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How to pay for the unforeseen expenses

Submitted by RyanGayle on Tue, 01/30/2018 - 21:42

Heard that I can't use credit cards when I'm in a debt management plan. How will I pay for the unforeseen expenses? I don't have an emergency fund.

You have heard it right.

Start building an emergency fund. Lead a frugal life to save money. Make it your goal to save 10% of your monthly income every month.

Submitted by ditchdebt on Wed, 01/31/2018 - 02:49


( Posts: 675 | Credits: )

It's high time you learn to live without credit cards. It is true that credit cards are good but, first pay off your debts and then start managing cards efficiently.

Submitted by Good Nelly on Thu, 02/01/2018 - 05:16

Good Nelly

( Posts: 2846 | Credits: )