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US Cash Advance harrassing me and coworkers

Submitted by atinad on Tue, 08/11/2009 - 10:20

Hi Everyone,

I am new here. I received 6 calls back to back yesterday from "Officer Roy" who refused to say what company he was with.

A few minutes later a coworker contacted me saying that an Officer Roy called him saying that I was named in a lawsuit and used him as a reference. They said the name of the company was FID in Florida. I have never met this coworker before either.

Soon, another coworker is contacted by the same guy. And the same thing was said.

They never called my extension back. Today, the person above my boss called me into a meeting because an executive received a voicemail from "Roy Martin" aka "Officer Roy" saying that I was named in a lawsuit and that he would be sued with me since he is named in there as well.

This is embarrassing and slanderous. I don't know what to do. The number that they left on the executive's voicemail is 888-296-4293 and when the manager called they said the company is US Cash Advance. I am in Illinois.

I called them back and told them not to call me at work. I gave them my attorney's name (a well known consumer attorney that sues payday lenders), they didn't take down the number. I told them that they broke the law by contacting third parties without my permission and that they need to contact me in writing.

PLEASE HELP! I don't want to be embarrassed and harrassed at this job anymore. I told my manager it was a scam so now they are sending out an email to EVERYONE to ignore the calls. But my name is still being slandered.

What can I do?

They will have all your information, call your family and threaten you to pay!! Don't give in just copy the phone and get the name and address and call the FTC and file a complaint. If you have a phone service were you can block them from calling you, always keep a record of the phone numbers they are calling you from. They are from India informed them to send you a certified letter in the mail stating what you owe, if the can't provided you with that information within a next couple of days you know they are a fraud company.

Submitted by on Tue, 08/10/2010 - 16:34

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They called me 3 times today from a 830-865-3445 threaten to take me to court and jail over not paying a payday loan. Asking them for more information they said they would see me in court unless I sent them money now. They have Asian accents and are calling from a cell phone in Texas which is unlisted. Bunch of frauds!

Submitted by on Mon, 09/20/2010 - 10:40

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I received a call from Dominic Jones today threatening to issue a warrant for my arrest for several charges, ranging from wire transfer fraud to money laundering. He claimed to represent Easy Cash Advance. He has a very heavy Indian accent and can be hard to understand. He has called from the number 315-663-2876. So if you see this number on your id, do not answer. I am a US Soldier and after discussing this with the JAG, I found out that several soldiers have fallen victim to the threats of this man. If some extra money ever showed up in my bank account, believe me I would be the first to notice. Please continue to passed on the word about these people and take the necessary steps to protect yourselves so things like this can stop.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/28/2010 - 21:38

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I just received a call from someone saying they are the law office California saying I owe $745.22 to PayDay Cash USA and if I could not pay by tomorrow, they would send an office to arrest me. When I asked for details of this alleged pay day loan from PayDay Cash USA, they would not respond but just kept threatening to have me arrested after I insisted on speaking to someone whose language I could understand, asking me if I have an attorney that could represent me and proceeded to say that they were going to send the police to arrest me the next day. I told them to do what they do and hung up. This same thing happened to me about 2 months ago and I am still waiting for the police to come and arrest me for "money laundering, racketeering, and theft."

Submitted by on Mon, 10/25/2010 - 18:14

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had the same thing happen to me. I received a telephone call on my cell phone a couple of days ago (I recently defalted on a payday loan) I sent information to the company and noted that i would be willing to pay the principle in payments if they provided me with the license number in the state I reside in and if they provided me with a physical address where I could mail payments to. So, when I got the phone call, I assumed it was regarding this. The guy spoke VERY broken english. I had to ask him several times to repeat himself. He stated that he was calling from the legal department. He told me that I would be charged with Theft by Deception, abuse of Federal Banking Laws (whatever that meant) and something else that I can't remember. As I inquired further as to what company he represents, he could not answer me and stated that "we represent several companies". He did have some information about the amount of the loan ($300) and told me that I now owed $731.33. But, if I paid in full today, it would only be $519.00. I then asked to speak to someone from the company he was representing and he gave me the name of Allen Anderson and Mr. Anderson's phone number. He said that it didn't matter if I talked to Mr. Anderson though because "at the end of the day, I am the one that makes all the decions." He further stated that a court date had been scheduled for me for 11/15/10. I asked where (l o n g p a u s e) then he stated the Federal Court in Minneapolis. (I don't live in that jurisdiction). I asked for a copy of the complaint against me and he stated that he didn't have the "soft" copy because it had already been forwarded to the court. I said, who would file a complaint with a court of law and not keep a copy? No anwser. so for fun, I alled Mr. Anderson. Another man with a thick accent. He basically said the same thing. He also told me that he didn't have a copy of my file because he had forwarded to the "legal department". He told me that they did a "back ground check" and could see that I had never been in legal trouble, had no criminal back ground, nor had I ever had my wages garnished. Which is all true, but could have been assumed. I told Mr. Anderson that I would like the complaint and any other information e-mailed or mailed to me then I hung up. I looked on line about the compnay and found all kinds of complaints so I didn't worry about it anymore. Then today I got another call at work from a women with a thick accent (same number as the first guy) telling me that there was a "serious legal charge" being pressed against me. I told her that she could not contact me at work and any threats that she was making to me was against the FDCA. She said "scew you." For fun, I then called the number back. The man with the thick accent from the other day answered the number, NOT the women. I told him the same thing about contacting me at work. He hung up on me. I called back and told him that they were in violatin of FDCA. He hung up on me again. I called back and told him that I never hung up on them when they called so could I please finish my conversation. I then asked him for the physical address of the company he represents so that my attorney could forward a complaint to the company that he represents. He said the address is 212 F---ing Road and hung up on me again. For anyone else that deals with theses idiots, the first guy calls from New York. "Mr. Allen" is in california and the best I could do is find out the location and that it is a cell phone. So they are clearly not legit and I wouldn't worry about them.

Submitted by on Thu, 11/04/2010 - 13:44

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They called my neighbor yesterday. Then said they would send the authorities to my husbands work place. tHEY HAD SOCIAL #' ROUTING, AND CHECKING #. They used the names Gary Cooper and Jason Scott and stated they were from the legal dept. of U S Cash.I called the real U S Cash and was informed they have received many complaints.

Submitted by on Fri, 12/10/2010 - 15:07

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i received a call from a man claiming to be a oocr officer, james anderson of the federal credit line. he stated that i owed $781.11 to us cash advance. i have never taken out a loan with them . the first day i talked to them i was a bit intimidated. i agreed to cooperate only because i was scared to go to trial! he said if i lost i could go to jail!!! i agreed to fax a letter saying i would comply AND a copy of my license and cc. i thought that was a bit strange so i decided to seek advise and after i talked to a few co workers we all agreed that it sounded like a scam so i didn't fax anything and decided to look into it. i went into my bank and looked through all my records to see if anything had ever been electronically deposited for the original amount of the loan they claimed i owned. $360. there was no record. the next day they started calling at 6am!! when i finally answered i asked him to give me the loan number and the specific date that i supposedly received the loan and he refused to give me any information. he said he only had partial information and that he didn't want to give me false information. i started getting upset and asked him to send me a fax or e mail with more details and he refused then transfered me to another agent. the man i was transferred to didn't give me a name but told me that he was trying to help me out by letting me pay in payments of 205 weekly. i said no and that if i really owed that much money i wanted proof. he said after i finished paying it all off that he would send me a letter stating my debt was cleared. i then told him that if i really owed that money o would pay it but first i wanted to make sure that this wasn't a scam so i wanted some sort of proof to present to my lawyer, i don't really have one ha ha ha. just said it to see what his response would be. once i said that he lost it! he started yelling at me threatening, accused me of theft, said i would end up in jail!!! he yelled some more and hung up, quiet a performance!! i went on the us cashed advanced website and there is a warning there about these guys, i don't know where they got my information but i know that i don't owe us cash advance anything!! i live in sunny california. they are based on the other coast!! they don't do loans over the phone or on line. unless i took a trip to the other side of the country that i don't know about it all a scam. beware of these shady characters, they sound indian and had american names! i made a claim with the FTC (federal trade commission/(877) 382-4357.) and if you are a victim of this you should as well!
these are all the numbers that those f*** faces called me from
707 797-7261
949 456-8553
714 555-1102
800 593-26 (that is the exact number that showed up on my caller id! weird i know lol)

if you really are in doubt though get a credit report! i got one and as i suspected, nothing showed up for us cash advance!

this is the cash advance website that warns you against these idiots!!
i hope this helps! :)

Submitted by on Wed, 01/12/2011 - 13:24

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I have been called agt least 50 times with threats of this nature. I just want to know what can be done here. We can all post our complaints, but what can \be done abut it? These harrassing calls are causing great mental distress for me and my family. We are elderly and don't need this kind of stress on us.

Submitted by on Wed, 02/09/2011 - 17:00

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I to keep getting calls from a robert carter from a 7726264087 numb and hes from us cash advance why do these people think they can get away with threating people the way they do why cant they get a real job and make theyre own money how do i get them to stop!

Submitted by on Mon, 02/21/2011 - 08:11

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Unfortunately there is no real way to get rid of these losers. many are based overseas and are very hard to track down to send C&D letters or to even sue!

Several tactics have been suggested such as never answering their calls or just hanging up on them every time they call. Some even suggest to turn the tables and just shoot the breeze.

The goal is to get them to let up. If they think you can be intimidated into paying, or are avoiding them because you are intimidated then they will not stop.

I have dealt with these types of calls myself and have tried all ways. Quite honestly the way that has worked for me is to simply be bored and flippant about the whole thing....or if you have nothing better to do, talk to them for a while...just keep saying things like, "I don't know why you bother to keep calling as I don't owe this debt and nothing you say means anything to me, but at least I have someone to talk how is the weather where you are?" Just keep that up, "So how are you today? I am having a bad dog ate my slippers so now I have to get a new pair..bummer huh?"

They will scream and yell, they will call a few more times then they finally realize you will not be intimidated and are just wasting their time and will leave you alone. Unfortunately it doesn't last for very will go silent for a few months then it will start again, but so far from what I have seen it eventually tapers off.

Submitted by goldenbast on Mon, 02/21/2011 - 11:06


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the new scam # is 866-447-9180
this is Ben or Adam or Raymond Scott
they barely speak english and it is extremely
embarrasing at work!!!!!:confused:

Submitted by on Tue, 02/22/2011 - 16:47

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This is Lester Wayman and I'm sending this message to US Cash Advance in regards to a pending lawsuit they have against me. I have never recieved any type of loan from you or anybody else and I can prove it on my bank statement. You require direct deposit and I have direct deposit and there isn't any record of any type of loan so I'm filing a police report regarding this lawsuit and whoever got this so called loan in my name. I will be faxing a copy of my bank records proving I never recieved any type of loan from US Cash advance.

Submitted by on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 18:20

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We are not US cash Advance...we actually help people who have been taken in by these scum.

Whatever you do, file your answer to the court and show up! During discovery you demand proof of said loan (signed contract, account number they allegedly deposited money into, statements, etc.) also enter your own documentation as evidence.

Whatever you do, do NOT send copies of your bank statements to the people suing you....they will clean you out. Or, if you do send them, redact your private information such as account number.

DO file a police report in case of identity theft.

Submitted by goldenbast on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 19:50


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i have also recieved these calls from a jack harris and an angel brown, the number is 704-266-4317. i have never recieved a cash loan the only loans i have are for my college. and these people are quite aggressive and rude!!!

Submitted by on Mon, 03/07/2011 - 14:31

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i have also received these calls from a jack harris and an angel brown, the number is 704-266-4317. i have never received a cash loan the only loans i have are for my college. and these people are quite aggressive and rude!!!

Submitted by on Mon, 03/07/2011 - 14:31

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i just got a phone call saying i owe 7000 dollars due to a loan i got for 6000 that i never received. I swear these people from INDIA need to get a taste of their own medicine.. first a lot of loan companies don't even approve a college student for that much in-less its for school which is a completely difference process. I was suppose to be arrested 5 minutes after the call its been 8 hours. Just so you dont get the calls from this guy. His name is David Jones or that is his claimed name. Hes a huge mcassmuffin.. Im in Virginia and the call are coming from California and they say i live in AZ. Dont answer these numbers 310 359 0427 or 310 405 4216.. They completely recited my whole social my ip address and my boyfriends and his mothers social numbers.. This is reticulations.. i have had a total of 12 calls today alone

Submitted by on Fri, 03/11/2011 - 15:32

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Just don't act like they scare you at all...these are likely overseas and you have no real way of stopping turn the tables on them and just shoot the breeze for a while and laugh when they do any threats....seriously laugh and say they are so entertaining....they HATE that. If you just hang up on them they think you are scared and they won't let up...but if they know you are not the least bit intimidated they lose interest.

Submitted by goldenbast on Fri, 03/11/2011 - 20:03


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They are using a new number 760-300-4019
with mangers name as michel and worker who called initially named david cooper. When i asked for their office address, i was given. 2010 bryan towers, indio, ca 95205. The zip code is from sacramento not indio.

Submitted by on Mon, 04/11/2011 - 13:25

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I got my first phone calls from these goofs today. So, I reported them the the FTC 1-877-382-4357. Then called Experian to put a fraud block on my SS# 1-888-397-3742. They will contact the other two credit bureaus for you. Now, the best advice I have seen on this scam is as follows: When you see them calling, pick up the phone and aswer it by saying: Criminal Investigation, Fraud and Scam Division, How may I direct your call. Im sure they will stop calling then!!!! I just really feel sorry for those people that really fall for it and get scared. Also, no one can ever come and arrest you for a bill that you owe. And anything under a certain amout is considered a Civil Suit. Just a little info for all my friends out there. Do not be played for a fool!!!!

Submitted by on Thu, 05/05/2011 - 15:28

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I lived in California and yesterday someone leave a message in my voicemail stating they are US cash advance and I have an outstanding loan with them that they have taken money from my bank and I keep on having insufficient funds.I never have loan with this people,so I told them I have my bank statements to prove for that..The guy whatever his name has very thick Indian accent.He seems to know my address,where I work ..I filed a police complaint with this people..The number they called is 2066299392

Submitted by on Thu, 07/07/2011 - 08:30

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THESE ARE SOME OF THE NUMBERS -404-048-2462//347-875-9500/818-302-7558 :mad:--LET US GET THESE FAKES

Submitted by on Mon, 07/11/2011 - 20:41

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This happened to me today and I almost fell for it. I took out a payday loan with another company and hadn't paid it back they left me a message this morning saying they were pressing charges against me and that I needed to pay them $246 by the end of the day loaded on a prepaid Walmart card.after thinking about it I realize it was a scam. I called the company that I took out the payday loan with and they said they hadn't escalated my account so I filed a complaint with the FTC and put a fraud alert on my credit report be ause they have ALL my information. Then when I called requesting they don't call me again the guy told me he would call me day and night and I told him to f off, then he said he would f me and asked for my bra size....I hung up and they haven't called since. I suggest get your number changed get a fraud alert put on your accounts change your banking information and inform anyone you know.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/18/2012 - 17:22

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That is totally uncalled for. That sounds like he threatened a sexual assault against you. If this jerk calls back...get a whistle and blow it into the phone as loud as you can...break his eardrums.

You should also report this to the police....not only did this scum violate collection laws be threatening to press charges, but he threatened sexual assault..that is a CRIME. In this day and age you can't be too careful..let the police know this guy has all your personal information and you don't feel safe.

Submitted by goldenbast on Tue, 09/18/2012 - 17:58


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Thanks for the information. I got a call from them yesterday and they told me that they are going to arrest me tomorrow at work. I ask who they are and what companies they represent they could not tell me that is when i knew something was not right. I told them that I will call my lawyer.They have new phone numbers that they are using:



Submitted by on Thu, 09/27/2012 - 21:07

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So I also got phone calls from these guys as well. I also know that this is a big scam so what I did is I am playing them at their own game. I keep calling them back and making up names and asking them why they keep calling me. I know they have caller ID or something along those lines because after calling a few times they would just answer the phone and hang up on me . I think its actually funny and then one of the guys I was talking to started singing some arabian song and kept asking me you like my song?? These people are rude and ridiculous . PLEASE do nto fall for this scam !! But by all means have fun and play them at their own game !:p

Submitted by on Tue, 10/16/2012 - 09:08

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I have been having this very same issue. Broken-English-Speaking "Joseph" and "Daniel" are working with a female, Very-Good-English-Speaking-But-With-Eastern-Accent "Kelley Smith". They have called me about 25 times today alone. Yesterday, they called me 19 times (until I turned off my phone) and my job twice. My superviser is the one who brought it to my attention that it might be a scam, so when I called them back today, I told them that my lawyer needs certified documentation of what I owe, to whom I owe it, and the name of their company. "Kelley", instead of answering ANY of my questions, just wanted to shout and make threats, so I told her that I wanted to speak to a superior. She kept shouting so I hung up. She called back several times and each time I told her that I was not interested in hearing her voice, I wanted a superior. Finally, I got a call from a man. I believe it was"David". I asked him all the same questions. He muted the phone before each answer- to settle on a final answer, I'm sure. I could hear "Kelley" in the background talking to him every time I asked a question. He said they are with "Obar-Keller Law Group" in Dallas County (no such law group exists in Dallas County) and US Cash Advance has filed a suit against me because I took out a loan for $772 (I don't know why they chose such a random numer) and didn't pay it back, so they are taking me to court for $7,500 unless I pay the $772 immediately- as in at that very moment. I told them I would call them back. I knew I had not taken out a loan through US Cash Advance, but I checked anyway, in case someone had in my name. Not the case. I called "Obar-Keller Law Group" back-- by the way, all the "employees" answer the phone "hello". I'm sure most professionals don't.-- and I informed them that I have no loans with US Cash Advance. They proceeded to shout and threaten to have me served at my job. I responded with, "I'm fully aware that this is a scam and you will not get a dime out of me. I'm recording this phone call and I'm filing a report." They hung up on me and I haven't heard back from them. Normally, they'd have called at least 7 or 8 more times by now.

Also, my sister had this very issue earlier in the year. When she told the man that he was lying because she had not taken out any loans so she didn't care if he took her to court, he asked her if she would care if he sent a bomb to her house!!! These people are crazy.

Submitted by on Thu, 11/01/2012 - 14:48

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One more thing. I have not rcvd one letter in the mail from US Cash Advance or from Thomas and Associates before I started rcving the phone calls!!!! Asked about that and he said that they were sent. Ya, right!!!!

Submitted by on Mon, 01/21/2013 - 16:13

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Submitted by on Wed, 01/23/2013 - 09:28

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dont stop just keep doin it i have 4 ppl other then i calln nonstop i have like 8 numbers they are gettin a lil upset with me,,,,,,AWW AINT THAT A SHAME U DIRTY PIECES OF TRASH

Submitted by on Wed, 01/23/2013 - 09:19

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I got a call today claiming that they are from the Federal Trade Commission with a phone number (401) 216-6165 and they won't give me who I supposedly got the loan from.

Submitted by on Tue, 04/30/2013 - 13:45

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I am getting calls from 484-373-2513. This is the number I was told to call in regards to a debt collection. These people are rude, and have no idea how things really work here in the US. I live in California....

Submitted by on Tue, 05/07/2013 - 12:18

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the new number they giving out is 917-525-3474 and they have a middle eastern accent. i had to have the cell company put a block on that number which they call 15 times per day then try to call my job. i told them this is aplace of business and they cannot call here . she was insisiting to speak to me and i said i will transfer her to the security dept because she is harrassing the place of business and she hung up.. they claim i owe for US cash loan which i never owned. how they got my info , i dont know but this is embarring. i reported them to BBB already.. thats a shame..

Submitted by on Thu, 05/09/2013 - 10:38

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I actually do payday lending in MS. I had a customer come in upset. She had already sent them over 500.00 with a prepaid debit card. When I made a courtesy call to them to find out more info I was informed that they are coming for her. And that she owed another 420. She is aware this is a scam. I feel so bad for her. I hate these people. Anyway they are calling from San manteo?, CA and its a Jessica ray and erick that you talk to. The number is 650.425.1325. I told her to file the complaints and she could not be arrested for this. They called her over 10 times and left a legal dept message at her job. They were repeatedly told to put her work number on notice and he got livid. An amazing thing is when I left the message for jessica ray to contact me back, I didn't leave my number and she called about 20 seconds later. I wish her the best and told her I would help anyway that I could. Yes I am a collector, but I am by the book!

Submitted by on Fri, 05/10/2013 - 20:12

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