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Midland Credit Management Inc listed on my credit report

Submitted by on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 13:51
Posts: 202330

I recently recieved a settlement offer from midland credit management, Inc. It has Associates listed at original creditor. It is also listed on my credit report under Midland Credit Management. But was not on my credit report in July 2005. What should I do about this problem?

Thank you for your prompt response. However, what I was adking for was a way to contact Midland and correct the situation. I once had a similar situation myself when Saks Fifth billed my old address in error. When I showed them proof that I had moved the year before, they apologized and removed the negative reporting. I beleive that either midkand or pac bell had a responsibility to bill the correct address and not penalize my son for their mistake. What is the law on this, if you know? And how can we contact them, if you know?

Submitted by on Tue, 10/31/2006 - 19:12

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It's not going to be removed. As far as the phone company is concearned is that your son should have 1)called in to make sure there was nothing left on the bill or 2) changed his address with them.

Unfortunatly since it's already paid you can't do a pay to remove request.

Did your Saks card progress to collections? If so was it Sak's collections or an outside agency?

To be honest you were really lucky if it was with a 3rd party collections agency and they removed it. Because they could have used the, why didn't you call when you didn't recieve your bill stance.

Submitted by FYI on Tue, 10/31/2006 - 19:18


( Posts: 1950 | Credits: )

You know, I really am surprised at your response and I don't accept that there is nothing to be doner. As far as my son was concerned, he had paid his final phone bill. He doesn't know where that came from. They certainly knew he was discontinuing his service. But how can midloand, who had no relationship with my son, get to ruin his credit when they never properly notified him of any collection action. I don't believe thiws can stand and I intend to pursue this. I will let you know if I make progress. As far as Saks is concerned, it waqs not an outside agency. I had cancelled my saks card, and in fact, all of my dept store cardes. in favor of one visa and one amex, each of which provide points for purchases. There had apparently been one small item which remained unpaid as of the last bill. I don't now how that happened but in any fcase when we investigate4d, they were very helpful in admitting the bills they sent to me had been returned as undeliverable. Which in intself was very strange because the post office had my forwarding address. I believe this was also the case with my son when he left california. Anyway, I do not beloieve or accept that one's credit can be ruined by an agency when they don't make every reasonable effort to notify you of a debt or collection attempt. Although neither my son nor I practice debt collection law, we are both attorneys and there are basic tenets that transcend most situations involving individuao or consumer rights. And notice is generally one of those tenets.
In researching, I read tht Midland is perhaps the largest purchaser of debt. Ib would think bthey have a responsibility to either not buy debt which has incorrect debtor information, or to research and acquire correct debtor information, esp debtor address for billing. It wasn't pac bell who reported my son, but midland, who my son never even knew existed.

Submitted by on Tue, 10/31/2006 - 19:37

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I'm sorry you don't like my answer. Midland is not going to care why it went unpaid. They are only going to care that it's paid. collection agencies aren't friendly, you might get a friendly agent but even they still have rules and regulations to follow. There is less than a 5% chance that Midland is going to be kind and understanding and remove the mark. Especialy if it was on there for 4 years before it got paid.

People complain so often about collection agencies skip tracing tatics. It's not like there is a magical little beacon placed inside of people to locate them. Skip tracing requires calling, relatives, neighbors possible matches, old numbers, old addresse's...ect. Sometimes it takes years to find someone, even if they aren't hiding.

I'm not trying to be mean or even hard about this. Good luck on getting them to remove it though. It's highly rare that they remove items from credit reports unless you have a pay to remove agreement with them.

Submitted by FYI on Wed, 11/01/2006 - 05:20


( Posts: 1950 | Credits: )

Midland is a "zombie" debt collector that purchases old debt months before the statute of limitations and sues for uncollected debt. Don't let them intimidate you....they are trying it on me now and I now know the Statutue of limitations...they also are involved in Illegally "re-aging" debts on credit reports. The collectors tell credit bureaus that an old debt is, in fact, a new one. The goal: To extend the seven-year limit on reporting negative items and put more pressure on the consumer.

Submitted by on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 15:38

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i sent a letter to midland vredit management @ 5775 Roscoe Ct San Diego, CA 92123-1356 and it was returned "not deliverable as addressed" is there another address for them? i need to settle this debt! please help JG

Submitted by on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 09:15

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I have a question, hope it is appropriate for this forum/site, and maybe I can get an advice from you guys?

Last week we received a letter from midland credit management - it is a Settlement Opportunity/Offer to pay alleged debt of some $350, which MCM supposedly purchased from Verizon. The letter appears to be addressed to my wife but both her first and last names are somewhat misspelled. Anyway, my wife surely doesn????????t owe anything to anyone, neither do I, our credit is spotless I believe. What should be our response to MCM, if any? I don't want MCM to try to damage my wife's credit report, not sure if it is possible if the name is not accurate, but never know what these companies are capable of.

Thanks for info in advance.


Submitted by on Sun, 12/03/2006 - 21:40

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Dave I would ask them to Validate the debt. Also you can call the orginal creditor and ask if you owe them? Its possible there could be a mistake. KYSIDE38

Submitted by KYSIDE38 on Mon, 12/04/2006 - 06:35


( Posts: 2477 | Credits: )

thanks KYSIDE 38,

appreciate your for fast reply - I've been discussing this with my wife and we figured that possibly to call Verizon would be the best...


Submitted by on Mon, 12/04/2006 - 08:22

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Dave Verizion has always been very good to me. I am sure there is a mistake somewhere. You are welcome thats what we are here for. KYSIDE38

Submitted by KYSIDE38 on Mon, 12/04/2006 - 08:35


( Posts: 2477 | Credits: )

I have a question. I have a midland credit management collection show up on my report for Fingerhut, and also had a Fingerhut account show up on my report. I disputed both online through experian and Fingerhut was deleted in about 3 days from dispute. I never had these accounts and Midland sent me a letter to send them anything that I have to prove that I don't owe them anything. How can Fingerhut (the original creditor) remove itself from my report because they know it wasn't my account, but the collection agency show that it is valid to the CAs? How do I go about getting them off my report? Any and all info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

Submitted by jarule46 on Tue, 12/05/2006 - 13:49


( Posts: 2 | Credits: )

hello, i was looking over my credit report and found you on it. i have no idea what it might be from. i know my soon to be ex-wife paid the bills, but now i don't know for sure. so please tell me how i can find out how to repay these account off and "kindly" remove you from my credit report. i can't call you right at the monent, because i am currently stationed in iraq. thanks for your time. have a great day, henry

Submitted by on Thu, 12/07/2006 - 02:56

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SOUTHWESTERN BELL D B A AT T Acct #: 851761XXXX please tell me what this bill is from. i cannot recall having a southwestern bell bill. please let me know, thanks.

Submitted by on Thu, 12/07/2006 - 03:13

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Henry this is a forum that discusses debt. We are not a loan company or collection agency. If you have debt issues please register and join us in the discussions. Best Wishes Kyside38

Submitted by KYSIDE38 on Thu, 12/07/2006 - 06:24


( Posts: 2477 | Credits: )

I have a bit of a situation here, i have just been served papers yesterday stating that i am being sued by MCM for a credit card debt that i dont ever recall having.They claim that the account was owed over three years ago, but i never had a card at that time.My court date is set for the 25th of this month,any advice on how to proceed?

Submitted by on Wed, 01/03/2007 - 11:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have had the same problem with this company I have disputed several times. They have not provided me with anything in the past year. Although my credit report shows disputed that does not help me, when I am getting denied apartments, and jobs.

Submitted by on Thu, 01/04/2007 - 05:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

There is a debt listed on my fiancee's credit report with Midland Credit mngmt. in the amount of $134.00 The original creditor is listed as SBC ameritech. It states that it was last active 6/06 but how can that be when we have not had a phone with SBC Ameritech or anyother phone carrier since at least 2002. I contacted SBC to see if i could just pay them rather than this shifty collection agency. They stated that it is out of their hands and the only way to get rid of it would be to pay the collection agency. Should i call and make a payment by phone. Can a make a deal with them to pay 50cents on the dollar. In other words how should i go about getting this off of his credit report?

Submitted by pinkey_sas on Thu, 01/18/2007 - 11:51


( Posts: 11 | Credits: )

Are you not sure if this debt belongs to you or not? It is the responsibility of the debt collection company to give you the info if they are attempting collections. You should make them validate because you have the legal rights protected under the FDCPA laws. Once you get the info, make payment arrangements as it suits best. But for now, you have to ask for the info in writing.

Submitted by BKP on Thu, 01/18/2007 - 16:13


( Posts: 239 | Credits: )

this debt is his i am not concerned about that i guess. I am just wondering how should i go about resolving this debt. He has this item and 2 others on his reports. I originaly was going to just call these places and set up an amount that they would consider as payment and pay them over the phone. But would it be better to mail them a request for validation of the debt first? (even though i am pretty sure its valid). If so then once the debt is validated by the collection agency, how to i proceed to pay it? I have been reading things that tell me that all correspondence should be done by certified mail and not to talk to any collector over the phone. What steps should i take to pay these debts?

Submitted by pinkey_sas on Fri, 01/19/2007 - 06:38


( Posts: 11 | Credits: )

in addition to the notes i entered above... i dont know if this makes a difference or not but these 3 items i am referencing to are on his credit reports but none of these collection agencies are contacting him reguarding the debts. He is not receiving any phone calls or letters from these collection agencies. We just want them off of his credit reports so that we can start to repair his credit

Submitted by pinkey_sas on Fri, 01/19/2007 - 06:41


( Posts: 11 | Credits: )

yesterday i received a letter from a company stating i was being sued but they would offer to represent me in coming to a payment plan with this company. today i got a summons to appear in court in 2 weeks. i have never heard of this company before. i got a copy of my credit report and they have hit it at least 9 times in since 2005. they list the original creditor as "associates" very vague. it is listed as going to collections in 2005 but it is scheduled to come off my report in May of this year. my problem is, i have no idea what/who the so called original bill is from. do they not have an obligation to tell you who the original creditor is, and when and from who they aquired the account. it doesnt even say on the summons, just 'associates' so i have no idea what i should so about this in court, i dont want to pay for something that has already been wiped out or i dont owe. can anyone advise?

Submitted by chelin62 on Tue, 01/23/2007 - 19:21


( Posts: 3 | Credits: )

Send the debt validation letter because this is the first legal step by which you'll be sure that the CA is doing legitimate collections. Send the letter through certified mail return receipt requested. Once they have received the letter, they will be forced to give you the details. If it's a mistake, they will have to correct it.

In case, if they try to prove your avoidance in paying the debt and file a legal case against you, the debt validation letter must be your important defense. Send a dispute letter also mentioning that you are not aware of the account ever used by you. Show the dispute letter when the judge asks for it. You have to cover your grounds strongly while dealing with the debt collection companies.

Submitted by Bridget on Mon, 02/05/2007 - 06:46


( Posts: 348 | Credits: )

When you get a letter from a collector, you have 30 days from the date of the letter, I believe, to send an -I'm disputing this and want debt validation-letter. Don't ignore it, it could be identity theft. Have you checked all 3 of your credit reports? See if they are on it, and dispute with the credit reporting agencies also, if it isn't valid. Good Luck-Keep us posted..karen

Submitted by Bossy4455 on Mon, 02/05/2007 - 12:45


( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )

i have to go to court tomorrow over midland saying i owe over $1,400.00. i have had no prior contact with them until i got a court summons. my credit report has them listed as other account, and at the same time, a closed account. they keep going in, and it will say last "updated" on my credit report, and each time it listed the due date for being taken off my credit changes. they say its a debt from dec. 2000. there is no imformation about who the original creditor is, no account info, no date opened info, it all says n/a. so i have to go to court not knowing anything about this so called debt. since id never heard from them before, i couldnt validate any of this prior. do i make them lay all their cards on the table, or ask for more time to investigate and make them validate this... something isnt right here. i guess ill play it by ear....unless anyone had any advice. but i think theyre "updating" this to keep it open, and look more recent on my report. also what about the statute of limitations to collect on a debt, which is 5 years in my state,,,

Submitted by chelin62 on Mon, 02/05/2007 - 18:04


( Posts: 3 | Credits: )

I recieved a letter from MCM stating that they are attempting to collect a debt of 3,600 for an Associates account, of which I am unaware of. I managed to get in touch with a collection agency called ARS that owned the account before MCM. ARS was super nice and extremely helpful (unlike MCM). They informed me that the Associates account was opened in 1999 and "charged off" in 2003. (What does that mean?) ARS advised me to request a validation of the debt from MCM. MCMs reply for the validation request: "I refuse to send you any validation of this account. I am not required to prove anything to you. If you are not willing to send us the amount you owe, our attourneys will settle this account with you in court." Then she hung up in my face. ARS has since then advised me to send a written validation request to MCM and not to send them any money that they are attempting to collect without validation of the account. ARS agreed that the whole thing sounds suspicious. Is MCMs refusal to give me validation of the account legal? Does it matter that the account was charged off in 2003? Should I obtain a lawyer since MCM is threatening to take me to court?

If anyone has any helpfull information I would greatly appreciate it.

Submitted by un_de.cided on Sat, 02/17/2007 - 16:33


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I had an account with Emerge Credit Card, I cannot even remember if it was a MC or Visa but anyway it was a $500 secured card. Needless to say the first mistake was mine as I was late on a payment by a week. They agreed to waive the fees and I made the payment over the phone with them. I continued to make my payment but the balance kept going up a lot. after probably 4 months I really started getting concerned and found out they did not remove the fees for the late payment and now there was an additional 79$ each month added to the balance. I tried to be cordial and explain what had happened but they did not care and told me to either pay the full amount or they would send it to collections. At that point I got extremely angry and told them to forget it, I told them to apply my 500.00 deposit to the amount due and close the account. This was all in 2003. Now they have turned the account over to MCM with a balance of 2542.00. Is this legal? Can they add 2000.00 in fees to a secured account with a limit of 500.00 which had never been over except by there fees. Total amount of purchases on the card was $437.00. I have no problem paying the amount of my purchases and even a reasonable fee but not 2000.00 in fees. This is my only bad debt left and they are just being totally unreasonable, wont let me get a word in on the phone, they keep threating to sue me and take my house and car and so forth. Isn't that harassment under the law. How long is the SOL for Virginia? Any advice will be appreciated.

Thank You,

Submitted by on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 17:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I got a letter from MCM yesterday saying "I need to pay up" or settle for a discounted amount owed to Montgomery Wards. I have not owed Wards in about 30 years. I do not owe this debt. It seems like a person has no control over your credit if a company wants to stick it to you.What can be done?

Submitted by on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 13:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I recived an account balance debt with mcm inc. Saing that i owed them $505.18 from sbc. But i've never had an account with this company ever and i want to know who i can contact to settle this problem because i don't want you to hurt my clean credit, only because of your simple mistakes.

Submitted by on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 13:02

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Maria, please do not post in all capitals. It's a violation of Internet etiquette, and it's also difficult for many people to read.

As to the claim you've received from MCM, you need to send them a letter telling them that you have never had an account with SBC and that you are formally disputing the debt. Send the letter certified mail, with a return receipt requested so you have proof that they received it. Once they've received it, they are not permitted to make any further attempt to collect the debt unless and until they send you documentation proving that it's yours. If it really isn't yours, you won't hear from them again.

You should also check your credit reports to ensure that they are accurate.

Submitted by Debt Padawan on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 14:31

Debt Padawan

( Posts: 89 | Credits: )

MCM is known to violate the law. I had a client where they provided account statements for proof the account was hers. Unfortunately for them, they doctored the account statements to show her current address on bills from five years ago. Her home was not even built at that time. Those unethical collectors will be paying big time under Texas law for this.

Submitted by texaslawyer on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 18:59


( Posts: 258 | Credits: )

Just wanted to say I stumbled across these forums by accident and found so much great info here. Tons of help thanks to all the mods who keep this going. Well thought I would share my experience and see where I go from here. I had an account with Nissan that was sold to Midland back in Feb 2001. I was hounded at work at home etc by these guys. I recieved all kinds of threats etc. I didn't know about doing the debt validation letter tell recently. So I sent that off last Nov with no response. I called them in Dec and was told they never received it, so I sent a new letter certified of course. Jan came and went they hadn't recieved it but I had a confimation they did. Instead of working the issue they sold my account off to Portfolio Recovery. My questions is A. The Statute of Limitations has passed if I am correct B. How do you work with these people when instead of providing you info they just sell it to someone else? C. Do I have an easy way to get this off my credit due to no proof of the debt?


Submitted by on Thu, 03/01/2007 - 11:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

MCM will not work with you when you dispute or ask for validation. They count on people not knowing their rights. As it stands, you have a claim against them for failing to validate. Send the same letter certified to Portfolio.

To get off credit, dispute the negative information with the credit bureaus. If their investigation shows it is your debt, then negative info can only stay there 7 years.

Submitted by texaslawyer on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 20:42


( Posts: 258 | Credits: )

the mcm account number is 8509486602 has this bill been payed off.

Submitted by on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 06:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Midland is trying to get a judgement against me because of a debt with Associates, the original was 1500, they now trying to take me to court for 5000.00. What ca i do

Submitted by on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 14:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have a balance with Midland credit and need to pay it off! The balnce is $300.00 or something> PLease guide to where to send this check

Submitted by on Wed, 03/14/2007 - 17:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i want to know how many more payments i have left

Submitted by on Tue, 03/20/2007 - 04:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

midland credit is listed on my credit report. 851***
and85194***** it is listed twice for the same amount.

Account info removed for your safety - Mike

Submitted by on Fri, 03/23/2007 - 10:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I was contacted by Midland Credit two months ago saying I owed them 1700. Last month I sent the a debt validation letter via certified mail and it's been a month and I have not hear from them. I worked really hard getting everything removed and paid on my credit, but I think this is something from like 8 years ago and wasn't on my credit file any longer. I just checked my reports and all three say midland have me in collections for that amount.

1. I'm about 99 percent sure this is like way old and not reportable any longer.
2. I sent 2 certified copies asking for debt validation to midland and still now response. I think they are avoiding me, b/c this is old debt and they don't want to give me the tools to prove this is past the SOL and federal debt reporting.
3. Where do I go from here?

Thank you, JD

Submitted by on Sun, 03/25/2007 - 17:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Thanks cajun...but that is a big issue. Without debt validation I have no idea what this could be. Doesn't midland have a legal obligation to send me a debt validation if I request it. I received my confirmation that they received it on both copies from the post office.

Submitted by on Sun, 03/25/2007 - 17:57

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If they have reported on your credit report you may be able to push them. Start a dispute telling bureau that you do not recognize account. Once that dispute starts,they have 30 days to either prove it or remove it. If the bureau verifies,write to bureau stating that under the fcra you want a list of procedures used to verify account(usually called a mov method of verification). If Midland violates on their reporting,you can either make them pay you for violations of reporting or you can settle for deletion.

Submitted by cajunbulldog on Sun, 03/25/2007 - 18:04


( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )

i still don't know what to do with my credit report

Submitted by on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 11:29

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