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5 Steps to save on Black Friday shopping and 4 types of deals to take advantage of

Again it is that special shopping time of the year for which you might be eagerly waiting. Yes, it is Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday shopping which marks the onset of the festive season. This Friday you can score probably the best deals of the year; however, before you splurge yourself into shopping, do some homework so that you get the best deals without forcing yourself into financial problems in near future.

5 Steps to save and purchase items you need

Here are 5 steps which will help you purchase items you need at the lowest price possible.

  • Make a list of the items you want to buy - To take the best advantage, first of all, make a list of the items you need to buy. This is because if you do not make a list, you'll be easily enticed by the deals offered at the stores and will eventually end up buying more. Therefore, stick to your list as far as possible. After you make the list, check it twice or thrice and prioritize it; on its basis, plan your budget - a guideline which you'll follow to shop for items.
  • Check out the most suitable deals -It is advisable you start looking for deals early. However, it is not too late yet. Check out your e-mails, coupons, newspapers, leaflets, etc. and look for deals which will benefit you. You can also check them online. One of the best ways to do it is look for the deals at your favorite stores online.
  • Compare price with quality - After you check suitable deals, it is the time to compare price with quality. You will find that an item is offered at a comparatively lower cost at some other stores which you're not aware of. Therefore, utilize the time in the Black Friday morning to prepare yourself with the list and the name of the stores so that you are ready by evening. Make sure you also compare the quality and not check only the price tags. Also, make a note of the time till when the discount will be available, since some stores offer discounts for a certain period of time.
  • Use coupons for extra savings - Do not forget to take into account your coupons and rewards while comparing price. By using coupons, you may get further discount on the already discounted price items. If you use them, you may also be eligible for a certain percentage of cash back or discount on your next purchase. Whatever be the type of discount, every penny counts when the question is to make savings, either on Thursday and Friday or sometime later. Whatever be the scenario, it will affect your personal financial situation positively.
  • Make your action plan - Now it is the time to make your action plan. After you are sure with the deals you want to go for and identify the stores, from where you want to purchase, make a plan of your action. Make sure you take into account the time; it may be due to the fact that discounts are available for a certain time period or the products will sell like hot cakes. Keeping all these factors in mind, plan at what time you need to visit the stores or plan to stand in the queue beforehand, if required.

Apart from above, be prepared. Carry the advertisements which you want to use. This is of utmost importance if you're going to a store where you want to price match. Another important thing is make yourself ready to avoid distraction by carrying snacks with you; most of the stores have water fountain so you may not have to worry about it.

4 Types of deals to look for this Black Friday

There are certain deals which you can take advantage of if they are already in your shopping list or you might have forgotten to enlist. Check out whether or not the following deals will benefit you.

  • Discount on clothing - Some branded stores like Loft and Ralph Lauren are offering a certain percent discount on selective clothing. So, check out online whether the items in your list are offered at discount rates, either at shops or online.
  • Electronic items offered at reduced price - You can get good deals in the form of flat discounts on electronic items at certain websites like Amazon, Best Buy, etc. You will get good deals on televisions and tablets. Therefore, take out time to save a significant amount on these items.
  • Significant deals on grocery items - The superstores and supermarkets usually offer certain discount when you buy two or more of one item or you may also get a discount/free gift card when you buy items worth a certain amount. You can look for such deals at Target, Walmart, K-Mart, Marsh along with such similar stores, which keep a variety of items.
  • Household goods at bargain price -Certain stores offer discounts at household goods, too. You can check for such offers in stores like Marshalls and T. J Maxx, from where you can purchase household necessities of your choice along with clothing. You can look for two similar priced items offered at the price of one.

While making purchase during Black Friday, make sure you check out the return policies of the items purchased. Do not get swayed away by the prices and check out if there's any catch - the popular one being that they are final purchase items, which means that you won't be able to return or exchange them. If an item is not available at the stores, or you need a different size, you can request whether or not the items can be shipped at discount rate if you place request at the store. All these things will help you get the items you require at best price and in turn, help you save your hard-earned money.

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