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Protocol Recovery Service - Know more about this collection agency

Submitted by Jedi Mistress Ari on Wed, 02/15/2006 - 18:36
Posts: 2192

Protocol Recovery Service is based in Panama City, Florida and has a satellite in Atlanta, Georgia and a soon-to-be closed satellite in Pensacola, Florida. Outwardly, it's a good little agency. The office was small and ramshackle, the management staff consisted of two people. The Administration, Human Resources, Payroll, and Reception departments were all the responsibility of one woman.

On the surface, a good little agency. Some adherence to the fdcpa but not as much as there should be, and not as much as at CCA. It's third party collecting retail accounts, bank cards, Discover, Rehabilicare, and the dreaded payday loans.

After just a few weeks it became hell. The stupid preset goal goes up every month whether you're ready for it or not, and those who aren't reaching it become recipients of heckling, harassment, and ridicule from management. There was no "establishing trust and building rapport" it was always "make the demand and shut up"

I'm a good person, my collections experience was born in a strict FDCPA environment which was also positive and professional, and the focus was on helping the borrowers. At Protocol, the focus was on serving the client. I was told several times that my open-minded "student loan" aproach to the borrowers of payday loans was "corny".

Long story short (I'm sure you all know what happened) I don't work there anymore. I just couldn't take it anymore, not to mention that Protocol Pensacola is no more after March 24, ha-ha!

I understand what you felt very well. After working in a healthy atmosphere, it's really very suffocating to join such a bad company. Wish you a better life after March 24.

One thing Ari, could you tell us if collection agencies monitor all outgoing and incoming calls or not. Sometimes consumers hear some beep sounds at regular interval but the callers usually do not disclose the fact. Is this legal while calling a person who belongs to a state that does not support recording conversation without the permission from both the end? Do the collection agencies use these recordings for legal proceedings or these are kept secret for evaluation purpose of the collectors only?

Submitted by stanley on Thu, 02/16/2006 - 09:55


( Posts: 1639 | Credits: )

The Georgia PRS has been harrassing me with phone call 6 days a week at all hours of the day and evening. The people they are looking for had the phone number I now have. I have had this number for over 2 years. They do not believe me when I tell them I am not so-and-so. You worked for the FL PRS, what should I do ? Thanks.

Submitted by on Tue, 10/03/2006 - 12:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I live in southeast FL. protocol recovery service
from Georgis is calling me about someone who used to have my phone number. I have told them every single time that it is not me. They still call and ask when my husband Joe will be home. My husband's name ain't Joe ! This is not our debt.I wrote them a letter and they still call me anyway. What should I do to get them to stop already ????

Submitted by on Tue, 10/03/2006 - 12:03

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Did you give the letter the utmost legal importance? The letter should sound in such a way that if you receive any more calls from them, the fdcpa laws will be violated and you will file a class action lawsuit against them. Send your letter through certified mail with return receipt requested. Here is the template in which you can insert your info.

Submitted by keystrokes on Tue, 10/03/2006 - 12:56


( Posts: 495 | Credits: )

PRS contributed to the Georgia AG's campaign so I don't think I will have alot of luck there. I did write to him, and he has not replied.
I sent three letters to PRS, the last telling them I filed a claim with the FTC, which I did. They still call me, so I guess they have been down this road before !

Submitted by on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 16:30

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What I can tell you is that the people who work at Protocol are not exactly the brightest stars in the sky. These are people who worked the fryer at Mickey D's before landing thier junk debt collecting jobs. Maybe they have been down this road before, maybe they are on the good side of the AG which sounds pretty corrupt to me, but nevertheless they still have to obey the law. Contact the AG anyway, who cares who funded who.

Submitted by Jedi Mistress Ari on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 16:38

Jedi Mistress Ari

( Posts: 2192 | Credits: )

Thanks everyone, for your ideas.
I did not want to reveal my name and address to Protocol as I feel they have no right to know my business. They are contacting me for the people who had the phone number years ago.So I couldn't send a certified RRR letter without revealing my name and address.
I think Protocol would look up my credit history and try to reactivate some 10 year old account or something sleazy like that. I don't trust them at all !
I too filed with the FTC and I wrote to Protocol and told them so. Of course I told the FTC my name and address and all the info.
I also wrote to the FL AG who is in the midst of a big election campaign - he wants to be governor. So I thought this would be a motivation to help out a citizen and registered voter. Thought he'd schmooz with his probable pal/buddy, the AG of the neighboring state, GA, but no, he wrote back a form letter and said he can't do anything as it's GA not FL. I guess I'm too idealistic.
I hope the Federal Trade Commission really does something, takes some action and isn't all talk. Because I feel I am really a VICTIM here ! I have nothing to do with this and my family is being harassed!!By fry cooks no less ! (* + * )

Submitted by on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 19:10

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I too am being harassed by this agency, I have told this company that the person they are looking for has never had this phone number and to stop calling, but the calls continue. The person they are looking for did own our home about 4 years ago before we purchased it. I have done some research of my own and found the owners name of Protocol Recovery Service, his address and his home phone number, if I continue to receive harassing calls from him, I plan to start calling his home and give him a taste of his own medicine. If any one is interested in doing the same let me know and I will pass the information on to you.

Submitted by on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 05:53

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Betty Betty Betty !
How did you ever find it ? I searched all over the internet just to get their old address in Marietta. Then I found they moved to Woodstock in 12/05 and never bothered to update their listings. And of course they kept the same phone number as Woodstock and Marietta aren't that far apart.

PLEASE Betty tell tell tell !! I will call that #*^( !
Betty, I think I love you !! What a great idea. You must be going throu such %^!* !

Submitted by on Fri, 10/20/2006 - 16:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I'm so depressed. I just received my "answer" from the FTC. It is basically a form letter - thank you for your correspondence -and stating the fdcpa.
I sent the FTC copies fo my letters to Protocol Recovery Service where I q

Submitted by on Fri, 10/20/2006 - 18:39

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

(whoops it seems I pushed the wrong button there....) to continue .....
where I quoted the sections of the fdcpa that Protocol had violated !
The FTC obviously did not even READ what I sent them !
Then they go on to say how to file a dispute with the collector if I believe I do not owe the debt.
Was this response written by a machine ? IT IS NOT MY DEBT !!!!!! I am so thoroughly disappointed in the FTC ! Thanks for nothing at all !
Betty, it seems I will need that info on the owner of friggin Protocol Recovery too ! I will have to do this myself as the FTC won't do anything ! Damn !

Submitted by on Fri, 10/20/2006 - 18:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I went to the GA. Secretary of States website, clicked on Corporations, put in the name Protocol Recovery, the current owners name and home address came up, I then looked them up on "white" and found their phone number.

Submitted by on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 00:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The following is the registered owners name obtained from the GA. Secretary of State, Corporation Division's website.

CEO: Mary C. Cerny, 120 FARMSTEAD LN, ROSWELL, GA. 30075
CFO: Richard H. Cerny, 120 FARMSTEAD LN, ROSWELL, GA. 30075.
SEC: Mary C. Cerny
AGT: Richard H. Cerny

HOME PH: 770) 552-4030


Submitted by on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 00:56

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Betty and anyone else - As I stated in my last post, PRS moved 12/05 to 655 Molly Lane Suite 120
Woodstock GA 30189-6519. The info on the move to Woodstock and the date was given to me by Scott Everingham, the Marietta Business License Office Manager. PRS closed out it's Marietta business license. Mr. Everingham did not have the address in Woodstock. That I found on the web on Registered collection agencies operating in the States of Oregon and Utah !! and on the Link deleted as per forum rules - Mike
as well.
On one of the internet pages about PRS, I found a name listed as the "contact person" for PRS, a Rick Cerney. Could this be your Richard H. Cerny CFO ? I sent my last letter to PRS to his attention.
For me in southern FL, this would be a long distance call and at my expense so I may wait a bit to call and see if i get any responses from my letters first.
Thank you so much for the info Betty.

Submitted by on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 12:09

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I think I am still in shock that they are not taking any action on my claim. I guess I was naive to think a government agency would do anything to help a resident. Here I told PRS yada yada yada I filed a claim about your law-breaking activities and they probably just had a good laugh over it. I'll probably just get more and more calls.
I really am very upset about this. Here I thought I had it all taken care of - open and shut case, they violated the law and I reported them.
Looks like they are gonna continue to operate the same way and mess up other people's lives. And everyone wonders why ordinary citizens- the middle class- the poor-are not getting involved and are not voting - here's part of the answer ! They don't care about us, that's all. I am so disheatened and disgusted. I have to go take a walk outside............

Submitted by on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 13:44

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Glad to help Jeanne, even if you can't call, send him a letter to his home.
BTW, I also received a form letter from the FTC stating the same thing.
The only thing left to do is to take matters into our own hands and call and write him at his home.

Submitted by on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 14:44

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I received another call from Protocol last night; I waited for awhile then called Mt. Cerny at his home dirung dinner, he was very nice and told me that he would take care of the problem within 5 minutes, he also gave me his cell phone # to call him direct if I had any more calls.

Submitted by ray_42244 on Tue, 10/31/2006 - 05:56


( Posts: 5 | Credits: )

Thanks to Jeanne and Ray and Betty and Ari! And maybe even Rick Cerney !
My phone has been so quiet lately. I have not received any phone calls from PRS in two months. I pray that this is now over.
Thanks again everyone. I hope your calls have also stopped. Happy Holidays to everyone! A Happy and Healthy 2007 to all.

Submitted by on Mon, 12/11/2006 - 08:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i've had problems with them, too. unfortunately the terms of the settlement i reached with them prevent me from discussing the details, but i can share this...

the prez & CEO is Rick Cerny, and his cell phone number is 770.361.6444. The VP of Operation is Mark Sapota and his cell phone number is 770.880.0100.

Submitted by on Wed, 12/20/2006 - 20:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If we all would just pay our debts then these agencies would not be contacting us. They have been very helpful in my situation. And my credit has been restored.

Don't you people have anything better to do than to go online and talk a bunch a crap about people you don't even know?

Be careful, carma comes back around. Just pay your bills or file bankruptcy.

Submitted by on Wed, 01/03/2007 - 16:08

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Guest You should know. Sounds like you have had a bite taken out of yours. KYSIDE38

Submitted by KYSIDE38 on Wed, 01/03/2007 - 16:37


( Posts: 2477 | Credits: )

Protocol kept calling me and I told them that I was not the person I was looking for. I called Tripp at 866-705-9580, he is in the legal department. Call him and he will help you stop the calls. Also, call your local police department and file harrasment charges. I have not receive a phone call in over one month, finally.

Submitted by on Wed, 01/03/2007 - 19:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Reading this thread makes me want to point out several things.

Collectors have a reason to call unless you are a wrong number we call you because you have borrowed money by choice and not paid it back by choice.

The people in this thread crying and complaing about the rules didnt care about the rules when they choose to keep money or goods that they didn't pay for. What is the difference between shoplifting and purchasing items on a credit card you dont make payments on call it what it is.

As for the ex-employee who moderates this thread it seems to me you most likely could not cut it in the collection field which is why you are so bitter. You sure as hell didn't mind taking the companies money when you worked there were was your moral stand at that point?

Submitted by on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 13:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Just the facts,
You are a moron if you read this thread and that is all
that comes out of your little pea sized brain. People were being called after cease&desist letters,after being told this is the wrong person,etc. Your firm would be asking for a lawsuit breeching all them law violations and I would include every collector personally. As for Ari,she is a stand up gal and I take great offense when you try to compare her to such a useless garbage collector like you.She could not bring herself down to your level morally that is why she left. Now carry youself back to your little cubicle and go lie to somebody else to get money out of them and thank the world it isn't me on the phone.

Submitted by cajunbulldog on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 14:07


( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )

Ari is a waste of protoplasm she couldnt cut it as a collector that is why she is on this board crying about her old company. You are a DEBTR who would rather cry like a small child than take responsibility and pay what you owe. PAY YOUR BILLS LOSER

Submitted by on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 14:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Actually, cajun is doing quite alright. He, Ari, I, and others have a special place in our hearts for the collectors who cannot do their job without breaking the law. I, too was a collector, and I was able to do a great job, staying compliant with all relevant state and federal laws...I averaged 136% of my budget. Not once did I have to resort to idle threats. I possess the intelligence to collect fairly. This forum deals mostly about the lazy and/or lowbrow collector (ex: I'm gonna have you downloaded...).

Submitted by Morningstar on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 14:18


( Posts: 1633 | Credits: )

Let's face facts,

Ari tried and failed as a bill collector that is why she moderates this board if you honestly belive she was not canned because she couldnt hit her numbers and that is why she is out of the industry you are a gump.

As for Cajun, he is bitter because he owes money refuses to pay it back and the people he owes have called him and ask him to honor his contract and repay his loan. Go figure a company would loan money and than have the nerve to ask the loan be paid back what a horrible concept.

As for Bald Brittany, I perfer the Brittany with hair and a future from five years ago all jokes aside you want constructive advise tell the unemployed shut ins on this board to get a job, some money so they can pay there bills and have a little pride in themselves.

Submitted by on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 14:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Pay your bills,
You are clueless! I owe no collector a stinking dime. I am on this board as a advocate. My credit is and has been positive on all accounts since 1991. If you must talk down to someone to avoid looking in the mirror,then go ahead.Just remember I am your worse fear. I am a advocate with the law on my side and there is no debt to hold over my head to make me dance. Hell soon as I can gather enough support I want to start looking into shutting down every collection agency nationwide that fails to follow the law. Now go back to your miserable cubicle and leave us working people alone.

Submitted by cajunbulldog on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 14:43


( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )

Pay Your Bills You wouldn't know reality if it hit you in the face! Yes - the people here are having trouble paying their bills, but not because they don't want to, but because some unfortunate set of circumstances happened and they went into a tail spin finacially. Many of us took out pdls thinking that it would help us get on our feet, not realizing that many of the companies are charging outrageous rollover fees and are lending illegally in the most of the states in the US and putting us in a hole like never before. Many of us have been downsized by companies and are working for 1/2 of what we are worth or what we once took home. In my case if I don't work at least 5 hours a week overtime I don't even make minimum wage in take home. You just came here to stir up some dust and for your own s@#tz and giggles. Crawl back into you little hole before your employer finds out that you are on a site that is probably not allowed in your line of work. As for Ari - you only wish that you had an nth of her class.

Submitted by Colleen H Carrocia on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 16:04

Colleen H Carrocia

( Posts: 1117 | Credits: )

You are thieves and losers.

Ari if you could cut it as a collecotr you would still have a job.

The rest of you should take a long hard look in the mirror and figure out how TO PAY YOUR BILLS instead of stealing live right stop taking what is not yours.

Submitted by on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 09:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

is cajun on the board?i cant believe tht u r on this page complaining whn i use to wrk w/u and u never came to wrk,tht is why u whr fired.not b/c of ne of the jibber jabber tht i have been hearing.u use to b a nice homest man,what happened????

Submitted by on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 09:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well - if you live by that mantra - you should stop working for the slimey scum of a collection agency that you work for. They are liars, thieves and cheats, so you should practice what you preach. As said before, we all acknowledge that we owe a debt, but, we will not be strong armed into paying something that is not within the guidelines of our state laws. When you charge 2-3, maybe 4 times the amount of interest, the debt under the heading of usuary. As far as I know, that is illegal. When you have walked a mile in any of our shoes, then open your mouth, til then get down on your knees and thank the Good Lord that you have your health, a roof over your head, food to feed your kids and a job with which to do so. And stop acting holier than thou. Homelessness is only a pay check away, and you could find yourself in our position at any time. Go back under your rock!

Submitted by Colleen H Carrocia on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 09:29

Colleen H Carrocia

( Posts: 1117 | Credits: )

cajun i cant belive tht u r on this page complaining,i use to work w/u.and u missed more work than u were there for/and the end u were always complaining about the papar(even though everyone else ws working the same paper/AND HITTING THERE BUDGETS)u were wrking,how cold or hot it u cld tell the difference between 75 and 76 degrees(like thr ws a drastic change in the temp)That is why u were fired/accessive tardiness and creating friction on the floor/u use 2b a nice man.WHAT HAPPENED.Have u ever heard of accountability

Submitted by on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 09:31

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I don't know who you are referring to guest,but this cajun works in the oil&gas industry as a supervisor.As far as pay your bills,I was refunded social sec. tax from the ages of 13-16 years old because I was too young to establish my account. Have not stop working yet.Been on this rig for 43 days straight now. That's staying on location 6 hours from my house and missing my family.So you can kiss my hairy butt with your go to work comments! :evil: I work more hours a day than most people would put up with but it damn sure ain't to make you happy. If you must think I am getting out of my bills,then do so to make your pisspoor ego feel better!By the way let me post my ficos for you since you obviously have no understanding of what a person with good credit is about:
Transunion: 805
Experian: 795
Equifax: 775

Submitted by cajunbulldog on Tue, 03/06/2007 - 09:32


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