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Midland Credit Management - Has anyone been ripped off?

Date: Wed, 03/15/2006 - 14:59

Submitted by anonymous
on Wed, 03/15/2006 - 14:59

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 302

Midland Credit Management - Has anyone been ripped off?

is the midland credit management collection agency

Has anyone made a connection between CHase Bank, Midland and Credit Solutions Corporation?. Here is why I ask.....
I noticed 5 different entries on my credit report from Midland Credit Management. I send a debt validation letter certified mail with electronic confirmation. NO reply after 2 months. I submitted a follow up letter (again, certified with electronic confirmation) and requested that tyhey comply with the debt validation letter. I included copies of the first letter, electronic signature etc. It has now been almost 30 days since the follow up letter. This past week, I was reviewing some dispute completions from Equifax and noticed that Credit Solutions Corporation was now trying to collect the same debt as Midland; which ithey purchased from Chase Bank.
Now this sounds like re-aging to me. Chase is listing the account as a charge off with no balance owing. Midland continues to report to the bureaus a balance owing and recently validatioed the account information with Equifax. And now Credit solutions corporation is, also, reporting, the same account information. The SOL in California is 4 years. Ther date of 1st deliquency (according to my credit report) was Jan 2005. The account was sold in 11/2005 to Midland. Credit solutions is reporting that they accoutn was opened in June of 2009. What else can I do to nail Midland, Credit Solutions, Chase Bank and the credit bureaus for violation of the FDRA and FDCPA?


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 11/20/2009 - 23:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

:pI owed a debt to a Bank which obtained a judgement against me. I agreed with the bank to pay a settlement balance on the judgement. The judgement was satisfied by the bank that I owed.These idiots at MCM now state they bought this un-collectible settelement balance from the bank and offered me a settlement to clear this up. There is nothing to clear up! It's PAID IN FULL and I have a release of judgement from my county clerk's office. So MCM can BITE me and try and take me to court and see who wins.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 11/21/2009 - 09:09

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[QUOTE=Anonymous;498207]:pI owed a debt to a Bank which obtained a judgement against me. I agreed with the bank to pay a settlement balance on the judgement. The judgement was satisfied by the bank that I owed.These idiots at MCM now state they bought this un-collectible settelement balance from the bank and offered me a settlement to clear this up. There is nothing to clear up! It's PAID IN FULL and I have a release of judgement from my county clerk's office. So MCM can BITE me and try and take me to court and see who wins.[/QUOTE]

Did your settlement agreement stipulate that the remaining balance could not be sold or assigned? Send MCM a demand for validation, and see what happens. They probably don't have anything.


Submitted by unclewulf on Sun, 11/22/2009 - 20:24

( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I just recieved a letter from Midland 1) Name spelled wrong,2 )never had credit with the company they say and get this the amount is $1.05yes that is correct one dollar and five cents.They want .

Not to worry. They can probably inflate that into the hundreds with penalties, fees, and interest. Send them a demand for validation. They'll likely fold like a cheap suit.

FWIW, I once had to sue a collection agency over a seven dollar account. Just because they were being dicks about it, and refusing to respond to my mail. I filed suit, seeking $4,000 in damages for FDCPA violation (x1) and FCRA violations (x3). Settled out of court for $1,600.


Submitted by unclewulf on Sun, 11/22/2009 - 20:30

( Posts: 3172 | Credits: )

I received a letter from Mid-Land a while back re and old Citi Card that was charged off. Inever responded. Now I received a letter from and atty office that they are collecting on their behalf. I called the atty and set up a payment plan. Can I stop the payment and request a DV letter?? I know I owe the old debt but want to see if I can settle this??


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 11/24/2009 - 20:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hello does anyone here know about credit repair?

I'm a new member here so just want to say hi to the bloggers.

I hope I wrote this post in the right section.

Credit Repair Blog


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/25/2009 - 19:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hi does anyone here know about credit repair?

I'm a new member here so just want to say hi to the members.

I hope I wrote this post in the right area.

Credit Repair Blog


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/25/2009 - 19:55

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Hey there does someone here know about credit repair?

I'm a new member here so just want to say hello to the group.

I hope I made this post in the right section.

Credit Repair Blog


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 11/25/2009 - 19:56

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I was to send 3 payments to MCM the first payment by check and the other 2 by billpay or whatever.I sent the check 21 day later MCM took money out of my checking account without my premission.I didn't realize this until I checked my accounts after I had a over draft of 246.62..I was pissed off.I called MCM about the matter they hung the phone up on me TWICE. I then took the matter to my bank .I'm still waitting.

Glen Fawcett


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 12/08/2009 - 15:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Midlands tactic is to shame, humiliate and harrass. The know they have th wrong address, they know the have family members phone numbers, they don't give a $&*(.
They hide behind the skirt of the legal system and destroy good peoples lives. We're changing phone numbers tomarrow, until I can AFFORD to file BK.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 12/15/2009 - 14:47

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:pCall an attorney. I had midland sue me for a charged off citi platinum visa. The sherrif dropped off the notice. I called an attorney. He went to court, the courts gave midland i think it was 90 days to come up with the proof of the charges. Which could not be done. It was run through so many agencies they could not provide the required info. Therefore I won the case. I don't have to pay back citi bank, and they have to fix my credit score. My an attorney.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 12/16/2009 - 17:13

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These guys are cowards. They called me about my sister today and I asked them who they were, which is how I got the MCM. The man on the phone had a thick accent and when I asked him what he wanted with my sister, he said that was between MCM and her. So I said why don't you call my sister instead of me? He hung up on me - I found their number on the internet & called them a few minutes ago and told them I was going to call the Ohio State Attorney General on them if they called me again. Lets see if they do. Oh by the way, the guy went from talking English like me to talking in the thick accent as soon as I started in on him (?).


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 12/22/2009 - 15:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
This company, MCM, has been calling - no letters - and harrassing us for several months, sometimes as early as 8am, always asking to speak to (our son). The caller, a "Nathan J*nes" (who is NOT a native English speaker) was rude and/or hung up when I asked for more information. Finally, today I asked his name, his phone number (called ID is "unavailable") and to speak to his supervisor. Our son is under the age of 21 and Mr. J*nes vehemently demanded I prove it. I asked repeatedly to speak to his supervisor to which he insisted I did not need to do so.....eventually a man by the name of "John Smith" (also not a native English speaker but at least pleasant) identified himself as a supervisor.
Come to find out, they wanted our son's biological father, a man who has *never* been at this address or phone number and whom we have not seen in fifteen years. I reiterated that if J*nes had been less rude and more professional, this matter would've been cleared months ago. Allegedly our number will be removed from their records, but in the light of so much harassment and aggravation, I believe I shall start writing letters concerning this company's unprofessionalism.
Sounds as if our son needs to check his fledgling credit report (which should be perfect!) and make sure these idiots haven't 'mistakenly' tainted it with their short-sighted zeal.

"Nate Jones" called here at 8am awhile back and my husband answered. When my husband asked him to repeat his name, Mr. Jones said, and I quote "are you f*cking retarded?"

This is not a company that I consider reputable in the least.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 01/14/2010 - 08:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

This company has tried several times to have me pay for a credit card account again that I paid off to another.collection agency way back in june of 2009 and I have let them know I have documemtation that this acccount have been paid off.Tried to get in coantact with the account representative but always get the round around of no contact and recording and no return phone call to discuss the matter??????


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 01/28/2010 - 08:46

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I had a credit card account that was sold to MCM. MCM never called me or sent me any letters. I received a letter in the mail from a collection company which stated the original creditor and amount owed plus $300 in collection fees. This second company informed me that MCM is who sent them the account. When I explained I could not pay what they asked, no further communication came from this company. I recently pulled my credit bureau report and found MCM as an open and active collection account. I called them the rep gave me a number to call and said they are handling the account. I called this company to see what we could do to resolve the debt. The rep said they would do a settlement, however they would not send it in writing or send a statement stating my balance owed until they had a post dated check in their office. I told them No I do not post date checks or give 3rd party collections my checking information, she put me on hold got her mgr who told me that if I didn't do it their way then I would have to pay the balance in full. This company has never sent me any letters I have no record of their address to conform they are legitimate. However, MCM continues to update my credit report but refuses to speak directly with me. Have any suggestions on how to handle this?


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 02/03/2010 - 13:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
"Nate Jones" called here at 8am awhile back and my husband answered. When my husband asked him to repeat his name, Mr. Jones said, and I quote "are you f*cking retarded?"
This is not a company that I consider reputable in the least.

Maybe this "Mr. Jones" was Rahm Emanuel instead, sounds like him...


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 02/06/2010 - 10:00

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

:mad:yeah these people harass you alot even after doing a settlement offer they are rude and can't understand some of them at all a number they gave me was 1800 265 88 25


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/08/2010 - 13:50

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
:mad:yeah these people harass you alot even after doing a settlement offer they are rude and can't understand some of them at all a number they gave me was 1800 265 88 25

also he said his name was Melvin Johnson i agree with other people it sound like ahmad


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/08/2010 - 13:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

One of my relatives who I have never, ever used the phone number on any application any where received a phone call from these people who gave her my whole name. I do not understand why. I follow my credit report and although these people have inquired in the past about my credit, I don't know who they are and have never owed them anything. I feel that they should be run out of business. I do have some old debt but I am disabled through an illness and I have not made a new bad debt since I lost everything after my divorce around 2003. It is now 2010 and most of the bills I owed no longer show up on my credit reports. I check them often. What do I do to get them to back off? I will never send them a letter, call or speak to any of them for a time-barred debt.


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 02/13/2010 - 15:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Apparently my ex-wife has an account with these people and they got my phone number. They call three times a day whether they need to or not and I've explained a dozen times I am not her husband and stop calling me but they keep calling and they think they are smart by hiding their number but if you are nice to them they will gladly tell you who they are, their phone number, what the account is for and who's name it's in. That's handy information for your lawyer


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 12:36

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have lived in Central America for 5 years and MCM still harrasses my 86 yr. old mother. Verizon tried to rip me off about 5 yrs. ago.
Do you have a fax number. I want to fax a copy of the original letter I sent Verizon.
Thank You,
Brian Schaller


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 02/20/2010 - 11:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Today I received another phone call from a representative of Midland Mgt credit from someone in India no less, looking for a person named Susan Downing or Downey. Over the past 3 or 4 years I have received 0ver 25 calls looking for this person. I do not know who she is and so informed the callers everytime their rep. has called and asked them to stop calling and each time they have agreed to do so but a month or two later I get another call. Prior to today they have refused to answer any questions however today this persom with a heavy Indian accent told me his name was Bob Dawson and that he was calling from India and gave me a phone # of 1-800-265-8825 ext 53026. Hard to believe an Indian is named Bob Dawson. I am interested in contacting an agency in an effort to stop this harrassment. Any suggestions?


Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 02/20/2010 - 19:25

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

l'm in the process of sending them a payment validation letter. They fraudulently made a payment to my debt, which is passed the 4yr requirement of Statute of Limitations. l truly believe it was done for debt reaging purposes. Luckily, it's still within the SOL period! Any ideas as to how to word my letter? l'm definitely going to seek legal counsel.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 02/21/2010 - 22:32

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just found out my fiancee owes MGM $4.3k for a debt which is legitimately hers. We do not dispute nor the debt, nor do we fault MGM for wanting to collect it. They are willing to settle in full for $2.6k. She does not have that much money. I, however, do. I will gladly pay that amount so that they go away. My concern is this, and this alone...

If I give them my debit card number over the phone and authorize a payment for $2.6k, how can I be absolutely sure that they will, in fact, leave us alone forever?

I should be receiving a fax from them any moment now, in which they are going to promise they will mark "Paid in full" on this debt, and inform the credit bureaus. I will read that fax when I receive it, but I haven't yet. I have also been told that upon providing the debit card number, I will get a confirmation number, and 48 hours later, I will receive a fax which says this debt has been closed and the bureaus have been notified.

So, since you guys seem to be familiar with this stuff, will doing this make them go away? That's all I want. What I don't want is a letter that says, "Thanks for the $2.6k; now you only owe us $1.7k more." What I want is for this payment to be the last. Can I be sure of that? Thanks for your speedy advice.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/23/2010 - 12:08

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I just found out my fiancee owes MGM $4.3k for a debt which is legitimately hers. We do not dispute nor the debt, nor do we fault MGM for wanting to collect it. They are willing to settle in full for $2.6k. She does not have that much money. I, however, do. I will gladly pay that amount so that they go away. My concern is this, and this alone...
If I give them my debit card number over the phone and authorize a payment for $2.6k, how can I be absolutely sure that they will, in fact, leave us alone forever?
I should be receiving a fax from them any moment now, in which they are going to promise they will mark "Paid in full" on this debt, and inform the credit bureaus. I will read that fax when I receive it, but I haven't yet. I have also been told that upon providing the debit card number, I will get a confirmation number, and 48 hours later, I will receive a fax which says this debt has been closed and the bureaus have been notified.
So, since you guys seem to be familiar with this stuff, will doing this make them go away? That's all I want. What I don't want is a letter that says, "Thanks for the $2.6k; now you only owe us $1.7k more." What I want is for this payment to be the last. Can I be sure of that? Thanks for your speedy advice.

i would not pay with a debit card over the phone, i would however do a check by phone ONCE you have a settlement letter in hand with the agreed amount, account number, name, date to be paid by.

also if i missed it im sorry but which creditor is MCM collecting on ? i find that dealing with MCM isnt that bad at all and you should definitely get a better settlement, you also want to find out if they own the debt, if you look at the letter it might tell you some facts.

depending on who you owe which i dont know i would try for a 30% or even lower so they can counter you at 30%, keep trying! sounds like its already charged off so you dont anything to lose unless it leaves them and goes to a worse agency.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/23/2010 - 14:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The original creditor is Chase Manhattan Bank. We are going to contact them to see if the debt was sold to MCM or not. I tried today, but they had already closed. I will call tomorrow. If the debt was sold, or if not, how does that change what we should do?

How could I offer to pay 30% of the debt? Already, them offering a 60% settlement sounds good to me. But then, I've never been in a situation like this myself, so I don't know; that's why I'm asking. If we can get away with paying less, then by all means, that'd be great. What kind of bargaining tactics can I use?

Unfortunately, I feel as if I have made matters worse by calling MCM today. I should never have done that, but I didn't know any better. Now they have my phone number and my office's fax number. Previously, they did not have either of these. They had been just sending letters, which my fiancee (then girlfriend) had just been ignoring. The more I read about MCM online, the more I wonder if she had the right idea all along (even though that doesn't really sound "right" at all).

We're going to call Chase tomorrow to see if there's anything we can do through them, without involving MCM, because all I know for sure right now, after my limited research online, is that I'm not giving MCM my debit card or checking account number(s).


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/23/2010 - 15:47

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Originally Posted by Anonymous
Oh, and thank you, unregistered guest, for your reply. Thank you, anyone, for your advice.

a very accredited rep at Chase once told me that Chase allows the collection agencies go as low as 25%, now with IC Systems they can go as low as 20% with Chase.

well to tell you the truth on how to offer them 30% call and tell them you can only afford whatever 20% is but dont make it exactly 20% because then it sounds like youre lying and just trying for a specific percent.

stick to your guns and youd be surprised on what you can get.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/23/2010 - 17:03

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i paid of an account several years ago from chase card. i need the account# and the year i settled the account. my email is


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 08:17

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Someone please help me. These people are making my life a living hell and the people that work there are very rude. Someone threatened me and told me that I


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 10:09

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i have a ? about the sol.i had an acct. with speigal(fcnb).the bill was when i lived in ohio in 1999.ive since moved to indiana in 2004,i know fcnb webt bankrupt in mcm is sending me bills.i know in ohio the sol is 15 yrs and indiana is 6 yrs.can mcm collect on this if the sol is run out.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 10:30

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

'Jess' from MCM has been repeatedly calling my father-in-law asking for me. I wasn't aware of this until yesterday. Finally, my father-in-law called my husband and pleaded with him to call MCM and tell them to stop calling him. He has told Jess to stop harassing him, daily, to no avail.
My husband called Jess/Jeff (thick Indian accent, of course). I was nearby and he put the call on speaker. The call was disturbing for me because, even though my husband just wanted to tell him to stop harassing his father, Jess gave him my social security number and ask him to verify it. Annoyed my husband said, "I don't know her social security number." Jess then said "You are her husband, right?" He then tried to discuss the account, which is already in the process of being handled by a legit lawyer.
So, from what I hear with my own ears, anyone can call MCM and just say "Yeah, I'm his/her (spouse)" And all is OK to discuss. Information that is not even correct.
In the end Jess hung up on my husband because he was not willing to pay a one time "morally responsible" payment to MCM over the phone.


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 03/01/2010 - 10:45

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

The above post is correct. Anyone can call MGM and discuss someone else's debt. As I mentioned earlier, I spoke with them about my fiancee's debt. The thing is, while we are really engaged, I'm pretty sure that's not actually worth anything, legally. I'm just someone who opened her mail. Again, granted, we share a home and I had permission to open her mail, as she does mine, but MGM doesn't know that. They can't. To them, I'm just someone who opened her mail. The only piece of information they asked me to verify was her address, which I could just as easily have read right off their letter, had it not been my own. All in all, pretty shady on their part.

When I called Chase, on the other hand, to inquire further about the origin of this debt, being the professional organization that they are, Chase refused to tell me even the slightest detail about the original account. And, in retrospect, as well they should have.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 03/03/2010 - 10:44

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Why should anyone have to pay any debt off? If a mistake were made, then live with it. Keep your money in your pocket. After seven-and-a-half years, start over.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 03/04/2010 - 16:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

how do i file a suit against this company? I had asked them to send me information on a company that doesnt even legally exist, mailed the letter as i was supposed to , explained in the letter that they have never bothered me til now yet they have never complied to my request.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 03/05/2010 - 18:33

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Midland has been calling my residence asking for someone that I was in a relationship with 6 years ago. I have moved twice and had 2 different phone numbers in different parts of the state. I was never a co-signer, never married & have had no general financial connections to this individual. I've tried reason, yelling vulgar obscenities and blowing an air horn into the phone. They call early (before 8 a.m.) on the weekends. They are driving me crazy. Each & every time I tell them I do not know the person they are calling for. How the hell do I shake these ghouls? I pay my bills & really am sick of them.


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 03/07/2010 - 17:07

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