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Miracle Management Group: How reliable are they?

Submitted by on Sat, 07/16/2005 - 07:01
Posts: 202330

I was reading concerns from people dealing with the named group above and I am also experiencing the same problems has anyone received legal advice as to what is next?

I was also reading my documents that we had to sign and inital and It said under the disclosures and acknowledgements that on line 7. that I/we would understand that the settlement account will be IN THE NAME of RISK MANAGEMENT PARTNERS. BUT, WILL REQUIRE verbal and or written approval from MIRACLE MANAGEMENT GROUP and MYSELF/one of us to withdraw funds. So, if Miracle Management was located in Arizona and Risk Management is located in Carson City Nevada and our settlement accounts are in the name of Risk Management Partners, then wouldn't Risk Management of Carson City be in jepordy, since they both seemed to do business togather?? just a thought.. and also when Miracle Management Group talks about itself it says that IT IS the sales and marketing office for Risk Management Partners, which is based in Nevada. So, with that being said then if Miracle Management can not do business in Arizona any longer and the settlement account money is in the name of Risk Management Partners which is located in Nevada and if Miracle Management of Arizona were the only ones besides ourselves allowed to withdraw funds then shouldn't be allowed to be notified of where those funds are held and be able to with draw them ourselves??

Submitted by on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 12:38

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Swtgal77, i wrote the post just before you and yes i totally agree that rmp in nevada should be liable for our refunds also. That is what i was saying before aboout the arizona banking commission sayint they had settled with mmg so we needed to contact the nevada customer complaint divison. I brought it to their attention by sending a copy of a couple of my receipts to them that it said risk management partners ltd on the statement and at the bottom of my reciept is said the same thing. I plan on calling risk mamagement partners ltd in nevada. I checked them out on the bbb sight and found the address and phone number. They got an unsatifactory report from bbb also. I also sent another complaint to bbb since i didn't get my refund on the day that they promised. They have a license in nevada but maybe by the time everyone files a complaint on them they won't have one any longer. I just wish if there is anyone else out there still paying into an account with these two companies that we could let them know before they are in the mess that all of us are in. This is not the end of all of this . I really look for a large class action suite to come out of this for ruiening eveyones credit,, anxiety, personal injury for the loss of homes, vehicles etc. I really hope that it does but it has to be a group to start it. I've seen several times if there were any takers. Well it is something to think about isn't it now?

Submitted by on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 13:57

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The Nevada idea is great, someone else is putting something together, could everyone at least give a State where they are from and if they are still paying, then we can check to see if MMG is licensed in that state, if not we have another Arizona and everyone can focus on that State like they did in Arizona, but Nevada should be started also since that is their home of record for the business, please give information how you got your paperwork from Nevada and lets all start there then move on in each state till every state is included in the suits.
Then we all need to do the FTC route, either thru the Congressional route or individual routes - I guess or both. I have always found that getting a letter from a Congressman puts the fear of God in someone, whether its truth or not they jump higher/

Submitted by on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 16:00

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Hi guest, I recently just found out myself about what happend with mmg/rmp, what ever the heck they want to call themselves a few months ago. I thought I was the only one going through the nightmare of this company until I found a story done by KPHO of arizona in a search I had done on the internet about the Miracle Management Group. My heart started to beat faster when I herd that many people were comming forward and complaining about them. I myself, cancelled with them in February this past year because I could never reach anyone and needed help because I kept getting summoned by creditors and was afraid that they were going to start garnishing my wages next. I also tried faxing them papers about one of my creditors wanting to settle for half of what i owed and wanted them to accept the settlement offer. I since have ended up having to file for bankruptcy, something I really didn't want to do, and was why I joined the program in the beginning. I still have not recieved my settlement money eaither. MMG told back in april that my cancellation paper was lost..go figure.. and that they would sent me out another one to sign. In July, I got fed up and I put in a complaint with the BBB and my local attorney generals office since I still hadn't recieved anything. I got a reply from rmp in september from the BBB complaint I made, but again have not recieved anything. I also feel sorry for those people who are still in the program and don't know about whats going on. I will also complain to the Nevada Customer Complaint Division and send them a copy of my papers. Hopefully, justice will be done and soon.

Submitted by on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 16:09

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guest, i went to nevada attorney general commission on google, click on newsroom, scroll down to contact us,there is a toll free hotline, called the one at carson city nevada and the lady sent me the complaint form via email and downloaded it and sent it to them. let's keep this ball rolling. by the way risk management partners ltd is also in carson city nevada.

Submitted by on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 16:23

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ok here is one i live in west virginia and i was suppose to get my refund from mmg last week but didn't get. contacted every place that i can and filed a complaint..

Submitted by on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 16:28

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does anyone know if mmg/rmp was suppose to have a licenses in each of the states that all of us clients went with. i mean is our state suppose to give them a licenses to conduct the kind of business that they did over the computer and them being in arizona?

Submitted by on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 16:57

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I live in Minnesota, I also made two copies of my registration documents that were given to me when I signed up with mmg/rmp in 2004 with the Risk Managements Nevada address on it. I've filed with BBB, MN Attorney General and the FTC so far.

Submitted by on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 17:08

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yes, they needed licenses in each state to conduct business, especially interstate banking businesses, if they did not they are in deeper trouble as they were in Arizona thats where the state banking and the ftc got involved, I just looked up Minnesota, there is no license on record for them

Submitted by on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 17:13

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there is another state, everyone, send all the info to them for a start, including the Arizona outcome ask for a determination, call your congressman too

Submitted by on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 17:17

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Guest, Since I have filed with the Minnesota Attorney General and they indeed have no license in my state. Will the copy of the Arizona outcome help make a difference in them getting involved?

Submitted by on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 17:51

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It can't hurt also contact the banking commission since they did interstate banking thru your state, then contact your local tv stations investigative reporters, have them contact their sister stations in Arizona as on or about July 8 of this year cbs and abc each did 10 minute reports (less than 6 months all who filed got their money) that are available to view and they can investigate it further in your state and get it on air in minn, so more people get involved because you are only one person and I will bet there are hundreds in Minn that are in the same boat but don't know where to turn, that's what they did in AZ and it blossomed from there and with the AZ outcome to the banking commission and with the support of your congressmen it will go real fast, I hope it goes as fast as AZ for you, everyone in your state and everyone that writes in from other states

Submitted by on Sun, 11/06/2005 - 18:08

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I too have tried to be sympathetic to Hyla..but I am done with that. I have tried for 2 weeks to make sure my money, that is supposed to arrive TODAY, gets here. I told her it is important I get it on the date discussed - as she said it will be here. I have made deals with creditors with taht return and NEED to pay them according to our agreement. I have not received a return call. Email from 10/25...

"Lori,I have been out of the office, sick. I am trying to maintain my emails and voicemails, as much as possible. Your refund will be sent as promised on the specified date. I will see that your Settled in Full
letter gets in your possession as soon as possible.


I will be on the phone with the Attorney General of OHIO tomorrow if that check is not here. I was told I could not do anything until this I will call whoever and everyone in order to receive that money. If there is not a class action suit soon I would be surprised. I agree with all that I have been reading. My life is FULL of stress due to all of this money crap. I used to feel sorry for Hyla but NO LONGER...I too am nervous with summons coming - they want to start and garnish wages from my ex-husband - WHAT A MESS. I have had to double my medication for acid reflux in oprder to live a normal day!! So that is more money...if/when a class action suit is done be sure to post so we all make sure we are in on it...we all deserve it!!!

Submitted by schim21 on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 07:21


( Posts: 67 | Credits: )

There is no office, I drove by it on the way to work this morning. No MMG people, not a creature was stirring but mice in the empty rooms !!! They must be working out of their mansion that has the big Mercedes in the front and the for sale sign

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 07:52

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i have called and got messages....again like 2 months ago....i have tried to page Hyla...MANY times so I get a response...nothing...I hope there is a class action suit soon we can get ours in return...this has been a hastle for me contacting them and creditors daily - doing what they were contracted to - my time and money and more importantly CREDIT ruined more than imaginable

Submitted by schim21 on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 11:49


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I called last Friday and Chris Stanton answered the phone. (123) he denied that he was Chris and that I had reached RISK Management. It did not really suprise me with all of the lies these people tell.
By the way it has been 23 days since Hyla promised me my refund was going to be here. Liar Liar Liars

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 13:46

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Guest from Minnesota and Nevada, when you get this started in your state, let everyone know so they can all back you in the suit, anyone thought of an attorney in the area so everyone can do a class action and share in the fees and the funds?

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 13:48

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I just called mmg and got a message to push o to leavea message it went to hyla stanton. She said i am out of the office until juneeeeeeeeeeeee. This is bull. I left a message telling her that she lied to me that i was suppose to get my refund by the 4th of november and that i want it all now not in june. This is ridiculooussssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 13:59

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I also want included in the class action suite if anyone can start it i would if i knew how to get in touch with people on this sight so i can give the lawyer names and address of at least someone besides me . It takes more than one person to start it. I am fed up with this whole mess.

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 14:02

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I have been battling them since May to receive a refund. I say we get together and file a suit against them. I am not up an up on the law system but I am sure with all the people I have seen post at different sites we could do it.

email removed as per forum rules - Vikas

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 14:14

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I am with yahoo. If we could get together we could battle this and I think all fees should be refunded to.

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 14:24

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Schim21, i just about know that you didn't get that refund today did you? Because i didn't get mine either las week and no answer at mmg/ i found the number for rmp in nevada, left a message that they need to call me and left my account number and told them to send my money and that they need to respond to everyone that mmg/rmp lied to and get the money to us all.

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 14:39

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Bet you most anything that they have nothing but a box in nevada and they have no employees but hyla and chris as no one else has ever answered the phone but the two of them and they are housed in that million dollar house in arizona, what is the status of the lien on the house in arizona? Is anyone else adding their lien to this property?
Anyone else writing their congressman to ask why the ftc and the attorney generals of their states haven't gone after this scam?

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 16:24

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Okay, I'm trying to put all my stuff togather and give all the info I have about this crooked company and inform those I can about there illegal activity in MN. If any one else is out there from MN or where ever please do the same.. Its time to stop these people before they keep ruining more peoples lives..

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 16:36

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swtgal77, great, let us know who your contacts are and we will send our things to the same so it all goes in one box and not lost, I read about the tv, are you or have you contacted them to open up the client base in MN?

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 16:52

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I filed with my attorney general in september about mmg but said that they only had limited authority, but that I could contact the MN Commerce Department because they may have the authority to take enforcement actions against a debt prorating company that violates a state law or regulation. Since, I wasn't aware of the fact or even thought about the fact of mmg having to have a license in this state I never wrote them and was just waiting for mmg to reply to my complaint to the attorney general. But, now that I know they don't, I will first try contacting the agency and send them all my documents ect, and a copy of the AZ out come.. I will also let the attorney general know the outcome ect, about the company.

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 18:27

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I am going through the same problem with Miracle Management Group/Risk Management Partners Ltd. I have called and emailed the owner--I have only gotten one email from her. I have also attempted to contact their legal department with no answer. Miracle Management Group/Risk Management Ltd. has taken roughly $6000 of my money via account drafts. I have complained to AZ BBB and am planning on doing some more towards getting my money back, if it is still possible. Can anyone PLEASE help me or offer me advice??!?
I am a poor student who is already in debt with student loans! I am in need of help!!

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 18:57

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I have a question. I was looking back for informaton on the website that initially referred me to MMG, and it states on their site that all the companies in their network that are referred to me are licensed in my state?? crazy huh..

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 19:45

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Evelyn, are you an Arizona resident?

Hello, everyone, there is NO one else in Miracle Management Group except Hyla and Chris Stanton.

swtgal77 check with your banking commission and the FTC they did inter and intrastate banking, sometimes illegally. Look at your contract, there is an out clause now you need to make them come up with the money, if someone will buy that blue beast they are selling on Ebay, maybe they will pay off one client, but then maybe not.

Try to set a lein like the other guy did in an earlier mail, try something the Government doesn't seem interested.

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 22:19

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I got copies of 3 letters from the last of my Washingtons congressmen, one to the Attorney General of our state, 1 to the Banking Commission and 1 to the FTC giving them each 45 days to investigate my complaint and give a reason why or why not a suit should be instituted against MMG

Submitted by on Mon, 11/07/2005 - 22:46

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Guest posted 11/7/05 10:46
Please keep us updated.

Guest posted 11/7/05 10:19
I tried to place a lein on the home in AZ with the information given above. I was unable to because I did not preform actual work on her home. The company did tell me that a Real-estate lawer could help, but it could take a 20 day cycle. I also understand that the home was in escrow. If I had the moneys I would persue, OH Hyla has it all....

Just let us know what is going on here. You have ruined many lives with your dishonest company and you you need to do what is right by all of us.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 05:49

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nope no money yesterday..not surprised. I have left a message with the OH state attorney general to follow up with a complaint I had made. I am going to find out what we can do, if to start a class action suit...any info would be great...I will keep everyoe posted....oh yea..
Hyla if you read this call me and tell me when to expect my money...because it was not on the day we discussed as per your email....get well soon so we can all come after you

Submitted by schim21 on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 06:34


( Posts: 67 | Credits: )

OK spoke with Attorney General of OH...the consumer protection specialist did not think i would ever see my money. she was concerned that this is a company going belly-up and would not recover my loses. she is going to try to contact them again but with a full mail box that will not happen!! I asked about a class action suit...we need to contact a lawyer and hope they will take the case...we will need all info from everyone on this sie plus more....does any one know a lawyer??? we NEED to get the ball rolling...i am going to make a few calls to a para-legal I know here in OH as well as a law student in her 3rd year..who knows....

Submitted by schim21 on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 06:57


( Posts: 67 | Credits: )

Hello Everyone, well, I think with all this we do need to get a class action suit going on. I will be the first to begin. Now how do we contact each other? That's step number one. number 2, we need to find a lawyer, I am in Georgia. About to move to Michigan. I've seen stories on this message board that are exactly my own story. It's heartwrenching and hey, if we can get our credit back out of this, that would be good enough for me. I'd also love my money back and for those of you who have had to go through reposessions and foreclosures, my heart is off to you. Let's join together and beat these people. This is so wrong both professionally and morally it just floors me? Perhaps we should set up a P.O. Box or I will contact an attorney and ask some general questions. Unless of course, if anyone else has this information, please share.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 09:30

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Okay, I have found several attorneys on the internet who claim to be class action attorneys (need to be careful though, no more scams for us) I will call and ask some questions tomorrow. I'll ask for rates, if they work on contingency, what that percentage is. Also, EVERYONE, KEEP your correspondence if you have received anything whether it be copies of emails, recorded phone calls, or letters. Keep it in a file that will not be lost. Also an original copy of the contact, anything that will assist us. Also get together the name of the company that referred you to miracle management group or risk management partners. Also, I have contacted channel 5 news, I encourage everyone to contact your local TV stations, turn them on to this website and have them do a piece on this. It's heart wrenching for those of us who are so adversly affected, college funds, struggling to feed our children, it's awful. Let's get this together. I will spend my lunch hour tomorrow calling attorneys, if anyone else would like to do that all I did was put in class action lawyers and an entire list came up. Let's get this together. And don't forget to contact your TV investigative reporters, they can get the word out. Maybe even 20/20 or 60 minutes-could be reaching on that one, but if we all send letters or emails to them, perhaps we'll get a response. I'll keep you posted on what we need to do if this needs to be state by state, or if this is all together or what?.
Jen2 in Georgia

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 09:51

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I might suggest going after the companies that have referred clients to MMG. It seems that if they were paid a referral fee from MMG they would have some liability exposure.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 10:01

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Jen2, great I am going to call a local lawyer - not sure of his specialty but he is the son of a co-worker. Maybe betweeen the 2 of us we can get something accomplished. I think we target MMG; RMP; any and all companies Hyla Stanton and Chris Stanton are affiliated. as well as the referral companies.

I talked to a fellow Ohioian who told me he was referred to MMG/RMP by a friend who said he saw the company endorsed on Dr. Phil!!! INTERESTING!!!

I agree I want my money but I guess most importsntly I want my credit and a piece of mind back...We all are suffering just like Hyla...and deserve some justice...Jen2 PM me and I will get you my personal info

Submitted by schim21 on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 10:33


( Posts: 67 | Credits: )

I sent an E-Mail to Hyla's attorney asking him if she was still working on getting our refunds. I will keep you all updated.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 10:42

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Hey Schim21, I just emailed 20/20 with my story and also advised them to check this message board out... I also talked with a news station investigative reporter, he thinks he will be doing another piece on this but will be in Arizona. I suggested he get with his sister companies in other states such as Georgia. Ok, I'm a little lost on the PM request... what's that? (feel stupid here) I was given MMG's information from Lending perhaps we should email Dr Phil... I just did 20/20. I hope everyone who reads this and has had problems with MMG that they email 20/20, if enough of us get on the band wagon, they may do something about it... okay Schim21, I will PM you if you tell me how...

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 10:56

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Hey Schim21, ok, I'll just become a member so we can do the PM thing, I'm assuming that is personal message? That would work, I just sent something to Dr Phil too so that he can at least rescind his endorsement ... I'm telling you, I'm so hot about this as I'm sure we all are, Katie bar the door... Dr Phil, 20/20, I think if enough of us send them something they'll will do something.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 11:40

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Ok, I am an official member Schim21, how do we do this... I am very serious about getting the lawsuit together, I plan on devoting my entire lunch hour to it tomorrow. Let me know what your attorney friend suggests, I don't want us to get scammed yet again and one never knows...

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 13:14

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Ohio, you are a tax payer and that is one thing your AG is paid to protect you from, she just doesnt want to start something in case they do go belly up ask to talk to the supervisor keep going up if you didnt pay your taxes they would surely come after you, but I am sure the Stantons have other business and personal items that could be attached via discovery that their business paid into like their home and the custom car place, you cant get a construction lein but a judgment lein on the property thru a court, ie small claims would be suffieient to lein the property

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 16:11

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I-emailed my state commerce department about the company and told them what I could about the company, and what happened with them in the state of arizona, and let them know my situation, and if anything could be done.. Hopefully, it will be helpful.. If not I'll keep going from there...

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 17:57

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I got a response from Risk Management about an e-mail I sent them the other day.. Asking them about where the heck my refund is??? There response to me was that they are still in the process of obtaining all letters from my creditors confirming that ALL Power of Attorney's are removed from my creditors office/files and all funds are verified..once they are completed the finance department will notify me..
Boy, I guess they certainly know what they were doing when they started this business, this is where they get there money and run like ----. How am I suppose to have my creditors send them a power of attorney when I went through bankruptcy.. I have no creditors left to give them one.. I cancelled with them in february, nearly 9 months ago.. crooks indeed... thats' seems to be how they get you. they promise you help, but don't really recieve any, maybe an answer to a few questions or concerns from them once every blue moon when you accidently call at the right moment when the same person seems to answer the phone Mr. Mike or Mr. Jason, wait for your credit to get so bad, that you are forced bankruptcy and then that way they never have to send you a refund since they know they will never obtain a power of attorney back to them...

Submitted by on Tue, 11/08/2005 - 19:30

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