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What do you do for a living?

Submitted by bastoops on Fri, 10/16/2009 - 14:11
Posts: 353

i'm sure this has been done before, but i thought it sounded like fun. going along with an idea from shazzers post, since most of us here are adults, you dont have to get too technical, but i would like to ask. "what does everyone do for a living"?

i guess i'll start it off. i've been working for an auto finance company for the last 5 years. i get to sit at a desk and hit buttons on a computer all day. sure there is more to it than that but i dont want to get fired for company disclosure, just in case any of my co workers are trolling the boards. =)


Great post! Bring back the old comradery that has been missing from this site recently!
I have been in the lighting industry for longer than many of you have been alive. By lighting, I mean when you walk into a building like a restaurant or office, or out into the parking lot, you can see and things look good as opposed to chandeliers and wall sconces although I do that also! Landscape lighting was my specialty at one time! I got laid off this year and have been writing articles and a novel and studying internet selling!

Submitted by Frogpatch on Fri, 10/16/2009 - 15:24


( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

I love this site.......I do payroll, accounting, etc... And yes I deal with CA's calling on EE's all the time. I am really nasty with them. Since I am dealing with two myself right now personally ...(first time), I hate them and wont' be nice when they call. :)
You have all helped me with our employees and their problems with these low lifes. I just refer to your forums and give them the advice I have read on. Thanks a bunch.

Submitted by meinindy on Fri, 10/16/2009 - 17:37


( Posts: 61 | Credits: )

Soaplady - now I understand your username :) I always thought you either liked to watch soap operas, or that maybe it made some sort of reference to you being on your "soap-box".

I control a privately-held finance company -- basically you could say the owners have entrusted me to run their business for them. I manage day-to-day operations, underwrite new loans, supervise credit & collections activities, and perform anything accounting-related. Since the 1950's our mainstay has been, like bastoops, financing automobiles and other chattel goods (motorcycles, boats, furniture, appliances, etc).

Submitted by DebtCruncher on Sat, 10/17/2009 - 12:30


( Posts: 2293 | Credits: )

I'm retired now.
I use to work with legislation of schools and universities in my country.
I was a supervisor from government in brazil.
I worked in new york city 13 years ago .
I was a cashier there.
I live in miami now for 13 years and since i came to miami
i took care of my husband that became blind and mentally ill.
My husband grew up in new york city.he is cuban and he is fluent in english,spanish and husband became blind with retinitis pigmentosa in both eyes.
I was very luck to find debt consolidation care friends.
Today my poor husband is not more harassed for ltd 77074 and portfolio recovery associates bad debt collectors.
Today my husband leaves in peace.
Thank to all great members of debt consolidation care forum.
People here never cares about my bad english.
People here are so great that i have no words to thank them.

Submitted by tsacgiv on Mon, 10/19/2009 - 08:30


( Posts: 2106 | Credits: )

I've been working in the financial industry for the past 9 years, I used to be a teller/personal banker and now I'm an Admin. Assistant in our Commercial Banking Department. I work for one of the top ten Commercial Banks in the U.S. I also work part-time retail.
My last day at both of my jobs is October 30th as I'm moving to Stone Mountain, GA..right outside of Atlanta. Don't have a job officially lined up but I have a few leads so I'm hopeful...Thank goodness for my supportive soon to be fiance. (found the ring by mistake) :-)

Submitted by PinkLady on Mon, 10/19/2009 - 09:05


( Posts: 1720 | Credits: )

Tania, You don't know how much you mean to everyone here. I used to come in here after a bad day, or a nasty phone call, and there you were. All of you uplifting messages always put a smile on my face!!! You are an asset to this forum!!!!

Now back to the OP lol.

I now work with cheese :) We take 20#, 42# and 640# blocks of cheese and we slice, shred, grate, and cube the different cheese for grocery stores, resturants, deli's and other companies that may need a small package in a kit. This is the perfect job for me because I LOVE cheese. But there are a few that I have found I don't like the taste or smell of, like my least fav. is Romano (you leave work and pray your car doesn't soak up that smell) I hate the smell of Parm., blue cheese makes me just sick, Swiss I just hate the taste, and Feta cheese (you need a rain suit to work with this cheese, there is so much juice it's just gross) I have been doing this for almost a year now. Before that I used to build lawnmowers and snowblowers (that job sucked big time)

Submitted by puddlejmpr on Sun, 11/15/2009 - 22:58


( Posts: 1634 | Credits: )

i am pretty much a stay at home mom, but i do pretty much anything i can for some cash here and there i clean houses, babysit, wash cars whatever. Scince it was costing me more to go to work than to stay home this is how i make ends meet. as retarded as it sounds i saved money by illiminating child care costs, fuel expenses, and vehicle maintence i have alot more time to dedicate to watching my money closer, clipping coupons and whatever. But i have to say that this is the hardest job i ever had and i dont get paid for it! but in the end its all good!

Submitted by love_my_things on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 05:56


( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )