Brad Haskins threatening to sue Debtcc
Date: Mon, 02/09/2009 - 20:28 Brad Haskins threatening to sue Debtcc has threatened to sue Debtcc, its principals, advertisers and even the posters themselves if the material posted against them isn't removed within 3 days.
Here's the image of the letter they sent us by mail:

Looking for your support in this matter.
The original letter is also attached with this post.
Doesn't your disclaimer under Terms of Service remove you from a
Doesn't your disclaimer under Terms of Service remove you from any liablity of this sort of thing?
yeh our tos on this page
yeh our tos on this page states
14. You agree not to hold InterNext/DebtConsolidationcare or its members liable for anything stated within the forums. |
Lets see how it all turns out.
OK, so they're telling you there is copyrighted material on this
OK, so they're telling you there is copyrighted material on this website? They're also telling you to remove it within 3 days. But they're not going to tell you where it is?
I guess someone must have said something bad about poor little in the forums and they go their feelings hurt.
My thoughts are, if they really wanted it removed, they wouldn't have a problem with telling you where it is?
I'm curious to see how this all works out.
Aren't they located in Costa Rica? It will be interesting to see
Aren't they located in Costa Rica? It will be interesting to see how this turns out. Why would they place their head on the chopping block, if you request they provide their license to operate in the U.S. it may open a whole new can of worms for them.
Copyrighted? Are they serious? Maybe they meant to say confident
Copyrighted? Are they serious? Maybe they meant to say confidential, there is a difference! lmao!
Shazzers, I agree! Also, I googled Haskins and found no info
Shazzers, I agree!
Also, I googled Haskins and found no info on him. His letterhead has a New York City address, his signature line has a Texas address and the phone # where he faxed it from has a "411" area code!
Also (again :) ) to be copyrighted, there is usually a process involved...application, fee, filings, etc. They would need to do that for every piece of communication that they claim "copyright" on! (Like they're gonna do that!) ROFLMAO!
IMO...I think this guy is blowing smoke!
Thick black smelly smoke is belching from this guy! It is not co
Thick black smelly smoke is belching from this guy! It is not copyrighted if it doesn't say copyrighted. If that were the case we would all be censored.
LOL! I didn't even catch that Shazzers. Copyrighted vs Confi
I didn't even catch that Shazzers. Copyrighted vs Confidential.
Here's the thing.
I did a search on the New York Bar's website and did not find him. I also saw, in the address section at the top of the letter, all the different area codes listed; there was one for Washington, DC; New York, NY, Miami, FL; and Stockton, CA. He also has Austin, TX listed on the last line as the location where this memo was typed.
I didn't find him in DC, New York, or CA. I couldn't get to the Florida Bar's website; it seems they are having some sort of issue. I finally found him on the TX Bar's website though.
Get this, his address is in Prague in the Czech Republic!
This is one well traveled attorney.
It seems to me a legitimate attorney would know the difference b
It seems to me a legitimate attorney would know the difference between confidentiality and copyright infringement. And confidentiality would be between them and a client. Looking at this letter, one thing runs through my mind. My 10 year old son could have written it far better. The address on the first page is a Wall Street address. But on the second page, it's in Austin, Texas. The top of this fax is "To: Brad Haskins From: Brad Haskins". "The client has deposited a significant cash retainer". They're trying growl but the best they can do is mew like a little kitten. You all are doing something here. You're helping people (including me, your information has been invaluable). Information is freeing people from fear and these bullies aren't liking it.
After reading this letter, one thought runs through my mind. My
After reading this letter, one thought runs through my mind. My 10 year old could have done it better. First page says the address is on Wall Street. Second page says Houston, Texas. It's been faxed from Brad Haskins to Brad Haskins. The client has deposited a significant retainer? No attorney says things like this. You all are doing a good thing here. You're helping to free people from the fear these bullies are trying to instill in them. I wonder what the legal departments of Google, MSN, and Yahoo would have to say to this?
Even if this is a false document and false alligations the websi
Even if this is a false document and false alligations the website might want to beef up their disclaimer just for their own piece of mind.
nohiogal, Yup.. I agree.. I didn't read the document (will tonig
nohiogal, Yup.. I agree.. I didn't read the document (will tonight when I get home) but from the posts..I can already tell it will be a good laugh at the least.
As someone said why would they even risk coming into an american courtroom?
I got some information on Brad Haskins which seems interesting.
I got some information on Brad Haskins which seems interesting. Here are the two links: -
I have also found some more information on Brad Haskins after se
I have also found some more information on Brad Haskins after searching in the google. Here they are:
There is a space coming between "has" and "kins" within the url
There is a space coming between "has" and "kins" within the url ( when it is copied and pasted in the address bar. If you remove the space then you can see the page. seems illegal in USA. I have found some related seems illegal in USA. I have found some related information in the forums: -
Illegal/Unlicesned company - Illegal/Unlicensed company!
Brad Haskins looks sham to me after going through all the information above.
I needed a good laugh. Thank you, Bradley Haskins. I just chec
I needed a good laugh. Thank you, Bradley Haskins. I just checked the U.S. Copyright Office website and there is not one single item in their entire database copyrighted by either MyPaydayLoan or Zarad III (it's corporate name).
Yes, I found the "significant cash retainer" to be quite humo
I found the "significant cash retainer" to be quite humorous myself. I personally could not take it seriously.
As far as quoting, as long as you are specifying that it is a quote, and the quote is relevant to the topic at hand, I don't see how it is a problem.
Just a thought. If they really did get yahoo and MSN to remove
Just a thought. If they really did get yahoo and MSN to remove links to DCC under false pretenses, and we all know (well, some of us know) that link building is vital to Search Engine Optimization . . . didn't Bradley tortiously interfere with DCC's prospective economic advantage?
Maybe there should be a lawsuit and a few subpoenas . . . but not in the direction Bradley had in mind.
Well I Did do a quick google search w/ MyPaydayLoan and DCC in a
Well I Did do a quick google search w/ MyPaydayLoan and DCC in and only thing that came up was this link. Not sure what else would have come up before, as I didn't search for that particular company until just yesterday. I didn't try Yahoo.
Besides, to be even CONSIDERED in court doesn't the document hav
Besides, to be even CONSIDERED in court doesn't the document have to be an orginal document? not a fax of a fax of a fax etc?
Especially when that fax of a fax it to himself. I still can't g
Especially when that fax of a fax it to himself. I still can't get over that one.
FreakyFriday Wrote: Quote:Just a thought. If they really did ge
FreakyFriday Wrote:
Just a thought. If they really did get yahoo and MSN to remove links to DCC under false pretenses, and we all know (well, some of us know) that link building is vital to Search Engine Optimization . . . didn't Bradley tortiously interfere with DCC's prospective economic advantage? Maybe there should be a lawsuit and a few subpoenas . . . but not in the direction Bradley had in mind. |
Oh yeah, gotta love the possibilities! :D
Was looking at this thread here: http://www.debtconsolidation
Was looking at this thread here:
with an e-mail posted. Don't see anything about copyright. didn't see anything on their website either.
wow....another fraud.... Here's the thing....if this Haskins
wow....another fraud....
Here's the thing....if this Haskins guy is not licensed to practice law in the state where this forum's owner resides, then he can basically piss up a rope. What good will it do for him to make a case in a state he isnt even licensed to practice law in? Current in TX since 2003 it looks like.....but not current anywhere else. Basically, if I were to buy into anything this guy stated, I would challenge him for proof of the copyright he claims on all communications between the company and its clients. If he can provide proof of any such claim, I would then research the legality of such a stipulation in contract law. Remember this--just because someone puts something into a contract, that doesnt make it enforceable under the law. But my first step would be to challenge for proof of the copyright he claims in the first place.
Then again, there's this whole Costa Rica issue. If you go on MPDL's website, this disclaimer appears at the bottom:
This service does not constitute an offer or solicitation for short term payday loans in all states. This service may or may not be available in your particular state. the states this site services may change from time to time without notice. All aspects and transactions on this site, will be deemed to have taken place in our office in costa rica, regardless of where you may be viewing or accessing this site. Borrower is responsible for complying with any local statutory obligations that may exist in their state or area with respect to any transactions with |
I want you to look for the double-speak here....
First, they claim:
All aspects and transactions on this site, will be deemed to have taken place in our office in costa rica, regardless of where you may be viewing or accessing this site. |
In the very next breath:
Borrower is responsible for complying with any local statutory obligations that may exist in their state or area with respect to any transactions with |
Think carefully about this now....if the transaction is deemed to be just as if you walked into their office in Costa Rica, then how would there be any local or state laws that would have any effect on this? They tell you on one hand "this is just like if you came into our office in Costa Rica" to cover their butts, and then they also say "any laws where you live are your responsibility to follow, not ours", again, to cover their butts. They are trying to have it both ways and they cannot.
Simply put, a call to a US District Attorney's office should get you the proper information as to if this is even remotely legal for them to operate at all in the US. I suspect that they are not.
Ugh, how embarrassing that this Haskins creep is from my state.
Ugh, how embarrassing that this Haskins creep is from my state. :evil:
Well, it's been a lot more than three business days. Has Superb
Well, it's been a lot more than three business days. Has Superbad . . . I mean Superbrad . . . done anything more to earn his substantial retainer?
I have not been on here for a while, and just read this. I almo
I have not been on here for a while, and just read this. I almost had to laugh. What this sounds like to me is that word is getting out about these pdls and "someone" is getting pissed off.
Brad haskings called me today ....
I got a call from Brad Haskins today on my cell phone at 2:46 PM (Chicago time) from the number 212-564-4131. He kept me on the phone for close to 20 minutes. During the call I requested him multiple times that I needed to get off the call since I was in the middle of building a server to be installed in Chicago for the east coast traffic to these forums but he kept threatening me.
I was accused of everything including hiding from him. I told him that my email address name phone number is posted on the site and even my address is here. So how can I say I am hiding from him.
He said that he will be deposing me soon. He said that his Texas bar license number was 09200500 I went to the Texas bar page and looked him up:
He also said that he owned and ran and
and apparently I did not know how to run a website and according to him I should take down all the content posted about mypaydayloan or I will have to defend myself against a multi-million dollar law suite.
Lets see how this whole thing pans out.
Vikas that doesn't sound realistic; sure you heard that all corr
Vikas that doesn't sound realistic; sure you heard that all correctly; you may be just a bit overreacting here, I know you wanna "go get em" but maybe best to take a step back
Hi jane m, I'm curious, what "doesn't sound realistic"? And w
Hi jane m,
I'm curious, what "doesn't sound realistic"? And where did you get the idea that Vikas, or anyone here, wants to "go get em"?
Yeah. "Lets see how this whole thing pans out" does no equal "g
Yeah. "Lets see how this whole thing pans out" does no equal "go get em."
My guess is that might be Mr. Haskins disguised as "Jane M?"
Besides which, how could "Jane M" be asking if Vikas is sure he heard that all correctly? Was "Jane M" hovering around in the room with Denney, like Casper the Friendly Ghost, listening in on the conversation?
Ya, that's what I thought, too. A bit "overreacting"! HAHAHAHAHA
Ya, that's what I thought, too. A bit "overreacting"! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Sounds like typical lawyer mumbo jumbo. How can you tell if a l
Sounds like typical lawyer mumbo jumbo. How can you tell if a lawyer is lying? His lips are moving.
I am so glad I left practicing law north of the border when I mo
I am so glad I left practicing law north of the border when I moved to the US....what was I thinking?
so, the guy is licensed to practice law in Texas.....has a New Y
so, the guy is licensed to practice law in Texas.....has a New York address and phone number....and his bar card says he's from the Czech Republic?
i guess next we will be able to sue because the bbb gives a f ra
i guess next we will be able to sue because the bbb gives a f rating, or because i post i dont like cheese kraft can sue me, or to take it even futher i post on my blog how to make homemade cleaning supplies that tide, swiffer, and everyone else can sue me for taking away there business. When will it ever stop? are we not allowed to voice our opinions about anything? What about free speech? I guess they just feel like they can do whatever and expect no one do to discuss it.
why was my previous question blocked here? And who is redacte
why was my previous question blocked here?
And who is redacted? is he Vikas or is from Oak View law?
Your previous post is being discussed by the Moderators of this forum - NASCAR_Devil
Vikas any news on this, it is well past the "3 business day" tim
Vikas any news on this, it is well past the "3 business day" time limit!
I typed the name D E N N Y and it is now showing as V I K A S ?
I typed the name D E N N Y and it is now showing as V I K A S ? Why?