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Hall Of Fame Members

Name Picture hall of fame members User post count Created

Jason Holmes is the super moderator of the community. He is a very senior member of the community who tries to strengthen the bond between the members. The entire community congratulates you for being the new Hall of Fame member [see details] .

2179 28 October, 2004
imkimssister imkimssister the first 'Hall of Fame' member of Debtconsolidationcare community.
He has done a great job in helping the DebtCC community members in every possible way. He has been voted by other important community members. [see details] Congratulations to you.
1188 5 May, 2005
Teleport Teleport has been selected as the Hall of Fame member for his valuable contribution to the community. He has helped members with his knowledge and support. Congratulations. 1374 9 August, 2005
LCW The next DebtCC hall of fame member title goes to Clay. He is well deserved for winning this wonderful title. Community members have voted him for his sincere contribution and help [see details]. Congratulations from DebtCC community members. 1073 5 September, 2005
Not so Lucky Not So Lucky has proved himself lucky for the community with his sincere work, dedication and quality answers. Congrats for becoming the new Hall of Fame member! 2903 2 November, 2005
Jessi Jessica is our sixth hall of fame member. We are thankful to her for actively taking part in our community and assisting every member thus helping this community to grow bigger. The community members have voted in her favor to be our hall of fame member [see details]. We congratulate you for reaching this landmark. 3233 1 December, 2005
Jedi Mistress Ari DebtCC's next hall of fame membership goes to Arielle Neilsen. She has done an wonderful job in helping the community members with her knowledge and experience and people here have voted her to become a DebtCC Hall of Fame [see details] member. All community members congratulate you and encourage you to be a part of this great community for many years to come. 2155 5 December, 2005
Mary Mary Waters is the third Hall of Fame member of Debt Consolidation Care Community. She has done a great job in helping the community members with her active participation. [see details]. DebtCC community members have voted her for the Hall of fame member. Community members want to congratulate you for making this landmark. Do keep up the good work. 1318 23 January, 2006
finsfan13 Finsfan is DebtCC's next hall of fame member. She has done a great job towards helping this community and its members with lots of good information. So the community members have voted in favor of her to make her our hall of fame member [see details]. All DebtCC community members congratulate you for your good work. 6797 17 February, 2006
Bossy4455 The next DebtCC hall of fame member title goes to Karen who is being of great help to all community members. She has done a good job with her informative postings and online help. The community members have selected her to be our next hall of fame member by casting their valuable votes [see details]. Congratulations to you from all DebtCC community members. 5779 27 February, 2006
polly Community members have selected Polly as DebtCC's next hall of fame member. She has done a great job in providing relevant information to the members and helps them in every possible way. Members have voted her for her tireless work towards bonding this community under one roof [see details]. The whole community congratulates you. 1640 2 March, 2006
erzeke1 Elizabeth is our next Hall of fame member as selected by the DebtCC Community members. She reaches this milestone by helping every community member with her knowledge and experience. Every member have appreciated her work and voted her to gain the hall of fame title. [see details]. DebtCC community congratulates you. 1091 26 March, 2006
Lorri Lorri has been selected as the next hall of fame member. She also has forwarded her helping hand towards assisting the members. She has reached this height [see details] with all her support. DebtCC community members congratulate you. 1676 27 April, 2006
Tweety71 Tweety has always been a good participating member who tries to help community members in their need. Members have voted her [See details] for her good work. Congratulations to you! 1885 4 May, 2006
FYI The next member to join our Hall of Fame community is FYI. She has done a great job in improving the community and participated well in every discussion with good feedback. [See details] for how members have voted for her. Congratulations! 1853 18 May, 2006