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Wage assignment costa rica - is this a licensed lender?

Submitted by nikpop on Mon, 09/29/2008 - 11:20
Posts: 32

I don't know how this happened. I am so embarassed.
Principal Payment
Payday One $1000 $250
MyCashNow $530 $175
Loan Point $400 $120
One Step Cash $400 $1350
Think Cash $500.00 $84.46
National Payday $360.94 $90.24
Cash Net USA $450 $77.25
Sign My Loan $400 $120
East Side Lender $500 $150
United Cash Loan $400 $120
500Fast Cah $300 $90

I am NEVER going to get out of this...HELP HELP HELP...PLEASE!!!

Pa is a loophole state, even though it states that pdl's are not legal, as long as any of your lenders are licensed in any state you must abide by the state they're licensed in. The first step is to find out which of these are licensed to lend and where, and which are not licensed at all. You can research these lenders by typing the name of them in the search box in the upper right hand corner of this forum, meanwhile I will see what I can do to obtain information about them. Hang tight! :)

Pennsylvania State Information

Legal Status: Prohibited

Check cashers are specifically prohibited from making payday loans under Check Cashing Licensing Act of 1998, ???? 505(a). Otherwise, consumer discount company act applies. 7 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. ???? 6201 et seq.

Small Loan Rate Cap
$9.50 per $100 per year discount or 24% per year

Where to Complain, Get Information:
Regulator: Pennsylvania Department of Banking
Address: Market Square Plaza, 17 N. Second Street Harrisburg PA 17101
Phone: (717) 214-8343
Fax: (717) 787-8773
Regulatory Contact: Jim Keiser Administrator of Non-Depository Institutions

Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 09/29/2008 - 12:11


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

Click HEREto read more about Mycashnow[/url] It appears they are not legal.
[quote]my cash now is offshore and can be found in St. George's, Grenada. Ladybug, they are not based out of Canada. Trust me. I have done my investigations.

In a previous post, I have this information for you:

William S. Reed, Pres., Treas., Secretary, and Director.
Credit Protection Depot, Inc.,
4601 West Sahara Ave., Suite 1
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102

Acting as a debt collector for, Inc. (apparently chartered in Grenada - the independent country in the Carribean, not the town in N.Y.) [/quote]

Payday One
is legal and licensed, you will need to work out some type of pament arrangement with them.

Loan Point USA
- I believe they are licensed in Utah, which means you would need to follow the pdl laws of Utah, I will post the Utah laws below:

Utah State Information

Legal Status: Legal (Applies to check cashers only)

Utah Code Ann. ???? 7-23-101 et seq.

Loan Terms:
Maximum Loan Amount: No Limit
Loan Term: May not exceed 12 weeks
Maximum Finance Rate and Fees: No usury limit
Finance Charge for 14-day $100 loan: No Limit
apr for 14-day $100 loan: No Limit

Debt Limits:
Maximum Number of Outstanding Loans at One Time: No limit
Rollovers Permitted: Not Specified (cannot extend or renew loan more than 12 weeks from original loan date)
Cooling-off Period: None
Repayment Plan:

Collection Limits:
Collection Fees: Not Specified
Criminal Action: Not Specified

Where to Complain, Get Information:
Regulator: Utah Department of Financial Institutions
Address: 324 South State Street, Suite 201 Salt Lake City UT 84111
Phone: (801) 538-8830
Fax: (801) 538-8894
Regulatory Contact: ,

Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 09/29/2008 - 12:20


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

The principal amount is all you are morally obligated to pay on the illegal/unlicensed lenders!
I hope the information below will help you. :)

What should you do?
Close your account asap, if you are unable to close your account, go into your bank and ask to speak with the Branch Manager, tell him/her you need a hard debit block placed on your account immediately! Explain that you are revoking ACH authorizations from unlicensed/illegal companies, and have learned these companies are notorious for ignoring revocation, therefore it is important to BLOCK any withdrawal attempts on your account to protect your interest. This is your privilege, do not accept no for an answer. The following link will provide you important information regarding closing accounts. CLICK HERE

What next?
AFTER your account is secure send each pdl (the unlicensed and illegal) an email similar to THIS (please scroll down to locate letter template). Tailor this letter to your needs, and try to write it with the same basic concept in your own words. You will need to research and locate email addresses/physical addresses if you don't already have them, I suggest that you type the name of the pdl (example: "oneclickcash address") in the search box in the upper right hand corner of this forum. You may also search for addresses HERE at the Better Business Bureau.

File complaints: Most of the time, you can file a complaint online with the following, I encourage you to follow through with doing so, you will need to search the Internet for your state Attorney General's website, however, here are links to file complaints for the FTC, Online complaints: Federal Trade Commission., and the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU.

Keep in mind that you may not receive a response for days, or even weeks, or, you may receive harassing and threatening phone calls. I have found the best way to deal with this is not to respond or reply, simply hang up.

Side note: If you have paid an illegal/unlicensed payday lender above and beyond the principal amount you borrowed, it might be a good idea to demand a refund and a paid in full letter/receipt. You may or may not get one or both. It still doesn't hurt to include that tidbit in your letter. :)[/quote]

Submitted by Shazzers on Mon, 09/29/2008 - 13:22


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

What about Their address is Coasta Rica.
I am so very scared right now. I have calls in to 2 debt settlement companies for help...PDLassistance and Langhore. Are they reputable?
I am ready to cry...what do I do first?
1. Close my bank account?
2. Write letters/emails to the companies?

I am so scared...seriously.

Submitted by nikpop on Tue, 09/30/2008 - 06:00


( Posts: 32 | Credits: )

nikpop, you can probably resolve this yourself, I wouldn't pay someone else to deal with these companies if Iwere you. There is a lot of paper work and research involved, but it has been done successfully by other members! If you follow the steps I posted above, you should be just fine! Keep in mind that these illegal and unlicensed lenders can threaten and try to intimidate you, but when it comes right down to it, there isn't a single thing they can do in a court of law because they are illegal! Please don't allow their threats to scare you, that is their intention, to scare more money out of you! Follow the steps for the illegal lenders and you will be fine! As far as the legal lenders, you will need to try to contact them (try email first) and work out some type of payment arrangements, once you have a new bank account, do NOT give that information out again to ANYone. Tell these legal lenders you will send payments via US postal service with money orders, stress to them you no longer have a bank account and this is the only possible way you can make payments!

Submitted by Shazzers on Tue, 09/30/2008 - 06:47


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

If NATIONALPAYDAY's address is in Costa Rica then they probably aren't legal either, if you have paid them the principal amount you borrowed, then you do not owe them another dime! Please do not allow these illegal/unlicensed lenders intimidate you, they will try every trick in the book to get as much money from you as they can, they are thieves! It's very important that you get a letter sent out to these illegal lenders revoking wage assignments, then give a copy to your employer, this way they can not attach your wages! Please follow the steps above and you should be fine! :)

Submitted by Shazzers on Tue, 09/30/2008 - 06:52


( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

Ok. I am just so scared. I see other people having success, but they are not in Pennsylvania.

So...I need to close my bank account (will do tomorrow)
Start the letter writing. I saw a sample letter in another post. One letter will cover (1)do not call me, my references or my employer (2)consider my account pif.

That is for the illegal ones
1. Mycashnow, Onestep, 500fastcash, Unitedcashloans and National cash.

What about the legal ones?
1. Eastside, Paydayone, Thinkcash and Cashnet?
Do I send a letter saying "Do not contact me via phone. I want to set up a repayment option on the principal only?"

I am not clear on what I can ask for from them!!! What are the chances of them settling?

You have been a lifesaver to me so far. I finally feel like I am not alone and I might actually survive this! Can you please get me more info....

Submitted by nikpop on Tue, 09/30/2008 - 07:18


( Posts: 32 | Credits: )

Nikpop, you are MOST definately at the right place. Take a deep breath, these people on here are awesome. They will talk you through it. Taking the first step (closing the bank account) is the hardest and also the first pdl you deal with. It WILL get easier. I bumped my last post which is titled NRS/Arrowhead. Read it, you are NOT alone. I also live in this horrible state that has the silly loophole. For the ones that are legal, send the letter and when they respond, talk to them. You don't know if they will work with you until you do. An example for me is PayDayOne. I owe $1300 and they wouldn't budge with the finance charges on the account (taking them off) but they first came back with a payment every two weeks of $250 which I couldn't afford so we worked together and got it down to $180. My point again, talk to the legal ones. I have other examples that I could share but won't now.

Hang in there, you are in the right place. By the way, keep EVERYTHING you send in one place that is easy to access.

Good luck,


Submitted by dlsbrs on Tue, 09/30/2008 - 07:33


( Posts: 54 | Credits: )

Is this the letter to send to the ILLEGAL lenders? I found the one you posted and made the adjustments.
What about the LEGAL lenders?


Name Of PDL

Account #

After doing research regarding Internet payday loan laws in the State of Pennsylvania, I have found that your Internet payday loans are actually illegal. I have also found the following laws to be true applying to payday loans in the State of Pennsylvania in general:

Pennsylvania State Information

Legal Status: Prohibited

Check cashers are specifically prohibited from making payday loans under Check Cashing Licensing Act of 1998, ???? 505(a). Otherwise, consumer discount company act applies. 7 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. ???? 6201 et seq.

Small Loan Rate Cap
$9.50 per $100 per year discount or 24% per year

Where to Complain, Get Information:
Regulator: Pennsylvania Department of Banking
Address: Market Square Plaza, 17 N. Second Street Harrisburg PA 17101
Phone: (717) 214-8343
Fax: (717) 787-8773
Regulatory Contact: Jim Keiser Administrator of Non-Depository Institutions

I hereby revoke any and all ACH authorizations with your company from debiting any of my personal accounts, per Federal law, Regulation E Section 205.10 Preauthorized transfers. I have closed my account with Washington Federal Bank to protect my interest in this matter, per instructions from The Pennsylvania Department of Finance. I also revoke any and all wage assignments I may or may not have signed with your company, I no longer authorize you, your company, or your affiliates to attach any part of my wages or contact my employer for your collection purposes. I have notified my employer about this matter so any attempts to do so on your part will be rejected.

I demand that any contact be made through US Postal mail or email only. I will need everything in writing to keep accurate records of all communication as per instruction from my Attorney General's Office.
I prohibit you or your affiliates to contact me via telephone at my place of employment or my home
telephone number. I also prohibit you from calling my references listed on my loan.

Due to the fact that Internet payday loans must be licensed to be a legal and binding contract, I am requesting that you send me your license number which enables you to offer loans to Pennsylvania residents.

The legal amount that could have been charged to my loan is the principal amount, even IF your Internet pay day loan were legal anywhere in the U.S.. I am willing to pay the principle amount of the loan only, however, this is only if you provide me with a physical address where I can send payments.

I must also inform you that I will be filing complaints with the Better Business Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office.

I expect a response from your company no later than 5 days from the above date regarding this matter. This response may only come via US Postal mail or email. No telephone contact is permitted.


Better Business Bureau
Pennsylvania Attorney General
Federal Trade Commission

Submitted by nikpop on Tue, 09/30/2008 - 07:33


( Posts: 32 | Credits: )

I just called Langhorne to see what they can offer. What should I do? Can I really do this on my own? Their fees will be $1900 over the course of the payment plan. That is ALOT less that I have been paying. Does that mean my loans will be settled though? Or does that just mean they will try? I am so confused and scared. PLEASE RESPOND SOMEBODY!!!

Submitted by nikpop on Tue, 09/30/2008 - 12:40


( Posts: 32 | Credits: )

I did the search and got mixed reviews. Honestly, if I only had 4 or 5 loans, I would do this myself, but I don't know if I am strong enough. I have been going over and over is what I am thinking:
1. Close my account effective TODAY. (my payments are all due 10/10/)
2. On 10/10, email letters to the illegal lenders saying that I am done, they cannot contact me, etc. (I attached my draft letter in a previous post)
3. On 10/10 email letters to the legal lenders asking for a payment plan.
4. If no one responds, let Langhorne take over the legal lenders. I will continue to fight the illlegal least from what everyone else says in the postings on this site, they usually settle.

I know you are not lawyers, etc, but from your experiences, does this sound like a plan? I would think the legal lenders would rather deal with me directly, so they get paid sooner?!
I am really ready to give it all to Langhorne.

Submitted by nikpop on Wed, 10/01/2008 - 04:55


( Posts: 32 | Credits: )

Hi all.
I think I am going to try and resolve this stuff myself first...with the help of this board.
Can someone please review my sample letter for the "illegal" lenders and let me know if it looks right.
Also, can someone send me a sample letter for the legal lenders to request a settlement/repayment plan?
And...for the first time in months, I am actually looking forward to payday. :) :lol:

Submitted by nikpop on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 05:34


( Posts: 32 | Credits: )

Wanted to update you on my progress.

I have closed my bank account.
I have printed the current balances/payments due/contact info on each of my lenders.
I have written letters to both the legal and illegal lenders.
My payments are all due on 10/10, so I am sending the letters first thing that morning.

Am I doing the right thing? Also, I cannot find definite info on SIGN MY LOAN or LOANPOINT/GENEVA on this site. I have emailed both asking for their state of origin and license info. I got an immediate email from Geneva saying that I should contact customer service.
Hmmm...advice anyone?!?! I am running blind here and would like some feedback PLEASE!!!
Scared in PA!

Submitted by nikpop on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 08:25


( Posts: 32 | Credits: )

It looks like Geneva is licensed in UT, if that is that case then you would need to go by UT laws, which I will post below:

Compliance Department
Geneva Roth Companies
1338 S. Foothill Drive
Suite 325
Salt Lake City, UT 84108


Legal Status: Legal (Applies to check cashers only)

Utah Code Ann. ???? 7-23-101 et seq.

Loan Terms:
Maximum Loan Amount: No Limit
Loan Term: May not exceed 12 weeks
Maximum Finance Rate and Fees: No usury limit
Finance Charge for 14-day $100 loan: No Limit
apr for 14-day $100 loan: No Limit

Debt Limits:
Maximum Number of Outstanding Loans at One Time: No limit
Rollovers Permitted: Not Specified (cannot extend or renew loan more than 12 weeks from original loan date)
Cooling-off Period: None
Repayment Plan:

Collection Limits:
Collection Fees: Not Specified
Criminal Action: Not Specified

Where to Complain, Get Information:
Regulator: Utah Department of Financial Institutions
Address: 324 South State Street, Suite 201 Salt Lake City UT 84111
Phone: (801) 538-8830
Fax: (801) 538-8894
Regulatory Contact: ,

Submitted by dawnlango7 on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 09:27


( Posts: 1147 | Credits: )

Contact your Attorney General. Payday lending is ILLEGAL in PA.

Submitted by on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 13:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Emails went out TODAY. I got my first response from NATIONAL PAYDAY. They said they are legal in Costa Rica and I owe them. Is that TRUE?!
I have paid the principal many times over. Please advise.
Here is their email to me:

Thank you for the email. Since you have removed our authority to process
transactionswithin your account, there will be no electronic payment processed
at thistime.

While we understand and appreciate your comments and concern, please be
awarethat did nothing wrong when lending you funds as we are
notan Pennsylvania-based lender. All aspects and transactions with
NationalPayday.comare deemed to have taken place in our office in Costa Rica and
are under CostaRican jurisdiction, regardless of where you may be.

Again, as you have revoked authorization, your checking account will not
bedebited. However, you currently owe $451.18. No additional loan fees will be
accrued toyour total. Of course, we will be unableto grant you another loan, as
you are no longer a customer in good standing.

If you wish to settle on a payment arrangement, we are willing to discuss the

Thank you,
Support Team
National Payday

Submitted by nikpop on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 10:11


( Posts: 32 | Credits: )

Thanks for the advice, Shazzers!
Honestly, for the first time in months, I am feeling better. By this time next year I hope to be completely debt free. This forum has been an absolutely lifeline and I want you to know how much you are appreciated!
I plan on keeping everyone posted on my process. If I help ONE other person out there, this has been worth it.

Submitted by nikpop on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 10:42


( Posts: 32 | Credits: )

THIS IS THE RESPONSE FROM LOAN POINT/GENEVA ROTH. I am worried about this one because I have read the HORROR stories on this site about them. Should I just pay it and get rid of them?!?! I have had this loan for over 6 months, which means I have paid them $120/bi-weekly making it $1400 paid on a $400 loan....SO STUPID!!! How should I repond?!?!

We do not make payment arrangements, you must pay your minimum payment on your scheduled due date. Since your account is closed, I suggest that your open a new account or pay off the loan by sending a Money Gram or Western Union. We do not accept payments by mail. If neither is an option, then your account will be transferred to collections? If you have any other questions or need any other assistance regarding this matter please contact customer service. Our office hours are Monday thru Friday 8:00 to 5:00 pm central time.

you will need in order to make your loan payment of $520 to clear the balance on 10/10/08 If the payment is made after that date, the amount will be prorated. The service is called Moneygram and is available at every WalMart. There are other pay stations but you will need to locate them online under your city and zip code. They will ask for:

Receive code: 5846

Owner/Co Name: Capital Lending

City & State: Kansas City, KS


Once you make your payment, please call or email me with the reference number they give you so that I can notify the loan manager to show your account as paid in full. If you have any questions just call or email me.

Submitted by nikpop on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 08:01


( Posts: 32 | Credits: )

I believe they are licensed in UT, although I could be wrong about the state, I know they are licensed somewhere. That being the case, then unforunately they are legal and you would need to try & work out some sort of arrangement with them. Tell them that you cannot pay that much & would need to break it into lower/more payments. I'm not sure who they send their accounts to for collections, but maybe they would be easier to deal with than Geneva.

I think they settled with my because pdl's are illegal in CT period and I was such a "good" customer and had taken out so many loans with them...

Submitted by dawnlango7 on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 08:33


( Posts: 1147 | Credits: )

Here is my response to the nice folks at Geneva/Loan Point/Capital or whatever...

Once again, I am asking what state your company is licensed in and a mailing address. I have paid over $1400 in fees on a $400 loan. I am trying to do what is right, but I will only pay what is legally owed and not a penny more. My original loan was with Geneva Roth, then I get emails from Loan Point and now I see a company called Capital Lending. I am confused and want to keep my records straight.
What company do I owe?
What state are they licensed in?
What is the business address?

Thank you.

Submitted by nikpop on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 08:57


( Posts: 32 | Credits: )

Response email from ONE STEP CASH

This letter is being sent in response to your communications with One Step Cash. Your interpretation of the law is invalid. It seems as though you have over looked the fact that the loan is controlled by Arizona law. Despite our position and in an effort to resolve this complaint without further escalation, we will waive the remaining balance of $520 upon receipt of documentation from the Better business Bureau, Federal Trade Commission and Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office that your complaint has been resolved. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Please sign & fax this letter to 800 616 0533.

Borrower????????s Signature__________________________________

Date ________________

One Step Cash

8100 E. Indian School Road #201

Scottsdale, AZ. 85251

So what now?! Please advise....

Submitted by nikpop on Wed, 10/08/2008 - 04:54


( Posts: 32 | Credits: )

I'm a new member, and I too have got myself in a bind with these payday lenders. I have already paid off one, I have one with STCAdvance and STCAdvance, I know for a fact they are operating outside the US, therefore, I have not paid them another cent., I thought was legit...until today. I borrowed $200 from them awhile back and I was paying the finance fee of $60 bi-weekly for almost 3 months, then I got into a bind and wasn't able to pay them anything for at least a month and a half, my bank account was closed because of STCAdvance, they were withdrawing crazy amounts 3-4 times a day!! They would not work with me period! on the other hand, was willing to work with me. They told me I could mail money orders in until I was completely paid off. At the beginning of all of this the address they gave me was in Salt Lake City, Utah, now all of a sudden the address has changed to somewhere in Costa Rica, I thought that was really odd. So now the question is, do I still pay the remaining balance or have a paid them enough considering they are possibly operating outside the US? I have paid over $200 in finance fees alone, and I have mailed a total of $150 in money orders! Sorry, to me that's just alittle extreme! If I don't have to pay them anything else, what do I tell them or send to them? Please help! lol

Submitted by ta2edgrl1984 on Mon, 11/10/2008 - 13:25


( Posts: 3 | Credits: )

This is in response to my post above, I just received an email from Kari at I emailed her earlier asking her why the address has changed, and this is what she put:


The reason the address has changed is Our main office is in Costa Rica, and they were being forwarded from Utah. But it was taking way too long to receive the money orders so now we are having everything sent directly there. Also I received your money order email~ Thanks!

Hmmmm, interesting. Should I go ahead and make one last payment to them, or email her back and tell her I'm finished paying?

Thank you,
Kari, Collections Representative

Submitted by ta2edgrl1984 on Mon, 11/10/2008 - 13:52


( Posts: 3 | Credits: )

You borrowed $200 from them and it seems that you have paid back $350+. Because they are based out of Costa Rica, they are illegal and you have overpaid thay actually owe you a refund, but it will probably be hard to get. I would request that they mark your account paid in full and be done with them. Don't send them any more money...

Submitted by dawnlango7 on Mon, 11/10/2008 - 13:55


( Posts: 1147 | Credits: )

was going to call this company to do debt relief to get a lower payment for my credit cards is it legal they are called Pacific Debt Inc. Help!!!! all I wanted to do was get out of debt I am in Pa.

Submitted by on Mon, 06/22/2009 - 16:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
July 11, 2009
Toland, Bill

In a decision that could have industrywide ramifications, Pennsylvania's Commonwealth Court has ruled that outside payday firms doing business over the Web are subject to the state's lending laws even if the companies are not physically located there. Because other jurisdictions besides Pennsylvania are looking to rein in predatory lending, Rob Byer -- a lawyer representing the state -- predicted the decision will "get a lot of national play." The case involved Cash America Net, a major payday loan entity, which is licensed in Nevada and incorporated in Delaware but argued that it did not need a license to operate in Pennsylvania -- which until 2008 had allowed out-of-state Internet loans as long as the provider was governed by the laws of another state. That year, the state Department of Banking revised its rule to require licensing by Feb. 1, 2009, of all non-depository entities, even those out of state, that offer loans carrying interest of greater than 6 percent. The Commonwealth Court ruled against Cash America Net, which earned $20 million for online loans in Pennsylvania in 2007 and 2008 bearing annual interest rates of roughly 1,200 percent. Pennsylvania, by comparison, caps lending rates at a default rate of 6 percent -- although lenders that are licensed may charge about 27 percent. "It is well settled in constitutional law that the regulation of interest rates is subject within the police power of the state particularly when it comes to cases involving small loans, which profoundly affect the social life of the community," Judge Doris A. Smith-Ribner wrote for the majority.


Submitted by on Sat, 08/01/2009 - 19:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )