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Nouveau tech society scam letter

Submitted by on Fri, 09/30/2005 - 06:39
Posts: 202330

I was just sent a letter asking to join a secret "Nouveau Tech" society. I'm not going to do it - the letter reeks of a scam.

However, I just was wondering if anyone else has gotten this kind of letter - it is kind of creepy.

Yeah, I got the letter yesterday and was considering replying to it just to see what would happen. While I knew there was something fishy about it, my curiosity was piqued.

Fortunately, thanks to some googling, I came across this site and all the posts regarding the NTS (or other names), and saw it for what it was - A SCAM. Glad to see I wasn't the only other one suspicious of this thing.

It's sad though - you'd think in this day and age where people can search for the truth behind these scams, unscrupulous people still try this kind of thing. Don't they know better?

Submitted by on Fri, 01/27/2006 - 09:15

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I got the email yesterday I'm glad I foudn this site. I was about to send the letter back, it was stamped and everything. Thanks for beig here everyone. oh and I am not into realestat, not in debt, not any of those things in the previous post so i have no idea how they would have even gotten my name or information. thanks again

Submitted by on Fri, 01/27/2006 - 12:09

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I didn't buy the Natural Cures book. So, I suspect my name was on some sort of mailing list.

Submitted by on Fri, 01/27/2006 - 12:26

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Received Letter Jan 21. Read first page and put it down.
Must have it in today. I Googled it and found this site.
It's like buying a used car, the price is only good today. Walk away. Like somone said above if it sound to good to be true it is.

Submitted by on Fri, 01/27/2006 - 12:40

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If you are seeking an answer to your question, you can read pages 45 and 46 of this site. There are posts that refer to websites that detail who many of the promoters are. NTS buys lists from several certain infomercials.

Submitted by on Fri, 01/27/2006 - 12:41

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As we all can see, these people think we are crazy and weak.We must continue to link on here to help others.My letter states that I had to return the ending part of the letter to them. Well if they thought that I was "THE ONE" then they could have just sent the book.I could see that my name was not typed with the same ink. I hope that John Finn or whom ever will wise up and know that we have very smart and intell. people that hit this site. Please people dont be fools.OH! I also looked up all the addresses on" Quest"and found that 411 dont have a # for the address or cant find a land # to the fax# they gave.....716-447-7488 if anybody can find a # for this then put it up on here to T.Mac ... B GOOD & GOD BLESS >>>>>>> T.Mac

Submitted by on Fri, 01/27/2006 - 15:13

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Yeah I got mine yesterday from the neo-tech illuminati.... i sent back the reply sheet out of curiosity... it was free and there were no signatures or additional information required, so why not?

Submitted by on Fri, 01/27/2006 - 21:13

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Neothink has arrived.It's kinda like the camel ciggaretts comercial, "It's not for everybody, only for people that want it".

Submitted by on Fri, 01/27/2006 - 22:10

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I need help from whomever can give it to me. My dad is 85 and got the little 60 or so page booklet a little over 1 year ago. He bought the large book from (at the time) Neo Tech Society and then paid $139.00. It was supposed to be the LAST installment. Then he needed to get yet another book from them for I think $59.95. All this transpired within a few months and was done around last March. Now he is starting all over again with Nouveau Tech Society and does not remember that it is the same thing. I need to make him see that this is a scam and that he already bought all their crap, but he says I'm wrong. Where can I find more information to print out to convince him to stop wasting his money?

Submitted by on Sat, 01/28/2006 - 10:29

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In answer to your question, "Where can I find more information to print out to convince him to stop wasting his money?", you can read pages 45 and 46 of this site which refer to websites that detail who many of the promoters are, and how NTS buys lists from several certain infomercials- see the press release issued by the New York State CPB.

If you are trying to make the connection between Neo Tech and Nuveau Tech, just go directly to the source, their website... in which they make the connection for you, "Neo-Tech/Illuminati Societies,
Novus Tek Society, Novatech Society, Nouveau Tech Society and Nuova Tech Society".

In addition to the NYS Consumer Protection Board, you can also contact the Post Master General and Bettter Business Bureau, esp in Nevada, where nunerous complaints have been filed.

Thank you for your post. It prooves that the NTS materials jsut didn't deliver.

Submitted by on Sat, 01/28/2006 - 12:42

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I've purchased Carlton Sheets material. Most likely the Carlton Sheets company sells their customer lists through a broker, and the broker sells them as opportunity seaker leads...this letter is geared towards people looking for opportunity.

Submitted by on Sat, 01/28/2006 - 23:16

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if you think you're "special" to receive an invitation then look at that number to the left of your name. There's a reason there's enough room for a 7 digit sequence number - I know, I work in a mailing facility and that's how they track the offers they're sending out.

Submitted by on Sun, 01/29/2006 - 19:17

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i wanna know what LIE stands for on the flap of the envelope...a hint that they're trying to tell you you're an idiot for believing them? Besides...they aren't scamming people...they are selling a useful product.

that 1000 page manuscript can be used in a multitude of ways...

-Toilet Paper
-Fire Kindling
-Bird Cage Lining
-A self-defense weapon
-An offensive weapon
-Paper Weight
-Paper Mache
-I could go on all day...I suggest you BUY THEIR BOOK! Don't let them sit on the shelves and let those trees go to waste, BUY NOW

Submitted by on Sun, 01/29/2006 - 21:05

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HI Folks:
If you have recieived information from these people would you send it to To Watcher
P.O.Box 158
Dupont Wa 98327-0158.
Please copy information and send to the address above
with the state you live and what they wanted or gave you.
and a short discribtion of what or amount you sent.
Thank You Watcher.

Submitted by on Mon, 01/30/2006 - 00:07

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You should ASOLUTELY NEVER send any personal *information* or your *letter* to any unknow, unoffical adress including the one mentioned above (and repeted below):

"The Watcher, P.O.Box 158 Dupont Wa 98327-0158".

This kind of information should ever go directly to OFFICIAL Sources, ie: a COPY, not the ORGINAL should go to your
1)- your Postmaster General;
2) Police;
3) Congressman;
4) Better Business Bureau;
5) Consumer Protection Board.

"Watcher", while your intentions *may* be good, you are un UNOFFICAL, unknown, unidentified source on the internet. Your request is suspicious since what you are asking for is considered EVIDENCE!

Who are you?

How do we know that you are not collecting our only form of EVIDENCE necessary to proove a scam, to proove harrasment, to initiate a class action if that is where people want to go with this in the future.

How do we know that you are not collecting pesonal information on the individuals who have decided to post their opinions? In your opinion, "troublemakers"?

I find it interesting that your address is DUPONT. DUPONT is the name behind the publishing company connected to this "possible" scam.

Submitted by on Mon, 01/30/2006 - 08:41

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Here is a post by a debtconsolidationcare moderator worth repeating (from pg 1):

First, I would like to thank you to come up with such an important topic.

You're not alone on the deck; lots of people are there who have received the same letter. Nouveau Tech Society is listed under ???Con Artist??? category in Nouveau Tech seems to be closely related with e-book dealers.

The victims generally receive an invitation mail first. It asks the person to join their society to gather some true knowledge without any cost and the individual is requested to reply the letter.

If the receiver replies to the first letter, he gets the second letter with a brochure attached. This letter is more descriptive than the first one and contains an order form.

If the person orders the book, he keeps on receiving offer letters endlessly.

The most unfair thing is that these books are available in some libraries for free and their market price is much lower and those who have already bought the books have a really bad experience since they are not better than a paper weight. Just think of a paper weight for $130!

If anyone wishes to share some more info, please post here.


P.S. According to BBB, Nouveau Tech Society has aliases Neo Tech Publishing Company, Novatech, Novatech Society, Novus Tek Invitation Processing.>>

Submitted by on Mon, 01/30/2006 - 09:18

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There are many posts, spanning many sites ( this site; abovetopsecret [dot] com; ripoffreport [dot] com, scam [dot] com, etc ) . Posters have gathered alot of useful information that can be consolidated into a factsheets, profiling this company(ies). It might be easier for people to view one sheet of facts than to scroll through 200 pages of postings spanning 4 years.

In addition to a factsheet, a take action board can be created in where resources, official contacts, and appropriate form letters are made available.

"Watcher", if you are legitimate, I will share info with you. I am on the east coast, you are on the west. I can help you properly apply the information (not documentation) you gather.

While sites like this are great for making comments, it appears that a site consolidating information would be valuable and a time saver. I am creating the website now.

Submitted by on Mon, 01/30/2006 - 09:50

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You people are not in position to judje anyone especially when it comes to those decicions that people make about their lives, an individuals choice can bring many hting sto this world just by saying one word or exerting one action for example one man hit another man at a department store now the man will face consequences, this would not be moral but now atleast the store could hire better security for that reason there would be another employed individual in this world, the victim can press charges and maby even sew the agressor now theres emplyment for better security the victim is richer and the agressorwill learn from his experience. point is yes opiniate speak your min d but please dont judge dont discriminate and dont insult or demean an society that only want to help you. To those people that say this is a scam when they only received the letter and did nothing further than discriminate, I know that the men who are in prosperous power positions would love to see your potential when they can show u how to show and exert your mind power, Newton Springstein, a man that pursuited truth was involved and he does not question god, fact Im involved and Ibeleive in god allmighty creator of all and all things I pray to him asking for his arrival, one thing is certain he will not come to a world that is filthy of discrimination and god role playing of those who judge, we have to learn that we can make this a starting heaven and heck even set a landing zone for jesus our lord. But read closely Newton Springstein said before his great discovery that was burried by corrupted religious leaders and powrecrats "Hold fast to gods love, pursuite truth pray daily read scriptures all kinds that are moral and educating especially Mathew 5:3 11 so see people this will not steal your soul like they say the decision is yours just know that you like when we respect We expect the same in return. jesus is not stationed in one site ori n certain places or people the kingdom of god is in you and all aroud you not in mansions of wood and stone he is in the wood we split and use in every stone we lift youll find him. I could tell you alot more but I am afraid that the religion can send an assasin orthat the powercrats can destroy me, hurt me or my family or my future but Ill tell you this history books have to be seriously rewritten but in that case Iam sure that youre children would not want to read a book of such massive figure yes their missing alot alot alot of words and truths. Man was born free, Women were born free so let us all be free, free all free market free education free individual rights instead of bought illusive human rights that are just cover ups for all this abuse. for all our sake people wake up you pay all this taxation but are we represented the way we deserve it look think of all those people that pay taxes and still were kiked away from their neighbors away from all the knew were they possilbly grew pu their best years with their neighbors and friends all because airpor expansion and factory expansion etc. I alone can come up with resolutions for all those problems and all that propaganda I can prevent anoter airplane accident or skid like the one that killed the boy and family in Midway with money flowing through my hands like it does to all representatives, governors, mayors, senators, presidents, investors,lawyers,and so on think of it that money would revolutionise every industry in this world and I would do it for the people that keep it runing the customer the worker the investor the lawyer the attorney the associates the neighbor etc mid way incident could have bee easily prevented,I simply look at chiacago winter history My common sence will tell me that we experience times when cold is so badly taht the roads freeze know all I would have to do is come up with a plan, a blue print contracts sub contracts and arrangemaets to build underground sytems preventing road freezem, my plan would be build aroun a renovated sytem or around the all ready existung airport but no rigth. those in power are define by their balance between their power and resposibility those that dont deal with resposibility as much as they use and abuse their power are not powerful, and Iknow that there will be some one that will say so what or bullcrap, think of this the person that hurts you and has all that he or she wants is becase they Know you say SO WHAT OR BULLCRAP! if you cant notice know who is the liar, the bad guy , or the abuser,two faced thieve than you and your follwing generations will not go very far because you cant be conciuos and you deny the truth we only want to help you and every body else in this world, we beleive in a human race that will flourish and never extinct from this planet god bless you all and all of us America is the Gateway to the future to heaven on earth and world will follow dont stay behind and walk with me as Iwalk with them and we all together walk with HE Our Lord Shepherd Jesus Christ Son of God.

Submitted by on Mon, 01/30/2006 - 14:48

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[color=darkblue]I got this letter today too (1/30/06) I thought is was pretty obvious it was a scam but wanted to see what Google would pull up. It's nice to know people still look out for each other

Submitted by on Mon, 01/30/2006 - 17:34

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A)Learn to spell.
B)This is not morality corner, this is a warning so you don't get your money stolen, and last time I checked, that's in violation of the 8th commandment, thou shalt not steal?
C)Why are you bringing religion into this anyways?

Submitted by on Mon, 01/30/2006 - 21:10

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I also received a letter for those people and at first it was like they really knew me but as you say the free thing was said to much but I'm so glad I went to the internet to find out it's a big joke to sell and to put more junk on your mine and back thank god for this internet because so maney of us want a quick way in life and to use all the power we can all ways remeber the devil can to rob steal and kill and to take money and hurt a person from lying will cause to want to kill them so thank you Jesus almost presade to do the wrong thing if god have given you the power then he will direct when to us the power.

Submitted by on Tue, 01/31/2006 - 18:12

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again i'm so thankful for computer and this internet those people otter feel ashamed but somebody need to get to the tv and let other know what's going on because some of our old people will not tell and think they really have a secret because they put god in this and you know how old people is those who and read and believe in god sending the a message and want tell their childer untill all thier money is gone so some body please go on tv and help me tell this story how many are willing to go on tv and tell this story keep your letters so that we can have proof when we bring this thing to the light i will be calling all the talk shows to see which one will let me come on and expose the devil. i will draw up a web site to let everybody know how to contact me i wish to have a least a hundred of willing to go on tv well on thing they said to me on the letter that i will get power to do thing that i never done so here we go and i want to thank nouveau for speaking into my future and it will begin with them so where they are they better go hide because i'm going to have the right people looking for them i had about as much as ican take if not some of my people will get this letter and go broke that don't have a computer and that will be sad so how many of you'll are ready to send the devil back to hell to get a new game? people i'm very serious about this come join in with me i will mention it in my church on sunday to make the people aware that it's no secret what god do what he's done for other he'll do for you but the question is are you willing to go threw what other might have went threw to get what they got all good thing come to those who wait on the lord because he said no good thing will i with hold from them that walk up right. people while i'm on here let me say some things 1. first seek the kingdom of god your tihtes and a offerning 3 3. read and know god words

Submitted by on Tue, 01/31/2006 - 19:05

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Recieved my letter today. Wanted to check the internet first. Very happy I did. I guess it's time to SCAM the Americans again, thank you for your posting's . It is going into the trash.

Submitted by on Tue, 01/31/2006 - 20:56

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I received my letter 1-31-06
As I opened the envelope I felt a nudging by the Holy Spirit that he did not agree witht the spirit of this letter. As I started reading it I stopped and plead the blood of Jesus over my mind, spirit and body, because I wanted to know exactly what someone was sending me. As I read the letter I was convinced that I was right. I won't be sending for my "package". But I will be sending them a thank you note for reminding me about the gifts and talents God has give to all of us. And how I need nothing but the Word of God to guide me because I have the source for all the things they were offering me right at hand and I don't have to sell my soul to get it.
I realize how I have not been exercising the God given wisdon I already have and know I have, and how I have questioned myself so often and now I realize that it was only the spirit of fear sent by satan himself and his imps (this group included) that tries to feed us a lie. I am not deceived. I am alive and more alert then I have been in months. God had revealed to me how evil and satanic these ideas are. How deceived and greedy these people are, how foolish to think THEY can rule the world, that THEY have all the answers. Just stating that proves how IGNORANT they are. God have mercy on their souls and open their understanding to truth.

Submitted by on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 07:58

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I received my 2nd letter today, even after they said I would never hear from them again! I must admit it was very intriging, but luckily I found this website and will now "file" the letter where it belongs. By the way, I also purchased the book "Cures They Don't Want You To Know About." When I read how many others who received the letter had purchased that book I knew immediately it was a scam.

Submitted by on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 12:01

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I received the "letter" in December, 2005. I felt immediately that it was just a scam. Have just had the chance to check it out online. Sounds as if I was correct in my feelings. It is a shame that people can get away with these types of scams. There are senior citizens, destitutes, lonely out there who are vulnerable. I think that the selling of names should be illegal. One sure thing DON'T FILL OUT THOSE MARKETING FORMS about your likes and dislikes in products etc.

Submitted by on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 13:18

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I recieved the letter today and as soon as I read it I knew it was a scam or a cult. I ripped the letter up and threw it in the trash, came on the net to find out more about this "CULT" and to my surprise I'm not the only special person with talents in which they carefully pick out of hundreds of thousands of people. I'm sure if there not after your money they sure want something else which to me sounds evil.
Remember the only other person in this world that knows you better than you is GOD!

Take care God Bless and don't fall into the lies.

Submitted by on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 16:45

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I got a similar mail today, Jan 28th, It made me feel good for like five seconds then skeptical, then good again when I started laughing at all the stuff it was promissing. Well, it was a good run.

Submitted by on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 22:05

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I also recieved the 2nd letter. The first one I filed in file 13, with this one I decided to check about fraud.
The return envelope had also LIE written on the back side.
The Letter was signed John Finn. This is the name of a friend of mine and it looks like his signature. He knows nothing about this letter and is going to file charges for fraud. These people need to be caught.

Submitted by on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 09:54

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Hey, Long time reader, first time poster...ayyyysiii. Anyway, beware - anything printed on preforated paper is a JOKE. And hey, in response to an earlier post, I too noticed the LIE on the envelope. The red flag went up...I think I trust that a whole lot more than junkmail. Anytime ANYONE advertises how you'll get something for FREE FREE FREE FREE only means that you'll have to pay way or another. You should outgrow this crap around the same time you realize the tooth fairy and the easter bunny were really your parents...

Submitted by on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 13:02

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I received a letter today from NTS and found myself laughing because I found it so funny. Let's see I'm a mind reader, psychic and can heal the sick. Give me a break. The dead giveaway is the word subsidized which means money is going to be mentioned somewhere.
Got it after the deadline but wasn't buying into it.

Submitted by on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 14:55

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Has any one actually purchased this mysterious manuscript and scrutinized the contents? I am very interested in knowing what is in the book and if anyone reputable has tried the ancient secrets to ascertain if they really work. Does anyone have a copy of the manuscript that you can share with curious people like myself?

Submitted by on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 15:07

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I too read through this pack of lies.

Submitted by on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 17:04

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I was going to answer the letter with my very special way of insulting them. However I chose not to because I read many of the responses on this site and felt that I rather have God in my life. So I want them to know that they can't enter the light till they ask for His forgiveness. God forgive them for they know not what they do.

Submitted by on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 17:18

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Glenna Tscherner and Chief Lady,

Read the 50 pages of posts and you'll find out- he is not the only one, Carlton Sheets and others SELL your your information.

Submitted by on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 19:48

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I recieved a letter today, and after doing some research out here, I think you all may be right. I did purchase the Carlton's Real Estate Kit, and from what one of you said, that may be why I received my letter.

But mine sounds a little different from what you all hav said. Mine tells me of "secrets" that will lead me to wealth, love, and phenomenal personal abilities. Is this the same letter you all are talking about ??

Submitted by on Fri, 02/03/2006 - 00:17

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I also recieved this letter soon after filing bankruptcy and ordering a book online for internet "work from home" opportunities. I "googled" the site and my suspicions were founded---how can this scam get past the U.S. postal service???

Submitted by on Fri, 02/03/2006 - 07:08

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thanks for your site.very informative and helpful

Submitted by on Fri, 02/03/2006 - 11:37

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I received the same letter Feb.01,2006. This makes one think twice about purchasing anything off the television in the future, not knowing what you might receive later. Yes, I bought the Natural Cures book too. Pretty standard stuff to me. I too had to check the web for this "to good to be true" letter. Thanks for your posting and input.It's a scam and a way to get us to purchase more stuff (book on secrets?)

Submitted by on Sat, 02/04/2006 - 10:18

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LOOK WHAT ELSE I FOUNG IN MY SEARCH ABOUT THIS COMPANY & LETTER: The names and addresses of consumers who call to order the book "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About" are being sold to telemarketers, junk mailers and other direct marketers, the New York State Consumer Protection Board (CPB) has learned.

???Without asking permission from consumers, Kevin Trudeau is offering to rent the names and addresses of his customers to telemarketers, junk mailers and other direct marketers,??? said Teresa A. Santiago, CPB Chairman and Executive Director.

???Without a privacy policy on his website or some other notification, customers are unaware that their information is being sold and they also are not given an opportunity to prevent those sales from occurring,??? said Santiago. ???Consumers should know this before they decide to buy Trudeau's book, his newsletter or a membership to his website.???

Customers who call one of Trudeau's toll-free order ...

Submitted by on Sat, 02/04/2006 - 10:26

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I got one today Feb 4 it was due yesterday so glad i got it today, b/c i have been seeing a lot about the illuminati recently. read angels and demons by dan brown. saw some videos on google about illuminati and a lot of synchronicities regarding illuminati, very weird you attract what you focus on. :?

Submitted by on Sun, 02/05/2006 - 00:51

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I recieved the neotech letter asking me to fax back immediately for the free book. They didn't ask for any money though, does that come later?

Submitted by on Sun, 02/05/2006 - 23:44

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Got the letter more than once. Thyme2awaken, "saw some videos on google about illuminati and a lot of synchronicities regarding illuminati, very weird you attract what you focus on", that's how the occult works.

Submitted by on Mon, 02/06/2006 - 12:11

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Now I have been "invited" to a free lunch or dinner and organizer if I attend a seminar discussing, "How to make money with the internet at home"- similar to Carol's post above. Seems once you are on one mailing list it multiplies like wild fire.

Submitted by on Mon, 02/06/2006 - 16:22

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A scam is when you pay and get nothng in return. for 150.00 your get evry pennies worth and more, the problem is that most people want someone else to do the thinking for them, this book is about doing the thinking for yourself. It gives you tools to help you do that, it shows you example(facts) of what will happen if you dont use your own mind. Is the advertising a scam no,is the way its worded a scam no it targets your mystical mind following mode part of your mind, the same mind that thinks there is a god, or people born is november (scorpio) is better in bed than some born is august(leo)You dont have to buy the book. but there is a war going on this war is not so obvious. this war is not so obvious but a war just the same. you have three choice lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.

Submitted by on Mon, 02/06/2006 - 17:39

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I got the damn book its borring says the same thnigs over an over again and didn't find no secrets, the first days i had nightmares some scarry things have happend since then, am just letting u know i bought it for curiosity 2 but now i regret it, i want my money back.... ps .. if u guys BELIEVE IN GOD this book will make you mad, cuz the only purpose I saw on it is to make U doubt on GOD , so pliz dont fall for this ..........

Submitted by on Mon, 02/06/2006 - 20:13

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