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Interview of Neal Frankie: A certified financial planner and a financial blogger

Neal Frankle is a financial blogger who considers himself lucky that he started as a Certified Financial Planner. He lost both his parents while he was 17, and have come a long way to learn about finance through his own experiences. He believes in sharpening the financial skills so as to become successful financially. He generally writes on such personal finance topics like how to get out of debt, saving money, investing and retirement planning issues.

Let's take a look at what Neal has to say about his experiences with blogging and managing personal finance.

Sarah : From where did you get the idea of blogging?

Neal : I started working on a book and my publisher suggested I do the groundwork for it by starting a blog.

Sarah : Your blog’s tagline says, “A journey to self, health and wealth”. What preparations are you making to achieve this goal and how?

Neal : Personally? I try remain balanced. Remember to be grateful. Do the best I can and forgive myself when I make mistakes.

On the financial side, I have a financial plan and have involved my wife and family and this is great progress.

I also work out and try to watch out for the brownies who try to get me to eat them all up.

Sarah : What do you do in real life and how’d you get started?

Neal : I am a Certified Financial Planner. I got started 25 years ago because I needed a job...... I met a friend and he told me about the opportunities so I just started. Lucky.

Sarah : Do you think blogging has changed your life in some way or the other?

Neal : Maybe a little. I spend a lot of time doing it. It has helped me focus. Blogging can drain ALL your time if you let it. I've cut back and try to focus on the important things. That has helped me in other aspects of my life too.

Sarah: What are the three biggest finance mistakes you have ever made in your life?

Neal : a. Sold a house we owned because I was afraid of holding it when prices were low.

b. Sold a profitable business for almost nothing because I wasn't paying attention.

c. Speculated on investments

(These 3 were more than 15 years ago.....I guess that mean I've learned something!)

Sarah : Where do you see yourself in 10 years down the lane?

Neal : I hope to travel w/my wife a lot more. I hope to visit my kids where ever they might be. I hope to still be blogging and working as a CFP at that time.

Sarah : Give Me One Good Reason Why people Should Read Your Blog?

Neal : Well...there are many great blogs out there but I there aren't many of the super popular ones that are run by people with personal and professional experience. I have both. I have been a professional advisor for more than 25 years. On top of that, I know what it's like to have no money and lots of fear. I was broke and semi-homeless at the age of 17 when both my parents died.

Sarah : So Do You Have Any Famous Followers?

Neal : You.

Sarah : Please advice our readers how to pay off their debts from your past experiences?

Neal : The most important step is to put a tracking system in place and also get everyone in the family on the same page.

Sarah : How do feel by becoming a part of world’s largest debt consolidation community now?

Neal : Not sure I understand the question......I need to understand more about what you guys do.

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