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Midland Credit Management - Has anyone been ripped off?

Submitted by on Wed, 03/15/2006 - 14:59
Posts: 202330

is the midland credit management collection agency

JDB is junk debt buyer.if it is past SOL.then if he wishes to pay make sure it will be marked PIF.that is what validation is could pay this JDB then they could sell it again.i would wait to see if they can validate.(psst,they can't)then go from there.never said he has to pay,just said he still owes it.debts don't just disappear.if it is past the SOL.the it comes off your credit report and they can't really take action on it.unless a debt is validated and an agreement in writing is reached do not pay a JDB.

Submitted by paulmergel on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 10:46


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Oh wow, thank you.

So if they send us a letter back and for some crazy strange reason they can validate it (which you say they 99% wont) and he wishes to pay he will have to get an agreement to settle letter that says they will HAVE to mark the thing as PIF on his credit report.

Then if we do pay them, they can still sell the debt? I just kind of want this thing off of my husbands report- would the best course of action be to contact verizon and see who they sold the debt to and go through that long train to get it settled there? Though I'm sure it'll wind back up at MCM.

Sorry if I'm not understand things.

Submitted by on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 10:55

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what did they send?if it is with there letterhead then that is not must be something from the original creditor.if it is then still get it in writing for a PIF when paid.check what they sent you first.

Submitted by paulmergel on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 11:13


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

All we got from them, for lack of a better term- is a bill.

It's their company insiginia on top with an address in pensylvania on the top, but says nothing about how they picked up the debt. It basically states that:


Midland Credit Management Inc., understands a one-size payment plan doesnt fit everyone's needs. Special offers are now available to help you resolve your unnpaid VERIZON WIRELESS account. Select one of the three options below and get closer to having one less thing to worry about:

Then they give us 3 options. And say our first payment due date is the 7th of Feb.

Submitted by on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 11:26

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they validated nothing.they need to provide something from the original creditor.if they bought the debt.THAT'S TOO BAD.they still have to provide that to properly validate the debt.they didn't validate the your letter and let them know that is not good enough.

Submitted by paulmergel on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 11:53


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Well thing is this is the very first thing we've EVER gotten from them. The bill JUST showed up in the mail yesterday, I havent even sent them a DV letter in the first place. When I do send one that'll be my first one. But my question now is where do I send it? To the address of their main branch that I posted before, the one in san diego? Or to the address where this was sent from. Or heck, the address they want us to send payment to which is in Los Angeles? :|

Submitted by on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 12:22

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which address was on the bill?i would send it there and to the address they want payment as well.start there,then if needed send it to the other addresses.

Submitted by paulmergel on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 12:53


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I've already made them severla payment of over $200. Stupid me i should have researched them first! But now I am having difficulties paying them and cancelled my checks. Now they are saying they are going to turn me over to a lawyer.

Is it too late to due as advised here and send them letters of validation?

Submitted by on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 13:22

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included in a bankruptcy in 1992! I informed them that since they have access to my credit report that they are aware that this account was discharged as an unsecured debt and they had no legal rights to try to collect on it...nor did they have a right to contact me about this or any other account included in my bankruptcy. SOL was up in 1998 in my state and 10 yrs later they want to collect they're vultures and if I hear from them again I will hire an attorney.

Submitted by on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 14:34

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I used to have 2 accounts that were turned over to them. One they contacted me for and I started to pay then about 3 months later when I setup another payment they told me it was for a different account now when I asked what happen to the first one I was paying on they said it was sold to another company. After a few months of going back and forth with them never really knowing which account I was paying on I finally filed a complaint with the FTC and my state. They started to send me letters for payments signed from "Cease and Detest" which I felt was kind of funny it appears they have since sold that account to another CC also. Now its just a matter of time to figure out who has it now.

Submitted by allogagan on Sat, 01/24/2009 - 16:46


( Posts: 30 | Credits: )

My girlfriend got one of these letters from Midland last week. The debt is from a credit card that was discharged in a bankruptcy back in 1986. When she checks her credit report Midland does not show up as a creditor owed, but Midland did make 3 inquires in the past few months.

I feel this is a total scam, but am afraid if we ignore it they will take us to court.

Submitted by on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 09:32

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i like to sue do i find the procedure to file in court ?

Submitted by on Tue, 01/27/2009 - 21:10

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Midland credit management sent me a "settlement Opportunity" on debt over 20 years old. I know I need to send them a validation letter and will do so. My question is, should I send back their "opt out response form" or is that a scam as well? I don't want to give them my email address.

Submitted by on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 08:22

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F@#K Off and Die. Do not ever contact you again. You can file complaints with the AG's in your state and theirs but doesn't sound like they are really doing anything illegal with just a letter. Remember, just because a debt is beyond SOL and credit reporting periods does not mean it is no longer collectible.

Submitted by NASCAR_Devil on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 08:48


( Posts: 4671 | Credits: )

Thanks again. I have my letter ready to go but one more question. I lived in Florida at the time this debt was incurred (my ex-husband was ordered to pay this in our 1988 divorce and didn't). I moved to Georgia in 1988 and have lived here ever since. I realize that the statute of limitations has run out in every state of the union but which state applies to me now? I would just like to reference the correct statute.

Submitted by on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 11:10

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yes it was and I realize the court order did not stop the creditors for coming after me. Believe me, I paid what I could of the debts that were his responsibility as well as the ones that were assigned to me back then. Do you think I should still send Midland the "Opt out" form?

Submitted by on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 11:24

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Submitted by on Fri, 03/13/2009 - 09:44

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i disputed an account on my credit report for a wireless phone bill handled by midland credit. I sent a certified letter asking for validation of this dept. they called me back 6 weeks later saying in ohio they if i fail to ask for it within 4 weeks they dont have to give it to me. can i do anything about this?

Submitted by on Mon, 03/16/2009 - 09:32

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(, [email][/email])


BRANDON BLACK (800) 282-2644 EXT. 5316 (

Submitted by on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 18:26

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I just have one question, my wife had a collection. It was from 2001 and the amount was only the interest that was incurred. It went to collections and eventually to MCM. I just got off the phone with two people, a Mr. Sandy Costello and after receiving intimidating and rude treatment, I spoke with his manager Mr. Vincent Williams at 1.800.265.8825 ext. 2306. I'm pretty sure these aren't their real names. But none the less Mr. Williams stated that he will correct the customer service issues I experienced then proceeded to treat me the same way. When I asked for his supervisor, he laughed at me and said he was the highest person there. Anyways, my wife's issue began in 2001. In California, the SOL i understand is 4 years. She took steps to get it off all three credit reports and it was removed. He basically told me that the SOL was up in 2005 and while there is no legal action that they can take, he feels that we have a moral obligation to pay it......uhhhh.......not after the way he talked to me. Anyways, the SOL is up, by HIS own verification, and it's been removed from all three credit agencies. Is there anything else we should do? MCM isn't even on her report. By the way, he actually threatened me with the fact that he was recording this phone call and wanted to know plain and simple if I was not going to pay it and that it would be recorded. I told him that I would get back to him. Any suggestions?????

Submitted by on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 14:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have had 2 accounts through Midland which were actual accounts that I had once had and had been sold to them apparently. Anyways, I paid one off and later received a notice that I could settle and pay half of the other. I responded via phone and of course got to speak to Tom, Dick, Harry...or whatever his name was. Well, to make a long story short, they said that that offer was no longer valid (even though it had been like a few weeks and the letter said nothing about a deadline). I have been sending in payments (small ones) on this account and it takes them FOREVER to cash the check and they never send me a new statement....what is up with that???

Submitted by on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 18:29

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I've got MCM on my sh*t list....they sent me the "offer to pay with these 3 options" letter like others mentined, but it doesn't sound like every one else noticed that it doesn't say anywhere on the letter about the "you have 30 days to dispute this debt in writing" disclosure that is required my law....1st offense....

Then I sent them a DV letter anyway, they ignored it. Then 60 days later I sent a Pay for Delete settlement letter, they ingored that too. So now I have disputed their entry with the CBA's and MCM has "verified" the debt with TU and not with me...second offense.

I'm waiting for my EQ and EX reports to come back and then I'm drafting a very pretty letter for their legal dept to look over :) any suggestions?

Submitted by needmylifeback on Wed, 03/25/2009 - 06:08


( Posts: 40 | Credits: )

i am reporting your company to the attorney generals office for harrassment you call several times a day and dont leave a message from a blocked number i know its you once i talked to one of your reps and they said it was your company i dont know know how you got my number and have denied the account in questions for years and it is stated so on my credit report you need to stop harrassing me and calling people and not leavomg messages

Submitted by on Fri, 04/10/2009 - 16:48

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I am in the process of cleaning up my husband's credit report & MCM has several accounts listed on his report and they are also under different companies for the same OC accts. How can I have these deleted from his bureaus? Everyone says dispute with bureaus 1st, then once verified accurate (due to eOscar always gets verified), ask CA for validity of debt, but what do I do once they can't validate? Also if I write CA's and tell them I only want to deal with OC's how does that affect my chances of deletion for debts that have passed the SOL. My credit is affected by his debt & I had good credit(760+) until we moved to a community state where his debt became my debt. After being out of work for 5 months I need to restructure our budget for current bills and I feel bad because with his debt from 7-9 years ago still being bought by various CA's I have no choice but to get it written off. Being a bookkeeper I have records from the OC's when they charged off the debt but now out of the woodwork the CA's are coming at him left & right and the amounts have quadrupled on some accts. from the original charged off balance. How can they do this? I know I am inundating you with a barrade of questions but my son graduates from high school next year & I want him to go into college with me as a co-signer for his 1st year's tuition. I am a mother of 7 who wants to preserve her credit for the possibility of my children needing help in the future. PLEASE HELP!!!!

Submitted by cjohnson67 on Fri, 04/10/2009 - 19:48


( Posts: 21 | Credits: )

midland states I owe 2,612.00.....will take a $500 pmt to stop acct frm going to atty....I tried to explain my financial situation has changed because my husband no longer wokrs and receives 1500 frm social security.....I' m getting about 1700 per month from my job..I tried to explain that I could pay $50 per month and a little extra when Iget it but they refused......My children are trying to help us out finanicially but they have their own expenses too...What can I DO?

Submitted by on Thu, 04/30/2009 - 14:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

send them a DV letter asap.send it certified mail return receipt.they are bluffing and lying about the attorney.get that letter out and watch them fade away.

Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 04/30/2009 - 14:42


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

i have an mcm account that was paid through them..but the oc has an ealier dafd than the mcm account..on myy tu cr oc is supposed to delete a full year before this wrong? can they delet later than the oc legally????

Submitted by on Fri, 05/01/2009 - 06:43

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MCM is trying to force me to pay an old debt that was signed off by bankruptcy way back in the 1980's. I do not remember when it was signed off and no longer have the paperwork. it was over 20 years ago!! This has effected my credit report. It's like extortion. What can I do??

Submitted by on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 12:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

was the debt discharged by bk 20 yrs ago?
i would send debt validation letter and await for their response. get your bk discharge papers and see if they were listed. if so, send em either foad letter or an intent to sue letter(collecting on debt in bk illegal) 20 yr old debt is definately outta state sol, never, never, ever agree to pay anything on this debt or it may restart your state careful..mcm is total bottom feeders...

Submitted by on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 13:30

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My debt was discharged via bankruptcy 20 years ago. I don't know the date, don't have any records, don't even remember the name of the law firm that I used. It was one of the popular ones in the 80's. I don't know what state sol means. Is that statute of limitations?? I live in Calif. My husband and I cannot refinance to a lower interest rate on our mortgage because of this. How can the state allow this company to ruin peoples lives??

Submitted by on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 13:57

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I had FCNB - Spiegel account. FCNB the bank stopped doing business with Spiegel. I kept paying the account and then the rates jumped up. I ask how do the rates go up on a closed account? Not an account I closed, they closed. I stopped paying in 2002. At the same time there was credit insurance on this account. Why is it in collections? MCM continues to send letters to try and collect. How do we stop them. This took place 1999-2002, and they (MCM) are reporting that I open the account with them in 2007. Looking for any help

Submitted by on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 15:52

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I have a few questions....
Does MCM or any creditor have the right to refuse to give you their phone number if you do not give them your address?
Does MCM or any creditor have the right to refuse to give you the number to the higher up over the person talking to you and their supervisor?
Do they have the right to be rude to you?

Submitted by on Tue, 05/19/2009 - 18:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have a few questions....
Does MCM or any creditor have the right to refuse to give you their phone number if you do not give them your address?
Does MCM or any creditor have the right to refuse to give you the number to the higher up over the person talking to you and their supervisor?
Do they have the right to be rude to you?

Submitted by on Tue, 05/19/2009 - 18:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have a few questions....
Does MCM or any creditor have the right to refuse to give you their phone number if you do not give them your address?
Does MCM or any creditor have the right to refuse to give you the number to the higher up over the person talking to you and their supervisor?
Do they have the right to be rude to you?

Submitted by on Tue, 05/19/2009 - 18:49

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