Let not the holiday spending mess up your credit score. You just need to be financially prepared beforehand and make wise monetary decisions instead of committing blunders.
Multiple countries around the world are now taking measures to reduce the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic not only affected our natural life but also impacted the social and financial life.
The day after Thanksgiving is popularly known to us as Black Friday. The day is also unofficially considered as the beginning of the holiday shopping season.
Thanksgiving Day or the celebration day of gratitude is round the corner. Usually, we spend the day with our friends and family and feel fortunate enough to have them in our lives.
The festive season is knocking at your door. Even if we are going through a pandemic situation, the festival time brings joy and we can celebrate indoors with our near and dear ones.
During this pandemic situation, many industries have shut their doors due to the economic crisis, falling demand, and reduced revenue. Every industry lives on its core revenue-generating factor, that is consumers.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has issued a final update in new payday loan rules on 7th July 2020, to impose new limits on payday lending and revoke the provisions given during the Obama-era.
All of us are going through an economic turmoil. As per an article published in ‘The New York Times’, the hit to the US economy could last for a decade or so.
You are aware of it now that the COVID-19 outbreak has shattered our economy. In August 2020, near about 13.55 million Americans were unemployed as per the statista.com report says.