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Midland Credit Management - Has anyone been ripped off?

Submitted by on Wed, 03/15/2006 - 14:59
Posts: 202330

is the midland credit management collection agency

hey everyone... i have had a quite a few accounts come from midland... all originating from verizon. i have to say, i've never had a problem with them... they call i don't answer unless i have the money for a payment. but last month, after receiving my tax return, i called them and settled 2 of my 3 accounts and when my credit report was updated the begining of this month, they were marked paid and my credit score acutally raised 14 points, just by paying off midland. so from my expierence, yes they are annoying (but aren't all debt collectors) but reputible.

Submitted by on Wed, 03/10/2010 - 19:57

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I received a collection letter from Midland Credit Mgt. listing the original creditor as Bank of America. I have never had any type of account with BOA.

When I called Midland to see what it was about, the representative asked for my Social Security Number and I refused to give it to her. She then either hung up on me r or we got disconnected. That's when I decided to check their reputation and/or legitimacy.

Thank you for the suggestion about sending them a debt validation letter. I will do that today. What is my next step if this is a fraudulent account someone set up using my information?

Submitted by on Thu, 03/11/2010 - 08:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Yeah these people use old consumers accounts info and that has been paid off already and they reroute a settlement letter asking you to pay it off with like 90% off the original bill but its a ripoff cause they take advantage of people's info and use it for their selfish gain and I think these people should investigated and prosecuted.....CROOKS! =(

Submitted by on Sat, 03/13/2010 - 07:21

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Yeah these people use old consumers accounts info and that has been paid off already and they reroute a settlement letter asking you to pay it off with like 90% off the original bill but its a ripoff cause they take advantage of people's info and use it for their selfish gain and I think these people should be investigated and prosecuted.....CROOKS! =(

Submitted by on Sat, 03/13/2010 - 07:24

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they called me demanding pmt on a bill that is past statuts and that ws settled 7 yrs ago why are they callen me and demanding pmt i ask for cerdentials and they refused to pervide any of them they would not give me tax id or there sec of state id they didnt even have the name rite on there act dont know if they had the rite ppl or not we know of target but dont know if we still are sayd to owe this bill or not they would not send me an invoice

Submitted by on Sat, 03/13/2010 - 09:16

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bull shit guy it takes 6 mts to get off ur credit and most ca dont report to collection ag any way Quote:

Originally Posted by Anonymous
hey everyone... i have had a quite a few accounts come from midland... all originating from verizon. i have to say, i've never had a problem with them... they call i don't answer unless i have the money for a payment. but last month, after receiving my tax return, i called them and settled 2 of my 3 accounts and when my credit report was updated the begining of this month, they were marked paid and my credit score acutally raised 14 points, just by paying off midland. so from my expierence, yes they are annoying (but aren't all debt collectors) but reputible.

Submitted by on Sat, 03/13/2010 - 09:20

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you are from midland, obviously. Give it up midland, nobody cares about people calling who are ruthless thugs and liars.(from other countries who cant speak English and think they don't have to go by American law) These guys are some of the most underhanded people Ive ever had the displeasure of having contact me. What an UN-professional company, if they can even call themselves that legally.

Submitted by on Mon, 03/15/2010 - 09:41

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This debt was done with and now they are coming back at me for money and taking it out of my wages! This is really messing with my credit and it is an debt that was taken care of log ago. I did try to talk to these people and I may as well be talking to the wall. I feel this whole thing is a huge rip off because they are failing and grabbing money from where ever they can- even illegally. What can I do?

Submitted by on Mon, 03/15/2010 - 10:19

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Originally Posted by Anonymous
My husband has been contracted by phone many times about an outstanding account that isn't his. He has repeatedly told them they have the wrong person. Wrong middle initial/wrong social sercurity number. Now they are sending letters threatening a lawsuit if the account is not paid in full.
I have tried speaking to customer service to complain and their agent has hung up on me twice. Help. How do I stop this?

Try this link:


Your Name
Mailing Address
Your City, State, Zip

Re: Notice to Cease Contact Regarding Debt for ______________________

Name of Collection Agency
Mailing Address
City, State, Zip

I am notifying you in writing that your agency has contacted me regarding a debt for [name of person who collector is contacting you about]. No one by that name lives at my address or phone number.

Therefore, I am requesting that you cease all communication to my phone number regarding this person's debt. If you persist in believing that [name of person] is somehow connected with my address and/or phone number, please provide proof of your claim.

You should direct all future correspondence in writing as outlined in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and to cease all communication with me by telephone.

Lastly, I would like to receive confirmation in writing that you have received this letter and will no longer be contacting me about this other person's debt, or I will be forced to seek further legal action.

I look forward to your acknowledgement that you have received this notice by [date that is two weeks from date of letter].



Your Name

Submitted by on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 07:24

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Originally Posted by Anonymous

I am going to burst this bubble, MCM is a Company of Fraud.... I do not think that all of us do not pay our bills, yes some people do have life difficulties and bill come last, tho with this company that is not the case. These people have decided to do work for the Devil himself, I pray that if one person reading this thread will come to know the truth! Do not give these people any money whatsoever!!! Call your orginal Credit Card company or call each Bureau and report them! Otherwise follow the advise throughout the questions.... I am in the process so I will keep you all updated!!! God Bless! Jesus loves you!

Submitted by on Mon, 05/17/2010 - 14:47

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ccasions that they validate the debt. Again..wait about 30 days. Make sure that all letters are dated the day you send them in the mail and keep copies of them. Once you get the Return Receipt back from the post office and have waited the last 30 days. (90 days from start) now it is time to talk to the credit bureaus. Send a letter via CMRRR to the credit bureau that shows a derogatory comment and request that the bureau remove the debt from your account that you have contacted Midland Credit Management on three separate occasions with no response. Enclose all copies of all three letters and also a copy of the Return Receipt. Within 30 days you should have a response back from the credit bureau that you notified that the debt has been removed from your account. Midland will never answer any of your letters. Do not call them, only write to them.[/QUOTE]

Submitted by on Sun, 06/27/2010 - 14:06

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If they get a judgment against you, start paying a certain amount per month(check with a business lawyer to see what else is needed to prevent execution of judgment) so they aren't able to garnish or freeze accounts.

In my work at my last DS company, I did notice MCM filing a noticeable amount of lawsuits.

Send a Cease and Desist, fax it into them(getting a collector's fax number can be tricky, you have to make them think it is information they want, personal budget, etc..) That will get calls to stop.

If they file suit, you need to talk to an experienced professional in the industry or a lawyer to determine the best way to move forward. There are strategies for dealing with this, so don't feel hopeless about it.

Submitted by OneYear Arbitrator on Sun, 06/27/2010 - 15:20

OneYear Arbitrator

( Posts: 36 | Credits: )

MCM is a criminal predator. They call 4-8 times per day with an unavailable number, are very rude, and make high accolades in "The Ripoff Report". Soon, there will be a website designed to, "Harass the harassers". I suggest we all pick up the phone, and call them all day every day, for no apperent reason other than to make them pay the 800 charge over and over again, and to distract the callers from calling anyone else. Give them a taste of their own medicine. See how they like it.

Submitted by on Tue, 08/03/2010 - 10:43

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Do they have a FAX number to fax the "Debt Validation" request?

I was given this number today: 1-800-577-4133. Hope this works for you and you let us know the outcome.

Submitted by on Fri, 08/20/2010 - 16:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous

nothing like self promotion

Submitted by on Sun, 08/22/2010 - 08:23

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Originally Posted by Anonymous

FUCK YOU TOAD!!! I would love to take a fucking ball bat to your lying ass for harassing my mother. Next time one of you fucking lying ass vultures calls, just let me know where to find you, I will do the rest...

Submitted by on Tue, 08/24/2010 - 08:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Today MCM garnished my mother's checking and savings account without sending her any documentation that they were doing so. Can they legally do this? The original debt was back in 2000 and was owed to a company that went out of business years ago. What can my mother do to get her money back?

Submitted by on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 14:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well I had an account that is past the statue and I just asked for a updated credit report. I guess Midland(bought the old account a few years ago) got my new number from that. I had just updated my address and phone number to get my credit report. Now I am getting calls daily from Midland!
I have also had someone knock on my door twice in the last two days. I live in a secured condo and they can't get in but they can ring someone else to let them in. I guess someone let them in as they knocked on my door. By the time I got there I saw another tenant walking up the steps and someone else went out the door. Couldn't see who it was.The day before someone knocked on my patio door but again missed them. They were gone by the time I got there.
Has anyone had Midland call on them at their home is my question? And how can they garnish your account if they don't have a judgement against you? I watch Casenet and have not seen where they have obtained a warrant.. So far I have only talked to them once and told them I had no idea what they were talking about.I have NOT acknowledged the debt.
I also refused to give my SS number to them and hung up.
My question is have they ever knocked on anyones door?
It is a big coincidence as no one ever knockes on my door..ever. They call me first if it is a friend or family.

Submitted by on Thu, 09/02/2010 - 09:48

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Originally Posted by Anonymous

This reads as though written by a petulant 13 year-old girl about to start her period.

Submitted by on Fri, 09/03/2010 - 09:07

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Originally Posted by stanley
Was the account included in bankruptcy? If yes, they cannot collect it any more. You should consult your bankruptcy attorney about this.

According to the FDCPA, in case a consumer has filed for bankruptcy, he/she needs to provide the debt collector with his/her attorney's name, number, chapter filed for and case number. In case, you receive a call from a Debt Collection Company, you need to have this information handy. This would make all collection activities cease.

Submitted by on Sat, 09/04/2010 - 17:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Reading all this is extremely aggravating.

  • First of all, everyone needs to pay their bills. Which they don't. Unemployment/ disabilities/ old age/ divorce/ ID theft/ incarcerations. You name it, we hear it. We get it. Human conditions. What no one understands is, that the basic law of credit means, take something in your hour of need and then pay back when you can.

  • Second, has anyone ever thought of how a debt collector gets harassed on a regular basis? I'm not complaining, I get paid for it. However, we get treated like dirt. We work for a debt collection company. We get scammed by atleast a hundred, if not more, people who are stalling paying their debts off. So, even if you're a genuine case and you cannot pay on your bill, we're humans too. We have our moments of ambiguity and frustration also.

  • Third, if you're in the process of filing for bankruptcy, till the time you do not have a valid case number, the account is open for collection. So, you can either work with the debt collector by keeping them updated on your bankruptcy sessions and all; or you give them your attorney's name, number and case number. They're not going to reach in through the phone and bang your heads against the table if you tell them properly what the situation really is.

  • Fourth, a check cannot be garnished without the consumer's consent. Let me tell you why. Once the details are acquired from the consumer, the CRM (consumer relations manager; the tool used to work on) fills in x's where the numbers are. So, all you see is the routing number. Which is required for bank verification (which our paying consumers are very well informed of). So, kindly check your facts there.

  • Fifth, if you have paid on an account already, a dispute is in order. All you need to do is find the receipts of the payments you made. Now, since most of these are old accounts, there is a good chance you misplaced the receipt. Fax/ mail in a dispute letter to the consumer relations site. It will be taken care of. Also if you are disputing stolen identity, please file a police complaint and and fax/ mail a copy of it. Its a company, it has its procedures to follow as well.

  • Sixth, Agreed that there are a few representatives who do tend to call continuously. All these calls are recorded as is stated in the Tape Disclosure for all of these calls. These representatives end up losing their jobs. The company is very strict about sticking to the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) rules. Any form of harassment, they're staking their jobs.

  • Seventh, Midland Credit Management is a Debt Collection Company. This website needs to get its facts right. It's a registered Company. Not an Agency. They're big on settlements and payment arrangements. All accounts are then reported as Paid In Full to the three major credit bureaus. The number you can reach MCM on is 1-800-265-8825.

  • Lastly, I'm sure you're all going to hate me for this, BUT I have to do this anyway. Just so you all step into our shoes. About the payments through your checking accounts or your cards. There are two cases here.
1. People who call you are also working. Working to feed their families. They have targets to achieve. How many of you would honestly send in the said amount through Money Orders like you promise to? I, too, initially waited on Money Orders to come. Surprise, they never did. A secured mode of payment through a card or a check seals your commitment to the account. In all my time here, I only have three senior citizens making a payment through MO. $25 each, every month. Bless them, they're awesome consumers. I barely ever need to call them.

2. When you make a payment through your checking account or a card, it is termed "legitimate representation". This means, that at that very moment, the interest being charged on your account stops (read the fine print on your contracts better, most accounts are charged with interest even after charge offs) and the account then gets reported to the CBs as paying. So, its beneficial for you. We earn a comfortable livelyhood, thanks to the company. We don't need to stake our jobs for a few hundred dollars.

This website favours Debt Consolidation Agencies, obviously. For all the consumers here, please understand that both are businesses. The Debt Consolidation Agencies are merely middlemen. Most are not even "legit". So, I would request you to read all this carefully before you make a decision on how you would like to perceive a company or the debt collectors. We're humans too.

Yes, I'm sure you figured it out. I work for MCM. If you have anymore questions regarding the company I would request you to call the number deleted pm for any more assistance. Unless, of course, this website deletes this comment and blocks me from the website. In which case, they will be proving my point!

Have a good one, guys! :)

Submitted by on Sat, 09/04/2010 - 18:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i'll have a good one when i say this.

shillin,shillin,shillin.keep them shills a wally in the comic dilbert once said."there must be a thousand ways to say the same thing".nothing you said is close to true as no judgement,no action is done on the up and while i will delete the number as you don't deserve far as proving your point.if that was a fillibuster trumpeting the bottomfeeder you work for.then point made.

Submitted by paulmergel on Sat, 09/04/2010 - 19:42


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

How do you get MCM - Midland Inc to stop calling when they have the wrong number/residence? They continue to call and ask for a "Steve". There is no Steve in our home, nor do I know who Steve is (I am female). They call and hang up on me - then call back again and again. One caller threatened me, telling me he was taping my call and was going to turn me into the IRS, because I was lying about Steve. I told himr to go right ahead, and then I hung up. He then called me back. This is so unprofessional for any company. We are registered in the Do Not Call Registry, which I have told them, but they continue to call.

Submitted by on Sat, 09/11/2010 - 11:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

[QUOTE=Anonymous;744664]Reading all this is extremely aggravating.

  • First of all, everyone needs to pay their bills. Which they don't. Unemployment/ disabilities/ old age/ divorce/ ID theft/ incarcerations. You name it, we hear it. We get it. Human conditions. What no one understands is, that the basic law of credit means, take something in your hour of need and then pay back when you can.

  • Second, has anyone ever thought of how a debt collector gets harassed on a regular basis? I'm not complaining, I get paid for it. However, we get treated like dirt. We work for a debt collection company. We get scammed by atleast a hundred, if not more, people who are stalling paying their debts off. So, even if you're a genuine case and you cannot pay on your bill, we're humans too. We have our moments of ambiguity and frustration also.

  • Third, if you're in the process of filing for bankruptcy, till the time you do not have a valid case number, the account is open for collection. So, you can either work with the debt collector by keeping them updated on your bankruptcy sessions and all; or you give them your attorney's name, number and case number. They're not going to reach in through the phone and bang your heads against the table if you tell them properly what the situation really is.

  • Fourth, a check cannot be garnished without the consumer's consent. Let me tell you why. Once the details are acquired from the consumer, the CRM (consumer relations manager; the tool used to work on) fills in x's where the numbers are. So, all you see is the routing number. Which is required for bank verification (which our paying consumers are very well informed of). So, kindly check your facts there.

  • Fifth, if you have paid on an account already, a dispute is in order. All you need to do is find the receipts of the payments you made. Now, since most of these are old accounts, there is a good chance you misplaced the receipt. Fax/ mail in a dispute letter to the consumer relations site. It will be taken care of. Also if you are disputing stolen identity, please file a police complaint and and fax/ mail a copy of it. Its a company, it has its procedures to follow as well.

  • Sixth, Agreed that there are a few representatives who do tend to call continuously. All these calls are recorded as is stated in the Tape Disclosure for all of these calls. These representatives end up losing their jobs. The company is very strict about sticking to the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) rules. Any form of harassment, they're staking their jobs.

  • Seventh, Midland Credit Management is a Debt Collection Company. This website needs to get its facts right. It's a registered Company. Not an Agency. They're big on settlements and payment arrangements. All accounts are then reported as Paid In Full to the three major credit bureaus. The number you can reach MCM on is 1-800-265-8825.

  • Lastly, I'm sure you're all going to hate me for this, BUT I have to do this anyway. Just so you all step into our shoes. About the payments through your checking accounts or your cards. There are two cases here.
1. People who call you are also working. Working to feed their families. They have targets to achieve. How many of you would honestly send in the said amount through Money Orders like you promise to? I, too, initially waited on Money Orders to come. Surprise, they never did. A secured mode of payment through a card or a check seals your commitment to the account. In all my time here, I only have three senior citizens making a payment through MO. $25 each, every month. Bless them, they're awesome consumers. I barely ever need to call them.
2. When you make a payment through your checking account or a card, it is termed "legitimate representation". This means, that at that very moment, the interest being charged on your account stops (read the fine print on your contracts better, most accounts are charged with interest even after charge offs) and the account then gets reported to the CBs as paying. So, its beneficial for you. We earn a comfortable livelyhood, thanks to the company. We don't need to stake our jobs for a few hundred dollars.
This website favours Debt Consolidation Agencies, obviously. For all the consumers here, please understand that both are businesses. The Debt Consolidation Agencies are merely middlemen. Most are not even "legit". So, I would request you to read all this carefully before you make a decision on how you would like to perceive a company or the debt collectors. We're humans too.
Yes, I'm sure you figured it out. I work for MCM. If you have anymore questions regarding the company I would request you to call the number deleted pm for any more assistance. Unless, of course, this website deletes this comment and blocks me from the website. In which case, they will be proving my point!
Have a good one, guys! :)[/QUOTE]

I appreciate you commenting. I realize that collectors are humans too. I will get to the point on the question I have for you...

I have been getting calls from an "unknown caller" for the past 4-5 days, never have gotten them before. They leave no message or call back number. My dad called me this morning and said someone from MCM called him this morning looking for me and said it was someone I did business with. How do I keep them from calling my parents home? I would have called them back if they had left info for me. I do not need the aggravation of them calling my parents. If it is something legit, I will deal with it, but how do they expect to resolve it if they leave no info?

Submitted by on Mon, 09/13/2010 - 08:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Ok. i was trying to get an apartmetn and these people showed up on my credit report and i have no idea who midland credit is? i am trying to figure this out. On my credit report, it shows that i owe them $340 or something. What do i do? i' don't even know where this company is from?

Get Midland's phone # from your credit report and give them a call. Tell them that you would like to settled this account for 70% discount. Tell them to send you an eMail with this proposal to settle this account and for them to contact all 3 credit berueas to show it's been paid. Make sure you keep all receipts. Send them a money order when you receive the eMail. "DONOT AGREE TO SENT ANY MONEY UNTIL YOU GET THE EMAIL YOU ARE SATISFIED WITH".

Submitted by on Wed, 09/15/2010 - 03:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

What's wrong with the MCM people, managers, are soooo rude and unprofessional. I can't count the times I called them about my settlement amount and that already have been zeroed in. Everytime I call MCM, is a "nightmare". I already called Michelle Lusk and left a message to call me back but never got a call back. May I please suggest to train these people to respect people who call them and willing to pay. I was a victim of cruel verbal disrespect and dishonesty by these people. Mr. Jeffrey Gladstone denied that he sent me a letter prompting me to pay more when I paid off my debt already. Miss Lusk, are you even aware of these terrible feed back, please hear us and do something. You are supposed to be an "Advocate" to people like us who paid off our debt. Hope the next time I call, at least one person is professional enough to address my concerns. Just few minutes ago, a certain Tyron just yelled at me several times. Please hear you recordings Ms. Lusk.

Submitted by on Thu, 09/16/2010 - 08:13

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

MCM are asses , they took my property tax credit 2yrs. in a row, for Fingerhut, which started their credit card type account that I never signed up for, and then sent me the balance of what was left . So I thought that it was over, right , now 4-5 yrs. later , they say that another $46.00 is still owed. The original account was closed with a balance of $471.00 , they took $1,300.00 of my money and now they want another $46.00. How can this be legal ? To take almost three times what was actually owed ? people should start some type of class action lawsuit against these jerks . There's nothing like kicking us poor folks when we are already down !!!

Submitted by on Thu, 09/16/2010 - 16:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

MCM is such a low life CA that they had the gaull to send me collection letters that said the benifits of paying them would be "We will stop applying intrest to your account". Instead of sending them money I made a copy of the letter and used it to dispute the entry they placed on my CR and it was deleted. Not long after that they closed my account. I don't think that worked out the way they planned it to. It was the best thing for them really. They sent me a dunning letter and I sent them a DV letter. They sent me a letter asking me to provide them with information to help them. Needless to say they got no reply from me. After that I have not heard from them again.

Late last year I got a letter from Capital Management saying they were " engaged to resolve your debt for Midland". I sent them a DV letter within the 30 day period. I recieved a letter that they did recieve my DV letter and that they have " requested the information from our client" It's been almost a year and I still haven't recieved my validation. Maybe the mail is just slow?????

Submitted by Miti on Sun, 09/19/2010 - 14:15


( Posts: 12 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Ok. i was trying to get an apartmetn and these people showed up on my credit report and i have no idea who midland credit is? i am trying to figure this out. On my credit report, it shows that i owe them $340 or something. What do i do? i' don't even know where this company is from?

Just becareful because this people will do anything to screw you over,my husband lived in Arizona about a year ago and this people sued him so now they are garnishing money from his check and with alot of interest,We really dont know what this is about because it does not say in the papers so i do not know what this debt is about,I called them,left messages,email them and called their attorney and they do not return our calls.

Submitted by on Fri, 09/24/2010 - 19:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous

The people that I have Dealt with are very rude and first of all they are outsourced to India and arent even from the US which is extremely annoying because you cant understand what they are saying and then they hang up on you call you at work even though you told them you cant receive calls at work. Plain and simple they are liars, I doubt that their names are Tim Jones or Vernica Smith, please lets be real here you know who we are where we live and you have to lie about your names. if we cant pay the bill what do you want us to do???????

Submitted by on Tue, 09/28/2010 - 12:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I paid a debt to MCM a few years back, after I got married to my wife and she started helping me get my credit cleaned up. I have recently been receiving calls from them again for a debt I believe has been paid off. It is to HSBC for a credit card that i signed up for but never used. I had spoke with the CC company back when they were trying to collect and let them know I never used the card so they wiped the debt clean.I have chose to ignore the calls as they don't leave a voicemail or number. Today my wife received a threatening call that they were going to file a lawsuit against us and demanded validation information about me from her. After that I did some digging and got a number to call them back with and I spoke with Clara who appeared to be from the U.S. and not outsourced. When I gave her my phone number she said that she couldn't discuss anything with me because of a cease and desist order on the account.I'm curious if anyone else has run into this?

Submitted by on Tue, 10/05/2010 - 12:48

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

So i got a letter in the mail today from them saying i have some debt owed and need to pay. I called and they asked what my account # was and they were very rude and wouldnt tell me much. I read them the # on the paper and she asked my SS# and I wouldnt give it to her so she asked if these random numbers were my SS# and they were not so she said that she will remove my address from the system. Sounds like a load of crap but do you think i got myself in a hole by calling and she verified my address???

Submitted by on Wed, 10/06/2010 - 19:01

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
i had an account with ugly duckling auto sales...ended up fillink a bk .the car was discharged.u.d. turned into drive time,whome sold it to mcm.they wont give up even thow theres a bk.

Go either to the attorney who handled your bankruptcy; or contact the U.S. Bankrruptcy Court trustee who oversaw your case. Inform them of Midland Credit Management's continued tactics to collect from you. Since this is involving a debt that has been discharged under bankruptcy, federal law states that no further action can be taken against you relative to the debt, and that any company that continues to communicate with you relative to a discharged debt can be prosecuted under federal law.

Submitted by on Thu, 10/21/2010 - 19:27

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

They keep calling at all hours - in itself illegal.
They are looking for my wife - using her married name she had with her ex - MORE THAN 20 YEARS AGO.
Sometimes they'll talk to me, sometimes not - I'm her husband for the last 20 years. They claim to collecting for Beneficial Finance for a loan in 1998. That wasn't her name then, but she never had a load with Beneficial - ever! And WE never had a loan with Beneficial. 1998 - 12 years ago. That's way beyond Calif Stature of limitations and the Federal Reporting Period - even if it was real. It's phoney!
The 3 Credit Bureaus don't show anything about Beneficial.

Asking for proof of the debt only gets them to hang up or gets them to swear at me with threats. I have it on recording.

They finally sent a collection letter to the house - I've turned it over to the Post Office - that's Postal Fraud!

I've also talked to an FBI Agent - their harassing calls and threats are considered Terrorist Threats - using an interstate device (the telephone) makes it a Federal crime!

They are scammers from the word go! I hope to get some of them in prison soon.

Submitted by on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 13:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The tactics they use to find people's contact info is illegal and down right rude. Do not ever post your contact info on sites like Myspace, Face Book etc. You can change your phone number and some how they find you. Ok so having a phone automatically says you can call me? Wrong. I'd contact the FTC on this and get as many complaints flying around as we can. Also get a hold of your State's attorney general and any other law firms. These guys need a class action suit against them. I'd also get the national media reporters on this. The last thing these morons want is bad national publicity.

Submitted by on Wed, 12/22/2010 - 08:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I was provided with a judgement against me for about $3,000.00 I did told the company that was not my balance and the judge ask them to prove the authenticity if such account. The Judge ask them to bring account statements and signed contract of the account, also he requested to show the last payment received on the account and the balance at the time the account was closed.
Midland Credit Mgmt Inc. didn't or couldn't prove this account was mind or wasn't able to show the requested documents. They didn't even show up at court, so the judge was on my favor and requested to have this account close and that no one was allowed to collect such debt any more. after it was remove from my credit report.
1. Dont let this Midland Credit Mgmt Inc. harass you. that is what they want.
This debt collector purchase your account for pennies and want you to paid the full amount
even though your credit report was damage already.
2.Let them bring you to court, but make sure you know you have been sue. This way you can
appear on court and their plan will be screwed. Normally this company file a law sue against
you but never let you know you being sue because if you don't show up to court, the judge will
give them a judgement to your savings account to collect the money. But if you show up, they
have to really show documents.
3. Record your phone conversations, event though they let you know you call has being
recorded, they don't want you to record, this is how they fix their recorded information to make
it sound against you. Send them a letter letting know when they can call you, dates and times.
by law as stated on the Fair Debt collection Act, you can even let them know you don't want
them to call you anymore in regards of such collection or any other collection.
I hope this was helpful, don't let this A hole get away by collecting something that already has being reported charge off, or close. ;)

Submitted by on Sun, 02/06/2011 - 21:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

So I just called this "MCM" company to find out more information about them. I want to know if they are legit. Does anyone know? They are telling me to make the full payment of what I owe and they will mark my credit as paid.

Submitted by on Wed, 02/16/2011 - 17:01

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )