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PLEASE STOP CALLING MY HOME.I do not respond to rude und unprofessional people.

Submitted by Vikas on Fri, 09/03/2004 - 12:49
Posts: 2019

:x So I get a call the other day at 5:02 AM from this company that insists I owe them 100.00 for a Cingular bill. Um, I have had ATT and just migrated over to cingular 8 days ago, please tell me how that is possible. The Rep then said I owe for a phone number that I have never heard of. Not even the same area code as I am in. I informed him that I have has identity fraud and that I needed some kind of documentation from them so I could give it to my lawyer. HE REFUSED! I said by law you have to send me something. He said, I dont have to send you anything. If you would just get a job and pay your bills you wouldnt have this problem, and then kept insulting me and yelling at me. I asked to speak with a supervisor and he told me I didnt need to speak with one. Total verbal abuse. Well let me tell you, I have a job. I make over 8K a month and have 3 cars and a 900,000 home. Dont you think that I would pay a bill of 100 something if I owed it? I would pay it just to get that ass to shutup and quit calling me so many times a day, but because they want to be an ass, I will be an ass. I filed a complaint with the BBB. Also notified my attorney who informed me that over 8 laws have been broken. My grandfather used to work for the US attorney generals office, so im going to ask him if they can do anything. But im sure they will keep calling, and the laws they break will just keep adding up. Thats ok, just more money I will get from the law suit.

Submitted by on Sun, 03/18/2007 - 01:37

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Keep an air horn close by your phone and blast these nincompoops when they call.

Submitted by on Mon, 03/19/2007 - 08:11

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I keep getting phone calls from this number:202-607-2749. Does anyone know who these people are? They say they ar from BCR but I can't figure out what they want or who they are.

Submitted by on Tue, 03/20/2007 - 07:52

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Hey Mary Jo. That number is BCR. They have been calling me also. They are starting to use a 763 number too. I dont owe anybody anything but yet they call me too. Its a big mess. They are idiots. If you answer and talk to them, beware your going to get yelled at and harrassed, even if its not your account. Just read all the posts, so you have some knowledge about who this company is. Not sure if this place is a scam or not. My lawyer is figuring that out.

Submitted by on Tue, 03/20/2007 - 08:22

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I got a call from BCR today, telling me I owed $1000 for Cingular. I paid it back in December with a different collection office. I have the money order and the confirmation that it was paid. I think this is a scam, I have been scammed by lots of people, ebay, paypal,yahoo auctions. The funny thing is when I answered, there was a pause then a woman asked if it was me, and I said "yes" then all of a sudden a guy answered, and didnt give me a formal introduction. I told him I already paid it, and he said that Id have to take it up with Cingular. Im wanting to get a lawyer on this. This is 1 scam that definitely wont work on me

Submitted by on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 02:39

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I'm an attorney in California who has backed off several collection companies with bogus cingular wireless and ebay bills. Write and dispute the charge, tell them to produce the backup documentation and to only contact by letter. They will go away. I am contemplating contacting legislators as this appears to be an organized fraudulent scam involving several collection agencies. I just got tagged by these guys myself.

Submitted by on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 14:51

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They have too many different phone numbers that they call people from-I paid a cingular debt off a year ago and they call me wanted the exact amount I paid--in fact they are trying to make me pay double!!! I told the last caller "you are in violation of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act". but that doesn't stop them!!!

Submitted by on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 13:29

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Okay, here's the skinny from a former debt collector, and a message in reply to the guy from BCR who posted his comments.

1) If you're told by a person not to call their private home phone number, you cannot legally keep calling them. No debtor needs to send you a cease and desist letter for that.

2) You're company is not the good collection agency you make it out to be. When I began getting harrassing phone calls from BCR (for what I don't know - I've checked my credit report and I am current with everyone I owe money to) 3 of the 4 times I called in a 15 minute period your collectors hung up on me. Twice when I asked them to tell me who BCR was, and once when I asked the person I was talking with to give me their name.

3) The fact that you're working for a collection agency doesn't keep you from identifying who you are when you're asked. In fact, in Alaska you are required to divulge that information upon being asked.

4) BCR makes it impossible for people to find out who they are, or how to send them any correspondence in order to have them stop harrassing you over the phone because they don't give you any information when you call them. So their claim of just sending them a cease and desist letter is a bunch of B.S. unless you know their address. Their address, by the way is: Bureau of Collection Recovery, Inc., 7575 Corporate Way, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. You should be able to find on this site an excellent copy of a cease and desist letter.

5) My last piece of advice is to contact your states Attorney General's office the first time you get a call from BCR to record and file a complaint against them.

As for the collector who is laughing as he causes innocent people to suffer because of the ineptitude of the business he works in; I can only hope that you find yourself on the recieving end of harrassment from a company like yours. Then, and only then will you truly know that your business works from the lowest rung of the moral ladder.

Submitted by on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 22:34

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Your company keeps calling me looking for someone named Darnell. I DO NOT KNOW HIM AND HAVE TOLD YOU THIS SEVERAL TIMES!! Each time you apologize and then the next day you call again. I am on vacation and am trying to enjoy myself, when I get phone calls from you and become agitated!!!


Submitted by on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 08:21

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hey darnell - I do apologize for the phone calls. Unfortunately, this site is not affiliated with BCR. You will need to possibly talk with a supv at BCR the next time they call and hopefully they will get your number removed.

But to be honest, you may not have luck. Check with your phone company and see if they can block the number.

Submitted by jedijeff13 on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 08:26


( Posts: 1734 | Credits: )

:twisted: So just a little FYI, if you have read any of my past posts you will see that I have been horribly harrassed by this company, over a bill I dont have. The 5am phone calls 7 times a day way to much, but being yelled at and harrassed over the phone was too much. So I sent a complaint to the BBB and notified them of the harrassment, scam and more importantly the laws that this company as broken. I also notified them that my lawyer has received and reviewed all this information and is ready to file the lawsuit. Well after the BBB contacted them, I have been BCR free for 3 days! OMG! I like answering my phone again. However, eventhough the calls stopped, im still filing the lawsuit. Too many laws were broken and too many people are being harrassed. This company is a scam and needs to be out of business.

Submitted by on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 22:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

"I have been a manager at bureau of collection recovery-i honestly think debtors as yourself are always looking for a place to vent with other debtors to make all of you look like your the honest bill paying do no wrong look good, when in fact i make alot of money on people that want to face the fact that they want to face up to there responsibilities. I think perhaps that everyone of you are just a portion of the american way that think that not paying your bills is the only way-way to go teach all your children to be debtors like yourself so my children can make the bucks off of you-keep up the good job and enjoy your crappy credit and i will be thinking of all of you as i am going to work behind the wheel of my paid off mercedes while on the phone planning my next vacation somewhere-thank you keep sending my paycheck......"

10 to 1 the fat loser does not even HAVE a job. Check the spelling and punctuation. What a joke. The idiot can't use your and you're. I think Shanaanaa has confused the city bus with a Mercedes and her welfare check with a pay check.

Submitted by on Thu, 04/12/2007 - 10:01

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Awwww isn't that cute? LOL Somehow, I seriously doubt you are a manager anywhere other than a McDonalds with that fascist and rascist attitude...Are you teaching your children how to be rascist as well???? Oh and since we are pointing out grammer errors, I is always capitlized!

Submitted by Leah on Thu, 04/12/2007 - 10:09


( Posts: 2322 | Credits: )

Does anyone have a fax number or email address for the Bureau of Collection Recovery? I need to request that they remove my phone number from their data base. Can anyone assiat me? Thank you. Francis

Submitted by on Sun, 04/15/2007 - 10:15

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been getting phone calls from this company as well for a closed cingular account that I have no balance on. It did originally go to collections with a different agency, and it was paid in full (I have verification) all the way back in September. I'm less concerned with the harassing phone calls as I am with this question: Has this been negatively affecting my credit this entire time? I bought a car in October, and went to attempt to trade it in last week only to see that my credit score had dropped 80 points in this 7 months time (not an exaggeration, that is literal)! Is this why? I'm FURIOUS, of course! Your credit is all you have, it's your name, and I was mortified when my account had to even go to collections, and worked my butt off to get it paid off right away. And now look. Anyhow, can anyone answer that question?

Submitted by on Fri, 05/11/2007 - 12:38

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To every one that has a problem with BCR they need to know that it is illegal to call you for you do not have a debt with them. If by chance they baught a debt then by constitution it is paid in full.If for some odd reason that they keep calling you , you can file suit in civil court for violation of the 4th amendment as well as harassement. Once a company is told not to call you they can never do it again. Once they brake that right the debt is paid in full and you can seek damages for harrasement and monitary compensation. You must inform them to stop calling then proceed with the suit or let them keep bothering you. I will not let it lie, I will fight for what is right. And like so many others I dont even owe the bill.[size=7][/size]

Submitted by on Sun, 05/20/2007 - 11:02

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Hello... I see that I am not the only one wanting to strangle these people... I found a great official letter at a site from "brokeass chick".. google her and find the letter.. good luck.. no wait.. you make you own luck.. don't let these guys get the best of you!

Submitted by on Tue, 05/22/2007 - 16:29

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I got a call from BCR and they were looking for my ex-wife. It's so nice to see my problems went with her!!!

Submitted by on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 17:24

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I sent a DV letter to BCR and I got back a verification letter from Atlantic Credit and Finance, so now I dont know who I send this second DV letter to explaining to them what Validation is. Do I send it to BCR again or Atlantic? Atlantic only has P.O. box so I'd rather not send it there.

Submitted by bebauch on Tue, 06/26/2007 - 20:02


( Posts: 14 | Credits: )

I've just received a letter in the mail as well from BCR. I've read all of the blogs here. I for a fact know I owe no debts to Cingular or AT&T. I started this service before I deployed to Iraq last year. I have kept all payments current and I know this for a fact(I keep all documentation). If, in fact, there were any charges to my account it would have reflected on my bill. We all know that if someone purchases any equipment or had any charges of service the bill will reflect these payments first and foremost. I've been dealing with creditors for a long time. Not because I owe outstanding debts, but because I like to keep up with my credit info.

I know how the system works. I know if there is any debts owed to a company
1.) The company will make the consumer aware of that debt
2.)After about 30 - 60 days that company will turn the matter over to an inside collection department who will attempt to collect that debt.
3.)After 90 days or more, it will be turned over to an outside collection agency.

Looks like a couple of steps have been skipped here in this case and this not only suspicious, but stinks to hell(excuse the language). And to add to that. If this company was collecting a debt from a wireless company regarding someone's account, there should be an actual cell phone # included. I see an erroneous "Original Creditor Account" number was included that is completely wrong. I have seen a collection letter regarding a cell phone company before. I once worked at one.

So, I will be calling Cingular on Monday. If there were any debts owed to them, they WILL know of it. And I know there is no bebts. After confirming that, I will be contacting BCR, if we can't resolve the issue, then, my next step is to check my credit report. If the debt has made it this far I should have something on my credit report that reflects it. And if, indeed, it IS or not on my credit report, I will be taking further legal action to resolve the issue anyways. There has been a mistake somewhere, some identification theft, or just a plain ol scam. (I think its #3.)

Oh, by the way. I've been doing a little research on this matter.... The letter I received from George Gustafson (#888-714-2338), I've found some quite interesting info. Does seem like there is a scam going on. I will find out Monday.

Submitted by on Sat, 06/30/2007 - 13:22

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I can't seem t find BCR address anyware on the internet. We have had Primeco, AT&T, Cingular now AT&T again for over 12 years, but in thelast year I've been getting harrassing calls as early as 8:00 a.m. to as late as 9:00 p.m. about a $200+ bill and I keep trying to expalain to them that we don't owne a bill and if we didi would we be able to have the service now (they don't seem to grasp that logic). What I think a letter writing campaign to your attorney generals of your state and make them aware of the laws BCR is breaking re: collections.
I can't sedn them a cease and desisit letter until I find the address. HELP!!!!

Submitted by on Thu, 07/05/2007 - 18:32

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Wow and here we are in the middle of 2007 and these people are still pulling the same BS. I am now having the same problem as alot of you. BCR calles me one day and said I owed AT&T. It took me by suprize as I have never had AT&T as a phone provider. When I asked for what they informed me that it was a cell phone bill from Cingular in 2005. I had not recieved a letter from BCR or Cingular for the last year and a half and now here they are calling me expecting me to just fess up with money. I told them to send me a collection letter so I have something in writing with their letter head on it and that they would not get paid until I get the letter and my 30 days to reply. I have recieved no letter as of yet but they call at least twice a day with some long number showing up on my caller ID. I have talked to them several times and they have clamed to have sent me the letter. My reply to that was "Then you should have my signiture on the certified delevery reciept so send me a copy of that. THey have offered to fax it to me and I have given them my fax number but then the guy backed down and didn't want to fax it and tole me to contact AT&T first. It is clear that BCR is running a scam and are not legit. I will be contacting my AG and BBB as well as AT&T.

Submitted by on Tue, 07/10/2007 - 21:06

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I keep getting these calls from BCR which I haven't answered, tried to call them back and it says their vm is full and cannot even leave them a message. I have always paid every bill I have and don't know what in the world they would be calling me about. Can someone explain that one to me please?

Submitted by on Sun, 07/15/2007 - 13:31

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I had a missed call from BCR earlier today and called them back, after googling the phone number. After giving them my cell number which they already had, the guy tried to coax my name from me, which I refused, telling him that he had contacted me in the first place and that I wanted to know why. He would not tell me, though he asked if I was "kevin". Again, I told him I wouldn't tell him my name and asked why he called me. He then said "don't play games with me pal", whereupon i told him not to mess with me. He very rudely told me not to waste his time, so I told him to F&%* himself.

I want to know if I am actually liable for something or if this is a scam. I absolutely do not want to engage with anyone from that enterprise though. I had considered checking my credit reports, though I would think if they are contacting me for something legit, it has yet to find its way onto my credit report, seeing as they typically send threatening letters before doing that.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

Submitted by on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 18:10

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Can you believe the collections mgr statement. My pop was right. There is an ass for every seat. :lol:

Submitted by on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 19:32

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If the collector is legit, a letter must be sent to you within 5 days of the first communication, stating the original creditor and the amount allegedly owed. Some collectors, such as Cavalry Portfolio, illegally list the item on your credit report straightaway, and then contact you, whether it's really your debt or not.

Submitted by Law Student on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 20:14

Law Student

( Posts: 1182 | Credits: )

so yeah this same piece of crap company has been calling my parents house every day at least 4-6 times a day asking for me....well im deployed to iraq. and so i decided to give these scumbags a call and let them know that i have never had a bill i havent paid they tell me oh yes you do with cingular wireless...i said ok first i've never used cingular second im in iraq buddy...he simply asked when do you get back from deployment told him in october and he hung up. wow...what a way to treat someone fighting for you freedom to harrass people over the phone and waking them up. bunch of low life losers.

Submitted by on Thu, 07/26/2007 - 19:14

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This company has started to send my company letters. I'm accounts payable, and when I got the letter saying our AT&T formerly Cingular Wireless account went to collections, I was shocked--as we have never had an account with Cingular. And we DO have 3 AT&T accounts, but even when we're 1 week past due, I get a notice in the mail. All of our accounts with AT&T are current. So, I asked our CEO about it, and she confirmed: no such account.

To make a long story short, they're giving me the run-around and it's starting to smell more and more like a scam everyday!

Submitted by on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 15:53

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I have gotten many call from BCR and they are very rude on the phone. They will not tell me what the want and get very irrated at me. I try to talk to them but they do not want to and hang the phone up on me. This is a very BAD COMPANY and should be put out of business!!!!!!!

Submitted by on Mon, 07/30/2007 - 18:38

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T mobile seems to be the issue for most of these post. We left T mobile 6 yrs ago. Went to cingular, took our number with us. T mobile claimed we still owed them 123. dollars. They sent the bill to us to close the account, they cashed our check that amount. Done deal until the following year. Collection agency called for the 123. dollars. I sent copy of bill & cancelled check. They stopped calling. New agency started calling 7 mos later. We have to repeat this process, everytime T mobil gets a new collection agency. T mobil is more than a problem, they dont know why I am calling them.
I will never even consider T mobile. I tell everyone I talk to about the crappy service and there inability to fix there problem.

Avoid T mobile..... :evil: T mobile

Submitted by on Fri, 08/03/2007 - 14:33

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complete a**holes they are. I had a guy tell me I owed money from 2003 yet cingular somehow left my cell service active till 2005 when i switched to verizon...yeah ok

then he said that cause cingular didn't know i was in collections yet they are the ones who put me there... yeah ok

so i called AT&T (bought out cingular) and payed the entire debt on my CC. easy and quick

next week i'm still getting calls from bcr saying i owe them money and when i say i payed att&t already i was called a lier. so i secretly called at&t on 1 line while arguing with the GED $8/hour white trash from BCR on the other line. Conferenceing in the ATT rep saying my account has been payed in full and has a zero balence right to the a**hole who not 30 seconds ago called me a liar was gold... yeah he hung up but not before i got in a big "that's what IF'n though a**hole"

Submitted by on Mon, 08/06/2007 - 13:52

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You call homes when you're not even sure if you have the person you're looking for - this is harassment!

You don't leave detailed information about what the hell it is you're looking for - so we don't even know how to respond.

The number you leave to call back dumps into a voice mailbox that is full - meaning we have to call during business hrs to speak to a rude collector who refuses to believe I'm not the person you're looking for!! (So spare us the, "just tell us and we'll leave you alone" crap).

If you're so kind and considerate Mr Collector, then why don't you post "your" home number so we can call "your" house each day and clear things up? You practice harassment, your callers are rude and nasty, and your facts are screwed up.

I've begun the process of logging your harassing/rude calls (in my state I can record phone calls) and support any suit directed at your organization.

Submitted by on Sun, 08/26/2007 - 07:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Folks, if you get a call from this agency, DEMAND a written statement as to what they are trying to collect. By law they must provide it.

And you can also go to Ebay, Cingular, ATT, etc. websites, and send them a letter telling them what's happening (usually under "contact us.") If BCR is dealing in fradulent activity, the respective companies will want to know. You may get a response telling you to "send a letter to...." which will get you to the proper department, or your email may be directed to the correct department. Each company is different.

Thsy just called my house message left, and I don't answer calls if I don't know who is calling and / or why!

Submitted by on Tue, 09/11/2007 - 13:16

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I just got off the phone with BCR. This after the 112th call so far. just like most of you, my phone has been ringing off the hook. I have called the # back numerous times thinking I owed someone, wanting to pay my debt and I always get the same answer, "who do we ask for when we call"(to which I reply no one because it's always an automated system that calls me, "what debt do you owe" ( to which I reply nothing that I can think of. Finally today I reached a nice lady (for the first time ever) who told me she would take my number to the dialing room and have the people take my number out of the system. Thank GOD , if she really does this , I will be sooooo happy! good luck guys!

Submitted by on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 08:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i worked for the bureau of collection recovery without going in to too much detail i will explain some thing to you guys

1. it is required by law for a collection agency to give the "debtor" 30 to submit any disputes in WRITING or the debt will be valid and collected upon.

2. the letters that are sent out are done so by a outside company that the agency hires to do that (it takes to much time and money for the agency to do it themself's)

3. belive me i am not trying to be a smart a$$ so dont start yelling at me but if people would just take care of their bills in a timely manner they wouldnt have to worry about collection agencys "harassing "them

Submitted by on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 22:33

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My family and I had service through Cellular One. Well we went w/ Verizon and ported our numbers over. We started receiving calls also from these stupid "sand niggers" and they keep asking for money even though the account is paid off. I even called Cell One and asked if we owed something and they couldn't even find our account, which the lady said happens to accounts that are paid for and closed.

My wife answered the phone tonight and the guy threatened that he was going to press legal charges against her if she didn't pay the amount. So she gave them a check by phone. Well she tells me this after I get home and when I try to call and raise hell w/ the company and get that they're voicemail is full.

Submitted by on Thu, 09/20/2007 - 20:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

What you say is true, however, BCR does not get it when they call for people that DONT live at a residence, instead they harrass people that have nothing to do with the debt!!! They are rude and need to follow the rules

Submitted by on Mon, 09/24/2007 - 20:10

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I started receiving calls from the BCR 202-607-2749 on Saturday, September 22,2007. I have never owned a ATT/Cingular phone. I have requested them to send me documentation in the mail but they will not. They keep calling me saying that this outstanding bill is on my credit report. I am contacting the BBB today.

Submitted by on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 04:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

What is a cease and desist letter and how can it be used?

Submitted by on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 18:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Purchase an airhorn and the next time they call blow the person's ear drum out. They'll stop calling.

Submitted by on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 01:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

To "Collection Manager",
First let me start by saying you and the companies you work for a full of nonsense. I am a victim of BCR and AT&T/Cingular Wireless. I have reported all entities involved to the Better Business Bureau and the State Attorney General. We'll see how much you have to say when this is all rectified.
Here's a thought, why doesn't BCR hire people who speak clear english? I think it's part of their scam to hire people consumers cannot understand and use that as a way to twist the consumers words.
And, it's interesting that the information supposedly used on the account in dispute is not valid.

To the consumers reading this posting, please be sure to involve your local agencies. Contact your Attorney General and the BBB. If necessary, report it to the police. Don't agree to pay charges that you KNOW do not belong to you.

Submitted by on Sun, 10/14/2007 - 10:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Dear Mr/Mrs 'I'm in the Collections field':

You're clearly missing the point. Read thru the posts again. Peeps are complaining that BCR is NOT following the legal guidelines for collection activity.
If you dont work for BCR; dont take offense, dont defend them & please move along.
If you DO work for BCR; then you are a) aware of the laws governing debt collection & willingly choosing to ignore them. One turn deserves another so dont be surprised when peeps who legitimately have no relationship with the original creditor, ignores you.
Where you trained to google the customer's name & state and proceed to call anyone remotely close to the name? Do you attempt to contact the original customer by calling their references on their initial application? It's uncanny how you manage to reach relatives and peeps that share the customer's same name!
b) if it is true that your company BCR hires from a temp agency (see post from former temp worker) you may want to inform the temp agency of your business activity so they can insure that the temps they send you are formally educated on the laws of collection. If the temp agency cant do this; then perhaps you should.
c) you're so upset when you post on this site. If you are in the right, IF you believe that you are conducting business according to the law; perhaps as a Manager you should employ quality control tools to insure that ALL of your employees are following the law. Do you honestly think that all of these peeps are making these inter actions = violations up?

It is re assuring to read that you are so apt at collections. Just remember to play by the rules (law) and Im certain that folks you contact who have LEGIT debt with the orignal creditor, will be more willing to settle the matter.
REMEMBER: You reap what you sow.

Submitted by hvn_sent on Wed, 10/17/2007 - 08:57


( Posts: 218 | Credits: )

I highly doubt that your making that much money out of being a manager of a collection agency being that you dont get money unless the debt is paid and that would be the EXACT reason why you keep harrasing people with your calls. But the jokes on you! People if they keep calling you change your phone number or dont answer when you dont recognize the number or call your phone carrier (if landline) and have the block the specific number tell them your being harrased, they will do it. Screw these collection agencys if there dumb enough to buy your debt from someone you owe then they deserve to not get paid as well.

Submitted by on Sun, 10/21/2007 - 17:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Oh yeah if you owe someone and you want to pay them send the money to the business you owe it too, dont pay it thru the collection agency because if you give it straight to (ex: cingular, verizon,etc) the collection agency wont get there fee. So they spent all that time up harrassing you for nothing because they wont get paid.

Submitted by on Sun, 10/21/2007 - 17:51

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