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Credit Report Help - Collection Agency

Submitted by dkbond78 on Mon, 10/10/2016 - 15:52

Here is what was posted to my report. I don't think that it should be on there to hurt me since it was 2001 and should be past the SOL should it? What do you think I need to do about it? I don't know the right way about going about this but this kind of stuff is killing my credit.

REVENUE RECOVERY CORP has flagged your account as Collections.
Alert Type: Potentially Negative
Found On: Oct 8, 2016
Potentially Negative Alerts notify you when one of your accounts has reported information that may negatively impact your credit score.
Additional Info
Please review the details of the alert for information that may indicate identity theft. If you feel you are a victim of identity theft, follow the steps below to ensure your personal information is secure.
Alert DateOct 8, 2016
Payment StatusCollections
Status DateSep 30, 2016
Balance DateJan 1, 2001
Address612 GAY STKNOXVILLE, TN 37902-1603
If you feel you are a victim of identity theft, please contact a MyIDCare Specialist at 800-750-3004.

I guess I didn't enter something right when entering my post. My question is since this was posted to all three credit bureaus what do I need to do? I think the time frame on collecting on this debt should be up since it was 2001 and shouldn't show up on my credit report to hurt me now should it??

Submitted by dkbond78 on Mon, 10/10/2016 - 15:56


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