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Improving Credit Score

Submitted by on Wed, 02/09/2011 - 17:20
Posts: 202330

A year and half ago I lost a good paying job and had to accept a ???temp jobs??? that was paying about 35% less than I was making.
[SIZE=3]Unfounately, due to COBRA, and House payments, I was not able to pay my credit card debt. [/SIZE]
Luckily, I was able to afford to settle two (at a very, very low settlement amount) of my four past due accounts within months of losing my good paying job. The third I was able to get on an interest free plan, (which I???m now going to settle at a reasonable $ amount), The fourth Account was a Citi MasterCard with AT&T that is now in collections with asset acceptance other than a few Medical debts, this is the only debt that is delinquent. I have tried to call them, but it seems they only work 9 to 5 and my messages have not been returned. I would really like to settle this debt.
I now live in a new state, and have a good paying job again, but I don???t want to be sued or miss a court date, due to being out of state.
[SIZE=3]According to my credit report, they also say I owe about $3,500 more than I owed on the card that is in question. [/SIZE]
So my questions: If they sue me: don???t they have to summons me to court personally, or can they just mail it?
Does asset acceptance have a customer service number with reps available after 5 p.m.?
I have seen advertisements from lawyers/Law Offices that claim say they can take negative information or charge off accounts off your credit report, therefore improving your credit score within a years time. Is this true or just another gimmick?
[SIZE=3]I plan on paying the medical debts soon. Do they affect my credit score the same as the credit cards?[/SIZE]
I have always paid my house payment & utilities on time, yet my credit score is in the tank at 580,
I need to improve it very fast, as I plan on buying another home soon.
Should I try to get another credit card (all my old ones are closed) and use it wisely to improve my credit / payment history? If not what is the best and fastest way to improve my credit score.
[SIZE=3]Thanks for any help you can provide. :p[/SIZE]

The court will either send you the summons personally or they can mail it to you. You can check out all about Asset Acceptance from the given page: . You can even get their contact details there. However, it will be difficult for me to let you know whether or not you will be able to talk to them after 5 p.m.

Rather than contacting lawyers in order to remove negative information from your credit report, it will better if you could take steps on your own. Once you pay off the debts, you can write goodwill letters to your creditors and request them to remove negative information from your credit report.

Medical debts also have similar negative affects on your credit report as your credit cards. It is better to settle the debts. Once you pay off the negative accounts, your scores will slowly start improving.

You can take out a secured credit card and start making regular payments on it. This will also have a positive affect on your credit scores and it will be easier for you to qualify for a mortgage.

Submitted by Anna Sweeting on Wed, 02/09/2011 - 21:01

Anna Sweeting

( Posts: 1827 | Credits: )

I have been paying on a lot of old debts for the past 3 years. My progress has been awesome and my score is slowly creeping up. One of my original creditors showed that I was late and then just stopped reporting all together back in 2005. They had sold it to a collection agency and I recently paid it off when I had the money. I am just curious how this sort of thing looks to people assessing my credit report... if you look at it I have an account that was deliquent and then I have a seemingly unrelated collection account that was paid off. I wanted to know if it is possible to get the original account to reflect something different or if I just have to wait 7 years for that sort of thing to go away? Will the original and collection account go away after 7 years?

Submitted by on Sat, 02/12/2011 - 12:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )