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Hall Of Fame Members

Name Picture hall of fame members User post count Created
desperatelyseekingsanity Desperatelyseekingsanity has been voted by our community as the new Hall of Fame member. She has put in a lot of effort to help our visitors and community members with her knowledge. We at DebtCC congratulate her for her success. [See Details] 1116 9 June, 2007
Morningstarr430 Morningstarr430 also joins the hall of fame community. She has been voted by the members for her excellent work in improving the debtcc community. [See details] She has played a great role in community building also. All the members are congratulating you. 2253 13 June, 2007
Good Nelly good nelly11

Good Nelly is a senior member and an integral part of our Community. She has been helping our viewers with her immense knowledge in financial matters for many years. Her financial articles are unique and informative. Members have voted Nelly as the Hall Of after her successful completion of 1000 posts. Heartiest congratulations to you. We hope that you reach many more landmarks in your career. [See Details]

2807 20 June, 2007
paulmergel Paul has earned himself an entry at prestigious debtcc hall of fame club. He has helped the community members with valuable information . Members have appreciated his work and voted for him [See details]. Congratulations from DebtCC team! 15410 24 June, 2007
kashzan The next hall of fame member is kashzan. She has done extremely well in helping the members with her informational posts. Community is too happy with her work and voted in favor of her[See details]. We congratulate you. 5373 11 July, 2007

roxyny also joins our Hall of Fame community. Members appreciate her [See details] for her effort and contribution to help the members with information. Heartiest congratulations from the community!

4140 3 August, 2007
goldenbast Goldenbast is the newest hall of fame member of our community. Her answers to queries are to the point and unique. She has helped our visitors a lot. Our members have voted in favor of Goldenbast and selected her as the newest hall of fame member. [See details] Congratulations from DebtCC team! 2750 21 August, 2007
volleyballmom Volleyballmom is a very helpful member in the community. It's not been a long time since she is been here but her contribution towards the group is immense and invaluable. Heartiest congratulations from the whole group [See details] Heartiest congratulations from the whole group. 4110 27 August, 2007
JCEMT Jcemt has been added as new hall of fame member. He has contributed well in strengthening this community. [See details] Congratulations! 2867 10 September, 2007
FloridaRon FloridaRon, a very helpful member of our community, has become our new hall of fame member. Ron has helped many viewers to get answer to their query on debt. This voluntary help is commendable. We appreciate it. He has been voted to become our new member of the hall of fame club. Congratulations from DebtCC team! 1165 13 October, 2007
unclewulf 50th hall of fame member title goes to unclewulf. He has done a great contribution by helping members with quality information. Members have appreciated his work and voted for him [See details]. Congratulations from DebtCC team! 3102 27 November, 2007
Shazzers Shazzers has joined the prestigious debtcc hall of fame club. She has helped the community members with valuable information. Members have appreciated her work and voted for her [See details]. Congratulations from DebtCC team! 17047 5 December, 2007
Chrys Henderson Chrys Henderson, our Community Manager has been nominated into the Hall of Fame club by our community members. He has done a wonderful job in community building and helped DebtCC community members in every possible way. We congratulate him for this success. 2522 14 January, 2008
smo65d11 Smo65d11 has been a real support to our viewers. She has helped them with her thoughtful answers. We all appreciate her participation in the forums. Our members have correctly voted her to be the newest member of our hall of fame club. [See details] Congratulations from DebtCC team! 1392 21 March, 2008
bea2ls Bea2ls has been voted as our newest hall of fame member. She has helped our viewers immensely with her valuable answers. We all appreciate her voluntary help.[See details] Congratulations from DebtCC team! 3757 27 March, 2008