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debt management

Blog: DebtCC Insights - Empowering Your Path to Financial Freedom

Loretta Kilday 3 January, 2023 9 min read
In the context of consumerism, intentional shopping refers to the act of thoughtfully considering and carefully making decisions about the things you buy and own.
good nelly11 Good Nelly 24 February, 2022 6 min read
Money is one of the biggest stress factors in any relationship, and unless handled carefully, it can lead to ugly fights and divorce.
good nelly11 Good Nelly 10 May, 2021 6 min read
It is essential to start saving a significant amount of money from your overall monthly income. But, the question is, how much should you save?
Phil Bradford 22 March, 2021 7 min read
Most of the people in our country have suffered from a financial setback due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Phil Bradford 8 March, 2021 6 min read
What is zombie debt? If somehow you’ve owned a debt account in the past that you couldn’t pay, it is possible that now it might be written off as “uncollectible debt.” The creditor might have lost all h
Phil Bradford 1 March, 2021 7 min read
Gone are those days when the voices of women used to be suppressed and they were denied their basic rights too. Now, women are not lagging anymore. They have shown the patriarchal society that they are no less than men.
good nelly11 Good Nelly 24 February, 2021 17 min read
“Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world” - This is the global UN theme for International Women’s Day in 2021.
good nelly11 Good Nelly 8 February, 2021 12 min read
Valentine’s Day is knocking at the door. Every one of you must be excited to spend the day with your someone special, family, or close friends.
tiarajoseph11 5 February, 2021 8 min read
Money rules - What you can break and what you should not It might seem contradictory if you hear that you can break certain money rules which you have been learning from childhood.
good nelly11 Good Nelly 2 February, 2021 4 min read
One of the most commercialized holidays - Valentine’s Day, is just around the corner. Stores are filled with stuffed toys, oversized boxes of chocolates, and glittery cards! Most people are looking to buy V-Day gifts.
good nelly11 Good Nelly 25 January, 2021 11 min read
Do you want to stop overspending but at the end of the month, you find that you’ve spent more than what you earned? Well, if you have experienced this phenomenon, then you’re not alone.
Phil Bradford 10 January, 2021 13 min read
Finally, we have entered into the New Year. Let’s hope this year brings a lot of happiness to our lives. So, it’s time for us to do proper financial planning to lead a financially stable life ahead.