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Interview of Bob Lotich - ChristianPf: Make it, Save it, Grow it, Give it

Lets meet a man with a mission of making money, saving it, growing it by investing, and giving it away to help others. A man who thinks that God hasn't put us on this earth to amass wheelbarrows full of cash to bathe ourselves in. He believe there is a much better and higher purpose for our money i.e. to build God’s Kingdom and help others. He is none other than Bob Lotich from ChristianPF. Let us know more about him and his views on personal finances in his interview below:

Jason: From where did you get the idea of blogging?

Bob: A friend of mine actually explained what a blog was to me about 2 years ago and I loved the idea.

Jason: There are so many topics on which you can blog. But why Personal Finance?

Bob: Personal Finance was something I was passionate about at the time and still am. There didn't seem to be a better thing for me to write about!

Jason: What do you do in real life and how’d you get started?

Bob: I worked in banking for a couple years and then in the financial services industry for about 5 years and got laid off last June. Now, in real life, I am a full-time blogger.

Jason: How long do you think this current economic situation will last and what do you think the answer to it is?

Bob: Personally, I think that while the current situation will be over in the next year or so, I think the US has bigger issues that are going to be much larger problems in the future. I honestly think the answer to it is controlled spending - on the citizens' parts and in the government. Everyone is out of control with their spending, and I personally believe that is a root cause of a lot of our issues.

Jason: We just noticed the tagline of your blog is, "Make it, Save it, Grow it, Give it " What is the significance of this title?

Bob: Making money, saving it, growing it by investing, and giving it away to help others are the 4 main objectives I have with my finances and this is also the mission of ChristianPF as well.

Jason: Why do you think God will help everyone in managing their personal finances?

Bob: Just like any good father wants to see his children succeed, God is very interested in us succeeding in every area of our lives.

Jason: What is the biggest financial mistake you have made?

Bob: I did a pretty bad job at paying for college. I bounced around between a few different schools and in doing so, some credits didn't transfer and I ended up paying twice for a lot of classes. That combined with my lack of concern for money at the time earned me a very costly bachelors degree.

Jason: Where do you see yourself 10 years down the lane?

Bob: I am not sure, but I see myself enjoying every minute of it.

Jason: Do you believe you are successful in providing a resource for Christians to get practical tips, biblical revelation, and wisdom about how to handle their personal finances?

Bob: While ChristianPF has not become everything I envisioned for it yet, I do feel that it is well on it's way and does successfully do a lot of those things I intended for it to do.

Jason: Do you think blogging has changed your life in some way or the other?

Bob: Absolutely, blogging has allowed me to follow my passion and get paid doing something I absolutely love doing, rather than just chasing a paycheck - like I was doing before.

Jason: Please advice our readers on how to pay off the debts?

Bob: From people I talk to, I find that they biggest hurdle for people paying off debts to to change their mindset. Most people look at it as how can I find $1000 each month to start paying off my debt. My suggestion is to find a way to just start making ANY forward progress. So if you are only paying down your debts by $20 each month -it is a start and it is so much better than digging the hole deeper. Amazingly once you get started in the right direction, you find ways to increase the speed and momentum.

Jason: How do you feel by becoming a part of world’s largest debt consolidation community now?

Bob: Sounds great!!

So, I am sure all of you had splendid time reading Bob’s view on personal finances. We will come up with some more interviews next week. Till then keep enjoying reading our blog. Do not forget to leave a comment about your views on Bob’s idea and thinking.

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