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Tip of the month: Debt should be managed while it's small, for otherwise it can get out of control.
Attack small debts with vengeance. Don't let them to escalate and create severe financial problems for you. Use your savings to pay off the small debts and avoid credit crunch.
4 Best tips of the month
- Debt consolidation gives you the courage to pay back your creditors. But it won't be of any use unless you change your spending habits.
- Purchase a dependable car but not a luxurious one to save money.
- Bid goodbye to useless splurges. Welcome a new frugal life to survive amidst the twist and turns in your financial life.
- Create a joint 'financial dream list' after taking the wedding vows.
Discussion of the month: What should you do when FIA CSNA appears on your credit report?
FIA CSNA will be listed on your credit report when you owe a specific amount of debt to either Bank of America or its subsidiary unit FIA Card Services. If you see that FIA Card Services has been listed on your credit report, then send a validation letter without any delay. Negotiate a settlement agreement if the debt is legitimate. However, if FIA Card Services is unable to prove that you owe money, then dispute the listing with the credit bureaus and request then to remove the listing from your credit report.
Featured Video: How DMP helps you pay off debt in 11 simple steps
Watch the video to know how debt management helps cash-strapped debtors get financial independence in 11 simple steps. The video shows how a distressed debtor finally gets debt free with the aid of debt management program. Once the debtor enrolls into a DMP after attending a free counseling session, the counselors negotiate with the creditors and felicitate a budget-friendly payment plan. The debtor sends single monthly payments to the counselors for 3-4 years and finally bids "good bye" to debt.
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HelpinAZ - Joined on Sep 25, 2012
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Paulmergel - Joined on Sep 24th, 2007
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SoapLady - Joined on Sep 7, 2007
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- Highest Poster of the month
QOM: – Contest#63
What are the most common financial lies which teenagers often say to their parents?
QOM Contest - 62
Winner: Patricia Roberts
DebtCC Wiki
Members published 35 articles.
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