this make sense? I'm trying to figure out if they are a law firm or a collection agency. The man's name is Franklin and his number is 904-685-5008. I cannot find anything out about this company. The man was very hard to understand also.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 09:02

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One other thing, I just called them to see if I were to pay my debt, where would I send my payment. It seems they would gladly take my payment from me. I would have to send a moneygram to them: Offices of Anthony Galloway & Associates. Since when do lawyers take care of financial payments for their clients. I keep asking for their address so I can send a validation request to them. I am almost positive I paid them off. If not, I know my balance is very low but they are charging me over $500. So any help of an address would be great by anyone.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 09:50

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The call I received from them was the same. They called from a (713) area code and gave me a (904) area code to call back. They told me i was going to be arrested for fraud. They didnt have any detail of my account to give me.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 09:52

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They couldn't give me many details either - very weird. Then when I asked where to send my payment, all of a sudden they knew everything. Where to send, my account number (which they didn't know previously). Did you send them anything? I would like to send them a debt validation. I honestly believe I paid off this collector and if I didn't, I know I don't owe what AG&A is telling me I owe.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 10:02

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No I didnt send them a thing. Originally just three days prior to them calling me Accounts Receivable Tech was holding this account. I sent them a validation letter but I havent heard back from them. I will wait to hear from Accounts Rec Tech before I send anyone a dime.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 10:41

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It's clear that this business is backed up by Ted Crosby. So, you know that you don't have to tense yourself in this matter. Ted Crosby has filed for bankruptcy and the case number is also available.

Any other tricks used by this company are naturally illegal. So, you can plan your moves accordingly.

Submitted by roxette on Thu, 11/10/2005 - 12:06


( Posts: 4009 | Credits: )


If it had been any other collection agency, I would have asked you to get your debt validated from them.

As this call is from Anthony Galloway & Associates, be rest assured that they won't be able to give you the account details and won't even take any legal actions against you.

Start recording the phone calls with date and time of the call along with the name of the caller. Further, ask them to validate the debt as it is your legal right to know the details of your account.

Send your letter certified so that you have a valid proof of your correspondence made with them.

You can't be sent to jail for not paying your debt. If it is a real debt, you will pay it surely but only after you have the complete details. Be strong while dealing with this collection agency. Do not get intimidated.


Submitted by roxette on Thu, 11/17/2005 - 12:23


( Posts: 4009 | Credits: )

All of this is all so wierd because I received a call from someone with a weird accent named Matt Hardy. They told me that I have an hour to pay what I owe or they were sending the cops out. I am really nervous because I do not know what to do. Can someone please give me advise what EXACTLY happened the day you were told that the police would come...I'm scared.

Submitted by on Mon, 04/03/2006 - 10:17

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First of all Matt Hardy is a wrestler. Could be his real name, but I doubt it. Second of all, the cops will not come to your house and arrest you. Don't be nervous, this is becoming a common scare tactic. I was scared the first time they told me that. Now if they use that line, I tell them to send them right away and I have a bag packed and ready for my vacation. They always either hang up or they get so clustered that they can't speak.

Submitted by Not so Lucky on Mon, 04/03/2006 - 10:32

Not so Lucky

( Posts: 3041 | Credits: )

Thanks so much Tammy, I feel better now. I feel like such an idiot, I let them see me sweat. Does the number look familiar to you. They said the company was Pre Litigation Sevices. Then another guy who said he was a lawyer his name was Steven Mitchell.

Submitted by on Mon, 04/03/2006 - 11:20

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They use to be ellis crosby and associates, but they are being sued by the florida AG, do not send them any money!

Submitted by on Tue, 04/11/2006 - 08:43

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Submitted by on Tue, 04/11/2006 - 10:38

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Someone calls me from United Federal Bank every day....She said her name is Anna. I called 904-685-5008. I asked to speak to Ted Crosby, then Anthony Galloway...she said no one works there by that name. I said 'gee that's funny, they own your company!' she put me on hold a few more times, then I asked for Ellis Crosby - which is who Ted Crosby was doing business under. Some man got on the phone and said who is this? I Said 'who is this, Ted Crosby, Ellis Crosby or Anthony Galloway?" "I told him the next time one of his employees repeats by social security number over the phone without verifying it's me I am going to have him arrested" I also suggested that he have his family and friends around him when the police pick him up...then I laughed and he hung up on me! It was nice getting back at them because I have no pay day loans and don't owe anyone. HA HA HA!

Submitted by on Mon, 06/12/2006 - 08:09

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Someone called and said I should pay 631.00, Or i would be charged with fraud. 305-369-6625 this is the number he called from. They want give me anything to validate the outstanding balance. What should i do. Tony

Submitted by on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 09:07

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I just received a call this morning from 904-685-5008... weird you all are talking about it. Who is it? I couldn't understand the guy but he knew my SSN... what the heck?

Submitted by on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 06:37

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If you do a seach on this site with that number you will see that it falls under several different posts. It belongs to a company who continues to change their name and they are very notorious for harrassing people and trying to scare people into paying a crazy amount of many by a certain time frame. They collect for payday loan companies. If they continue to call you ask them what company they are trying to collect for?

Submitted by PinkLady on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 08:57


( Posts: 1720 | Credits: )

I got a call from them yesterday threatening to have me picked up. I called them back this morning and offered to set up payment arrangements to settle my outstanding loan but that I needed them to send me something validating the debt. The guy told me that I would have to send him $400 first and then he would fax me something. I told him no I couldn't do that and that I wanted something to validate the debt. I offered an amount I could pay now and to set up arrangements and he told me they wouldn't accept my money and that they would be sending someone out to pick me up, I said ok, he then said he didn't know what would happen.

Afterwards I contacted the Oregon Banking Comission who informed me that they are making illegal threats. That if I am willing to make payment they need to send the validation of debt. Since they aren't willing to do that they are acting illegally. I was then informed to send them a certified letter stating my intention of making arrangements for my loan that is past due. I was also told to file a complaint with the Banking folks and the FTC over this matter right away. The gentleman was very helpful.

When the guy from whoever called and talked to me I recorded the converstation. I should also point out that when I informed him I would contact the Oregon Banking Comission and my lawyer he yelled at me "go ahead, how can you afford a lawyer if you don't have any money" it's all recorded. These guys are dirty.

Submitted by on Fri, 06/29/2007 - 12:33

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First time poster, long time lurker... Finally got around to registering and thought I'd say hi.

Submitted by on Sat, 09/06/2008 - 18:55

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