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Question of the Month

Question of the Month is yet another effort by the debtcc team to enhance the community knowledge bank. It’s a monthly contest and every month a challenging question will be thrown before the members for responses. The best answer will be chosen collectively at the end of the month by the debtcc members and the admin panel of the site. The winner of this contest will receive a handsome reward of a $50. The purpose behind this idea is to encourage the members to share their real life experiences in dealing with the financial challenges.
Though different financial issues are being discussed across the debtcc board, but it doesn’t leave much scope to the members to share their personal experiences. Here is the place where it can be done, and also that the new members can get the innovative ideas to deal with their debts along with the conventional ones.

Latest Question

Question 11: Are paid online surveys the best way to earn extra money?

Market research companies across the world always look out for people who would provide their feedback on various items. These companies also claim to pay money for participating in these surveys. Being a part of these internet based surveys help you to earn some extra cash. We encourage you to give your opinion on these paid online surveys. The member with best voted answer will win $50.

Winner Post

Trophy iconAnswer 1:Are online surveys the BEST way to earn extra money? It depends on a few things...
1. Is the extra money worth the aggravation of junk email and postal mail?
2. Have you done everything else necessary to earn extra money?

Sure, everyones time is valuable which is why these online surveys pay money to partake in the research. However, in order to see a substantial amount of money (over $10) one would have to partake in A LOT of these surveys! I did this once and spent approximately 2 hours doing surveys and received a check for $20 at the end of the month. This adds up to $10/hour...not bad for anyone looking for extra cash. However, I received A TON of junk email (which of course companies claim they do not give your contact information, but it was a very strange coincidence that I received a ton of junk email immediately AFTER taking these surveys). Also I received a ton of junk postal mail, including two pyramid schemes. So was it worth it? NO! I actually would like to receive email without having to filter through 100 pieces of junk!
So how can one earn extra money just as easily? The thing is...there is no such thing as easy money. Sure, with these surveys you give your time, they give you money....but it also seems like they give your name to spammers.
In todays economy we are all looking for extra cash. My suggestion: if you need extra money - find a part-time job. Sure, jobs are not as easy to find as they were three years ago....but theyre out there. It just takes a little more time to find. And believe me you will be grateful you spent the time looking for an extra and/or primary job rather than taking these online surveys, making little money, and accumulating a lot of spam!

Answer Posted by | brian446fsu

The other answers worth mentioning are:

Answer 2:I thought I would try doing this, and joined about 100 panels about a year and a half ago. It was fun, but very time-consuming, and I found most surveys were already filled and closed by the time I got the notice, or I didnt qualify. In all that time, Ive only made about 50 dollars. I have gotten some products to try, though - lotion, batteries, and some food products, which I got to use, keep, and answer questions about - but it hasnt come close to being worth all the time Ive spent at it. Many of them dont award cash, but chances at drawings or prizes. I think I must be the most common demographic out there, because most of the really good ones no longer needed the opinions of people in my categories. I think if you are of a particular ethnicity - African-American, Asian, or Hispanic, for example, it may be easier to qualify. You can give it a try - theres really no need to "purchase" the lists - all you need is to find a couple through a search engine, and they all lead to others. It doesnt cost anything, and it can be a lot of fun. But be prepared to spend a lot of time with it. Another downside is that once I signed up to start receiving the survey invitations, my junk email level rose to an incredible amount, much of it scams from every jerk out there hoping to take advantage of someone looking for income opportunities. I got a separate yahoo email address for surveys only, to keep all that stuff separate from my personal/business emails. Bottom line is, give it a shot. It doesnt have to cost you anything, and you may find that you qualify for some good ones. I wouldnt count on it as an income source though, rather something to have fun with when you have the time.

Answer Posted by | SusieQ

Answer 3:First you need to check out the legality of the company, just because they say they pay you doesnt mean it is so. PROTECT YOURSELF and your private information. secondly once you do that then you must decide which one fits and suits your needs. there are some companies who do come through with the promise of payment. it has been my own experience that there are some legitimate and honest companies who are truly interested in your feedback and are willing to pay for your valuable time. again my advice to anyone is to check the company out thoroughly! there are too many scams going on these days, identity theft, and personal losses. use whatever research engine, better business bureau any information on the company and reviews of its performance and ratings will keep you from being a victim! REMEMBER BE A SMART CONSUMER SHOP AROUND BEFORE YOU ACT! IT COULD BE THE WORST MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE!

Answer Posted by | kengra72

Answer 4:As an experienced survey taker for 2 years. When i first started i didnt know where to begin. I had been severely stricken with hyperthyroidism (graves disease). So, i had to find means to make extra cash. Did some research & found out that their were survey companies that you could join but, that you would have to pay money tobecome a member. I advise you not to do this!, there are plenty of free survey websites that you can join for free.
Navigating my way i fould a real website that is absolutely geared up to teach you how to take survey & which surveys pay by checks, paypal, amazon. From my experiences to make the opimal best vault to getting paid from online survey thier are a few tricks i have learned along the way.
Always list that you make under $20,000 per year, list that there are only two adults in the household, and that you are the person most responsible to all products and finaces in your home. If! you know what to type when you first join a survey website; then for your you can kick back and watch you email come to life with survey invites.
Sincerely Yours

Answer Posted by | Lacie C

Answer 5:Paid surveys online has proved to be nothing more than a spam magnet for me. I tried answering surveys, signing up for specific websites, etc., with the hopes of making a little money on the side. All I have received so far is; tons of spam in my email box, adware on my computer, a computer virus, telemarketing phone calls, and spam at my personal home address delivered by my mail route person! All THIS and more on a daily basis! I havent cashed in any of my so called money because it would take me too long to accumulate enough to do so! All the above has been nothing more than extra aggravation in my life. It simply isnt worth it to me and I can see NO benefit attempting to earn money filling out surveys!

Answer Posted by | Shazzers

Answer 6:My experience, generally speaking, is that online surveys are NOT the best way to earn extra money. To give an example: with Opinion Outpost, I spent almost 45 minutes going through 6 surveys that were open to me in my account. I spent several minutes answering questions with each survey to see if I qualified for the survey. I did not qualify for any of them, so I spent nearly an hour of my time and earned nothing. Also, when you do earn money, it is such a small increment (like 50 cents) that it is not worth the time. However, having said all this, one thing I would recommend is joining a site like They offer cash rewards for shopping at various sites if you access those sites from a link on their site. This has proven to be very lucrative for me as I frequently shop at sites like and Ebay. Everytime I buy or win something from Ebay, I earn 1% of the price or winning bid. Currently, I have over $50 for this month alone from buying everyday items from Ebay. Not a bad deal! Therefore, I tend to bypass the survey opportunities from sendearnings and take advantage instead of their cash shopping.

Answer Posted by | ajlajlrjlej

Answer surveys are the best way to earn money. But the most problem is to find a good online survey site.Unfortunetely around 97% of sites are in the class of Top scams. It is very difficult to find out genuine online survey site during initial period. If you wishing to join in survey site, You must done proper analysis about online surveys.
In many years of experience and research, I am totally promising only 4 online survey providers are 100% genuine & Effective for your learning experience. $3-250$/survey) $3-$250/survey) $3-$80/survey) different amount, Survey through phone)
Important: The survey invitation mostly send through e-mail. The invitation will send according to following rules
1.Based on your Age,Genter,Country,Income,Job,
2.Base on your family details
3.Based on your interests
Each survey invitation have pre-screening questions, You must fill it for entering that survey. If your criteria's are not suited, you cant enter to that survey.
Useful tips for catching more survey invitations
1.Give only Genuine information's about you.
2.If you got a survey invitation through e-mail, respond immediately,Becouse each survey has only limited participants.(ie:frist come, first serve)
3.Mostely around 75% surveys is for ade group of 20-30,Female,Employed,Married and good credit usage for buying items.

Answer Posted by | ARUN1247061834

Answer 8:Paid online surveys are not the best way to earn extra money, in my opinion. Many online surveys require you to complete offers in addition to taking the survey in order to get credit. Also, many surveys are worth $.50 and you can not collect a payout until you reach a certain amount of money, usually $20 or more. Many surveys are very time consuming for very little money. Imagine if a survey takes you 30 minutes to complete and they only pay you $2.00 for the survey? Thats $4.00 per hour...what job would you take that pays $4.00 an hour? I think better ideas for earning extra money are doing odd jobs, selling plasma, or a good old fashioned part-time job.

Answer Posted by | kabrosam

Answer 9:No they are not! They have you go through a sign up period, send you maybe one paid survey, and then send you tons of junk surveys that you have to "buy something" to earn something. I checked over 50 of these sites and got 0 results. So if you find one that actually works would appreciate a heads up.

Answer Posted by | dee1246474566

Answer 10:I am not even sure they really give money. Lately i registered with some online survey companies, and received notifications about new surveys available.
I think theyre too tricky, or I even suspect theyre not real. They give 1st question to sort out whether I am eligible for the survey. Mostly I am not. Thats fine. But several times I finished the surveys from the beginning to the end, then as usual directed to the survey companys website, where a message was waiting for me: "so sorry, youre not eligible for this survey". Excuse me, Ive spent half an hour and finished the survey! it was even written in my language (non-English).
Online surveys are not as real as they seem to be.
Real ones are out there, not as easy as filling in a survey, but real moneys waiting. Say like selling pictures on stock photos websites.

Answer Posted by | peacefullia

Answer 11:The best legitimate site I have found and also know of others that use them are called focus groups.
Some are online and others you can go to the business and they give you a check on the way out after the group has ended.
Go to
Our friend uses elliot benson in sacramento california when he needs extra money when business is slow.
Tamara Grant

Answer Posted by | igbteam

Answer 12:i feel like online surveys are a great way to earn extra money if they are legitimate.the best ones are federally funded.i also think that it is a geat way to stimulate the economy.i feel like we just came out of a depression period and is now on the up side of a recession.if the money that is received is invested properly, i think its a great idea.

Answer Posted by | dericmccloud

Answer 13:I have joined a couple of online surveys, and found that I have not made any money, only points toward gifts and drawings. I would love to be able to do online surveys for real and make some actual money. One company actually wants you to join whatever you are doing the survey on, which requires you to use a credit card and have people call you with products and such. Then when this is done, you will get your money some time in the future. Im still looking for one that I can really make money from.

Answer Posted by | emma1247236931

Answer 14:Its not necessarily the best way but it does help. You have to answer enough of these to get a considerable amount of extra money. But if you are looking to go out to dinner at Mc Donalds once a week, then surveys are probably the way to go. Another way would be to do the selling of Avon, Mary Kay, Jafra, etc.. the commissions are pretty good and if you are good in sales, it should be a breeze. You always get your return customers.

Answer Posted by | mariaco01

Answer 15:No, They end up costing you. they always say try this
for free but you get shipping & handleing ,and later
a bill for the product later. Scams .

Answer Posted by | Dari smith

Answer 16:I would love to earn extra cash by simply taking surveys. But, sometimes I feel that they all have a catch to them. Most only want you to purchase items before you can qualify to recieve money. The only surveys that are not trying to offer you to buy something is those where you fill them out from a reciept purchase and you may be entered to recieve money thru a drawing.

Answer Posted by | Ashley Floyd

Answer 17:I do not think that paid online surveys are the best way to earn extra money. Most of the time you will not qualify for the survey. You get through most if the survery and then it tells you that you dont qualify, or they are looking for a certain group of people for the particular survey. They will however, let you have an entry into a sweepstakes for a certain amount of money. The most annoying thing with most of these online survery companies if you have to complete an offer in order to recieve the amount of money being paid for the survey. Most of these offers you have to pay for with a credit card number. You can cancel the membership or offer after the free trial date and not be charged. If you forget to cancel, they will charge you this astronomical price each month. So, that is why I believe that there are better ways to earn extra cash and online surveys are not one of them!

Answer Posted by | Heather Mussari

Answer 18:I think online survays are a good way to earn extra money, but I wouldnt say its the best way because some surveys you cant trust to pay or they could be just a scam. You cant trust the surveys that want you to pay before you start I wouldnt trust them ones because they usually always trun out to be a scam. So yeah I would say online surveys are good but not the best or smartest way to eaen money.

Answer Posted by | brarty_gurl76

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