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Need help in Florida

Submitted by tamarang40 on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 15:33
Posts: 23

Hi guys, I'm new to this group but not new to the situation that we are all in. I live in Florida and have 4 ipdls. They are ameriloan, Loanshop online, United cash loans and kenwood services. I'm researching how much I have paid these guys and will post this soon, but my first question is, how many of these are legal in florida? I know i have paid Ameriloan over 600 for a 300 loan. The others as I said I'm still researching. Can anyone tell me which ones are legal and which ones aren't? This will help me decide which plan of action to take.

Sorry guys, still new to this area. My message was supposed to go into the Payday loan help forum. Any ideas to move it to that one?

Submitted by tamarang40 on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 15:39


( Posts: 23 | Credits: )

I know that ameriloan isn't legal in FL, you are done with them, and in fact they owe you money, all you are obligated to pay back an illegal lender is the principal amount! Florida requires Internet based pdl's to be licensed by your state, keep in mind though, there are some payday loan companies acting as CSO's (Credit Service Organizations). This means they do not need to be licensed, and are generally 100% legal in what they charge.

state laws

Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 17:53


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

Thanks for the info Shazzers, so how do I find out if these companies are cso's in Florida. From what I'm reading, United Cash Loans isn't legal either, as well as loanshop online. Have you ever heard of Kenwood services? I can't find anything on them.

Submitted by tamarang40 on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 17:56


( Posts: 23 | Credits: )

I just wonder if the loanshop online you are dealing with is the same as the one below??? I've read SO many loan shops on this site I get confused as to which is which. lol If this is the same one, that means they aren't licensed. Would you happen to have an address on your loan papers you could check? Because I'm not certain about this one. :?

Loan Shop
E-Care/Sonic Payday/Cash Transfer Centers/Loan Shop/Northway Credit (these are all one company)
13696 104th Avenue
Surrey, BC Canada V3R 1V9
phone: 1-866-958-3278
fax: 1-866-809-4069
email: customercare(at)

Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 18:08


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

I hope the information below will help you. :)
You are only obligated to pay back the principal amount you borrowed from an unlicensed/illegal Internet Payday Lender. This doesn't apply to CSO's.

[quote]What should you do?
Close your account asap, if you are unable to close your account, go into your bank and ask to speak with the Branch Manager, tell him/her you need a hard debit block placed on your account immediately! Explain that you are revoking ACH authorizations from unlicensed/illegal companies, and have learned these companies are notorious for ignoring revocation, therefore it is important to BLOCK any withdrawal attempts on your account to protect your interest. This is your privilege, do not accept no for an answer. The following link will provide you important information regarding closing accounts. CLICK HERE

What next?
AFTER your account is secure send each pdl (the unlicensed and illegal) an email similar to THIS (please scroll down to locate letter template). Tailor this letter to your needs, and try to write it with the same basic concept in your own words. You will need to research and locate email addresses/physical addresses if you don't already have them, I suggest that you type the name of the pdl (example: "oneclickcash address") in the search box in the upper right hand corner of this forum. You may also search for addresses HERE at the Better Business Bureau.

File complaints: Most of the time, you can file a complaint online with the following, I encourage you to follow through with doing so, you will need to search the Internet for your state Attorney General's website, however, here are links to file complaints for the FTC, Online complaints: Federal Trade Commission., and the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU.

Keep in mind that you may not receive a response for days, or even weeks, or, you may receive harassing and threatening phone calls. I have found the best way to deal with this is not to respond or reply, simply hang up.

Side note: If you have paid an illegal/unlicensed payday lender above and beyond the principal amount you borrowed, it might be a good idea to demand a refund and a paid in full letter/receipt. You may or may not get one or both. It still doesn't hurt to include that tidbit in your letter. :)[/quote]

Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 18:15


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

Again, thanks for the help Shazzers. The address I have for loanshop online is 2207 Concord Pike #505 Wilmington, DE 19803 ph:800-806-9971

and kenwood services I only have a phone # 877-794-5562
I can't find any info about them either. I will get to work right away on the things you suggested, starting with closing my account. I also have an installment with Think Cash but I have already learned from this forum that I will have to deal with them differently.

Submitted by tamarang40 on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 18:25


( Posts: 23 | Credits: )

Well, through my own stupidity, my account became overdrawn yesterday through unrelated financial transactions, not payday loans. So first I called the ach processor and she told me that she could not help me unless I had filed a claim with the bank. I didn't really understand what she was talking about but I did find out that at least two of my illegal payday loans are processed through them. I went to bank of america and was told repeatedly that there was nothing they could do to my account until I paid the negative balance. She also called customer service or some service number and they also told her there was nothing she could do. My account is now 329$ overdrawn and probably the nsf charges from the debits haven't been added yet. I am starting to get really frustrated. I tell these people the things that I've learned from this forum and have been don't "don't believe everything you read on the internet" this came from the ach processor stefanie. somebody please help!!!

Submitted by tamarang40 on Thu, 10/09/2008 - 14:00


( Posts: 23 | Credits: )


Well, through my own stupidity, my account became overdrawn yesterday through unrelated financial transactions, not payday loans. So first I called the ach processor and she told me that she could not help me unless I had filed a claim with the bank. I didn't really understand what she was talking about but I did find out that at least two of my illegal payday loans are processed through them. I went to bank of america and was told repeatedly that there was nothing they could do to my account until I paid the negative balance. She also called customer service or some service number and they also told her there was nothing she could do. My account is now 329$ overdrawn and probably the nsf charges from the debits haven't been added yet. I am starting to get really frustrated. I tell these people the things that I've learned from this forum and have been don't "don't believe everything you read on the internet" this came from the ach processor stefanie. somebody please help!!!

Hum, just curious, which ACH processor was this because I have read where other people have also had problems convincing these processors of your rights, so they will help out. One thing is for sure, if you had already revoked the ach authorization with the company that went through with the transaction, then the processor needs to be told that you exercised your rights -EFTA (Electronic FundsTransfer Act) and it was purposely ignored by an Internet payday lender which THEY (the processor) allowed to go through anyway! Also, did you notify your financial institution that you already revoked ACH authorization BEFORE the debit was processed? I would go into the bank, speak directly with the Branch Manager, and tell them you want to fill out a dispute on these transactions, tell them your rights have been violated based on the EFTA!

Submitted by Shazzers on Thu, 10/09/2008 - 15:15


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

I am closing my bank account tomorrow, I sure hope I dont encounter any problems. If your account was not overdrawn would you have been able to close your account?

Submitted by on Thu, 10/09/2008 - 16:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Yesterday after I got home, I got on the form and did some searching about Bank of America. I found a phone number for a person higher up the food chain than the managers I was talking with. I called him, and believe it or not, he was very helpful. He took my name and my account number and said he would have to do some research about a credit only but he would get back to me. He did call me back about an hour later, and told me that he had put my account on a credit only status!! :lol: I was so happy, I told him that I had been a customer of this bank since it was First American in Tennessee more than 15 years ago. (My home state). The morning, I go online to check my account to see how much the final damage is. Remember, yesterday it was over 300, and when I went to be the total was 399 and change. This morning, the balance is -14.00!!! They reversed all the fees and posted credits of the returned items!!! So don't give up guys, keep trying and you will find someone who will help you. Now that my account is secure, I can start dealing with the payday loan mafia!! take care all, and thanks so much for the advice!!! I'll be keeping you posted on my situation and looking to see if I can help anyone else. You guys are a lifesaver! :!: :!:

Submitted by tamarang40 on Fri, 10/10/2008 - 07:17


( Posts: 23 | Credits: )

Great, Shazzers, and I'll keep looking also. I don't really know how to deal with them yet as I don't know their status. Hopefully, I'm not the only person with a loan from them, and someone can come up with something to help. Meanwhile, I'm getting my revocation letters and e-mails ready for the ones I KNOW from this forum are illegal, United Cash Loans, ameriloan , and Loanshop online. This is all starting to not look so bleak, so just keep persisting guys, and it will pay off!!

Submitted by tamarang40 on Fri, 10/10/2008 - 08:17


( Posts: 23 | Credits: )

ok, well today is the day that i send all my ach and wage revocation letters to the payday mafia. wish me luck!!! i'll keep you all posted on the outcomes. :D

Submitted by tamarang40 on Tue, 10/14/2008 - 06:13


( Posts: 23 | Credits: )

Subject: Response to Complaint
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 11:33:50 -0500
From: ''
To: Email address removed for your protection, Shazzers

October 15, 2008

Tammi Conrad


A complaint was received from you via email regarding a loan you had applied for from Loan Shop Online. I appreciate your patience and cooperation as we are attempting to reach an agreement to close your account.

Ever since you requested this loan, both parties have followed the terms of the contract. This was meant to be a short-term loan but I understand that you may have not been in a position to repay the full balance all at once. I realize that the fees can accumulate and add up to a rather large balance. I apologize for any frustration you have experienced throughout your repayment process. I believe it is in the benefit of both parties to accept your offer of $210.00 in 3 payments and to cease any attempts to debit from your account for extension fees in the future.

If this is agreeable to you, please sign and fax the attached release at your earliest convenience. Please retain a copy for your records. The attachment to this email is a release agreement that indicates you have agreed to end your dispute by having your account closed immediately.

Your account will be closed IMMEDIATELY upon receipt of the attached release form and, once your 3 payments of $70.00 payment has been received, you will no longer be held responsible for any balance in connection with this matter.

Your payment may be mailed to:

Loan Shop Online

2207 Concord Pike, #250

Wilmington, DE 19803

There absolutely will not be any collection activity taken against you and this email is meant to confirm that in writing.

This email and the attached release form combined are written records that neither of us will continue to dispute the matter with the other. You will have no future obligation to make any payment regarding this matter.

My contact information is included below so, if you have any questions or concerns about the release or any other matter regarding your account, please feel free to contact my office anytime.


William Mashburn

LoanShop Online

Phone: 888-265-5074 x3497

I received this email ONE DAY after I sent the email. YIPPEEE!!!!
One down three to go. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Submitted by tamarang40 on Thu, 10/16/2008 - 07:17


( Posts: 23 | Credits: )

Herllo shazzers do you know any companys that do pdl with out sending in bank statements. i need to know i was looking for a small loan. i had 1 out and paid it back send me a message i saw some where on this site where smiley 327 had 13 pay day loans out. any idea . if maybe some dont need bank statements to Fund the loan to my ACH ACCOUNT

Submitted by richie1044 on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 01:07


( Posts: 45 | Credits: )

has anyone that has had a loan with them had any problems? I have one coming thru tomorrow and need to know if i made a huge mistake

Submitted by on Tue, 04/21/2009 - 10:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

has anyone that has had a loan with them had any problems? I have one coming thru tomorrow and need to know if i made a huge mistake

Submitted by on Tue, 04/21/2009 - 10:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Everyone that has had a loan with Kenwood has had problems. They are impossible to locate when you want to pay the loan off.

They will only take out a fee over and over again and it never goes towards the loan amount.

If you have already agreed to the loan I would have your bank return the money ASAP and block any further ACH.

Submitted by nohiogal on Tue, 04/21/2009 - 10:42


( Posts: 2582 | Credits: )

I had money posted. No paperwork in my e-mail. was this Kenwood Services?

Submitted by on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 16:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I had the same issue with them- couldn't contact them to pay off in full, had $75/wk debited from my account from June through November on a $250 loan. After paying $675, and not being able to find a way to pay them off, I just blocked them from debiting my account further. Now they are contacting me, threatening to add on even more fees (bringing the amount that I "owe" close to $2,000), I had someone leave a msg on my voicemail at work asking for my attorney to contact them... I'm getting nervous, I don't want this hitting my credit report or resulting in my bank accts being frozen or wage garnishments... I paid them well more than I owed, couldn't find a way of contacting them to ever pay it off in full, and canceled the debit because I had literally paid them back almost three fold what I borrowed.

I live in NYS and from what I understand Kenwood Services is based in Delaware. Am I bound by Delawares interest regulations (or lack of?) or am I covered by the NYS limit of 25%? I see that the AG recently was successful in getting money back for payday loan customers of other companies lending in NYS-

Anyone have any input on what I can/should do at this point?

Submitted by on Wed, 12/02/2009 - 15:54

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have read somewhere in this forum that Payday loans are illegal in NYS. Does this mean that these PDL companies are not supposed to be offering any loans for NY residents? I am confused. Please help.
I too have a loan with Kenwood services and they have taken $1500 for a $300 loan! I have made several attempts of paying off this loan and everytime I call they say they will deduct the full amount and every payday they just take the $75 fee! I have already drafted letters to all the PDL 's that I have and hopefully I will get my money back.
Here's a list of the Payday Loans that I have:
Kenwood Services - $300 paid $1500
A.C.C. The Cash Spot = $500 paid $1,715
Cash Jar = $850.00 paid $2,067
United Cash Loans = $400 paid $1,185
Nationwide Cash = $500 paid $755
VIP Loans = $ 400 paid $865
SCS Everest Cash Advance = $500 paid $675
Ameriloan = $500 paid $610
500 fast cash = $400 paid 0
Mycashnow = $400 paid $175.56

Some of these companies I have dealt with more than once so I am wondering if there is a possibility that I could get money back for the past loans that I have with them. Any input is greatly appreciated. I know I've been really wasting money on these PDL's and have been a fool for even getting them.

Submitted by on Sun, 05/23/2010 - 23:06

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i wanted to ask about this because a lot of the posts i see are older ones and im wondering if the laws have changed? i live in texas. have loans out with kenwoodservices, united cash loans and cash central. ive read posts saying some of these are not licensed in florida so are not legal and cant make you pay back anything but the principle. does that hold true if you live in texas too? if so, then i really want to contact them and request my money back. i have had loans in the past where i paid hundreds, if not in the thousands, for interest fees alone. if i find out these are lot legal and send them letters to that effect, maybe they would send part of the money i paid back...would be worth a try. and if i can get the ones i have now paid off sooner by not having to pay all that interest every two weeks, that would be great! anyone know if this is still the laws and if they are same for texas as they seem to be for florida?

Submitted by on Mon, 11/22/2010 - 14:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


i wanted to ask about this because a lot of the posts i see are older ones and im wondering if the laws have changed? i live in texas. have loans out with kenwoodservices, united cash loans and cash central. ive read posts saying some of these are not licensed in florida so are not legal and cant make you pay back anything but the principle. does that hold true if you live in texas too? if so, then i really want to contact them and request my money back. i have had loans in the past where i paid hundreds, if not in the thousands, for interest fees alone. if i find out these are lot legal and send them letters to that effect, maybe they would send part of the money i paid back...would be worth a try. and if i can get the ones i have now paid off sooner by not having to pay all that interest every two weeks, that would be great! anyone know if this is still the laws and if they are same for texas as they seem to be for florida?

If your lenders aren't licensed to lend in TX. it would make them illegal, however, make sure they aren't registered as CSO's before making that determination.

Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 11/22/2010 - 14:47


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )