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Reported to Colorado BBB - Get rid of GCS

Submitted by Teleport on Tue, 11/22/2005 - 08:26
Posts: 1388

"Interstate Collections" is located somewhere in Jacksonville, Flordia.

Also, the same switchboard operator who use to work for Ted, at Ellis Crosby & Associates, is now working at Interstate.

Weird ain't it?

Phone number: 866-225-4872

Hopefully no one has to deal with them, as many are starting to get threatening calls from them.

It's also possible that they are called something else, but I was told by another forum member that they are "Interstate". Whoever they are, the switchboard operator is definitely the same person who answered "how can I dircect your call" for Ted Crosby.


Mikey, I agree... If the debt is legit and owed, take care of it your credit only suffers if you don't. What I have a problem with are these scam artists.

Submitted by on Fri, 12/09/2005 - 08:43

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My brother has just recieved a phone call from them claiming to be out of Cheyenne Wyoming... Wanting him to send cash for his debt... and debt that he isn't sure he made... some quick cash pay day loan... if he did make it he made it years ago... I did some looking into it... because the companies this interstate said he owed the debt to i couldn't find even existed... so i found this site... I've seen phone numbers posted on here... and its the same number he has... hes afraid of what may happen if he doesn't pay this debt... any advice?

Submitted by on Fri, 12/09/2005 - 08:50

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Make them validate the debt, they have to by law... I believe there is a validation letter out here somewhere but I don't recall where Mikey can help you with that one.

Submitted by on Fri, 12/09/2005 - 08:53

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The problem with Interstate though is no one has a legitmate address to send a validation letter to, you will have to tell them via phone conversation to do so. I wish someone could give find an address for them....

Submitted by on Fri, 12/09/2005 - 08:55

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Yes, if they are legit they will send a letter stating who the original creditor is and what the amount of his debt, I can guarantee you he will not hear from them again. As said in all the forums there are no debtor's prison you can't go to jail or be arrested for a debt, they will try anything to get you to send them money. They will threaten and harrass you repeatedly until you let them know you are on to their game. If your brother owes the debt, call the original creditor and ask them who they sent it to, if they didn't make arrangements with them to take care of it. Best route to go I believe. I know it's intimidating but try not to let them get to you

Submitted by on Fri, 12/09/2005 - 09:06

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He needs to keep on them I did and now they say my claim was moved back to the original debtor with was Platinum B Services which also does (I think) business as Epayday and I know for sure SJM Marketing. Platinum B Service number is 866-722-2770 ask for Dominic he was very helpful.
He said they have pulled all accounts from this IWCB due to they are in alot of trouble. Do not send them anything. Maybe try this Platinum B Services and see if they have your bothers information.
They did however send me to the new collection agency. But the files are so new with them they do not have the info on my case yet.

Submitted by dkoen2001 on Fri, 12/09/2005 - 10:50


( Posts: 30 | Credits: )

My brother is in the marines... this Interstate company contacted his gunnery sgt... they are now going to go through the attorney general... they believe this company is involved with ellis crosby.. but thanks for the number to Platinum B... my brother is going to call there and see what he can find out

Submitted by on Fri, 12/09/2005 - 11:26

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Janelle, tell your brother good luck... Everything should work out fine...

Submitted by on Fri, 12/09/2005 - 11:35

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Do they have a office in Cheynne, Wy? Has anyone heard of "Eagel Federal Bank" not sure were it is located maybe Wy also?

Submitted by on Tue, 12/13/2005 - 20:37

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I don't think it could be the same one that ISWB told me about. According to the State of WY - Eagle Federal Bank is not listed in Wy like they claim. ISWCB said they were located in Cheynne, WY. And also told me to money gram money cash to them in Cheyene, WY. I call the Dept of Banking in my state and they are going to investage.

Submitted by on Wed, 12/14/2005 - 10:19

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No such back in Mississippi- checked with Dept of Banking in that state also.

Submitted by on Wed, 12/14/2005 - 13:22

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Wish I had known about the fraudulent company, I had been out of town, and they called and advised me if I didnt make restitution immediately, I would have to pay for an attorney and court costs. I stupidly sent a moneygram (thankfully not the full amount).

Submitted by on Wed, 12/14/2005 - 13:33

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Interstate Wire Compliance Bureau was trademarked/registered on 10/27/2005

Ted Crosby Anthony Galloway Interstate Wire Compliance Bureau

same company, same location, new dba, new 'dummy' company, new wyoming phone numbers

Link made inactive as per forum rules - Vikas

Submitted by on Wed, 12/14/2005 - 16:49

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This person by the name of Liz Wade, told me that Eagle Federal Bank is located in Wy. and when I checked the yellow and white pages in Mississippi no listing came up for Eagle Federal Bank for Savings
no bank by the name of Eagle Federal or with Eagle Federal in the title/name came up at all.
Even 411 did not have a listing with either.

Submitted by on Wed, 12/14/2005 - 19:05

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I got a call from them yesterday at my Job. They acted like they were a Federal authority. Now true I do owe the debt but they are threatening taking my PC from where I made the transaction from which is my work computer to get the Hard Drive for verification. Tell me what I can do to stop them they have called me again this morning telling me that if they did not get the money that had a letter to send to my office so they could get my work CPU.

Submitted by on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 08:37

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My number was 1-866-759-4158. The first person I talked to was William Jones then I was transfered to a Ms. Atler, Mr. Jones Supervisor who knew nothing about my account. Now Ms. Atler had a lot of info on me. She then Transfered me to a lady by the name of Cora. All the same as everyone else Go to Walmart do a Blue and White Money Gram form. Code is 4192 Interstate Wire Compliance Bureau, Cheyenne Wy. with a ref number. I just need a little guidance in what to do.

Submitted by on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 08:43

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You should ask for debt validation first. You have the right to claim some written document before sending MO.

Don't forget to keep all the documents of your correspondence safely. It will help you to defend yourself if they come up with some illegitimate demand in future.

Submitted by 4u.bryan on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 10:41


( Posts: 819 | Credits: )

how can they do business if they are in a law suit with ellis and crosby

Submitted by on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 10:49

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I was under the impression that Interstate and Interstate Compliance were two different companies. Interstate Compliance is located in WY, apparently, and is having their money sent that way (if you did a MoneyGram payment). This doesn't always mean that this is where the calls are going.

Speaking of Ted Crosby, does anyone have any new information about them. Where they went to hide?


Submitted by Teleport on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 10:52


( Posts: 1388 | Credits: )

They aren't hiding. They are still at 4494 Southside Bouelvard (Suite 200). They are using cell phones mostly right now (Hence the Wyoming numbers, but calling from Florida)

With $15, you can do a cell phone reverse lookup and get the complete information on them. I believe for another $30 (Online agencies vary in price), you can get their complete calling log for that billing cycle as well. I'd post links for such services, but apparently that's a no no.

Submitted by on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 11:33

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Don't send any money to interstate wire compliance bureau... they are a fake company... my brother just went through this with him... when he didn't give into their threats... and they wouldn't verify the loan... the left him alone...

Submitted by on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 17:19

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Just filed my complaint online with the AG office in Fla. and also have aphone call into Amy.

Contacted my attorney and he clearned up a few things for me on the correct procedure in dealing with any collection agency from any state. He also told me NOT to send them money and when and if the call give he his name and number and have them contact him. Also call the company that I got the payday loan from and told them to remove my account from ISWCB, that they were being investigated and they are a dummy company and that what they told me is not true and that I would be filing complaints with the necessary agencies. So far have not hear from this loan company.

Submitted by on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 19:24

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I had a problem with Interstate Compliance and resolved that (the original creditor said they were a fraud) now I receive a call from United Federal Bank or Jacobi and Myers saying this would download into the court at noon today and I was to retain an attorney - I have already been making monthly payments to the original creditor and they are fine - anyone recognize these two "firms"?

Submitted by on Fri, 12/16/2005 - 06:55

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I found this information on the Wyoming Secretary of State - Corporation Division website. It says that Interstate Wire Compliance Bureau was registered on 10/27/05 and they are registered to Bermuda Online Market Associates Wyoming Corporate Services, Inc. and their address is 2710 Thomes Ave. Cheyenne, WY 82001 (I know the address has already been discovered).

Submitted by on Fri, 12/16/2005 - 06:59

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Just got really mad on the phone (in the car) and hung up on them. They demanded that I wire money today by 5!
Not going to happen. I came home and found all of this information...SURPRISE!! I am now on the phone again...Mrs Atler at 866-759-4158...said I found this site and wanted documentation sent to me because I don't believe them....she immediately put me on hold (I think) to speak with someone else. All she did was disconnect me and in a real hurry!!! I called back and asked for the person in charge...the person who answered said it was them...RIGHT! I then told them my name and that if they have a claim against me I want documentation MAILED to me immediately and that until this was done....they were NOT to harrass me. I will let you know if I get something...BUT I DON'T THINK SO. How come I never received anything prior to these calls! They never tell you who is calling (company wise) either. DON'T SEND THEM ANY MONEY....After reading all of these posts...I do believe they are a FAKE!

Submitted by on Fri, 12/16/2005 - 09:34

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Welcome to the forums! Luckily you found this forum before making a decision and send them money. Chances are you credit is suffering from this, so you're going to need to make a complaint with the FTC and the AG office of FL. You might want to consider contact the original lender and tell them of the situation and see if you can make payment to them.

Ted Crosby owned the company Ellis Crosby & Associates. Him and his employees would call and threaten arrest if money wasn't sent. This is illegal and SEVERAL people made complaints. During this time he was notified to stop collection and cease contact with anyone while the investigation went on. He failed to do so, and therefore was being taken to court.

He quickly hid his money, and filed bankruptcy, however he still managed to open up at another office with a new name.

Take charge....


Submitted by Teleport on Fri, 12/16/2005 - 10:07


( Posts: 1388 | Credits: )

My wife just called me completely upset that some guy named Mr. Seymor called her at her job line and stated that she was to wire 600+ dollars to him by 2:00 today. If not they were going to contact her employer, seize her computer, charge her 700%, take her to court and take her money out of her tax returns. Mind you we did borrower money from a company online this year but when he said it was done in Septemeber I laughed because we took the loan out in June. Plus it was done from home for $200 and we used her work email address just as a contact. Lastly we made and confirmed our last payement with them on 11/30. They have to be a fake, they're story doesn't add up to much. My wife and I both have worked in collections for years...

Submitted by on Mon, 12/19/2005 - 10:07

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I got one today.. they HAD to speak to my attorney.. and that they would be filing charges because they said I closed an account of mine. Anyhow, I know I didnt close the account because i withdrew from it today!

Submitted by on Mon, 12/19/2005 - 12:38

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Talked with Amy and she is sending me the paper work to fill out and send back to her.
Also my attorney explained that these guys have to file a charges with a local attorney in your state, you will be served with papers in person or get a certified and/or regular from the attorney telling you when the court date is, etc. They have to follow the correct procedure. I contacted the loan company and demanded they remove my account for this collection agency, told them they were fake, etc. The person who answer the phone told me that she had to talk with her supervisor and call me back and that was Thursday morning and so far have not hear from any one. Added the phone number to the DO NOT CALL list.

Submitted by on Mon, 12/19/2005 - 18:19

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I just received a call from them also with the same return number of 10866-225-4872. The man, Stanley Morgan said that I or my attorney should call him back. What kind of SCAM IS THIS?????

Submitted by on Thu, 12/22/2005 - 12:16

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IWCB is engaged in unfair doings. They are harassing people and trying to squeeze money. If they are calling you for some unpaid account, tell them to send you something in writings. Ask for their address and send them CMRRR requesting debt validation.

Also try to locate the debt they are collecting. Do you have any unpaid account? Contact your original lender and settle it down.

Submitted by 4u.bryan on Thu, 12/22/2005 - 13:11


( Posts: 819 | Credits: )

they are a fraud company. I just listen to them and let them tell me where to wire the money and say yes madam and yes sir and they will leave you alone for a couple of days. I think it is funny when they call and you agree and then they think they are getting money. Play the game....

Submitted by on Fri, 12/23/2005 - 08:15

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I got a payday loan about 1.5 yrs ago and after divorce, was forced into bankruptcy earlier this year. I claimed the payday loan company as a creditor, and now this IWCB is calling me, stating that they're going to file charges because the $ was wired to my account but funds were not there to collect it when they attempted. they state that the bankruptcy laws exclude wire transfer situations and that charges can be filed. they didn't ask for $ but told me to get an atty and have the atty contact them. Anyone know if there's any validity to this?

Submitted by on Wed, 12/28/2005 - 09:54

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Has anyone heard of E-Processing? It is another payday loan company over the internet-just got a call from someone claiming to represent them and used the name United Federal Bank in WY - check - no such bank- told me he was an atty from Jacob & Meyers, and gave me the same stuff about the money gram, etc. that Interwire Compliance BC gave me. I did remember reading something on this site about this same situtation. Anyone have any info? NO not going to send them the money.

Submitted by on Wed, 12/28/2005 - 12:54

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Guest -

I think they're actually called EP or EPP processing. They are the same company that IWCB is calling me about. Even though my bankruptcy does discharge this debt, they tell me when they call that they are not calling for money - that they are calling because they want to let me know that they are going to file a criminal complaint because it was a fraudulent wire transfer (due to the money not being there). I asked them what they did want and they stated they wanted my attorney to call them, if I have one. I still think the whole thing is suspicious, but if they aren't for real, why would they be willing to talk with my attorney? Actually, though, I did the bankruptcy pro se, so there is no attorney.........

Submitted by on Wed, 12/28/2005 - 17:51

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Does anyone know about Electronic Processing? Are they the same as EP or EEP processing? Some place on this site I read about someone being called from Jacoby & Meyers representing United Federal Bank using the same method of operation as IWCB people.
When I was first contacted by IWCB they mentioned both Apollo Funding and E Processing..which leads me to believe that something is very suspicious and are working together. They told me the same thing this time around and this person was very hard to understand - did not speak English very well. Waiting for the next round -

Submitted by on Wed, 12/28/2005 - 19:26

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