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Submitted by admin on Wed, 01/14/2015 - 22:56
January - 2015 issue #01
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5 Smart steps to get a healthy financial life by 2015

Smart steps to get a healthy financial life

As you move ahead into 2015, leaving behind all your bitter-sweet memories, it's time to chalk out your steps to have a healthy financial life in this year. Your goal would be to 'grow your money-tree' in 2015.

Eager to know what are those 5 steps? Interested in improving your financial life this year?

Read this post - Here



Tip of the month: Use the holiday season to make money instead of wasting money.

Do you know what is the leading reason behind escalating debt in this country? Yes, the reason is excessive spending on gifts and wastage of money. Unfortunately, the longest holiday season comes at the last quarter of the year. People spend all they have saved throughout the year whole-heartedly and begins the new year with huge credit card bills in hand.

If you consider yourself as a smart guy, then use this time to make money as well. Do some odd jobs so as to make some extra money. Use this money to pay your bills and buy gifts.

Explore more tips - 700+ tips...

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How to make and gift cookies to save money during holidays
Featured Article
Discussion of the month- How to make and gift cookies to save money during holidays


The aroma of cookies makes holidays super special. Home-made cookies symbolize love and affection for the people you care. If you really want to spread warmth amongst your loved ones, then you can bake cookies for your friends and family during this festive season.


Don't have any idea about the recipes? Want to get some easy recipes which can be made within 15-20 minutes?

Check out the story


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  • 2 Members earned $120
  • 100 New topics were discussed
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