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Bass & Associates 866-900-7694 Bank Fraud

Submitted by PinkLady on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 06:50
Posts: 1720

Now awhile ago I posted a topic about a call I received from pre-litigations from 866-900-7694. Now today I get a call from a different lady form the same number 866-900-7694 and now she is telling me it's Bass & Associates. Seriously what is wrong with these people.
One day I get a call from a woman telling me to reach her at two 904 numbers. She then tells me she is from prelitigations/interstate wire compliance. Then the next day she calls and leaves the 866-900-7694 number to call her back on. Then today they are Bass & Associates with the same number. They proceeded to tell me i committed fraud and the papers are in the process of downloading and I will be picked up on site. She asked me if I had ever been picked up on site before. Not to mention I heard a few chuckles in the background. She told me they were going to be faxing papers over to my employers. The best part is she even gave me a case number.

the contact number from the bank is the one who says leave your name, ssn, and phone number and then it said the mailbox was full... and it say fsm group. they did send me something trying to get us to sign so they can get money out of our account and i still have it here and its return addy is las vegas but its post marked kansas city.. and the bass people said that us national bank is callin cause of money loaned to us from cmg which i guess is a part of fsm, i don't know its so dumb i don't even no what to do to get a hold of these people, and what do i tell them if i ever do get a hold of them sence they put money in my aacount with out our ok, then the other twist is sence they put the money in there it screwed up my account so the money isn't even in my account... grrr

Submitted by on Fri, 12/01/2006 - 17:29

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if anybody could help me with trying to get in contact with this fsm group/cmg group/OSL marketing poeple i would really apprecciate it.. i don't now or why these people are gettin away with this, and why fsm or who ever they r just put money in my account.. how frusterating and during the holidays.. geez

Submitted by on Fri, 12/01/2006 - 18:37

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yes i know them. i got a payday loan from them for $200.00 and to pay them back $290.00. but the withdrawls they take from your checking account do not take down your principal amount they call it a "re-finance fee". they called me and said that if i did not pay them $775.00 on top of the $270.00 they already collected from me that they were going to "download my case file to my county courthouse and send an officer to my home or my work to arrest and charge with internet fraud, theft and worthless check" and i never even wrote them a check. i am in dealings with them as we speak. so far i have paid them $520.00 on a $200.00 loan i got just under 2 months ago and they still want another $525.00. who ever reads this do not ever take anykind of loan like this out ever again you are better off waiting it out or pawn something. Kelly is the one who called me. i left a message with David Jackabs who is a manager to call me back to discuss this.

Submitted by on Sat, 12/02/2006 - 10:43

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Jason, they aren't going to download anything. You can not download an arrest warrant. The only person who has the authority to issue an arrest warrant is a judge. These people are such clowns, but what is sad is that there are people who actually fall for this threat and send them exorbitant amounts of money for a loan that was already legally paid off. I doubt David Jacobs is going to work with you, you are better off filing a complaint with the FL AGs (where they are located) and filing a complaint with your state's AG office letting them know of this illegal threat of arrest and false charges. Let them know that it is a crime to file false reports.

Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Sat, 12/02/2006 - 10:49


( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

Is Apollo Group the same company (affiliated with)Arrowhead investments?

Submitted by on Sat, 12/02/2006 - 13:38

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steelers 1 .....again as the moderator you have not encouraged anyone here to try and resolve the debt in question. the only response you provide them is to file a complaint with the ag office. how about you offer some insight as to how to right the wrong. you are incredibly irresponsible as a moderator on this forum.

Submitted by on Tue, 12/05/2006 - 13:48

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Hmmmm. This sounds awfully something in a pm I received! You would have to also include other moderators in this as well, because they would agree that when dealing with this particular CA and their illegal tactics the AG needs to be involved. I can speak from experience as I have dealt with them.

Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Tue, 12/05/2006 - 13:54


( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

Guest Steelers I irritates you because she follows the law. Thats the advice she gives. Follow the LAW!!!! When the payday people and collectors get this maybe we wont need a forum. Steelers is an excellent moderator. Just Follw the LAW!!!!! Thats all we want to do. KYSIDE38

Submitted by KYSIDE38 on Tue, 12/05/2006 - 13:56


( Posts: 2477 | Credits: )

Guest, your words sound like you are someone from Bass & Associates. And you support the illegal activities this company is doing. Why don't they come up with something different? Every time, they make similar threats on people without giving the debt validation. Why should someone pay to a company who does not prove their file is with them? Why should one send money without proper papers given by the company? Why??

And on top of that, Bass and Associates comes up with all the illegal things a person cannot expect. They violate the fdcpa law every single day. Steelers is doing the right job of a moderator by spreading the word and making people aware of their legal rights. You can't suppress Bass & Associates illegal actions. The company will have to pay for doing illegal business. Truth will come out. You cannot stop it! Steelers, good job!!

Submitted by GunsNroses on Tue, 12/05/2006 - 14:31


( Posts: 485 | Credits: )

ok so my question again.. how do i get a cease and desist paper or can i just write it out with a pen? and yes i turned bass into the FL AG and the oregon AG office.. please let me know about the cease and desist paper they r calling my hubby's work threatening him there and steeler is doing an awesome job helping everyone on here..

Submitted by on Tue, 12/05/2006 - 14:44

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Sandra, find the sample C&D letter here.

While you write the letter make sure that you give the CA enough space to contact you through mail only. All phone calls must stop after they receive your letter. Let them be in touch with you in writing only in case there is something to inform you. don't forget to send the letter certified and return receipt requested.

Submitted by GunsNroses on Tue, 12/05/2006 - 14:51


( Posts: 485 | Credits: )

I don't know why you don't sign in and show us who you are...I think ALL of the info that Steelers1 has is GREAT...Most of the ppl that talk this garbage are usually in collections themselves or working with a CA or PDL company......

Submitted by on Tue, 12/05/2006 - 16:27

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I had a very bad experience with this company-------They said rude things to me and was laughing in the background. There mannerism is very unprofessional and they use profanity as well when trying to collect debt. I don't think this is the way to try and collect money--------

Submitted by on Sat, 12/09/2006 - 17:31

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Your Name: Certified Mail#:(
Address: Return Reciept requeste

TO (Name Of creditor)

Pursant to title 15 USC, section 1692c Please Cease all further communication with me concerning any dept owed. This is your written notice. Please also be aware that I hereby reserve the right to taperecord any further communications I may recieve from you.
If a creditor continues to contact you after sending this letter you then report them to your state A/G. Also if they continue to call or hurass and you have your returned reciept you can file a lawsuit against them for a max of $2500.00

Submitted by kwwild on Thu, 12/14/2006 - 08:03


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Does anyone have a fax number for these?

Submitted by on Tue, 12/19/2006 - 12:07

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Can they actually file criminal charges with the push of a button? Will they or rather has anyone had that happem?

Submitted by on Fri, 12/22/2006 - 07:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I recieved a call saying that I needed to get a pen and paper ready to give the information to my lawyer becasue they were going to take me to court. I quickly told him he didn't know who he was messing with and I told him that I have rights and that the conversation was recorded he then got mad and said that I had no permission to record the conversation and I said and you have no right to talk to me like you are when its my husbands account and not mine. He didn't even ask for my husband. I talked to David Jacobs and he was rude and said he was going to take our wages and I told him that in the state of SC you can't take our wages. I told him that the account would be forwarded to the BBB, FTC, and Attorney Generals office. I did that and he wrote them back calling me a lier and telling them that I threatedend them and he was the main one that was rude to me. Let me tell you one thing creditors out there and especially BASS and ASSociates if you want people to pay you then you need to be nice to us because within 7 years time we don't owe you nothing it comes off our credit and we start over while you still out there trying to make your car and house payments with the fraud making efforts and threats you think will scare us into paying when your attitude and collection practices only make us not want to give you crap. Just remember that the next time anyone tries to tell you they will take you to court. They can't and they won't and if the do all they can get is a judgement which comes off in 7 years. HAHA to the people out there thinking they can scare us. Just play their game and tell them that the call is recorded and you will give it to your attorney to have their business shut down for illegal debt collection acts.

Submitted by on Fri, 12/22/2006 - 13:46

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I have just received a call from bass and associates. The persons name is lynn reyes and she said i owed a debt. I told her that i had to file chapter 7 and the debt was included in the 7 filing. She wants a copy of my papers from the court or a warrent for my arrest will be issued. I was also given a case number. She was very friendly until i told her about the chapter 7 filing. She also said that she had tried to contact me last week and left me a message, which she did not!

Submitted by on Tue, 12/26/2006 - 10:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have received a different phone number for bass. The number is 877-281-2220 and ext. 385 for lynn reyes. I was told i would be arrested for a debt that i have proof i no longer owe! The phone numbers that were posted earlier are no longer in service!

Submitted by on Tue, 12/26/2006 - 10:32

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I called lynn again and she refused to send me proof of the debt. I have proof that i do not owe anything! She wanted me to fax her my info but it also had to have my personal info on it too. I told her that i no longer owed the debt and if she called me again i would contact my lawyer. She hung up on me! How can these people do this. I was never contacted on my home phone only at work. I was told to call her when i had papers to fax to her and she would then give me her fax number but not until then. Like giving me the fax number now would be a bad thing to do. She said they don't give it out unless they "had" to. She also said the fax wasn't turned on until someone was faxing. If they are a ligit compamy they would always have their fax machine on. I doubt they even have one or that i will hear from her again.

Submitted by on Tue, 12/26/2006 - 11:32

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I have just filed a complaint with the fla. Attorney generals office. If you have had a problem with bass i suggest you do the same. I don't know what will come of it but i don't owe them a dime and they will not see any from me. I'm soooooooooo glad i found this site because they had me so scared! I have a very bad heart problem and this didn't help me!

Submitted by on Tue, 12/26/2006 - 11:58

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Von We are glad you found this site also. Hope the AG there puts these people out of business. Good Luck KYSIDE38

Submitted by KYSIDE38 on Tue, 12/26/2006 - 12:45


( Posts: 2477 | Credits: )

Von keep us posted. I am interested in the outcome on this one. KYSIDE38

Submitted by KYSIDE38 on Tue, 12/26/2006 - 22:08


( Posts: 2477 | Credits: )

I faxed bass with a letter stating they are never to call me again. I also told them to expect my attorney to file suit against them for going against a court order from my chapter 7! This debt was discharged and they are not to have any contact with me at all. He is also filing against them for their threats to me with jail. I filed a complaint with the ftc as well as the attorney general in fla. And ohio. I never had any intention to not pay my debts but things happen that are out of your control or i would have never filed chapter 7. All of my current debts are paid and paid on time as they always were before things got rough. I will not be threatened by anyone and i hope soon bass is out of business. Notice to bass employees, if you contact me again it will be recorded and handed directly to my attorney. A suit is being filed against you by me and charges by the u.s. bankruptcy court will be sure to follow!

Submitted by on Wed, 12/27/2006 - 07:59

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I hope they never contact you again. If they do don't hesitate to get your bankruptcy attorney involved. That is their job. I am not paying a dime for him to file against bass. They messed with the wrong person. They had me scared initially until i actually thought about just what they were doing and found this site when doing my research about the company. I wish everyone dealing with bass could have this information.

Submitted by on Wed, 12/27/2006 - 08:38

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Does anyone now the phone number 209-858-3636 someone from this number calls and won't say who they are and if you call and ask for a company name they wont tell you . I am not sure who they are even looking for so I don't want to give my name out there because they wont even say when they leave a message.

Submitted by Swoozyqz30 on Thu, 12/28/2006 - 08:21


( Posts: 44 | Credits: )

Everyone keeps calling them Bass & Associates. Why use the fake name they are giving you? It is clear they are an alter-ego Ellis Crosby...The real Bass & Associates in Arizona are actually a good law abiding group to deal with....

Submitted by on Wed, 01/03/2007 - 08:53

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