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Pinnacle Credit Services - Consumer reviews and steps to deal with it

Submitted by on Tue, 12/27/2005 - 05:29
Posts: 202330

Does anyone have any idea who Pinnacle Credit Services LLC are? Financial Recovery notified me that I owe 2500.00 and have no idea who these people are...


Originally Posted by Anonymous
This exact company (Pinnacle Credit Services LLC) has been calling my home for MONTHS all day every day trying to find some girl who doesn't even have this number anymore. I live in a college town so numbers around here change hands frequently. I don't care how many times I tell these people this girl doesn't have this number anymore, they won't stop. I've been nice, I've been rude, I've been ruder than rude. No luck. Until tonight I didn't even realize who the company was except they had a recording call me first and that mentioned their name. What can I do to stop this harassment??

File a cyst and diciest letter to them and sent it registered mail.

Submitted by on Fri, 09/18/2009 - 11:59

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Nelson watson & asscociates # 1(800)910-5813

Okay so 60 days ago i requested verf of debt they never sent then i called yesterday and they say they don't have the account anymore. but they are still reporting on my credit report. then i tried to disput it on my Credit report and the 3 main company's says i have to contact the collection company to deal with it. how? they say they don't have it anymore!

Submitted by on Sat, 09/19/2009 - 19:57

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I have been getting phone calls at work alot about a debt that has been over 9 yrs. The bill is for over $4,000 and i cant even think about what the debt is for. I got a letter from a law office stating that i need to clear this debt up. Do i have to pay!

Submitted by on Tue, 09/22/2009 - 15:14

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Nascar Devil,
I recieved a notice from clerk of court (North Carolina) saying I have to be in court on Thurs (one week from today). I haven't heard fo pinnacle before what can I do to either A) get ready for court or B) prevent myself from going to court.

Submitted by on Mon, 09/28/2009 - 06:43

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This thread makes me really sad because it appears this "company" has been getting away with fraud for years. I have the same story as many others, Pinnacle suddenly appeared on my credit report (only one of the big 3) with a balance of $6500. I can't even tell exactly what year this is purported to be from because they list it as opening in 05/2008 and first being delinquent in 09/2005, three years earlier; and first being a major delinquency in 07/2008, two months after it was supposedly "opened." I am not the kind of person who would forget about $200 of unpaid debt, much less $6500. I have no clue what it's from, and suspect based on the posts here that it is fabricated or actually belongs to my ex-husband. One of the "attorney" offices listed here, Laurence Heckler, contacted me earlier this year looking for my ex. Their whole spiel seemed off so I decided to start digging. Class actions all over the place for violations of numerous financial laws. So it doesn't surprise me to see him associated with the crap this company is doing. I discovered the entry on my credit report tonight and got online to find a phone number. That was 2 hours ago...after reading all of these posts, my plan is to write the letter requesting debt verification tomorrow. But I'm wondering if I can contest it with Equifax at the same time. Does anyone know if that is ok? Or, is it better not to do anything but contest it with Equifax? I don't want to establish contact with them and give them a reason to update my last activity. I hoped to apply for my first mortgage at some point in the next month or so and this thread has left me troubled. Any insight would be appreciated.

Submitted by on Mon, 09/28/2009 - 23:35

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[QUOTE=Anonymous;198777]heres a little leason from a real collector and soon to be lawyer....first of all pinnicale is the best debt buyer you could be stuck with, secon the MISTERYIOUS mark on you credit is your own fault you dumb shytfuc* heres how it works you defaulted on your lets say CHASE bank card chase tried collecting on it and then send it to THREE collection agencies to collect on it of which non did cause your a SHYTBAG and then pinnicale bought all legel rights to you debt for 1% or less than what u owed and now u owe then now they will send it to 2-3 collection agencies and there gonna ream you till you pay, by law they can call you 100x a day as long as they only make contact once, and everyday on every number you have (which includes you family freinds neibors cousins aunt uncle old roomate literally anyone you've everyone known will get a call, its allllll public record) pinnice however sometimes lets u pay off the debt for less than you owe, cause they you your a poorbox, say u owe 1000 you pay 600 and they (only one i know of) will actually report you paid it all nice guys huh
[color=Red]****Adult term removed - Jason[/color][/QUOTE]
send them a cease and assist letter and they can no longer contact you via phone!!!

Submitted by on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 18:01

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These people from Pinnacle Credit are threatening law suits, calling neighbors and relatives. I told them I am a lawyer and they still threaten the laws suits. Bad Group.

Submitted by on Thu, 10/08/2009 - 14:18

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NEVER give this company ANY information over the phone!! Including, information to verify the purpose of the call. Ask for the agents name and the company address, then send a Certified letter requesting verification of the alleged debt and a notation to CEASE telephonic communication.

If the statues-of-limits are barred in your state and/or the statues per Federal law on your credit report then these bottom feeders should be warned!!

Submitted by on Mon, 10/19/2009 - 08:23

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Pinnacle is one of many credit companies that purchases your old debt and then tack on interest to your original creditor. I have received mail from them stemming from a very old debt that is not even no longer on my credit report. My original debt was taken off after 7 years. So I continue to ignore them since the debt is no longer on my credit report. I don't know why they still call me after the debt was taken off but I was told if I acknowledge them, they can put the debt back on my credit report so I ignore them. I have moved a few times, but they still find me by running my credit report. I was going to put a freeze on my credit report this is the only way to stop them from running my credit. Anyway, if it is not on your credit report, don't call them. If they are rude or threatening, contact the fair debt office. It is against the law for them to threaten you.

Submitted by on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 14:24

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Got a letter in the mail today from these idiots. The want $1890 for a credit card that is so old it is no longer on my credit report. When I called them they said that since they bought the debt they will put it back on my credit report. Can we say illegal?? He then asked if I was going to pay it and when I said no he hung up on me. They are not willing to work with you at all. It said in the letter I had 30 days to dispute the collection attempts. But yet, when I call and say I want to dispute it they hang up on me????? A**holes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 15:27

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Posted by anonymous "the MISTERYIOUS mark on you credit is your own fault you dumb shytfuc*"

First of all before you become a Lawyer, go to grammar school and learn to spell. Second, just because some one has a debt, does not mean they are losers. There are legitimate reasons why some people go into debt. Granted, there are people out there who are irresponsible and do not pay their debts. Third, this company can only call your friends, neighbors or relatives if they are co-signers to your debt. They can call them to try and locate you, but they may not under any circumstances reveal the reason why they are calling you is to collect a debt. Neither can they leave a message on your machine for others such as your room mates to know you owe a debt. This is the law, that you Mr. Lawyer should have learned in Law School. It stems from the Fair Debt Collection Act. A statute in 1978. Also, they may only contact your neighbors and family and friends once.

Under this statute they cannot in anyway threaten you, reveal debts to others, call you at work after you asked them not to. (This does not apply if they own the debt so pinnacle may call you at work if they bought the debt. Regular collection companies cannot call you at work if you ask them to stop.) and lastly, they cannot threaten to publish your debt in any publication, cannot threaten you to reveal your debt to others, cannot use verbal, derogatory or harsh language to collect this debt. The final thing is something you Mr. Wannabe Lawyer needs to learn. Using derogatory language is a sign of a lack of intelligence so does misspelling words. Tina

Submitted by on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 15:58

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Collector guest, you are a soon to be lawyer? You need to learn how to spell first. Half of the things you are saying don't even make sense. Aren't lawyers supposed to be intelligent? Intellectual people can find better ways of communicating that using filthy language. Of course, someone like you is going to stand up for Pinnacle! Haha I feel bad for you...maybe one day you will realize that these poor people (including myself) have IN FACT been wronged by this company, and are not the pieces of crap you arae trying to make us out to be. To the lady whose husband is in the air force and was serving in Iraq, thank you to you and your husband for serving our country!

Submitted by on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 14:10

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[QUOTE=Anonymous;487813]Under this statute they cannot in anyway threaten you, reveal debts to others, call you at work after you asked them not to. (This does not apply if they own the debt so pinnacle may call you at work if they bought the debt. Regular collection companies cannot call you at work if you ask them to stop.) and lastly, they cannot threaten to publish your debt in any publication, cannot threaten you to reveal your debt to others, cannot use verbal, derogatory or harsh language to collect this debt. The final thing is something you Mr. Wannabe Lawyer needs to learn. Using derogatory language is a sign of a lack of intelligence so does misspelling words. Tina[/QUOTE]


There are three parties to any collection case:

First Party: The consumer that gets/uses the card, borrows the money, etc.
Second Party: The company that initially issues the card, makes the loan, etc.
Third Party: Anyone else. This includes collection agencies, lawyers (when acting as collectors, debt buyers, etc.

A junk debt buyer is still a third-party collector. Buying ownership of, say, your Discover card account after charge-off does not entitle them to the priveleges of an original creditor (Discover, in this case). The JDB has the same status as any collection agency.

The only exception to this might be if you fall for one of the 'new card' scams. That's where they issue you one of their house-brand credit cards, and put the old debt on the card balance.

Submitted by unclewulf on Sat, 10/31/2009 - 09:43


( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )

This company contacted me about eight years ago and said I owed them money I asked for more information about this debt because I had no idea what this was for. Then about six years ago they contacted me again with a form to stop wage withholding. I did not here anything else from them until I received my paycheck the other day and they had garnished my wages. Is there a time frame on collecting a debt that you do owe and they need to provide you with the name od place you supposely owe this money to.

Submitted by on Sat, 01/02/2010 - 11:09

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Pinnacle Credit Services is trying to collect a past due credit card debt from me, using a company called Northland Group, Inc. After an abusive phone call from Northland Group, I sent a letter asking questions about the past due account. I sent a small payment, and proof that I am indigent. I got back a letter stating that the amount due had been charged off in 2002 ($1379.31) but there was accrued interest of $2092.13, for a total due of $3471.44. No mention of the small payment I sent. My question: Can collection agencies continue to pursue debt after a Charge Off?

Submitted by on Mon, 01/04/2010 - 07:55

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Originally Posted by Anonymous
Pinnacle Credit Services is trying to collect a past due credit card debt from me, using a company called Northland Group, Inc. After an abusive phone call from Northland Group, I sent a letter asking questions about the past due account. I sent a small payment, and proof that I am indigent. I got back a letter stating that the amount due had been charged off in 2002 ($1379.31) but there was accrued interest of $2092.13, for a total due of $3471.44. No mention of the small payment I sent. My question: Can collection agencies continue to pursue debt after a Charge Off?

Did you ever receive a letter of collection in the mail? If so, did you request debt validation within the 30 day window required by the FDCPA? If a debt collection agency owns your account, and you did not expressly enter an agreement to pay interest and fees to that collection agency, than they cannot charge you anymore than what the already existing balance is.

Under Section 808 Unfair Practices of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act under the Consumer Credit Protection Act, federal law prohibits a debt collector from collecting any amount (including any interest, fees, charge, or expense incidental to the principal obligation) unless such amount is expressly authorized by the agreement creating the debt or permitted by law.

Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 01/04/2010 - 08:10


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

They just "appeared" on my credit report like a credit card or loan company. Is this legal?

Submitted by on Tue, 01/05/2010 - 12:15

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Regardless of your credit score getting dinged, how you deal with these idiots is to get a quality phone that offers call-blocking features. They will call from two or three numbers but just add them as you go. And never answer the phone - screen all calls. And I bought a decent shredder where all of their letter go unopened. Ta-ta idiots (Pinnacle)!

Submitted by on Fri, 01/15/2010 - 09:27

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This company hires B & T Financial services who are located in Germantown Maryland to collect on old accounts this B & T Financial Services are very, very unprofessional they will call your relatives if they do not have a number for you. The owner will tell your relative you are being sued which is illegal for them to do, not only that the only thing they have right to do is ask for your location information and phone number it is illegal for them to give any detail about the supposed debt. If this happens to contact an attorney who handles collector harassment this is an automatic lawsuit, these dummies will even leave messages threatening to sue you which is a voluntarily recording that can be used against them these dummies practice collections illegally because this is effective most people don't sue them 1 out of 99 people sue them Pinnacle is no stranger to lawsuits trust me. I recommend that whatever account they are calling about that you do not pay the account. Contact a lawyer immediately. If Pinnacle is not the actual company calling you but they hired B & T Financial to collect on it you can sue both companies trust me on this.
B & T Financial will tell you that they are working for the orginal creditor they are not these dummies do nothing but lie do not believe anything they say it is only to get your money third party collectors pay about 10% of the debt balance for these accounts.

Submitted by on Fri, 01/22/2010 - 18:04

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Originally Posted by Anonymous
IJust received a letter from you and I have no clue what's for. They say I owe $1466.84. I don't know what they're talking about. They say my account number is GW22811. Can you help me.

We are not affiliated with this company, this is a public forum dedicated to helping people get out of debt.

After receiving this letter of collection from them you need to send them a debt validation letter within 30 days of receiving it! Make sure you send them this debt validation letter CRRR so you will have proof that you met the criteria of the law by making this CA validate the debt.

Submitted by Shazzers on Fri, 01/22/2010 - 19:36


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

Pinnacel is tring to collect a balance on a Captial One credit card that I have never had. How can I get this matter taken care of. The account was opened in Nov. of 2001. I called Captical One and I was told they have no record of me having a visa account with them. No one can send me a copy of a form I signed to open this account. I am tired of the phone calls from these people and I have tried to take care of this matter for 9 years now. Please help. My e-mail address is [email][/email]. Thank you for your time in this matter. Paul Studiner

Submitted by on Thu, 01/28/2010 - 18:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

pinnacle debt collector has contacted me and are harrassing me at work i do not have any other phone # so they call here. i am the only income coming in the home of 5 people. can i make them offer to settle account.

Submitted by on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 05:02

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Pinnacle is using my social security; number to put illigal information on my credilt reports.

Submitted by on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 11:10

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I was wondering if there is an account in your office in my name for verizon wireless. This account is listed twice on my credit report and is not mine. I never seen or signed for any phones and want these removed from my credit report. They have failed to send proof that this is my account in a recent letter that I sent them. Please take care of this. I do not get any infromation on this in the mail, it is causing many problems for me

Submitted by on Sat, 02/13/2010 - 10:10

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I am call by try on this resolve this account CL253486
will check my credit report on this month(2010)
please send any answer or phone number by contact a your company. at this adress [email][/email]

Submitted by on Tue, 02/16/2010 - 11:29

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In August, I closed an account with Alltel, because I was moving, and no longer needed the service. I did this over the phone, and the woman I spoke with told me that my account was, as of them closed.

For whatever reason, in checking my credit report, it showed a $436 negative account with Alltel. I never made any late payments during my contract period, so this did not make sense.

I disputed the claim on Experian, and attempted to all Alltel. The woman I spoke to said my account was not in their records, meaning it must have been cancelled, with no remaining fees due. She said I would need to contact a credit bureau to figure out why the account was negative on my CR.

Now, a few weeks later, I checked again, but now, apparently Alltel handed over the account to Pinnacle.

I am not sure what good writing them will do, as I imagine that Alltel just gave them inaccurate information, or failed to close my account properly, but I do not know how to obtain proof that this debt is not owed from Alltel, since the woman I spoke to was unable to find me in their system.

...what do I do?

Submitted by on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 06:20

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I just dealt with Nelson Watson and what a joke. The lady who called was very rude. I know I owe the money and I tried to accept the offer SHE provided...she responded with "the statute of limitations is about to run out on this so you are not the one calling the shots here." She then stated "why do you think you don't owe this money". I told her I was only accepting HER offer. She then informed me that "i have a boss too"...whatever that means. I hung up on her and called Pennical...I got no where. So, I called Neslon Watson back and asked for a supervisor. Believe it or not, someone with a brain got on the phone. I told him I was calling for the mailing address so that I could mail a cease and desist letter as well as file a lawsuite. I informed him that I would not be doing business with them because of how I was treated on the previous call. I told him that if they chose to proceed with legal action over a debt less than $500 that I'd be happy to see them in court. I also had the previous conversation recorded and willingly proved that I could play it back for him. In the end, he worked with me on this debt. It started as an $900 debt ($500 being fees added over the last 3 years) and our settlement was less than $500 broken into 2 payments. It is important to note that this amount is less than what I tried to accept with their original offer. The good news is, they will talk to you if you have them by the balls.

Submitted by on Fri, 02/19/2010 - 11:54

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That's great news stormin82. I was contacted by them recently about a valid debt. What I thought was student loan - I consolidated my student loans a few years ago and just thought this was part of it. Turns out it was a private loan from the institution. *sigh* another debt - but OK I'm willing to make arrangements. What they quoted me as a monthly payment was way out of range of what I can afford. I make less than 50% of what I used to a year and a half ago. If it were then I would have just written a check and it would be over. They keep calling me and I keep telling them I can't afford the payment you want. They keep telling me to try and get a personal loan. It's like your favorite all time joke. They keep saying it and I keep laughing sarcastically and tell them my situation. Then today someone called and did the same thing with the loan suggestion - THEN told me if I give them a copy of a loan denial then they will put me on a low payment plan. Gee, doesn't my meager salary cover that issue? Sorry but I am not going to apply for a loan and get denied. Plus, that also puts a ding on my credit. These people are idiots. I have never heard of that tactic either.

Submitted by on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 00:01

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Are you high?... I spent the last 10 minutes having some mouthy witch tell me she doesnt have to explain anything to me and that they dont handle the accounts, that i have to contact the underling holder they have, and guess what?...the 3rd party pinnacle underling says i have to speak with someone at pinnacle in regards to fraud... So i called pinnacle back only to have their telephone witch tell me all she could do is have them call me,,. And its been call,,,, they are crap, they shouldnt be allowed to conduct business this way, and i dont appreciate their inferrment that i am skipping out on a bill. I have proof that i lost my wallet, a report was filed and now i have this to deal with too?? Its flipping 2#%^$^%****sh**t.

Someone needs to take them down or shut them down.

Submitted by on Thu, 02/25/2010 - 09:37

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Is this bill still $ 240.00 the other com. stephen michaels said they don't have it said to call you

Submitted by on Tue, 03/02/2010 - 10:12

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all i want is answers regarding my bill.and why they have'nt remove it from my still showing up that i have'nt paid it.i do have all my receipts,but i still dont understand why an agencies like this does weird things.likeyou pay your bill in full as they stated,but then you still have it popping up on your credit report.

Submitted by on Sat, 03/20/2010 - 14:54

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I had an acct. through verizon wireless. They offered a special deal for piolet ins. empl0yees working during the hurricanes of 2005, they let us get wireless internet without a contract because they work was temporary. Now pinnacle is trying to collect an early termination fee and 2 months of service . I had already closed the acct and did not sign a two year or any contract. I have asked them to send a copy of the contract which they cannot get from verizon because there is not one and i keep getting sent between verizon pinnacle and Nelson, Watson and Assoc, llc this is still on my credit report and i am at a loss of what to do?

Submitted by on Mon, 03/22/2010 - 10:11

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