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Two of my Sears accounts were purchased and placed with NAFS

Submitted by on Fri, 02/24/2006 - 22:17
Posts: 202330

Anyone ever had to deal with National Action Financial Services, Inc. (NAFS)? Last week two of my Sears accounts were purchased and placed with NAFS. I have been working with a debt settlement company for over a year. Things had been going well, but about a month ago my advisor with the debt settlement company quit without notice. Unfortunetly, clients were not informed of this. She had done an amazing job over the past year with my creditors. Now that she's gone things seem to be unraveling. I'm hoping once they get reorganized things will improve again. However, in the meantime I have NAFS breathing down my neck. I owe about $19,000 between the two accounts they have taken on. Does anyone know what this collection agency is like to deal with? So far they seem very uncooperative, and not willing to settle. They just took these accounts last week. Do you think they may be more willing to settle after a month or so? Also does anyone know how often they attempt lawsuits? Thanks...NDebt

I will say this much. I went and did a little research on this company and from what I have found, they are KNOWN for their harrassment!!! Hopefully someone will come along that has actually dealt with these people but from what I've read through doing a google search, they are huge harrassers in the worst way. There is a website of a law firm that represents themselves as 'consumer protection and class action lawyers' that have a list of collection agencies on their site that they are asking if anyone has any information on and your collection agency is on that list. Among many others. I take it that they've received complaints and are trying to collect up as much evidence on them as possible. This is a sign that they don't play fair. I will continue to research what I can until someone else comes along that maybe has actually dealt with these people. shirley

Submitted by imkimssister on Sat, 02/25/2006 - 13:38


( Posts: 1301 | Credits: )

National Action Financial Service
3587 Pkwy Ln
Norcross, GA 30092-2827
(770) 248-9909

(National Action Financial Services, Inc.)
165 Lawrence Bell Drive
Williamsville, NY 14221

Additional Business Names

Finance Services
Sitel Corp..

Additional Telephone Numbers

(716) 565-1040
(716) 650-6240
(800) 695-9134
(800) 982-0484.

Additional Addresses

2877 Brandywine Rd. Ste. 300, Atlanta, GA 30341

5601 Bell Dr, Buffalo, NY 14186

7277 World Communications Dr., Omaha, NE 68122

P O Box 9027, Williamsville, NY 14231-9027

I got this info from the BBB, says they have a satisfactory record, and they are a BBB member.

Submitted by TMD on Sat, 02/25/2006 - 13:42


( Posts: 280 | Credits: )


First, collection agencies cannot bring lawsuit against you if they are not given the legal power by your creditor. Nor a collection agency, neither your creditor will be interested in settlement. It is the efficiency of your settlement company to convince them and get the settlement approved.

You can ask your settlement company to handle these accounts too. This will help you avoid the chaos. Or if you decide to do it yourself, then send them DV. This is the first step of debt validation. Once they receive your letter, they have 30 days to send all the details of the account. If you find any ambiguity in the validation, dispute it. If they cannot verify it, you need not pay them.

One more thing, have you tried talking your creditor? Inquire if you can settle the account directly with your creditor or not.

Submitted by stanley on Mon, 02/27/2006 - 09:52


( Posts: 1639 | Credits: )

Isn't illegal for a Collections Agency to not identify theirselves?

NAFS(National Action Financial Services, Inc.)
165 Lawrence Bell Drive
Williamsville, NY 14221

CAller ID number will be 716 650 6240 and they will ask you to call......800 982 0484

Submitted by on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 06:11

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?? 804. Acquisition of location information [15 USC 1692b]

Any debt collector communicating with any person other than the consumer for the purpose of acquiring location information about the consumer shall --

(1) identify himself, state that he is confirming or correcting location information concerning the consumer, and, only if expressly requested, identify his employer;

Submitted by on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 06:25

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If NAFS behaves themselves, treats you like a person, and obeys the fdcpa, you can trust them and work with them. If they do otherwise, tell them to pound sand, then go ahead and work something out with the original creditor, Sears.

Sears also contracts with LVNV who also contract with Protocol Recovery Service, both agencies are crap, so I would be leary of any collection agency in business with Sears, they don't seem especially concious of this.

Submitted by Jedi Mistress Ari on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 16:57

Jedi Mistress Ari

( Posts: 2192 | Credits: )

i worked at nafs for years, in williamsville, ny. i can assure anyone who is being contacted by them for any reason, you need not fear a lawsuit. nafs doesn't own any of the paper placed in their office for collection. they are not authorized to initiate legal action on any account, and this is known throughout the office. therefore, for a collector to even suggest the possibility that they are going to sue you would be a direct violation of the fair debt collection practices act. be wary though, because there are many ways to insinuate a potential lawsuit, possibly by the original creditor or a law office down the road. just know that so long as the account is with nafs, there will be no legal action, whatsoever. and nafs themselves has absolutely no say or influence whatsoever when it comes to determining where the account goes once it is recalled from their office. this recall is usually done after 6 months, where no payments or arrangements have been set up.
now, although most collectors these days are, in fact, unethical when it comes to following the fdcpa, there are some collectors there who can be considered cooperative. a reduced settlement payoff is always an option, whether the collector admits to this or not, but not all clients that place their accounts at nafs for collection allow for multiple part settlements. most often, the client will require a settlement in one payment, or at least the lowest settlement quote must be made in one payment. hope this information is useful for somebody.

Submitted by on Tue, 05/30/2006 - 21:52

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I have a Sears account that is now with Citibank. They arrangement they wanted to give me wasn't all that bad, but still unaffordable for me. They wouldn't budge. I contacted Sears directly and spoke with a manager who said that they could not discuss my account with me because it was now with Citibank and I needed to contact them. Sears did tell me that if I went into a Sears store, that they would accept payments from me. I have started doing this. It is not an arragement, but it is at least showing that I am making an effort to pay what I can and they are accepting it.

Submitted by jcrab1 on Wed, 05/31/2006 - 06:39


( Posts: 86 | Credits: )

I am receiving these same phone calls as JackNJill above. I to my knowledgs don't owe anything to any one.

They leave a recorded message saying to call the 800 number. The voice on the recording is the same all the time even though he keeps on changing his name, and they never identify themselves nor do they identify whom they're calling. I did a search on google on the 716 number, and got to this thread.

I have so far 14 messages saved in my voicemail.

Please Advise,

Submitted by on Wed, 06/07/2006 - 13:22

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leibtek, I will suggest you to call them back and inquire about the purpose. You should not get calls without a legitimate purpose. If they don't have anything to prove, your name must be off from their system. Don't ignore otherwise calls will never end. Besides, you are in a stronger situation to send a cease and desist letter as you don't owe anything. If you do, it needs to be proven in writing

Submitted by Gretchin on Wed, 06/07/2006 - 17:00


( Posts: 482 | Credits: )

I don't owe anybody anything, and if I do, my depts are paid on time, but this company keeps calling me. The last message was very rude, so I called the 800 number, asked for the person that left the message so I could give them a piece of my mind. The man finally came on the phone, asked for someone by name (not me) and I said, 'No, I'm Holly' and tried to say more, but he hung up on me.

How RUDE!! They better stop calling, I'm getting fed up!

Submitted by on Wed, 06/14/2006 - 04:50

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I just received a phone call on my cell. When I called the number left 1-800-982-0484 the person that I spoke with (Frank White) insisted I was someone else (someone I never heard of) and said this person made a phone call from my cell phone. I explained I never heard of the person he was asking for and insisted this person called him on my cell phone. I am the only person using my cell phone. He was extremely rude. I had no clue who I was speaking with until I found this phone number 1-800-982-0484 on the internet. Now I know who I was speaking with.

Submitted by on Thu, 07/06/2006 - 07:06

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Every collection agency I look up has something negative said about them.... The real question is can you find something good said about a collection agency. Does anyone have a postive remarks about paying a bill that they haven't paid in over a year? And if you know direct me to the website!

Submitted by on Mon, 07/10/2006 - 20:24

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I have just hung the phone up on the above menbtioned collection agency. they have been leaving their now famouse message that i call back that 800 number and settle this annonymous matter asap. "rude" would be an understatement! the guy who picked up the phone was as nasty as can be and did not stop shouting and when i asked him to chill hung the phone up on me! i kept on calling them back until i got him to promise to remove me from his records. i propose anyone who has gooten harrased by them to block their numbers and just keep on calling them and blocking their lines! that should teach them a lesson or two i believe!

Submitted by on Thu, 07/13/2006 - 08:49

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I haven't even launched my internet business yet and I've been getting calls from NAFS looking for a Carlos Ruiz. I got so tired of their messages that I finally picked up. The man had the right name of my company and my address, but asked for Carlos Ruiz. I told him that he does not work for my company, then we said goodbye and hung up. It's still nagging me that someone knows of a business that hasn't even gone live yet. It makes me nervous that I might be a potential victim of fraud. I don't owe anybody anything, and I always pay my bills on time. So how in the world do these collection companies have the right to get your info and go after you? I'm completely confused. Just trying to make a living and support your family is becoming increasingly difficult with all of these scams.

Submitted by on Thu, 07/13/2006 - 15:17

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To confused.. It's possible that your # or address may be old information of Ruiz. If your phone # or address listed to the name of your company in directoy assitance that is how they may have known that information. If you get a message from an company and they have a wrong # call them back to let them know right away. The calls will continue until they get contact. Don't worry I don't think your being scammed. If you are worried about fraud it may be a good idea to pull your credit report every 6 months to see if there is something there that shouldn't be. Careful though, you don't want to many inquires, it will bring your score down.

Submitted by on Sun, 07/23/2006 - 16:07

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My mother was receiving calls and quite upset. First time I called I asked to know who they were trying to reach - I was told the phone number that was being called was not in their "database" - chalked it up to a misdial. BUT the calls kept coming! Finally called back and when I asked "Who are you trying to reach at this number?" again told phone number was not in database.

Because I got a "human" I started asking what was going on - only to have the same refrain - "that number has been pulled or is not in our database". When I mentioned State Attorney Genneral, harrassement the gentleman acted concerned. When I made the comment that no one left a business name or personal name when calling I had a problem (especially since I was returning a call they made!) When I pointed out that when he answered the phone with just a "hello" ( no personal/professional info - just hello) he got nasty and hung up on me.

THANKS! for the address info! Now I have some ammo to go after them and give to the AG's office! This is bs - you call them back and get the run around and they claim nothing, but they still keep calling!

Submitted by on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 17:34

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NAFS will do any type of look ups on any family member, and leave messages on their machines as well. I have family members being harassed for a deceased family member, and now they are constantly calling the inlaws house. My MIL has repeatedly informed them they are NOT to call her home anymore, but the very next day, she gets more, sometimes two a day. We have now taken action and filed a complaint with the FTC and she can actually receive at least 1K and perhaps more for this constant intrustion, and daily harassment they do. She saves all incoming numbers and names, writes down the times they come in, and then I make another complaint to the FTC on her behalf.

Even when she picks up the phone, it can be an automated recording, but a few times, she has spoken with someone, and when she told them NEVER to call her home again, and that they do not have the rights to, the 'employee' replied: yes we do, and I'll make sure this continues until we are paid. Then told her she was 'obnoxious and rude' before he hung up on her. :P The gov't loves stuff like that when they get that in their complaints.

Just remember to log all calls, because even if you DO owe someone, they cannot harass you, the law states that. And NAFS is known to tell people they will 'sue them' for payment. Sears must make that determination, not them.

Submitted by on Sun, 08/13/2006 - 13:58

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I always paid on time until I ran into a big problem, lost my job. Over time I owed Sears and explained the situation and told them I would do everything humanly possible to start paying off the account. Suddenly I started getting threating calls from Sears collection agency. The lady screamed at me caled me names threatened me called me every min on the min called my parents. I told the lady I would try to get some money but she gave me one day. She said the whole amount must be paid. Well, I didnt have the money. She gave me a bad credit and I did pay off the account in full and asked them to pardon the bad credit for 6 years. THEY SAID NO. ALSO THEY TOOK ALL MY SEARS POINTS THAT ACCUMULATED OVER THE YEARS. I WANT JUSTICE. I WANT ALL MY POINTS BACK. THAT WOULD BE STEALING FROM ME AS A CUSTOMER. ANY ADVICE.


Submitted by on Mon, 09/04/2006 - 16:04

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My family member got a phone call from nafs asking for me, and when I called the number back they said they needed the original phone number or my s.s. # to see what the original call was about. Now that seems fishy to me beings that if they called for me my name should be on a computer screen or something cause I sure wasnt about to give then my s.s.# over the phone? Also when the called my sis in law they were extremely rude and rude to me as to they hung up on me when I wouldnt provide my s.s.# So I am wondering what do I do? Cause I have no idea what this could be in reguards to?

Submitted by on Wed, 09/06/2006 - 07:33

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I keep receiving calls like everyone else here, my latest was today. I have made several calls to this company to tell them that the person they are looking for is not at my number. Each time they tell me they are removing my number from their system. Today I called and I had a hell of a time finding out their exact name and where they were located. One woman put me on hold for so long, I hung up and called back. The next person hung up on me when they found out I wasn't who they were looking for. They again insisted my number is removed from their system. How can I report this company, and get them to stop calling me?

Submitted by on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 16:26

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Is this legal? She is not a co-signer or anything.

Thanks in advance,

Submitted by on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 02:32

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These people call and call and call..... I've called them back I don't know how many times and told them they have the wrong number, they are asking for a male, and there are no males in my household. Each time I am assured that my number will be removed from the system, but it has yet to happen. I just called there AGAIN, and spoke with a receptionist who said that everyone was gone for the day and her computer was shut down so there was nothing she could do for me. When I asked her name she said 'It doesn't matter' and slammed the phone down on me. I'mreally getting tired of these harrassing calls that don't even belong to me. I filed a complaint with the FTC, I'm not sure what else to do, but it's really frustrating!

Submitted by on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 09:56

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It amazes me to find these jerks are members of NYS BBB? Or is that listing a scam?
Frankly, I don't see how these people even collect a debt.
The first call I recieved was in October 2006 and was told they were attempting to collect a Sears debt that had long been in dispute. When I attempted to explain this the person simply hung up?
Calls then began EVERY day for the next 2 months! What is incredible is that the person was always obnoxious and rude and would end by hanging up - never once did the person calling even try to "collect" this debt - it was plain and simple harrassment.
Which struck me as bizarre since if they were trying to collect a debt this was sure a strange way to do it.
When I didn't answer or was unavailable they'd leave this pre-recorded mesage - loud (and a pathetic attempt to sound intimidating)and threatening but a VAGUE warning I better call them back implying legal action would be taken. This tactic gets ridiculous after the 10th message in one month!
Since these people would NOT talk intelligently on the phone and would always hangup! Once the person claimed he had talked to me "3 days ago" and I had promised to pay? No such conversation took place. Yet before I could reply he hung up!
Is this how you try to collect a debt?
To finally end this nonsense I sent a cease & desist letter and the calls stopped.
I would advise anyone who is contacted by these idiots - don't even waste time speaking to them - it serves no purpose. They will continue to call so you must send a cease & desist ASAP.

Submitted by wjm13 on Wed, 01/17/2007 - 05:11


( Posts: 2 | Credits: )

I was looking online for some info on NAFS and found this site. For those who have dealt with NAFS, I would very much appreciate your insights. I've never had a bill go to collections, so I have a few questions to ask. first, the scenario...

my wife and I married months ago. her past accounts had been purchased by a private collector last year, and her attempts to negotiate a settlement with this company failed -- they didn't want to hear about it. They were rude to her on the phone and hung up. She tried calling back several times, but they would not pick up, until she called from another phone. THey must have caller ID or something. anyways, when she identified herself, they hung up.

Months later, we receive a letter from an attorney's office from across the state who submitted an order. She responded to the order, and we had not heard from them since.

Beginning last week, NAFS have left voicemails, identifying themselves from the "pre-legal" department, and has asked for her or her attorney to return the call.

My wife does not appear on any of my accounts or on the house title. questions are:

(1) since this has been submitted to the court, and NAFS appears to have some influence on this account, what are the chances that we could negotiate a settlement with them? When she got back on her feet last year, she tried in earnest to negotiate a settlement. again, she has not heard of any follow-up from the court situation.

(2) while I was not involved in her accounts in collections, now that we're married, is there a risk to my financial assets and records, even if she is not on my accounts?

(3) what exactly is a "pre-legal" department, and what is their role?

and one more question:
(4) should she/we retain an attorney?

Thanks much, and any other helpful information to me would be truly appreciated.

Submitted by needhelp on Fri, 02/16/2007 - 16:39


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I had a great exsperience working with these people.
They were great to work with and very cooperative.
They worked a deal with me and everything was cleared

Submitted by on Fri, 04/06/2007 - 15:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I had just received my first and hopefully last call from this NAFS. I do not owe anything to anyone besides my monthly payments that are always on time. This rude guy asked for a name similar to mine but a different first name, so I said that I never heard of that person. He then said loudly, "GOOD, CAUSE SHE'S IN BIG TROUBLE!" and then immediately hung up the phone. I looked up this 716-650-6240 number and came up with this NAFS company out of New York. Looking up one of the site's, it said that it is a company, if you'll even call it that, that hires junkies that are pissed off at the world that seek revenge. They do this job to support their drug habits and probably owe money themselves. I am surprised that they don't have a private number knowing that they give a number and an address. Don't anybody stand for their CRAP!!!

Submitted by on Mon, 04/09/2007 - 06:58

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I received a call from this bottom-feeding toilet of a company tonight, regarding a "supposed" debt, from 2001. I told them not to contact me any further and the woman screamed, and I mean screamed "oh, I'll be contacting you allright, you had better get an attorney!!!" and hung up. A class act they are.
If you are called by scumbags such as these:

1. Do NOT acknowledge any debt they claim you owe, whether you do or not.
2. Tell them NOT to contact you, your family, your friends, and your employer.
3. If they persist, tell them (without acknowledging anything) that you need to see something on paper. When you receive their correspondence, write them a letter telling them you do NOT acknowledge the debt, and for them to stop contacting you in any way. Send this certified requiring a signiture.
4. Know the statue of limitations for the state you reside in now.
5. Don't give in to threats, especially from a company like this one.
6. If they call you after 9pm. or before 8am., politely inform them that they are breaking the law, and hang up.
7. Once you've identified them, when they call, either screen your calls and ignore them, or hang-up when you know it's them.
8. Don't volunteer ANY information. Even if a debt is charged-off, or past the statue of limitations, acknowledging that you "used" to owe ANYBODY, can re-age/renew the debt. Simply act stupid and tell them you do NOT acknowledge any debt.
9. Be patient, and polite. They will give up eventually. Being firm, yet polite, seriously irritates bottom-feeders. :)

Submitted by on Wed, 04/11/2007 - 17:44

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I am a debt collector at nafs and am offended by what is being said in regards to the company. Althought there are many collectors that are rude and don't care if they are helping someone in need or not, what about those of us that go above and beyond our jobs to make sure people are treated right?

Submitted by on Thu, 04/19/2007 - 14:42

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I went negative with chase bank and it got sent to nafs. I paid it off in december but now i have another collection agency calling me wanting payment for the same thing. I was told that nafs was supposed to send me a letter saying paid in full but I have not recieved any. I am going to attempt to call them and find out what happend. Thanks for the information above. I could not find a web site with there information. Thanks again!

Submitted by on Tue, 06/05/2007 - 14:13

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I am convinced this company is sometype of scam. By law, a debt collection company is required to identify themselves as such.

They keep calling my house, saying they are Courtney etc and ask for my husband by his first name. They refuse to saw what the "important legal matter is". I told them my husband was deployed and they wanted to verify information. I believe they are phishing for SSN's and other information. I told them we do not conduct any business over the phone and they could contact us by mail with their "urgent business matter". They then hang up but have continued to call. I would not give them any information over the phone.

As far as retaining a lawyer, you don't need one. If it is an urgent legal matter it will be sent to you by certified mail and then you can decide what you need to do. A prelegal department is a bogus title just to intimidate you.

Submitted by on Fri, 06/08/2007 - 14:19

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Warning do not believe anything that nafs 9027, williamsville, ny 14231-9027 has to say or offer you regarding settlement of your accounts. I was offered a settlement and took it two payments in two months. This was offered by melissa green at 1-800-694-113 ext 2826. I have been trying to get an acknowledgement letter that the account is settled and guess what i got the runaround for two months after my last payment. Now someone by the name of denise who claims to be a supervisor says my account isn't settled. They played me for a while saying the letter was being written and would be in the mail. I talked to a donna, lori, nicole, and guess what i was scammed. Do not work with these people. Also have letters saying any problems with account to contact jim roth who is president/ceo at 1-800-847-9106. This business is truly dishonest please beware

Submitted by on Mon, 06/18/2007 - 13:02

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My husbands had two accounts 7 years ago. The accounts were with LVN. I guess they are now with NAFS. They can't take any legal action.

Advise: If you ever get served court papers for a credit card debt, deal with immediately. Otherwise, ignore the calls unless you plan to pay the debt.

Submitted by on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 16:16

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nafs is calling my job everyday. is there something i can do about this? i cannot pay the settlement, but was willing to pay something.

Submitted by on Mon, 08/13/2007 - 12:08

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I received a call from NAFS regarding an 11-year-old deficiency balance on a Jeep that my ex-husband and I co-signed for. It was his truck and he took sole responsibility for it in the property settlement. Apparently, when he turned it in, he was behind on payments. He caught up the payments and they agreed to waive the deficiency balance. I have not been contacted about it until the other day. NAFS's "pre-legal" department told me I was responsible for the debt because my ex wouldn't pay it. He even gave me my ex's phone number! Ex says collectors have been after him for years about this debt, but this is the first time I have heard about it. Now I see that NAFS has inquired on my Equifax credit report. Isn't this illegal? I have not received any letter regarding the debt. All the research I have done shows that NAFS is not a reputable company and have resigned from the BBB because they were about to be removed by the BBB.

Any thoughts?

Submitted by on Sun, 01/20/2008 - 09:23

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Anonymous 1 is right they cannot file against you, and they will have the account for about 6 months. If you put money aside I think you can arrange a settlement with the company that it is sent to after NAFS. They received the account from the purchaser witch is LVNV Funding. You can settle the account in the future for about 30% at LVNV funding if they do not accept your offer they will counter at 80% that will let you know that the account is going to another company. Best time to settle with any collection company is at the end of the month. Good luck.

Submitted by on Sun, 04/13/2008 - 21:27

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??????? I received a female voice message in my cell phone stating that either I or my attorney should call back at 716-250-4838 to resolve an issue.
??????? I was wondering what it could be and called back. One gentleman responded and I said I was calling back. I was put on hold without asking any question.
??????? A lady responds saying my name though I didn????????t tell the gentleman who I was.
??????? She said they are a law firm assigned by Bank of America to sue me because, since 2005, I stopped paying a credit balance of $9,760. In fact, I do not have any such thing and I informed her they must have mistaken because I keep records and data bases of all my credit accounts.
??????? Immediately, she started threatening me that I must pay right now or they will sue me and my life will be a hell.
??????? Interestingly, she was telling names of the credit cards I have and the accounts I have with Bank of America (BOA). She said, I must pay now either by any of those credit cards or from my accounts with BOA. She then told me exact balances I have in my accounts.
??????? I strongly argued and she hung up with threats of suing me and making my life hell.
??????? I called BOA customer service, credit dept and fraud protection dept. They said, they do not have any such thing against me. Also, I do not have any due unpaid credit balance with them
??????? I am worried that these people know my account balances. I am very worried that there are many senior citizens who could be a victim of these people because of senile degenerative conditions and amnesia.
??????? This lady is highly skilled to scare people and she is very smart. Unfortunately for her, I am too much educated, experienced and seen the world. She could not instantly victimize me. BUT she is very very intelligent and can easily scare common people and especially senior citizens. I think they are robbing people.

Any one has any idea about these people??

Submitted by on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 12:08

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The lady called me today and told me to do the same thing. She said that I, or my attorney should contact her. What scares me is that she knew your accounts and balances in your accounts.
The thing that made me wonder though is that they called from one number and told me to call them back at a different number. The number registered by the caller ID was 716-250-4800...if you google it, you'll see that a lot of people are harassed very badly.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/09/2008 - 10:10

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hello everyone, I am Cathrine. I'm new here and I just wanted to say hello to everyone, I've actually been reading a lot of posts on this forum for a while but this is my first post here :)

Submitted by on Wed, 10/08/2008 - 02:04

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A while back, when economic outlooks were better, National Action Financial Services LLC, or NASF, joined with an entity named SITEL, who claims to conduct business globally and was a very profitable customer service outsourcing company (the phone rep whom you can't understand) until the global economy tanked and the conglomerates outlook became less rosy.
SITEL, not educating themselves adequately on U.S. consumer protection laws and underestimating potential liability, began ratcheting up pressure on the NAFS collections operations to increase contributions , who then leaned on consumers too aggressively which won them at least one hefty fine in 2007 for illegal collection practices.
SITEL has not been overly generous in sharing their results since 2006, and there???s speculation that it is experiencing some losses worldwide. The fine that their collections side was penalized was absorbed and doesn't seem to have dampened their over-aggressive confrontational style. It is unlikely, given their worsening financial status, that SITEL will back off their over-zealous behavior very much for the reason that improved earnings from the collection operations are now so urgently needed, and foreign owned companies are notoriously slow to learn about American culture as well as applicable consumer law. They will likely have to take a few more significant legal hits before stepping back and rethinking the risky NAFS model.
Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 15
Commission File No. 001-12577
SITEL Corporation
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


Submitted by on Tue, 04/07/2009 - 00:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

HA - *I* am not delinquent in any debt --- they are calling for my SON (who happens to have the same name as his father, different only by II and III!) who left home over a year ago with no contact information! I don't even know if he's ALIVE b/c he hasn't bothered to call, write or email! SO, what's a mom to do?!?!?!

Submitted by on Tue, 05/26/2009 - 12:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Nafs called me to say i owe a huge bill i openedin 1995... Why take thislong to contact me,,, plus i never had this account,, they knew my ss# i wonder how they got this??? Also i dont have this account on my credit bureau..... Something is fishy?????

Submitted by on Fri, 09/18/2009 - 14:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )