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888-587-0752 - Has anyone dealt with this law office?

Submitted by on Thu, 02/02/2006 - 21:57
Posts: 202330

I got a debt settlement offer from law office of m.n.kay on behalf of FDS Bank/Macys
before I send them my money I want to make sure this is legit, and im not gonna send a bunch of money to some people and not have my debt paid off.
has anyone dealt with law offices of mitchell n. kay in the past?
thank you! :D

OMG, I hate this company. I owed on a chase cc. They froze my account which was in citi bank and got 217.00 from me. I have no idea how they even got that account #. I fought with citi bank, but they said there was nothing they could do. This was about 6 months ago. Anyone have an idea if I can somehow get my money back

Submitted by on Thu, 10/01/2009 - 08:03

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There must have been some sort of judgement, that is the only legal way it could happen. Do you remember getting any court papers or anything mailed to you. If you are able to do so, I would check the county public records (if you are able to on-line) and type in your own name and any judgement should be listed on that.

It's possible you never received anything due to maybe change of address. This happened to my cousin just last week. She got notice of a garnishment and had no clue to who it was. I jumped on the public records website and it showed two dates of her trying to get served, but being returned.

Submitted by PinkLady on Thu, 10/01/2009 - 09:44


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I deal with them and at first it was a joy to deal with them but i made the payment just to clear it up i requested a letter of settlement from them and to week later i still havent recieved it. I have called and called them every time some body gets on the phone that half speak english cant understand them and still to date i havent got this letter as of yet

Submitted by on Fri, 10/02/2009 - 07:26

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I was just denied for a credit card so I checked my credit reports and found a charge for a "seriously over due" payment of 70$. I called the offices and they stonewalled me with these receptionists who don't seem to speak any english other than the lines they've rehearsed. They refuse to give me any info unless I give them my whole social security number over the phone. I tried my full name, phone number, address, even the so-called account number listed in their claim against me - nada. Now, because of their claim, my credit score dropped and I can't get a credit card.
Real a-holes, these people.

Submitted by on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 07:51

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for what its worth...

never communicate any identifiing information over the phone...ecspecially to people with foreign accents...

never admit to any are innocent until proven matter what the truth is

if your debt is beyond the statutes of limitations...send a certified letter, return reciept and the whole nine yards...telliing them not to contact you any further on this debt ever again...and thats it...dont admit to the debt, dont identify the debt and you should never hear from them again...if they can sue them for costs plus 1k per violation...

oh...and...never admit to being who they are looking for...never confirm your ID...if you takes them from a fishing expedition to a confirmed contact...and they will keep calling until you are blue in the face...send the letter and its over...they have 5 days to send you a letter after the 1st contact...your reply should be to NEVER CONTACT ME AGAIN ON THIS DEBT...period...end of story...

by law...they cannot lie to you on the phone...they do...they cannot refuse to give you contact info, including address...they dont feel bad about evading any confirmation of debt with these scumbags...they are planting lies about garnishment and siezed accounts to generate fear...they are only allowed to garnish your money if you have a judgement...and then, only if the judgement is properly maintained...if they dont renew the judgement and keep it current its worthless...thats what these junk collectors have...worthless debt that they buy for .02 on the dollar...

Submitted by on Tue, 10/06/2009 - 06:04

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I got a call from them the other day,they seem very money hungry,they wanted a payment,but I demanded a letter,or statement showing the balance,everyone is foreign that I talked 2 ,no offense to anyone but that's what makes me skeptical about them,true I have the bill but ive never received a statement from them,matter of fact the guy wanted me to pay b4 I got a letter!!!

Submitted by on Tue, 10/13/2009 - 22:17

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They left a message for me on my work voicemail. That was the first time they ever called me and it was an automated message. I'm thinking why would they leave an automated message like that not knowing if this was my direct line. It said if you are not (MY NAME) then don't listen to this message...ok so do they think people would really hang up.
I did receive a letter from them last month and they are collecting on my T-mobile account.

Submitted by PinkLady on Fri, 10/16/2009 - 09:37


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My son is getting calls from them regarding a supposed debt to AT&T. He has never done business with AT&T for either land line or cell phone. They are calling my number seeking him, but he hasn't lived with me for 10 years. When he called them, they told him what he owes to AT&T but refused to give him any contact info to resolve this directly with AT&T; they said they didn't have any contact number for AT&T. Surprising, since they claim to be collecting for AT&T.

Submitted by on Fri, 10/16/2009 - 11:17

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I received a letter in the mail from this Mitchell N. Kay place saying I owed almost $200.00 to Regions Bank. I have never EVER had an account with them. I have not received any phone calls, just this letter. I googled the website they gave at the bottom of the letter and it would not come up. It did bring up this forum, however, and now after reading all these horror stories I have reported them to the Federal Trade Commission. With the luck everyone else is having, I do not see the point in trying to contact them. Does anyone know if it is legal for them to freeze the account I have now? Thank you to everybody who has posted comments. You have saved me and countless other people from being scammed!

Submitted by on Tue, 10/20/2009 - 12:21

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i received a settlement from the law offices of mitchell n kay. they say that chase is sueing me but when i called chase they have no record of this... I am not understanding what is going on..should I pay them? I do owe washingtons mutal the amount they are asking for but when i called them they dont have a record of the law suit either. they dont even have a record that I owe them anything...what should I do? should I pay it or not?

Submitted by on Sun, 10/25/2009 - 19:58

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first check your court clerk to see if MNK filed a lawsuit.if not then get a DV(debt validation letter)out asap.send it certified mail return receipt.this JDB is famous for this.sending out letters stating the OC was suing to get you to pay.MNK is a junk debt buyer.if they would sue it chase or wamu wouldn't know about it.jink debt buyers list the OC as plaintiff because they techincally can't sue themselves.only the OC can.that is why they mentioned chase as the plaintiff.

Submitted by paulmergel on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 05:10


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they are a bunch of aubergines and gandhis speaking in english accents and re a bunch of fools. they are a debt collection firm, if you want to call it that loosely, that buys debts or questionable debts; for pennies on the dollar.

Submitted by on Mon, 11/02/2009 - 14:45

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I have dealt with the lying scum before. Settled a debt withthem that Debt Assets was usppose to take care of and ended up paying in settlement 3 times I would have if I had just paid the debt off through the OC. They lied their way into getting me to send them 3 payments then reported my to the CA's as unpaid. I didnt know anything then and had I waited a month, it would fell out of SOL and I woulda been able to pay my rent and feed my kids.... They are bottom feeders of bottom feeders

Submitted by Cailly Sighs on Sun, 11/08/2009 - 17:22

Cailly Sighs

( Posts: 25 | Credits: )

I just wanted to say thanks to the moderator and other helpful people on this board. I received a notice from Mitchell's Law Offices regarding a very old account, demanding $4000. This account had actually been settled over 10 years ago, but for some reason still comes back to haunt me.
Anyway, as suggested I wrote this law office a dv (from this super helpful link- ) and sent it certified mail. Lo and behold, they sent me a notice back today saying that they investigated my account and they couldn't get any information from the creditor so the account has been duly closed. Woo-hoo!!!
So once again, thank you for helping me with this problem! Cheers!

Submitted by on Mon, 11/09/2009 - 11:22

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it says "This communication is from a debt collector..." yada yada is a collection agency..."law firm" is moot here...there are required to adhere to the FDCPA, period.

They are scumbags, send them a certified letter, return reciept requested, telling them to never contact you again. They buy debt that is beyond the statute of limitations and they can not and will not go to court to try to collect it. If you get served on a debt that is beyond the statute of limitations, write a letter to the court to respond that it is beyond the statute of limitations. The "firm" can not collect any debt beyond the SOL, its a perfect defense. NEVER talk to them on the phone. Just say "I have no record of anything you say over the phone, so I will not communicate with you over the phone. If you want to communicate with me, put it in a letter, and mail it so I have a record of what you want. That is the only way you may communicate with me, ever." Then HANG UP. Dont feel bad about it, they are trained professionals and have a record of unethical behavior.

Check what your states SOL is. Dont let this scam artist get the best of you.

Submitted by on Mon, 11/09/2009 - 13:05

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They just bought an old AMEX account of mine, almost at SOL. Somehow they got my cell and have been calling me like crazy( no idea how that happened). Sent a DV, and have continued to get 1-2 calls a day for the last week. Not sure how the FDCPA works-so not sure if this is fineable violations. I have received other non-valid debt letters from them before on accounts that were never mine, in states I never lived in. they are relentless. But, it would be like getting water from a stone to collect on this debt. There isnt anything to get with this financial crisis.

Submitted by on Thu, 11/12/2009 - 22:08

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This so called "law firm" obviously does not practice what they preach. Apparently someone who had my number in the past (and the distant past at that since I've had the number for almost 3 years) dealt with their firm. This morning they called my house. Having the day off, I answered and the operator (after the stupid auto dialer kicked it to a live person) asked for Jacqueline. When I told them that no Jacqueline lived here or ever lived here, I was apologized to and was told that my number would be taken out of the system. Thinking that this was the end of it, I said, "Thank you." and ended the call. Less than two hours the number showed up on my caller id again. I picked up the phone, waited for the live person. When she asked for Jacqueline, I said that I had told the first operator that there was no one here by that...and that was all the further I got before I was hung up on. Now I was a little irked. When the third phone call (and woke up my daughter from her nap) I was really steamed. When I was hung up on again, I decided to call and complain. I called the number from the caller id and reached Jeffrey. After a few minutes Jeffrey couldn't find any occurrence in the system other than the number being inactivated. When I explained that it was not, he hung up on me. When I called back, I asked to speak to a supervisor. In the process of being transferred the "system" hung up on me. When I finally got through to a supervisor it took 10 minutes of being on hold to find out that the system showed that I was supposedly only called once and the number was inactive. But they sure were able to see that I had phoned three times. And when I explained the situation he said he wasn't seeing it and couldn't verify it. When I asked how he would feel in my position he thought he might be upset. After harrassing me through phone calls, hanging up on me multiple times and calling me a liar, the supervisor couldn't explain how their policies were consistent with things like the "do-not call" list and why I shouldn't be upset. So, after this post, I'm headed to the BBB and logging my caller id so that if the number shows up on Monday, I get to be the one doing the harrassing.

Submitted by on Fri, 11/13/2009 - 14:12

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Pay your bills on time and you don't have to deal with anybody! How bout them apples. If you don't already know this... You are judged by EVERYBODY via 3 things. TransUnion, Experian and Equifax! If you have somthng in collections... pay it! FYI. The guy with 20 car accidents and good credit gets better insurance rates then the guy with crappy credit and ZERO accidents! That's a FACT! And that goes across the board... Mortgage rates, buying furniture... OH yeah... When you apply for a JOB!

Employers will hire the guy that pays his bills rather then the guy that has accnts in collections! I know... Thats why I do!

Submitted by on Sat, 11/14/2009 - 14:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

[QUOTE=Anonymous;495426]Pay your bills on time and you don't have to deal with anybody! How bout them apples. If you don't already know this... You are judged by EVERYBODY via 3 things. TransUnion, Experian and Equifax! If you have somthng in collections... pay it! FYI. The guy with 20 car accidents and good credit gets better insurance rates then the guy with crappy credit and ZERO accidents! That's a FACT! And that goes across the board... Mortgage rates, buying furniture... OH yeah... When you apply for a JOB!

Employers will hire the guy that pays his bills rather then the guy that has accnts in collections! I know... Thats why I do![/QUOTE]

please,anything this place tries to collect is not a legit debt.i won't tell anyone to just pay.btw,this place rarely if ever reports on people's how about them apples.another btw,your auto insurance analogy is way off as anybody with 20 accidents more than likely won't be able to get insurance without paying through the nose.nice try....NOT!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by paulmergel on Sat, 11/14/2009 - 16:36


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by puma1077
I got a debt settlement offer from law office of m.n.kay on behalf of FDS Bank/Macys
before I send them my money I want to make sure this is legit, and im not gonna send a bunch of money to some people and not have my debt paid off.
has anyone dealt with law offices of mitchell n. kay in the past?
thank you! :D

They are a joke!! Do NOT send your money to them.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/17/2009 - 19:21

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I got a letter from a law firm. It is for an old mobile phone account in collections. I called my old mobile company directly, asked for the collections department and asked for the name of the company handling the collection. They gave me the name and number. The name is the same as the one on the letter and the phone number is different. I will call tomorrow morning to see if the letter is legit.

Submitted by on Thu, 11/19/2009 - 21:33

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Mitchell and Kay constantly call my cell phone looking for some black guy named antione wilson. For about one year now they have also tried to get personal information from me ,which I don't give them anything. I think we should all get together thru our names that we have posted here and contact the F.B.I. and alert to them that this so called company is doing this theft over the Internet and lets see if we can put some scammers in behind bars.

Submitted by on Fri, 11/20/2009 - 12:37

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I just received a voicemail from this number (I didn't recognize the number, so I didn't answer.) Anyhow, I called them back after seeing all this information to try and get this straightened out, so they'd quit calling me all day long. Needless to say, the woman who answered the phone (and refused to give me her name) was extremely rude. I understand it's a job, it's a paycheck, and whatnot....but there is absolutely no need to be rude. The debt she was calling about is over 5 years old, and had been paid in full long ago. Rather than give me information as to how I can clear this up, she proceeded to tell me "Ma'am there is no reason to lie to me, I have the information right in front of me here, you have NOT paid." Excuse me? You're right. I have absolutely no reason to lie. I made mistakes in my past, and my credit is still horrid after working my behind off to pay everyone off, and get things up to snuff. But I know for a fact this particular debt she's talking about was paid. I'm extremely leery of sending them any information I have showing that the debt has been paid in full....if they've managed to find my phone number now, after I've moved a thousand miles and changed phone numbers countless times, they should be able to update their records and see that I've paid this. Also, if they're scammers of any sort....I refuse to give them any access to my records, accounts, or any of that. So my question now is what should I do? I'm not going to send them any money, and I'm not going to send them anything that would give them any further access to my information. They should be able to find it themselves, first of all. It's getting rather annoying to ignore their calls, and it seems putting your phone number on the Do Not Call list isn't doing the trick anymore. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!!

Submitted by on Thu, 12/03/2009 - 18:13

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I also received a call from this so called law firm about a debt which I know I don't have. I declared myself in bankruptcy 5 years ago and the case dismissed me of all charges. I only pay for my car and everything else I pay in cash, so I have no idea where this is coming from. I am a member of Lifelock so I know that this is not a case of identity theft. I called Lifelock and they are going to handle this call for me which shows that they are really loyal. Now that I have read all of these terrible cases of this law firm victims I'm not calling them back until I know what's going on.

Submitted by on Sun, 12/06/2009 - 14:19

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I tried to pay on something that was on my credit report just to clear it off and after three attempts at a credit card payment that they say wont go through because of a bad address they want my checking acct info. I have told them the only way i will pay them is with a credit card period. I guess they don't want my money.

Submitted by on Mon, 12/07/2009 - 14:25

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Originally Posted by Anonymous
I tried to pay on something that was on my credit report just to clear it off and after three attempts at a credit card payment that they say wont go through because of a bad address they want my checking acct info. I have told them the only way i will pay them is with a credit card period. I guess they don't want my money.

oh they want your money all right.just more than they are entitled to.kudos for seeing that.

Submitted by paulmergel on Mon, 12/07/2009 - 17:52


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I had to pay down $300 I had in debt with T-Mobile. I paid it through a collection service on T-Mobile's behalf, $50/month for 6 months. A few months later these guys started calling me. Saying I still owed $100 on this. I talked with one of these pushy jerks one time (all other times ignored their calls) and I basically said, there must be some mistake, yada yada, they wouldn't budge, they insisted I pay them immediately.
I did not, got off the phone, later went over my checking account statements over the last year and saw that, yes, I made all my payments until I had nothing left to pay back.

Submitted by on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 17:35

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I work for the company and have for the past 2 yrs... Do you know that if you paid your bills on time you wouldn't have to complain about paying a charged off acct.. When are you going to take responsibility for your irresponsibility.. Pay your bills and get over the situation you bunch of professional debtors..

Submitted by on Tue, 12/15/2009 - 18:33

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Originally Posted by Anonymous
I work for the company and have for the past 2 yrs... Do you know that if you paid your bills on time you wouldn't have to complain about paying a charged off acct.. When are you going to take responsibility for your irresponsibility.. Pay your bills and get over the situation you bunch of professional debtors..

this from a professional humanoid(sigh)be still my heart,

Submitted by paulmergel on Wed, 12/16/2009 - 05:39


( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Law Offices of Mitchell N. Kay, P.C.

What this company is doing is a scam. They are contacting random people that have some connection to the debt and tricking them into paying. They don't have much information on them so they ask them to verify certain things like their addresses and whatnot. Do not give them any information.

Instead, file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at the links below:

Once the FTC has enough complaints, they will investigate this company further.

Below are reasons to file a complaint:

The company called me after I sent a written 'cease of communication' notice.
The company called me outside of 8am-9pm and/or at an inconvenient time.
The company called me at work, after being told that I cannot take personal calls.
The company called me looking for someone else.
The company calls me repeatedly.
The company added unauthorized interest/fees/expenses to the balance of my debt.
The company fails to identify themselves when they call me.
The company failed to send me written notice of the debt.
The company misrepresented the amount/status of the debt and/or the debt is not mine.
The company threatened to have me arrested and/or have my possessions seized.
The company threatened to take me to court if I did not pay.
The company refuses to respond to my written request to verify the debt.
The company told someone else about my debt.
The company used obscene/profane/abusive language.
The company threatened to use violence if I did not pay.

Submitted by on Wed, 12/23/2009 - 09:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by Anonymous
I work for the company and have for the past 2 yrs... Do you know that if you paid your bills on time you wouldn't have to complain about paying a charged off acct.. When are you going to take responsibility for your irresponsibility.. Pay your bills and get over the situation you bunch of professional debtors..

Looks like you work for a bunch of unethical scammers, and I guess that makes you one yourself. Your argument might be valid if the premise were correct...unfortunately your company seems to be trying to collect 'debts' that don't or haven't ever existed. How can you have a debt that originated with a company you've never had any kind of account with?! LOL. Yeah, what people are saying about them trying to find out some kind of link between you and a company, then trying to fish for more information and extort you by trying to scare you into a pay for delete is absolutely correct. This company is garbage, and I'll absolutely be reporting them to the FTC along with every other possible avenue I can take. You and your employer are scum.

Merry christmas.

Submitted by on Sun, 12/27/2009 - 18:55

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Originally Posted by IDK
I work for the company and have for the past 2 yrs... Do you know that if you paid your bills on time you wouldn't have to complain about paying a charged off acct.. When are you going to take responsibility for your irresponsibility.. Pay your bills and get over the situation you bunch of professional debtors..

Are you one of the dickwads that work dor Mitch Kay so-called law firm? Get a job! And quit calling people that don't have ANY past due debts!

Submitted by on Mon, 12/28/2009 - 11:11

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Originally Posted by 702-499-8204
You are looking for a person by the name of Eugina Gastis..SHE no longer has this phone number...Inform Rashid your rep that these calls will stop at once..Or you will be hearing from my law firm CRAVATH SWAINE & MOORE..

"Rashid?" Does this place only employ foreigners?

Submitted by on Mon, 12/28/2009 - 11:12

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One correction... if a suit is filed with a court and a summons issued, you must respond to it even if the debt involved is beyond the statute of limitations. If the summons is ignored, a default judgement may, depending on the jurisdiction, be entered against the defendant. It must then be paid.

Submitted by on Mon, 12/28/2009 - 11:19

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