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FIA Card Services - What are the key complaints against them?

Date: Sat, 09/13/2008 - 13:13

Submitted by anonymous
on Sat, 09/13/2008 - 13:13

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 102

FIA Card Services - What are the key complaints against them?

Got my checking account statement today, and found a "check payment" that I didn't recognize that was debited from the account. I went to my bank and found it was FIA Card Services. I do have a B of A credit card account with them which I unfortunately haven't been able to pay as agreed. My checking account is with a different bank (not B of A).

The sent me a letter last month, "confirming my conservation agreeing" to a settlement offer with graduated, increasing payments. I have had NO phone conservations or other correspondence with them. I didn't respond or authorize them to take any money out of my account, as I can't afford the ballooning payments.

But they somehow faked a phone-authorized check, with my bank's name and account number on it, which my bank accepted.

I have been making small, "good faith" payments with them, but with money orders. I did use the checking account to make payments when I was able to stay current with payments. But I have another checking account, with another bank, that I had used as well and they didn't mess with that one.

I have filed a fraud complaint with my bank, and I may have to close the account there.

I have two other B of A accounts that were charged off and sold to collection agencies. I don't know why they are treating this one differently, except that it was originally a Fleet account that was taken over by MBNA, which was then taken over by B of A.

I have a credit card linked to the checking account with overdraft protection, on which I am staying current, and which has space available on it for the total amount they want. I suspect they must somehow know this?

I can't believe this is legal. My guess is that someone in collections was desperate for a commission and stepped over the line?

Do the creditors have a way to find out what bank accounts you have (even if you have never used it to pay them), and whether they are linked to credit cards with overdraft protection?

Any advice would be appreciated.

OMG!! What a relief to see that I am not the only person being victimized by FIA. We have had their credit card for about 17months now and paid it diligently on time. But in January I had transposed a date between my two cards and made a payment to them about 10days late. OMG!! Pandora's box was opened. They payment was late because for no reason that I could see they had raised the min payment $1 and I had not noticed because we have had that same $70 min payment for 16months on every bill. The phone calls began coming in from automated machines and people. 4 times we told FIA the Feburary payment would be on time and bring the account upto date. But FIA continued with phone calls every hour on the hour 8am to 8pm for a month and a half. FOR ONE STINKING DOLLAR DELINQUENT!! In the 30 years of having credit cards, loans, mortgage Ive have never been treated like FIA has done.

Well FIA, I wish you would read this posts because I am through with your services!!! I am cutting the cards up and into tiny pieces and I am going to find every executive I can and send them a part of it and my letter of disqust!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/25/2010 - 07:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just recieved a summons from FIA card services I did not know that a collection company could do this, it states that I owe over 3,000 dollars on an account and I am not sure which account, I like many others am out of work my husband is disabiled and we are in the process of trying to save our home..I thought a collection agency went after you for part of the money not all of it, not sure what this is for....


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/25/2010 - 19:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

FIA sent me a letter that my final payment on my settlement has been received and has been reported to the IRS and a 1099-C has been sent to me. I've never received it and need to complete my 2009 taxes. How do I obtain a copy of the 1099-C?


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 03/07/2010 - 13:52

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I received a summons from these people, I have written to the attorney on the summons and told him I do not have 33 dollars to submit to the court to file this, can a collection agency do this what happens if you have no means to pay this ad do not file


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/08/2010 - 07:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I was put on a payment plan 3 years ago if I agreed to close my FIA account. Last December, I received a notice telling me my minimum monthly payment was doubling and the agreement was cancelled. I called their hardship department and was told to file bankruptcy! This is the worst credit card company (Bank of America) in the country!

Anything I can do?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/10/2010 - 14:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i am an fia card services rep this info ppl are giving you is incorrect the payment program is set up for first 4 months..that gets u on the track of the payment scedule. this forum is bs.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 03/12/2010 - 15:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been receiving NUMEROUS calls from fia. Last month I missed my payment date and thought I would just pay at least the minimum including the past due amount by the next month payment due date. This is since they already made extra profit by charging me a late fee. then they started calling, even though I was not even 30 days late. these folks are DESPERATE. actually i am somewhat amused by their calls because they are wasting time paying people to call me, but it doesn't make any more $$ for them.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 03/13/2010 - 14:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

FIA loves to "make phone payments" and harass. BOA is even worse.
BOA closed my accounts last week unexpectedly, and the person I talked to on the phone was extremely belligerent and rude. Literally 8 hours before my paycheck and Federal Tax return check would be covering any negative balance they closed the account. Plus they would take their usual bullshit fees anyway. But he said no account is closed, we will mail you the difference after we take out what you owe. it was only $300. I had been waiting for this money all year! So basically I went three weeks with absolutely no paycheck (they had it) cash, no atm card no checks nothing. I have a one year old daughter at home. I think these people need to see what it feels like to be a human being. I have never had any problems with BOA until this year with the economy the way it was,reduced overtime at work, and my new arrival I fell behind. I was a loyal customer even before the bank was BOA. They swallowed up my small town bank. I had the same account number for 20+ years lol. I had to open a new account re set up all of my bill pay etc. checks atm card. But you know what now I am happy it happened F-Them and everyone who works there I hope they all lose their jobs or are put in jail. Oh by the way FIA my bill pay for your accounts was set up through BOA and I lost all the information when they closed my account.....oh well. lol


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 03/14/2010 - 09:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

It use to be under CCU than went to most recently called "world points" but with the same interest according to them! BUT that is a lie. It will stay at the low interest rate only if "one does NOT use the card" because as soon as you use the Credit Card from them it jumps up to 14% from 9.99%! Hmmm. That is not customer friendly practice or a stupid or horrible incentive to USE THE CARD! DUH!


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/17/2010 - 00:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Claiming that I missed a recent BofA credit card payment, FIA began calling my ex-wife and leaving messages for me. The problem is that we've been divorced for THIRTEEN years and I haven't lived at that number for 15 years! They denied having my current telephone number even when I read it to them from my BofA credit card acct profile on their website. They also denied having my snail-mail or email address, again in spite of the fact that they are both listed on my acct profile and BofA uses them to communicate with me.

What recourse do i have other than demanding that they not call her again?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/17/2010 - 18:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If Bank of America owns FIA, why cant I make payments at a Bank of America branch?


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/23/2010 - 11:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have a similar situation. After being so confused and frustrated because they said (FIA) it would take months to figure out with my bank how this happened. They ended up getting me to agree to paying back a loan amount lower than I owed at a fixed amount over 5 year period with a minimum APR. - but the debt was incorrect and I was not sure how to prove it or get them to credit it back so now I am paying money I didnt borrow. How do I reach the legal team I saw that can help me with this?


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/25/2010 - 04:14

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

My fiance and I just discovered that FIA Card Services was automatically withdrawling $50 a month out of her checking account and had been doing so for the last 4 months. The first month they started taking money out of her account they withdrew $125.00 and then every month after that they took $50 until we noticed the forgery. We spoke with them on the phone and we were treated very poorly by their own forgery department. They told us that we authorized them to make these withdrawls from her account which was false. We have filed an affadavit with our bank to try to receive 90 days worth of the payments that they took from us. I really hope that this company will be investigated. From all of the other stories within this forum it really sounds like the proper authorities need to step in and investigate.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 03/27/2010 - 20:12

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Today I checked my checking online statement and found strange transaction which made by FIA Credit services, I never heard about this company, I called to my bank Wells Fargo and disputed. Later on I found out that FIA Credit Services is same Bank of America. Not everyone knows that FIA and B of A are same company, it makes people confused.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 04/12/2010 - 18:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If you have been harassed or treated badly by ANY bank, file a complaint with the Federal Reserve. I am not sure if the link I post below will show up or not. If it doesn't please, google "banking complaints" and look for the link that says Federal Reserve Consumer Help .. go there and click the area that says "How Do I File a Complaint?" Hopefully the link to that site will show up -

I - so far and I pray it will only extend to phone harassment to my cell phone - have only been receiving "Unknown" calls to my cell from Bank of America several times a day about every other day - to this point! It might get worse before it gets better! LOL!! They sometimes leave messages stating it is "Card Services" calling about my account. At times, I just have a message with chatter between one or more reps at a call center - used to work at one .. so the sound is very identifiable to me! LOL! But today was the first time I have gotten a call from FIA Card Services. Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to google "FIA Card Services" .. and all I am finding is complaints about their nasty reps, deceptive practices and apparent willingness to just go out and take money out of checking accounts. Quite frankly, I am scared to death they are going to mess with me in this manner before my bankruptcy is filed. However, once it is, the Trustee will likely get them to reverse any charges taken without my authorization. At times a bankruptcy court can be a lovely thing - LOL!!

To anyone else suffering in these horrible economic times, I sure do feel your pain and please know that there are options you can take to get away from this. I know bankruptcy isn't the most wonderful idea and is sure does make ya take a hit to the old self-worth gauge .. but it is a chance to start over and learn to live without credit cards.

I had a kidney transplant that really set me back on my patoot financially and it hasn't help since the transplant - now 7 years ago - I have yet to be able to find a job .. but you just really have to take the attitude of "Every day I wake up breathing is a good day" and focus on it .. or so I am trying to do!! Good luck .. and know you are not alone by any stretch of the imagination .. and you are NOT a bad person for having this happen it you.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 05/21/2010 - 10:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

today i requested a interrest reduction and a explaination of why they continue to charge higher interest on an account that i have paid hundreds of dollars above the minimum to pay off the higher int. pre law, (answer accured interest ?? caused the from the statment date caused the payment to be applied to the low interest side first, owed $24 mo payment, low $1200 , hi $138.00 payed over 3 months 400.00) looks like there braking the new law, SOOOO
Today they capped off my available ballances, With 700 wk income and 16000.00 in cc debt, min pay 345mo, just payed off auto loan 365 mo saying i cannot pay my debts unless i am doing something illeagle, please note score 790 all payments paid early and no late sense 1992, they have slandered me, ruined my credit rating, made it impossible to get a car loan and and tried to close other accounts with cc consolidation sold by them at a payment of twice what i pay now.
may fia and bofa burn in HELL!!!


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 07/05/2010 - 07:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

:evil:I too had a credit card with BOA, I owed 2400. I received a letter one day that they were going to raise my APR, I called them and they verbally agreed to close the account and let me pay it off at 9.9%. I had it down to 1800 and a year later they raised my APR on the closed account to 15.9% without any notification what so ever. When I contacted them, they told me there wasn't anything I could do about it. I took out all my money out of their bank and changed banks and refused to pay on a card that they first renigned on their account. Now these crooks are taking me to court. I have no money, no job right now and I've been told what little I'm getting from SSI they could take too.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 07/14/2010 - 12:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
what's the catch on the promotional offer of 0% for a year should I do it

When it matures they will jack the interest to the max, ( Read the variable fine print)


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 07/14/2010 - 17:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

:idea:Close your account go to another bank and never consider Bank of America or any of their affiliates unless you enjoy being masochistic. You will get burned. They are nothing but professional nickel and dimers that have created a new art form in American greed. Gordon Geiko could take lessons.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 09/30/2010 - 15:29

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Bank of America gave me a credit card in 2002. I paid it on time except for three
times over the eight years. I lost my job this summer and paid it six days late. Because I wasn't working I got another week behind on it. A company called NCO started calling me everyday, sometimes twice a day. I paid the bill and they still call me constantly. I don't know what has happened but these other people won't leave me alone. I'm a single Mom and have enough pressure without this harassment. Do I have to listen to these pushy unprofessional callers.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 09/30/2010 - 15:38

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They called me too at work. I have requested they stop and legally the must. I have a late payment, only one in 20 years, and they are harrassing me. I had a medical emergency and will be able to fully clear everything in the next few days, but it was very upsetting and embarrassing to be have that conversation at work.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 11/16/2010 - 12:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I had fallen behind on my payments, they told me that if I make 4 on-time payments they will report my account as caught up. I called after 4 on-time payments and they told me that due to banking regulations they cannot do so anymore. This is bogus to me. Aren't banking regulations supposed to help the consumer?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 12/01/2010 - 18:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

After running up a balance of over $5000 when opening a new business, I prevailed upon a family member to help me out with paying it off. He gave me the info on his money market account, which he uses to pay all his bills. I entered the info online for $2200 and it said the transaction shad gone through. A day or so later I checked my account online and guess what! It said it hadn't gone through after all. I called customer support, and they verified the account info--I told them it was a money market account and they said OK--and submitted it again for me. A few days later I check back online, and again it had been rejected. So once more I call customer service, and once more they take the info and say they will submit it and it should be OK. Once more I find it rejected. So again I call, and this time they tell me that they do not accept money market accounts and a physical check will have to be sent. So my relative sends a check for $2200. It clears and all is well. Except that now there is a hold on my account. I call to see what the problem is. After all, I had a sky-high credit score before this and had never been late for a single payment. True, by the time the check cleared the payment was late, but I had been making a good-faith attempt for some time now to pay it. They keep handing me over to various departments, each of which says it is not equipped to deal with the problem. Finally I get someone who agrees to talk to me. I explain that I do not want to use the card--I hate it. I just want to pay it off. But I am totally pissed at the insult. The rep tells me that from now on I will have to pay with a money order because they cannot take any more checks from me. Or I can continue to pay online. Incredulous, I ask her, "Let's see...I sent a check for $2200 which was good. So now you can't accept any more checks from me.Right?" "No," she says, it's because your online transactions were no good."
"Because your reps apparently didn't know that you didn't accept online payment from money market accounts, which wasted a couple of weeks, which made the payment late. So now, because the online payments were screwed up, I have to make all my payments online. Do I have it straight?"
"You realize you are making no sense. So why don't you change it."
"I can't do that."
"OK, I'm going online with my story. Have a nice day."
What gets me is the total illogic here. Believe me, I'm paying them off as quick as I can and closing the account.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 02/18/2011 - 20:58

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i was just approved for aaa credit card and the representative called me and asked why i wanted the card and i explained she also asked a few other questions. they approved me for a 5000 dollar limit but after looking them up and reading this blog i'm not sure i want to do business with them. i thought citi bank or bank of america was ok with their cards or are these problems because the person paid their bill late.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 03/22/2011 - 11:02

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just opened your oh so impersonal and threatening letter about the usurious rates the charged if the bill is "Late".

Wonderful--no wonder so many debtors are defaulting o their outstanding debts--two can play hard ball. My inclination is to tell you to piss off. But agreed and will pay all I owe-- I just hate the sleazy way our do business. No wonder this country is in the shitter.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/04/2011 - 13:42

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

nah,you give me a do you possibly justify an evil piece of garbage cutting someone's limit while jacking not only the percentage,but doubling their minimum dare you even try to judge when it is the credit card companies at fault?does it even register in that dehydrated pea you call a brain that people defauling on these cards is at an all time high for a reason?probably get lost nobody needs an idiot like yours rants.


Submitted by paulmergel on Mon, 05/09/2011 - 05:19

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I owed bank of America and finally had a court order to pay $50.00 per month until it was paid.I cancelled my credit card and they kept sending me junk mail and calling to try to change my mind about closing my account. I send the amount to an attorney who then make sure it's paid. After a two years of doing this, I find today that my personal checking account has had a hold placed on it and my bank began legal proceedings disputing FIA Card Services who are trying to take out the complete amount in my account which is $436 and some change. I know this because our bank debit card was declined after my wife went grocery shopping. These people are crooks and sharks. I hope there is a class-action suit against them because I will definitely be signing up. I can't believe our government bailed them out. I will no longer have any dealings with FIA or Bank of America and any of it's affiliates. I advise anyone else to transfer there accounts to another bank.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 18:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Don't get FIA card for Bank of hawaii! We lost our job and unemployment for 15 months. I was never late 30 days, only late two times in 15 months because hardship by only few days. They raise their interest rate to 29%. Rip OFF!
Called their work out specialist, very secretive. They will not give out their phone number nor do it in writing. All verbal through the phone. We got a decent job but I am short of $200 on my budget and I asked them to reduce the interest rate or payment from $570 to $200 less for about 2 years. Absolutely useless!! They can't help me because they have to use the current payment $570 in the budget! Duh? Really stupid. On the other hand if you are in surplus they say why should they help? Customer service suck!!!! If they reduce the rate to 15% or anything I would have been a very loyal customers because i would be so grateful they help us in the time of need.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 06/24/2011 - 18:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have never had a problem with MBNA (the predecessor company) or FIA (the successor company). Customer service has ranged from arrogant with unintelligible accents (in the past), to highly professional (more current) (this can happen with any business). Web site is easy to use. Payments properly processed. No complaints and would generally recommend FIA cards. Reading the complaints, I think most of the posters are those who fell behind on payments.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 07/02/2011 - 08:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

My elderly father has been scammed twice by Privacy Assist (FIA Card Services). I had to battle with them about 6 months ago to stop charging him $12.99 a month for credit monitoring. They called him at home to "sell" him the service. Made it VERY clear that he was not and will never be interested in the service and asked that he not be contacted again since he is 79 years old, forgetful and hard of hearing. They did it again though - they started billing him again - he never authorized the service this time. Noticed on line that Bank of America (FIA) is being sued for "Unwanted 'Privacy Assist Services". You think!!??!! Tried to call to find out who "authorized" the service, but they won't tell me. Now I have to supply them with proof that it is ok with my dad for them to tell me who is ripping him off. What a scam! How do the employees at Privacy Assist in New Mexico sleep at night?


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 07/11/2011 - 13:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

We are a company that does buisness with these people
Heads up everybody I called to get a copy of their
completed W-9 form required by state tax law and they gave me
the run around and denied me. We will see what the IRS has
to say. Unreal is all I can say


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 02/01/2013 - 08:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

FIA added my fathers name to my mother's credit card account without his concent. Now I can't remove it and he will be responsible when she passes. I think they do this when the account holders get elderly in case one passes and then they can get their money. My parents are in their 90's.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 04/06/2013 - 09:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Last week, I attempted to open a secured credit card with BOA. I opened a checking account also, with a $2600 deposit. The bank officer filled out the paper work, so that $100 remained in the checking, and $2500 was to be used as the collateral on the Secured card. I did this to rebuild my credit history. I was forced to file for bankruptcy, due to a 9 year illness. I explained all this to the bank officer. It took over an hour, but I figured this was my best option. Today I got a nasty-gram turn down letter from BOA and FIA services. They claimed that I was being turned down for the secured credit card due to my previous bankruptcy!! No s__t Sherlock! Why do you think I am willing to give you $2500 interest free for at least two years! The whole purpose of the secured cad was to help you rebuild from new or bad credit!! I am pulling my money out Monday Morning!


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 02/10/2013 - 00:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

FIA cannot just "add" people ....they can be added by the primary holder to become authorized users...however authorized users have no legal liability to pay the account. If your father was not on the account when it was opened, he has no legal liability. cannot remove anyone...your father will have to call FIA and take care of this.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Sat, 04/06/2013 - 15:51

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

Do you owe money to your Alaska Airlines credit card??  If so, you gonna owe more now for the stop pay.  Alaska Airlines credit card is operated by FIA services so you DO have a BOFA account.


Submitted by SOAPLADY on Thu, 01/03/2013 - 05:31

( Posts: 17315 | Credits: )

I have been receiving calls from these people looking for someone else. I have repeated several times on the phone that I do not know the person. That I have had this number for about 5-6 months. But FIA still continues to call my number to find this person. How many times do I have to tell them "WRONG NUMBER!"? I have decided that If I receive one more call for a third time from FIA looking for the person I don't know. I'm Filing complaints up the Whazoo with the BBB and FTC about it.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 01/29/2013 - 08:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

FIA offered and I agreed to a settlement for BOA Visa I was behind on.  Gave them three dated checks totaling amount of settlement for each of next 3 months. FIA applied the 3 checks as payments to balance not to settlement amount. Continously told me there was a processing time with BOA but that on their end it showed the debt was settled. It never was, BOA kept sending statements, I never paid, told them to talk to FIA.  BOA closed and now a 3rd party law firm is coming after me. Record all conversations and get it all in writing! 


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 01/10/2013 - 16:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

My statement from another bank shows $25 a month going to FIA Card Sevices. I do not have a Bank of America account of any kind.

I have an Alaska Airlines credit card and that appears to be based out of Bank of America.

I have put a stop payment and a complaint with my other bank.

I had a bad experience with Bank of America several years ago and closed all my accounts.

Beware of Bank of America as they own FIA Card Services.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 01/02/2013 - 20:40

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