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payday scam

Submitted by jnmteal4 on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 09:06
Posts: 53

I have been getting calls from different men with very strong indian accents, they say they are from some legal department and that there is a lawsuit against me with some very serious charges, such as theft fraud, and so on and that I could be facing jailtime. these people dont want to give any info you ask them, they tell you a case number and that they want to help you. they then tell you that you have a certain amount of time to give them a certain amount of money either by money gram or credit card. when I asked who was filing the charges they said cashnet. then they gave me a number for cash net that was bogus! they then tell you to pay a smaller amount and that it is from a payday loan that you recieved. I didnt give them any money and noone else should either! they will not give you proof of the charges. they told me that after I pay the would provide me with verification.I have done research on this and even called the police! they give me names such as Andy Taylor, Robin Williams, Arnold Whatson, and they even called my sister and said the name was Jimmy Carter. report this crime and dont give any info. Has anyone else recieved calls from these people? one tim they said they were from united paralegal...

I had the same calls coming into my house and my office.This guy called me with a heavy indian accent.First he called my house and ask my husband to speak to me.Of course my husband ask who the f--- is this.He ask my husband not to curse at him and that I was going to jail for taking out a payday loan that I truly didn't take out.These dick head called me in my office with the same bu---sh-t.And I mention to him if you call my office again I will contact the police.Well I did receive anymore calls in my office.But when I got home these moth--f--kers called again and once again my husband had a few choice words for them.Don't see any money this is a scam.

Submitted by on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 15:34

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I have experienced the same.. the person is a male with a thick Indian accent, stated that I owe money, they have my name, work & cell number, emergency contact person, and ss# and threaten every week that the cops will be at my door because i owe a defaulted payday loan.. i have blocked my number on do not call list.. but i am still getting harassed. at this point im about to change my numbers. i also notified the credit agencies of a possible concern since they have my ss#

Submitted by on Thu, 05/27/2010 - 23:58

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Originally Posted by Anonymous
Just be advised that internet payday loans will EAT YOUR LUNCH!!!
I had gotten a couple of them at Christmas time. Bad idea!! I now have over 3000.00 in NSF charges to a bank because they are trying to withdraw funds 3-4 times A DAY!!!!!!!
Dont do it. If you need a payday loan, which I recommend as a last resort, go to a storefront with a paper check do not allow anyone to electronically debit from your account. These companies are owned by parent companies and they change the name and ID # and amounts of the debits so the bank cannot trace them. The bank will not stop them unless you get legal council....IT has been truly a nightmare. The bad part about it is that you cannot stop it because if you pay the loan off, they automatically deposit another loan into your account and the cycle starts over.......

The banks will help you if you can show proof that these companies are scamming your accounts. I know because I went thru the same thing. I took out a couple of online payday loans last Christmas. Small $200.00 loans. After they were paid off they continued to take money from my accounts for 2 months but they were doing double withdrawals draining my account. I had already payed $600.00 on a $200,00 loan and now they say I owe $348.00 on one of them! I printed my statments and took them to the bank and closed my checking account so they couldn't withdraw anymore and opened a new account. It's best to open a new account at another bank first before you close your account because your old acct stays open for a few weeks and these payday loan people will change the amounts they are trying to claim and it could go thru but if the bank puts a hold on it for you you won't have to pay the return fee. The bank did credit me some of my money back. It took a couple of days to get it straight but now they cannot get into my acct. But if you go to the bank and explain things to them and even direct them to the website, they will help you.

Submitted by on Fri, 06/04/2010 - 12:01

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I got a call from these people! The guy who called me, like everyone else, had a thick Indian accent but called himself Roy Rogers!! LOL! He threatened to sent the sherriff after me if I don't send him $600; however, I told him to go f*** himself and the horse he rode in on!

Submitted by on Tue, 06/15/2010 - 16:06

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I got loans through collect500 and upfrontpayday loans....they were legit..i made sure to get statements from them stating i paid them off...This group is an international deal..they are even getting military families over seas..I have filed 2 police reports and through the FTC. No way of tracking phone numbers or locations...the location I got for 516-426-7692 was a parkling lot in Floral park New York...if they call me again..they will know i know that they really are scammers.

Submitted by on Tue, 07/13/2010 - 15:11

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These people that I can not understand have just started callling me. My husband
happened to answer the phone and he is livid. They started threatening him.

They keep calling for $300.00 some odd dollars but will not give us proof that I
took out a short term loan. They said that that is agains the law to send us
proof but we are to either western union the money or out of a debit card.
I am not that stupid to give them anything unless I have proof. They call and
say they are officer so and so and the police are going to come to my door and
put me behind bars. I am going to call the better business bureau, the police,
the FBI and anyone else I can think of. This has got to stop!!!!!! If there is
anyone else out there that have received calls from these jerks please do
something about it.

Submitted by on Wed, 07/14/2010 - 06:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If anyone can stop these people.....PLEASE DO! We called to police in our town
and they said that these people have not committed a crime so they can't do
anything. Extortion isn't a crime. They called me back and left vulger messages.
My husband is soooooo livid that he is working with the local tv station and they
seem to be very interested. They have had numberous reports of this scam.
Maybe if everyone contacted their local tv station we may at least be able to
get the word out. We have tried everything else to shut these guys down but
have come to a dead end (Except the tv station) DO NOT GIVE THESE GUYS
MONEY!!!!!!! That can't even provide proof!!!! That's all I asked them for and
I would have paid the $375.00 that they want from me. They are NASTY!!!!

Submitted by on Thu, 07/15/2010 - 09:19

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I started getting these phone calls about 3 months ago, same stuff, they have the last 4 of my ss#, and my bank name but will not send anything in writing to me. If you ever bought anything on-line, then your bank name and other information is not hard to get. I spoke with an attorney about this and was advised that I should ignore the calls. Thankfully they do not have my work number so I just ignore him, he has called here as Frank Hilton, Alex Dawson, these guys are crooks.

Submitted by on Fri, 07/23/2010 - 10:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by jnmteal4
Yeah I did a search for them, the name sounds like a scam even! a coworker in another department said they are calling her every day, they said sometimes they say they are from the police department! my worry is they even have my ss# and address!

Did you by any chance have an account at Commerce Bank? My son gets this call all the time - Hindu male- different name all the time threaten jail- court- they had all his information from his old Commerce Bank account- so far he has changed his account numbe with TD bank twice because of this. They have his address- phone number- and SS too-- Funny thing is his phone is registered on my account. I told him to change his phone numbber to get away from them. He has been recievng these calls for over a year now. I recieved a call and have never dealt with Commerce Bank - my husband answered the phone when they called me back by saying FBI- Special agent Smith - may I assist you-- they hung up and said oh crap..... Good Luck

Submitted by on Wed, 07/28/2010 - 09:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

the Same Indians called my job finally I talked to Whatson said the cops were on the way to my job to pick me up. who do we file complaints to? this is crazy I am dealing with my sick father an this guy keeps calling how can we stop this?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/31/2010 - 20:25

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Originally Posted by Anonymous
the Same Indians called my job finally I talked to Whatson said the cops were on the way to my job to pick me up. who do we file complaints to? this is crazy I am dealing with my sick father an this guy keeps calling how can we stop this?

File complaints with the FTC, BBB and your AG.

Submitted by Shazzers on Sat, 07/31/2010 - 21:50


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
the Same Indians called my job finally I talked to Whatson said the cops were on the way to my job to pick me up. who do we file complaints to? this is crazy I am dealing with my sick father an this guy keeps calling how can we stop this?

tell them "she suddenly passed away"

Submitted by on Wed, 08/04/2010 - 13:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

In all seriousness, these scammers are very annoying. I Just laugh and say, you got those #'s all wrong, what ever you do DO NOT confirm anything. Make them repeat the information they have to you, and notice how it changes. No cops are coming to arrest you. I have consulted several pay day lenders, talked to the managers, and they assured me they have their own in-house collection people and rarely use them. These scammers are gathering info from where ever they can get it and just hoping to hit on rube that will bite. I just laugh and say come get me.

Submitted by on Wed, 08/04/2010 - 14:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Did you by any chance have an account at Commerce Bank? My son gets this call all the time - Hindu male- different name all the time threaten jail- court- they had all his information from his old Commerce Bank account- so far he has changed his account numbe with TD bank twice because of this. They have his address- phone number- and SS too-- Funny thing is his phone is registered on my account. I told him to change his phone numbber to get away from them. He has been recievng these calls for over a year now. I recieved a call and have never dealt with Commerce Bank - my husband answered the phone when they called me back by saying FBI- Special agent Smith - may I assist you-- they hung up and said oh crap..... Good Luck

Smart husband!

Submitted by on Wed, 08/04/2010 - 14:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The same thing was triedon me. The only difference was they said they deposited $300 in my bank account. The even knew my account number and bank. I finally got them to say when this was suppose to have happened. I told them not me. I checked all action with my bank and this never took place like I said. when they called again I informed them that there was never a deposit to my accoutn in the amount of $300 from Cash net and they could go somewhere. They continued to call and threaten me for a while but my response has always been the same.


Originally Posted by jnmteal4
I have been getting calls from different men with very strong indian accents, they say they are from some legal department and that there is a lawsuit against me with some very serious charges, such as theft fraud, and so on and that I could be facing jailtime. these people dont want to give any info you ask them, they tell you a case number and that they want to help you. they then tell you that you have a certain amount of time to give them a certain amount of money either by money gram or credit card. when I asked who was filing the charges they said cashnet. then they gave me a number for cash net that was bogus! they then tell you to pay a smaller amount and that it is from a payday loan that you recieved. I didnt give them any money and noone else should either! they will not give you proof of the charges. they told me that after I pay the would provide me with verification.I have done research on this and even called the police! they give me names such as Andy Taylor, Robin Williams, Arnold Whatson, and they even called my sister and said the name was Jimmy Carter. report this crime and dont give any info. Has anyone else recieved calls from these people? one tim they said they were from united paralegal...

Submitted by on Thu, 08/12/2010 - 12:53

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been getting calls from a Steven Anderson,but the man sounds like he is Middle-Eastern. He said the cops would be to my house in 30 mins to arrest me, then he said he would call my job if I did not pay, the sad partt is I work for a police department! This people are calling from a number that shows up as 000-000-0000 but the number they give you to call back is an un listed cell phone in New York.

Submitted by on Tue, 08/17/2010 - 02:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by NASCAR_Devil
Search for US National Bank. That sounds like their scam. It's all BS. You cannot go to jail for a PDL.

i have been getting calls from these indian scammers,too! we need to take legal action against them and PLEASE DO NOT APPLY FOR AN ONLINE LOAN!

Submitted by on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 15:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
The same thing was triedon me. The only difference was they said they deposited $300 in my bank account. The even knew my account number and bank. I finally got them to say when this was suppose to have happened. I told them not me. I checked all action with my bank and this never took place like I said. when they called again I informed them that there was never a deposit to my accoutn in the amount of $300 from Cash net and they could go somewhere. They continued to call and threaten me for a while but my response has always been the same.

hi who do i report this crime to ?

Submitted by on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 15:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just started answering the phone... "Hello Jim Bobs Frankfurters this is Skeeter how may i help you" and then they would say some unintelligle Indian stuff and I would say "How many Frankfurters you want?" and theyd say some other crap and and Id say "A bakers dozen!? Thats 13 right? I just was messing with them as much as possible it was good times actually i hope they call back

Submitted by on Fri, 09/03/2010 - 19:35

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Hahaha... Skeeter, that is terrific :) I am getting the same calls, but they always leave me a message bc I dont pick the phone up. They always end with, "Now 'name spoken here' if you decide to not phone us back all I can wish you is good luck"... Ummm, ok.

Submitted by hez on Sat, 09/04/2010 - 06:44


( Posts: 72 | Credits: )

i got a call today too said his name was gray waltersQuote:

Originally Posted by jnmteal4
I have been getting calls from different men with very strong indian accents, they say they are from some legal department and that there is a lawsuit against me with some very serious charges, such as theft fraud, and so on and that I could be facing jailtime. these people dont want to give any info you ask them, they tell you a case number and that they want to help you. they then tell you that you have a certain amount of time to give them a certain amount of money either by money gram or credit card. when I asked who was filing the charges they said cashnet. then they gave me a number for cash net that was bogus! they then tell you to pay a smaller amount and that it is from a payday loan that you recieved. I didnt give them any money and noone else should either! they will not give you proof of the charges. they told me that after I pay the would provide me with verification.I have done research on this and even called the police! they give me names such as Andy Taylor, Robin Williams, Arnold Whatson, and they even called my sister and said the name was Jimmy Carter. report this crime and dont give any info. Has anyone else recieved calls from these people? one tim they said they were from united paralegal...

Submitted by on Mon, 09/13/2010 - 12:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by NASCAR_Devil
Search for US National Bank. That sounds like their scam. It's all BS. You cannot go to jail for a PDL.

They scammed me too. They actually got me to send $400 ( I am such a fool) I thought I was paying off a payday loan I was behind on. Now they are calling me again and also at work.

Submitted by on Sun, 09/19/2010 - 19:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This "company" that are using the web addresses and are strictly SCAMMERS! They do not do payday loans or any other types of loans. You will not get any money from them. They simply want to get your personal information so that they can rob you and steal your identity. Don't give them any information!
If anyone calls you up offering you money it's a scam. No legit company does that.

Submitted by on Fri, 12/03/2010 - 13:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

These days it's quite risky to share your information online. You can share it only with companies that you have a long-term relationship with. The much needed trust is built with time. The first time that you interact with a legitimate company, they should be able to furnish all the details in a vivid manner. It's much better if they have the necessary paperwork to support their views. Once you go through the paperwork in the presence of an authorized agent, you'll be more comfortable during the sign-up process.

Submitted by Jeorge Preston on Fri, 12/31/2010 - 03:35

Jeorge Preston

( Posts: 180 | Credits: )

:sad: I have recieved a call from a John Smith and when I recieved the call he said that I took out a $300 loan from and I said that no I dont remember doing that but then they said that they were going to take me to court and have the police involved if i didnt pay them the money.

I have never had to deal with cops in my lifetime so I got scared and paid them $100 and now they wont stop calling me they have called my job and they said that they will call the cops...

If I dont answer their calls anymore then will everything go away and I can go back to my normal life??? :sad:

Submitted by on Mon, 01/03/2011 - 13:15

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Well, they're certainly not following the FDCPA norms. They shouldn't be calling you at work, nor can they call the cops to get you harassed like that. You must ask them to stop calling you immediately. Send them a Cease and desist letter without wasting any more time. You may have done a nice thing by not providing them with your account number. On the other hand if you've shared any of your account information, then you may close this account for your own security.

Submitted by Jeorge Preston on Thu, 01/06/2011 - 03:34

Jeorge Preston

( Posts: 180 | Credits: )

OMG! They are still at it. On this past Monday, I recieved the same call. They we were very ugly to me and did not want to tell me the name of the company they just kept saying that it was an attorney's office. I remebered that I did apply for a payday loan so and run into some areas where I was not able to make the payments ontime so I thought this was the company. I called my husband and told him and we gave them our Household card # . However, Household bank declined the transaction stating that it was a fruad and would not cover it. Also, the man told me that I had to pay 90.80 when I got an e-mail from him which a made up receipt it stated that they were taking out 690.80!!!!!!!
When they found out that my credit card had declined they were very upset and they called me back and I was so scared because they stated I would go to jail for check fraud and everything so I do not know why I gave them my debt card number but I did. But before I did, I finally got out that he was calling from so once I got off the phone I googled and called the customer service # and was told that I did not have an account with them. I hung up from them and called my bank and cancelled my card!!!!! How crazy are these people? I do not have money to just give away, I feel if they are putting this much effort into a scam they can put forth the same effort and get a REAL JOB!!!!!

Submitted by on Fri, 01/07/2011 - 09:15

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I have been receiving calls from men with strong Indian accents as well. They actually called me last night from a 408 number, I didn't answer it then I receieved a call from my job, so I answered the phone and guess who it was. "Paul". I asked how he was in my office and he told me that he was there and to come talk to him. I knew he was lying but they are getting very sneaky. I am told when Alice Jones, John Jones, Sam Watson, Kevin Anderson, Douglas Black, Scott Schinder and Paul call that they are from the California Breau of Criminal Investigation, so this morning I contacted the Cali Breau of Criminal Investigation and they are aware of what is going on and have been trying for 6 months to get these people but they keep moving. I was given another number when I called and I am going to call them later to give them whatever information I can so they can track these people down.

Submitted by on Wed, 03/16/2011 - 08:38

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I applied for a couple of payday loans online. Now I keep receiving these calls from men with heavy indian accents telling me I am going to jail. luckily, I know a little about law. so once I tell them i need their information to give to my attorney they hang up. the calls stopped until today. received another one and he hung up after I told him my attorney will handle everything and that i needed his information to pass on. Plus I told him I work with attorneys. he immediately hung up but what scares me is that he had my ssn and knew the name of my bank. even though the cash advances I had gotten before were not with this bank. This is scary.

Submitted by on Mon, 04/04/2011 - 10:29

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My wife, known as Mrs T has been harrassed for the second time in 8 months from an gentlemen with a strong Indian accent stating he is with a local state attorneys office (James Planker) that doeasn't exist. Upon doing a reversed phone search comes from southern california number 209-856-6412 and states the name of Daniels. Has the last 4 digits of her Soc Sec but assume easy to access. Suggest calling that number repeatedly.

Submitted by on Tue, 04/05/2011 - 17:26

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received several calls in one afternoon. called the local sheriff office and filed a report. they called my daughter and she gave them the sheriffs phone number to call and so did i. have not heard anything else. put alerts with bank and with credit bureaus

Submitted by on Thu, 04/14/2011 - 09:21

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payday loans are big scammers make sure you keep any document of money u payed to them they will harass you over and over and try to still your money over and over they send differrent people to call you each time saying there gonna sue you they try to scare you there big time scammers they stole my money 3 times luckily i have document now saved just hang up on them they cant do anything to you.

Submitted by on Thu, 05/19/2011 - 12:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

payday loans are big scammers make sure you keep any document of money u payed to them they will harass you over and over and try to still your money over and over they send differrent people to call you each time saying there gonna sue you they try to scare you there big time scammers they stole my money 3 times luckily i have document now saved just hang up on them they cant do anything to you.

Submitted by on Thu, 05/19/2011 - 12:13

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Ah yes I too have been getting calls. A while back I applied for a payday loan online through one of those loan finders. I got a call today from a guy who says he is from the lawfirm of Patrick and Associates. At first i let him leave a message.Heavy Indian Accent says: " Hello this message is intended for "MY NAME". Now "my name", do not disregard this message. This is a very time sensitive matter. You can reach me "his name" at 818-538-9561. Again 818-538-9561.Now "my Name", If I do not hear from you or your attorney all I can do is wish you good luck as the situation unfolds upon you. Good Bye." The number he called from registered as 0000 sometimes and 916-395-0000 the other times. I was called 11 times today. The number is a disconnected number so i called the 818-538-9561 number and talked to an Indian guy. He said his client is American Payday and I owe them $800. He said if I do not pay then by Monday I would get a subpoena and if I was found guilty I would end up paying "8 and a half thousand dollars". I told himI did not take out a loan and iI have never been approved for a loan that high and it was bogus. He said i may then be victim of identity theft and to get an attorney. I said I could not afford one and he put me on hold to talk to his "Lead Attorney'. On getting back the amount suddenly dropped to $600. I told him I think he is a scammer and he got mad. He calmed down and i told him I wanted it in writing. He said he could not do that and I will be going to court. I told him he had to show something in writing and he said he could not do that. He had my current address (I just moved to the address 4 mos ago), my email, my phone, and my Social Security Number. He repeated it to me over the phone lol.

Submitted by on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 23:19

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I was called by the same idiots today. I told them to repeat my personal information. And they read back something that was entirely wrong. They had my SSN right all but the last 4 digits. My address was right except for the state. And my banking account number was right except the last 4 digits. I "supposedly" took out a loan for $200.oo. And I was being sued for $750.oo. The message they left me, was left by a female that I couldn't even understand. They do that so you can call them back. Told them I reported a fraud claim with the FTC & BBB. They got very aggravated and went off on me. They told me I was a peanut and told me to go to hell. And then they hung up. I then called back to 818-538-9561 and then got a message. They called back. The number came up 0000. I was then speaking to "RICHARD". And told them to send all the information. They told me they couldn't do that because it was against "Company Policies". Yeah right!!. Then also told me "May God have mercy on your soul" lmao. I just laughed and told them to go back to India. Anyhoo, these whack jobs need to be stopped.

Submitted by on Mon, 05/23/2011 - 10:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

There are a lot of outsourcing companies operating outside the U.S. today. Some of them are not following any legal guidelines at all. You may also come across a couple of them who're following our state specific guidelines and are registered with the federal govt. However, such companies are less in number. These are the only tele-sales companies who have your correct data within their system.

Submitted by Jeorge Preston on Thu, 05/26/2011 - 23:43

Jeorge Preston

( Posts: 180 | Credits: )

I just got a missed call from 916-395-0000. I see it's a scam and won't bother calling back. They did not leave a message.

Do these people ever do credit inquiries? Can they if they're illegal and out of the country? I'm just curious if a fraud alert/security freeze would be a good idea?

Submitted by J L B on Wed, 06/01/2011 - 08:15


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